General Gaming Thread ∞

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Well, I could have been honest and said that the last time I looked/posted in an OTT was when y'all hep kids were chatting up a storm about MW2 leaking.

But you'd predictably say that was deflecting as well. So there: honest answer and smart-ass answer.

EDIT: This is silly. Have your cool kid last word. You can continue to shit up the thread, but I won't.
Now all we need is someone to post the pcgamingsucks link.[quote name='Maklershed']Anyone have a) The PS3 version of Borderlands B) the "And They'll Tell Two Friends" viral trophy?[/QUOTE]:wave:

Just send me a message/invite whenever you see me online.
It was actually the first one trophy got, pure luck. The only trophy I'm missing is level 50 (and the DLC ones of course)
Missing out on dragon age because of misplaced rage over DLC that you don't need to buy - lame.
In keeping with my tradition of staying at least three years behind everyone else in this thread, I would now like to say this: I can't wait until Obsidian makes Dragon Age 2, complete with "rocks fall, everyone dies" ending.

fuck you, Chris Avellone.
I'm already hyped for Dragon Age 2.

Oh, and somebody needs to tell Bethesda to make a sequel to Planescape: Torment like Fallout 3. I'd love to read some bitching about that.
[quote name='jer7583']Missing out on dragon age because of misplaced rage over DLC that you don't need to buy - lame.[/QUOTE]

don't overstate it. it's not rage. it's not being thrilled with the direction the industry is taken, and being bothered by how indifferent so many of you suckers to corporations are. Your piss-taking my "rage" is moving consumers stepwise towards a half-DD generation. Which moves us closer to an all-DD generation. Way to show dignity, tiger. I'll be sure to keep this in mind the next time you shit on the PSP Go.

As for dragon age, i'll be missing out on some content if I get it from gamefly. that's a disappointment.

i also don't like release week DLC, even if it's something i "don't need to buy."

You know what else I "don't need to buy"? Dragon Age for $60. I have an opinion, and I don't buy $60 games every week like some of y'all.

I'm enjoying Cursed Mountain on my Wii quite a bit, thankyouverymuch. I rented it, and it came with all the content it was released with. Amazing innovation in technology, that.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Oh, and somebody needs to tell Bethesda to make a sequel to Planescape: Torment like Fallout 3. I'd love to read some bitching about that.[/QUOTE]
I shall begin the first draft of my greatest bitch ever shortly.

I may or may not use the words "fuck", "cuntmare", and "holy tittyfuck".
I bought dragon age PC at best buy for $50 with a $10 gift card I'll use for L4D2 in a few weeks and I'm loving it.

It's $40 on black friday on 360.

I really don't give a shit about there being DLC available day one. I'm not required to buy it and I'm not going to be finished with the game for some time, so it's kinda unnecessary. PSP Go is a whole other realm of stupidity compared to Dragon Age. There's no comparison there, as much as you want to TOTALLY BURN me with your smarts.
[quote name='The Crotch']I shall begin the first draft of my greatest bitch ever shortly.

I may or may not use the words "fuck", "cuntmare", and "holy tittyfuck".

I think I know how it will go. ..

Holy tittyfucking cuntmare, somehow Bethesda made a sequel that makes Planescape: Torment look like a pile of shit.
[quote name='mykevermin']don't overstate it. it's not rage. it's not being thrilled with the direction the industry is taken, and being bothered by how indifferent so many of you suckers to corporations are. Your piss-taking my "rage" is moving consumers stepwise towards a half-DD generation. Which moves us closer to an all-DD generation. Way to show dignity, tiger. I'll be sure to keep this in mind the next time you shit on the PSP Go.
This is something that I've heard disputed - exactly how to take action against DD in general or more specifically, DLC that you disapprove of. If you dont buy the game, the publisher generally doesnt get to know why, beyond the extent of reading forum threads. Some people have suggested buying the game but not buying the DLC, but in that scenario there are still enough votes for the DLC for your vote to not matter, generally.

