Get a Free Xbox One or $480 cash/giftcard! Conga Line ( Real with proof! )

What's the chance of them banning someone for spamming? I spammed a little, but stopped after only 5. LOL
I sent at at least 5 every few hours or so. I haven't been banned yet. I think the most I sent in a day was around 30; 10 on 3 sites lol

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I've been spammingish, up to probably 30 Support Tickets now, not one reply yet either. I was actually the 2nd person to complete this and still nothing, my account is still under review. Been waiting since November 5th...

I've been spammingish, up to probably 30 Support Tickets now, not one reply yet either. I was actually the 2nd person to complete this and still nothing, my account is still under review. Been waiting since November 5th...
Dang. I'm really trying to understand their method. How do they pick who they are going to review and send a prize to?

One of their other sites, YourGiftCards4Free, seems to have vanished off the face of the earth today with zero notice to any of the people participating in offers. That's totally something a legitimate business would do, right?

I'm having issues on their yourfree360games site.  I've been sending tickes every Friday for my July 19th order.  I've gotten a couple replies in that time that they are looking in to it, but nothing has come of it.

I first found out about Trainn from this conga line, joined the conga then went off on my own to find referrals when I realized the line would never reach me. I ended up getting 15 or 16 referrals total, every time I went for a review, he'd take one away until finally when I hit 10 for what felt like 100th time, I just said fuck it and changed my order to the 10 referral prize, which is a $425 gift card to the store of your choice. Of course, it's been about over a month since I was owed that gift card. Nothing. Support tickets ignored, nothing. I've filed a complaint with the BBB. I suggest every single person in this thread do the same regardless of where you are in the process. 

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I first found out about Trainn from this conga line, joined the conga then went off on my own to find referrals when I realized the line would never reach me. I ended up getting 15 or 16 referrals total, every time I went for a review, he'd take one away until finally when I hit 10 for what felt like 100th time, I just said fuck it and changed my order to the 10 referral prize, which is a $425 gift card to the store of your choice. Of course, it's been about over a month since I was owed that gift card. Nothing. Support tickets ignored, nothing. I've filed a complaint with the BBB. I suggest every single person in this thread do the same regardless of where you are in the process.
I opted for the gift card as well. Since I had received the $375 from the PS4 site, a few days before my gift card was supposed to be sent (Feb. 16th) they said I had to fill out a W9 Form. I did that, sent it in, and they said my order would be "shipped" shortly, but nothing just yet. They never responded to the BBB complaint, but they've been replying to me more often lately.

After repeated support tickets and emails I finally got a response on the Wii U site. Placed my order for the console today, but considering it took two and a half months to get to this point, my expectations remain low. They never responded to my BBB complaint, either.
After repeated support tickets and emails I finally got a response on the Wii U site. Placed my order for the console today, but considering it took two and a half months to get to this point, my expectations remain low. They never responded to my BBB complaint, either.
Im still waiting on them to ok my account on the wii u site. They told me theyd get back to me shortly a month ago lol.. I figure Ill see the money some day I just keep sending tickets.


I logged into my xbox one account right now and they still had my status of getting paid for the line as received lol. I cancelled it and re ordered maybe that will get there attention xD. If not that would be funny if they deposit more cash in my account.

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If anyone is having trouble with this company I have a few suggestions that may help I got payed the last week of January after be completed with the site, from there they just acted like jerks...Before doing anything take screenshots of your account status,order, and referrals. I had to threaten them multiple times with BBB to clear my account for being reviewed. Then when I put the order in the status was at "received" for days... What I did was filed a BBB report they told them that my order was still in the 2 week fulfillment period and then replied to my support ticket say the same thing. After that I was still waiting so I spammed the s**** out of the 5 times a day between support/tickets will titles such as "BBB COMPLAINT HAS BEEN FILED" and stuff like "LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN". Every few days I would tell BBB whats going on. I spammed them again one night and the jerks closed the my support tickets and put AC- ABUSE and didn't even answer me knowing that they owe me. I reopened all the tickets  and sent more from the other conga lines. I also sent them faxes to their fax number multiple times lol I used an other email acting like I was a attorney and wrote very attorney like to scare them stating I would give them 7 business to provide my client with his reward we will take legal action by going to small claim court.Then Biscuit told me that trick ctlr+click and I really spammed them. So this is what they dirt bags did the closed all accounts for no reason because I didn't do anything wrong. So I wrote to them is that all I wanted was my reward in which I completed all requirements. Then my "attorney" wrote to them lol stating we have my account information saved and the BBB complain document. Guess what they emailed me at 11pm that night saying "As you did not received the emailed here are your  Amazon gift codes" It was 4x $100.00 codes and they worked. I ordered my PS4 the next day from Amazon. I am upset that they closed my other accounts but oh well got a free PS4. So don't give up guys!!! Keep sending those messages/tickets. Also file a complaint with the BBB whether or not you submitted your order yet. also here is their number  (312)276-8929, I used to send the letter. Also update report to your BBB complaint every few days. lol

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I got excited for a minute when a bunch of my support tickets were closed, but I'm pretty sure "AC -Abuse" just means "automatically closed". So it's not like an actual person is reviewing these.

I'll keep up the support tickets and emails, I guess. I've been doing this for over two months now, though. I'm not super confident that I'll ever get paid.

the CTRL+Click on the submit button is genius. this guy just screwed the wrong guy cause I've got nothing but time on my hands. I'm spamming thousands of messages. tens of thousands. the support tickets are going to hit a million by midnight. 

I did a little over 1000. I'll stick with 1000 per day. Slow and steady wins the race. haha
Haha wow dude! Maybe that's why mine aren't getting answered XD I only ctrl + click 10 times, but honestly they've been replying pretty often. Latest one was yesterday saying that my order would be sent during the next fulfillment.

