General Gaming Thread ∞

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[quote name='Flak']I've got one more mission in Badlands then it's on to Oasis for me. I'm having fun taking out medium/high importance targets.

The game still loves to fuck me over though, even on casual. I can use a marauder raid as cover to take out a high importance target, but if I try a simple radio mission where all I have to do is defend a building, I keep failing due to a sudden case of the tank.

RFG is becoming a love it or hate it game for me. I really don't like Volition's way of making things difficult by throwing more enemies on the fire. But the destruction is so much fun, plus multiplayer.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, its starting to get absurd how many people the game throws at you. The kicker is, comparatively you can carry barely any ammo. it seems like the soldiers can survive rockets sometimes too, which is obnoxious a fuck. I wish there was a way to go back and do missions once an area is liberated, because right now I just want to do the missions, but I could definitely see myself going back and doing them (new game+ with all your weapons would be nice).

Also, what is the thermobaric rocket launcher? Is it really worth 1000 Salvage?
Amazon got my trade ins!

Hopefully I get the 50% code tomorrow or Monday. This way I can do one day shipping on the TE stick and have it for MvC2.
[quote name='pete5883']Is this why everyone puts it on easy?[/QUOTE]
Yep, pretty much.

Thermobaric rocket does HUGE damage. If you still need convincing, fire up wrecking crew and go to town with it. It'll make fast work of high importance targets for damn sure.
[quote name='pete5883']Is this why everyone puts it on easy?[/QUOTE]

Yes. I wouldn't even mind the huge swarms of enemies if there was an end to them. But they're just infinite. All you can do is basically go back to your base to make the alert level go green. Other than that though I thought it was a great game.
Ayup. Bought two of the four they had. Going to offset the cost of the first 'un.

And I'll prolly buy Uncharted 2 at MSRP - or whatever is cheapest come release day.

(picked up Resistance 2 this week via GF for about $22 shipped, if it makes yeh feel better.)
anyone wanna see a very early version of the music video I shot in puerto rico? Note: this isn't my fave type of music, but its a great job.

most of the effects are missing, the video quality still needs to be adjusted, and the track is not mastered yet, so there's still alot of work to do:

password is: pig


genna go home today (been editing all day at Panera >_< ) and play a ton of Wipeout Fury, some BC Rearmed (Trophies!), and end it off with either some yakuza or little king story.
Had a bout with nerd rage this afternoon - I paid off Wii Sports Resort at the Stop near my work, thinking it came out on a wednesday like everything else(about a half hour away from home) with the FNR4 scam, so I go to get the credit to get it at a local store this sunday instead, and apparently gamestops can't cancel pre-orders without a store manager there anymore? WTF?

Oh well, gotta drive up there on sunday. (It's only like 15 min without traffic, but still)
They'll do anything to stop you from cancelling. Sheesh.

Oh, by the way, congrats on the featured review for Bound in Blood. I don't think you mentioned the multiplayer though.
That's cause nobody will play it - it's pretty fun though. And thanks. I thought the review was long enough already, and I'd rather use the space to talk about the part people are really buying the game for, and that's not multiplayer.

What I never understood at retail was the push to get pre-orders on games like Madden, because like, the buyer for gamestop isn't going to buy 1000 copies for each store.
Getting you to preorder Madden from GS is an attempt to stop you from buying it anywhere else.

Maybe they wouldn't let you cancel because they noticed the ridiculous amount of credit you must have, and thought you were a thief.
Nah at that sore I have WSR paid off, $10 on Metroid Prime Trilogy, and $7 on Brutal Legend. Not exactly suspicious.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']When do you want to do this? I'm ready to kick some ass![/QUOTE]
Me too!
My 360 is back, so if you see me online, invite me to play MUA.
Let's set a time though :)
I've been playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 for a while now. It's kind of a fun game(Mostly because I'm a giant robot). The only things I don't really like about it is fighting the mobile armors and the friend system.

gunm: That trailer kind of makes me want the game...
If that is reasonably priced I will definitely get it. I'm a sucker for Star Wars and What if? style things in general.

Went to target today and got 4 1600 point cards. coincidentally bumped into another CAG there, my girlfriend asked me if I had the new Transformers game and I said no because I hadn't found it on sale anywhere, and the guy in the aisle mentions something about and I was like. hey I know that place.

My target has Ninja Blade and Riddick clearanced, not sure if I should pick up either (especially since I've already played through the original Riddick game and I have an ever widening backlog).
[quote name='Azumangaman']Me too!
My 360 is back, so if you see me online, invite me to play MUA.
Let's set a time though :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah man, I'm in. What day / time works for you guys?
So I was just thinking, maybe I'll see what the Amazon Trade In thing is all about and just avoid the hassle of making deals here on CAG and getting offers like (and I'm not joking about this) Oblivion for my Red Faction Guerrilla. Turns out Amazon is equally ridiculous. Almost all trade in values are $20 or less no matter how new/popular the game is.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Yeah man, I'm in. What day / time works for you guys?[/QUOTE]
Well, I'm taking today to just chill, play games/watch movies, so I imagine we could do a good chunk of it today.
Who are the 4?
Jim, Rei, Me and who?
Anyway, I hope we are playing on hard, as I need that achievement :)
So I'm free for the majority of today and will be here/on XBL. If you see me on XBL (any of you 3), send me a message.
Maybe 1 EST?
[quote name='Maklershed']Oblivion for my Red Faction Guerrilla.[/QUOTE]


We oughta start outing people who make ridiculous offers like that. Too funny.

I got a cart only GB Kid Icarus. That good enough for Red Faction?

[quote name='Azumangaman']Well, I'm taking today to just chill, play games/watch movies, so I imagine we could do a good chunk of it today.
Who are the 4?
Jim, Rei, Me and who?
Anyway, I hope we are playing on hard, as I need that achievement :)
So I'm free for the majority of today and will be here/on XBL. If you see me on XBL (any of you 3), send me a message.
Maybe 1 EST?[/QUOTE]
I have work today 4-10pmEST. Tomorrow I have work in the morning so I'll be free all night, and then I have the day off Monday.
[quote name='Maklershed']CoJ2 = Call of Juarez 2?

Trade it to me! :whee:[/QUOTE]
OMG you have teh 1st season of True Blood....
But this guy already told me he's game.
Rei, tomorrow evening may work for me.
Sealed no less

And I said it in the OTT but I'll say it again here .. my new PC has arrived! First order of business after getting it all set up .. steam!
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bread's done