However, since the fight is already lost, such stands are meaningless except on a personal level.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']This is something that I've heard disputed - exactly how to take action against DD in general or more specifically, DLC that you disapprove of. If you dont buy the game, the publisher generally doesnt get to know why, beyond the extent of reading forum threads. Some people have suggested buying the game but not buying the DLC, but in that scenario there are still enough votes for the DLC for your vote to not matter, generally.

However, since the fight is already lost, such stands are meaningless except on a personal level.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, especially when you buy the game they give you the DLC for FREE.

Sure does skew dem results, huh?

Look, in DA case, it's what EA and others (see Gears of War 2) have been doing. Reward the customers who buy new, punish those who buy used/rent/pirate.

It's not rocket science.
All games should have keycodes and online activation. There, problem solved. ^_^

That shit would work better on consoles anyway. On PC, anyone with a clue knows ways around it.
I'm not talking about a specific game. I'm talking about being against DD in its entirety or more specific cases where you dont like the way the DLC was managed.

I'm not entirely sold on the idea that the DLC issue has caused very many people who would've bought it used/rent/pirate to suddently buy it new. Though I'm sure the occasional DLC purchase from someone who bought it used for $10 is still worth having it ripped from base game initially. Whether that makes it right or not is another thing.

Instead of trying to punish those groups, you try to properly evaluate how many you can sell ahead of time and keep your costs down accordingly and you wont have to go out of your way for additional money grabs.

These days you can just make a game multiplayer(online) and you solve a lot of those problems. People who are interested in multiplayer games have a lot of pressure to buy it sooner rather than later, since if they buy it a few years from now (or months, depending on the game), dramatically fewer people will be playing.
The best shit was the old PC games that would have shit in the manual, and it would tell you to look it up when installing it. "What is in the corner of page 68 in the manual?" "I don't know, somebody spilled beer on it."
All I know is I mostly read these days and I'm nearly 50 hours into Ogre Battle 64. I'll try not to dmaul you fine people by mentioning that every other post I make ;)

At least until Kindle ruins books.
Books are old tech. Shit's about as relevant as CDs now. Kindle = iPod of books. fuck all that "physically holding what you bought" bullshit, I want to double click/queue up my books.

I need 1000 books in my pocket just as much as I need 1000 albums in my pocket.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']This is something that I've heard disputed - exactly how to take action against DD in general or more specifically, DLC that you disapprove of. If you dont buy the game, the publisher generally doesnt get to know why, beyond the extent of reading forum threads. Some people have suggested buying the game but not buying the DLC, but in that scenario there are still enough votes for the DLC for your vote to not matter, generally.

However, since the fight is already lost, such stands are meaningless except on a personal level.[/QUOTE]

I'm not really interested in sending emails to publishers or starting online petitions. I'm more prone to seeing something and thinking "oh, that's crap, guess I'm not going to buy that." Whether it's DA's release-week DLC and might-as-well-be-an-activating-keycode-DLC, or whether it's Pixel Junk Monsters for PSP costing $20 for a download-only title, it's simple economics. Like super simple economics.

There's a pricepoint at which Dragon's Age will be something I'm interested in. It's not $60, and it's not $66 either. Now I know it's effectively going to always be "retail price plus $6," and I find that insulting.

the ironic thing is that the rationale is skewed by the date of the DLC release. They could have just performed a goofy sleight of hand by delaying the DLC by 3-4-5 weeks (like Burtal Legend has), and I wouldn't have batted an eye (like with Brutal Legend).

I'm not going to give a company money to prove a fucking point. I'm simply thinking in terms of "they want $X for a game, and I'm not going to pay that." If publishers start to see patterns of sales reflect release-week DLC doesn't work, then they'll stop. But with so few data points to use, I'm not sure a case can be made either way.

Oh, and used bookstores fuckin' rule.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']

Instead of trying to punish those groups, you try to properly evaluate how many you can sell ahead of time and keep your costs down accordingly and you wont have to go out of your way for additional money grabs.

These days you can just make a game multiplayer(online) and you solve a lot of those problems. People who are interested in multiplayer games have a lot of pressure to buy it sooner rather than later, since if they buy it a few years from now (or months, depending on the game), dramatically fewer people will be playing.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure glad you don't run game companies with these two ideas all of your ideas.
You'd think with their fancy ideas of rewarding new consumers, EA would've figured out how to MAKE MONEY instead of throwing it away hand over fist, quarter after quarter.