I still don't think the Ctrl + Click method is helping anyone, because any duplicate tickets are usually flagged as closed automatically within minutes of posting them. That's my impression of how the system works, anyway.

I still don't think the Ctrl + Click method is helping anyone, because any duplicate tickets are usually flagged as closed automatically within minutes of posting them. That's my impression of how the system works, anyway.
Right after they close them I usually send just one more, which is sometimes replied to.

At this point, I'm fine just being a nuisance. It takes less than a minute to send 100 tickets. then I'll go back and reopen random tickets.

Well, finally got my gift cards. Thank you guys so much for this! Maybe I should ask them to hire me to answer all of their support tickets/emails since they don't do a very good job of it xD I'll be sticking around just in case I can assist with anything!

Crazy. I'm blown away when I see other people get their orders and I definitely am right now. It is genuinely unfathomable to me that this guy is literally cherry-picking orders to fulfill. This woman at actually dropped the honey catches more flies line on me in a thread where I made complaints about Trainn. As if being nice to them would expedite my order fulfillment. 

I just sent in this as a ticket... 

"I apologize for the hundreds of support tickets. This will be my last one. At this point, I don't know what to think. I guess I can just hope to get my gift card and keep waiting."

That's all the honey I can muster right now. If he needs me to tickle his balls any more than that, I'm afraid I can't do it.

I don't know, I've been pretty polite and understanding from the very beginning and I've NEVER received a response. It's only in the last couple weeks or so that I've dropped the please-and-thank-you routine in favor of, "Stop scamming people, you thieves."

I wouldn't mind sending in support tickets for you guys' accounts. Probably wouldn't do much of a difference but nothing else seems to be working.

EDIT: I completely forgot about the IP address thing, silly me lol

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I know I probably sound like a crazy person at this point. But I really DGAF anymore. I am in full Goodfellas mode.

fuck you, pay me.

I know I probably sound like a crazy person at this point. But I really DGAF anymore. I am in full Goodfellas mode.

fuck you, pay me.
You probably shouldn't have sent in that many tickets but other than that your point stands. They clearly don't understand just because their experience with Trainn was great means that your bad experience is null and void. Trainn would never do that! (seems like that what they're saying). What deluded people...

and lol at the guy who tried to say "being nice to them will work". Sure it will work if they actually had paid you on time and you were civil with them long enough.

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it is and was a b-tch move for sure, but oh well. but I might be one step closer to getting my gift card! haha we shall see, not holding my breath.

Honestly, I wouldn't complain if the guy at least attempted to explain why it's taking so long to pay some of us. But when you don't respond to even one email or support ticket in months, it doesn't inspire a ton of confidence in your company.

Dont you mean the complain train?
Well...not sure what you're implying but they do have valid complaints. In either case, this line has slowed down a lot unfortunately...whomever is up should raffle something because I know I would when it is my turn.

So anyone have a solid list of what offers are working effectively? I just tried and the link to the site is bustededed.

Well...not sure what you're implying but they do have valid complaints. In either case, this line has slowed down a lot unfortunately...whomever is up should raffle something because I know I would when it is my turn.
I'm still waiting orders from there free 360 games site. Oldest order is from July 19th. I keep bumping the ticket every week w/o any success yet.

Well as much as I enjoyed talking trash about Trainn, I'm afraid it's all over for me. I got paid. I received my $425 gift card to Amazon.

And now, for a little dose of my own self-satisfying hyperbole.

I can only recommend that you don't give up and you raise hell on every corner of the web that will allow you to talk sh*t about Alan Smolek (the owner of Trainn) and Trainn itself. Anybody and everybody who is an apologist for Trainn or makes excuses on their behalf is a POS. They can get the D and like it.

If there is a hell, it was made for people like Mr. Smolek. You don't f*ck with people's money.

Please go to and make their life a living hell. Literally every single person on that forum who is an established user will go to the ends of the Earth to make excuses for Trainn. They all deserve to die slowly and alone in a dark, forgotten room. To side with a company known for scamming, known for unacceptable delays, known for dragging things out to the absolute maximum, they will always blame you. They don't dare bite the hands that feed them, the pathetic c*nts. 

Finally, you know what worked for me? Spamming Trainn to death to get their attention. Not being polite. Not doing the right thing. Being an utter douche. I was polite for two months and I got ignored. Once I went full retard and start ranting and raving like a lunatic (like I am now). He caved and he paid me.

Hit CTRL+click when you submit a ticket and you can keep holding CTRL and clicking and it'll open your sent ticket in a new tab. So you can just click and click away to your heart's content. You really don't even need to send 2000 tickets like I did (I know, I'm a legit as*h*le.) After he closes all your tickets, send one ticket saying what you need to say in as calm a tone that you can manage. He seems to respond for sure at that point. If you don't hear back from him in three business days, SPAM SPAM SPAM. Then bad mouth him worldwide. Submit a complaint to the Better Business Bureau, Any place with a forum. Use the terms "Alan Smolek" "Transcendent Innovations" and Trainn and obviously, the word scam. 

Good luck everybody.

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I wish they would pay me for the wii u conga and HDTV conga. I could really use the money ATM going through some rough times. Maybe one day they will respond to me.
I'm having trouble doing the one.

I open it but it keeps pushing me to websites that have nothing to do with it, like a free s***ty game that asks for my personal info.  

I'm having trouble doing the one.

I open it but it keeps pushing me to websites that have nothing to do with it, like a free s***ty game that asks for my personal info.
Weird, I'd say do Gamefly if you haven't done that offer already (or been a member).

bread's done