All the tricks they can find to bring in extra revenue is meaningless against the backdrop of how much development costs.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']You'd think with their fancy ideas of rewarding new consumers, EA would've figured out how to MAKE MONEY instead of throwing it away hand over fist, quarter after quarter.

All the tricks they can find to bring in extra revenue is meaningless against the backdrop of how much development costs.[/QUOTE]

EA guy: "Well...our profits are down...bring in DMK!"

DMK: "Ok guys, start cutting those corners. Drop HD, no one wants it! Too much lag on the LCD tvs anyway. Oh, and let's figure out how many people will pirate, rent and buy a used copy of our game, and cut the costs down based on that. Now, this extra R&D will cost money, so make sure to take more money for that.

Oh, and shoehorn multiplayer in, that will keep the pirates away!...I think. Yea, creating a multiplayer mode will cost more money...but you gotta spend it to make it, people!"

EA guy: "You saved EA, DMK! Here, have an SD tv on the house!"
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I think I know how it will go. ..

Holy tittyfucking cuntmare, somehow Bethesda made a sequel that makes Planescape: Torment look like a pile of shit.
Despite all the horrible, vile feelings that I have with regards to Obsidian, I still don't think I can ever say, "Yeah, I'd rather Bethesda was working on this."
Finished off the Prince of Persia epilogue DLC. It was decent, but really should have been 400 points rather than 800.

In any case, my gaming slate is cleared off and ready for MW2 now!
So glad Inazuma Eleven is being localized to English.
That completes the trifecta of RPGs I wanted to play but had small hope of them being localized. (7th dragon and 3D Dot Heroes being the others)

I'm also going to import Picross 3D. Tired of waiting for NoA on that one.
That's GotY 2009.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']You'd think with their fancy ideas of rewarding new consumers, EA would've figured out how to MAKE MONEY instead of throwing it away hand over fist, quarter after quarter.

All the tricks they can find to bring in extra revenue is meaningless against the backdrop of how much development costs.[/QUOTE]

Registration codes in exchange for points in exchange for trivial merchandise, not a portion of the fucking game itself. Doesn't harm the end user and doesn't harm the used buyer or the renter.

And lookit the way those kids go mad for Nintendo stuff on the Club Nintendo thread.
[quote name='whoknows'] Uncharted is in like..4th place or something for GOTY.[/QUOTE]

What's got it back so far down on your list? I'd put it at maybe second pre-MW2, I had very few complaints
(Triangle as both the quick time punch and pick-up on the train, faux Yetti's, and Nazi corpses with AK47s instead of the MP40s, one too many "look at my ass" lines . . .etc.)
Demon Souls, Uncharted 2, and Batman are easily in my top ten this year. I expect MW2 to be on there, oh and can't forget Borderlands.

I need to go back look what came out earlier this year though. My memory is always fuzzy.
[quote name='blader16']Zewone, U2's vs. MW2's SP?[/QUOTE]

Uncharted 2's first half wins, but it falls apart hard in the second half.

I enjoyed myself the whole time in MW2, besides putting myself through Veteran, but even then, it's the easiest COD campaign since they took out infinite spawning enemies and grenade spams.

Multiplayer (competitive and co-op) is no contest, MW2 hand down.
Ooooh, they took out the infinite spawns? Great! Getting grenaded every couple of seconds in the first MW (on the harder difficulties) was such a soul killer for me... :p
[quote name='dallow']Demon Souls, Uncharted 2, and Batman are easily in my top ten this year. I expect MW2 to be on there, oh and can't forget Borderlands.

I need to go back look what came out earlier this year though. My memory is always fuzzy.[/QUOTE]
So many good games this year - I'm looking forward on seeing where I place Dragon Age, Modern Warfare and Assassins Creed 2. I can. Not. Wait. For. AC2. :drool:
Nope. I never once saw more than one grenade indicator (while playing WaW, I would constantly see 6 grenades).

And when hiding, enemies use grenades in a realistic fashion rather than a barrage.
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