GGT 101: Intro Thuganomics with Professor HankyCranky

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[quote name='seanr1221']As for bringing something to the TV, does Apple have to do something radically different? I feel like saying, "APPS ON TV!" will make people go ga-ga enough. Price at a very low price (like the 99.99 Apple TV) and people will eat it up. Words with Friends, Angry Birds, Tiny Wings...these are the games the casual market wants.[/QUOTE]

Apps on TV is definitely not enough, IMO. Since you can hook up PC to a TV and do whatever Apps you want from your PC. That's basically what Apps on TV would be, your PC hooked up to a TV. The iPod/iPad apps are only popular because they provide a mobile, light weight, and fast service to do PC things, but if you're at home you can already do that on your PC.

$99.99? Are we talking a mobile GAMING machine? 'cause if you're talking console they would have to go in on a HUGE loss per console, even on a handheld it be huge.
[quote name='whoknows']But the weight difference between the Xoom and Ipad is so small I don't know if it would really be noticeable.[/QUOTE]

It is.

Especially when coupled with Xoom's widescreen aspect.
I don't know. I looked and the weight difference is .25lbs. I just don't think that would be notiecable.

Maybe I have to hold both for myself to see, but I doubt I'd notice.
[quote name='manthing']It is.

Especially when coupled with Xoom's widescreen aspect.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that.

I don't want a tablet with a widescreen as I mainly use my iPad in portrait mode to read PDFs, newspapers etc. Wide screen is too narrow for that.

I don't do much video watching in it, nor all that much web browsing as I spend so much time on forums and thus need a real keyboard.

As for weight, it's not much, but every little bit helps. The thickness would be much more noticeable than the weight though. Being so thin is what really improves the iPad 2 vs. the iPad 1 (it's only .3lbs lighter).
Back to gaming, just ordered Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story for $22.xx off Amazon after seeing the thread in the deals forum.

Had been wanting to play that as I liked the first 2 a lot. Will give me a reason to touch my DS for the first time in a year or so as well.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Back to gaming, just ordered Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story for $22.xx off Amazon after seeing the thread in the deals forum.

Had been wanting to play that as I liked the first 2 a lot. Will give me a reason to touch my DS for the first time in a year or so as well.[/QUOTE]

From what I've read on forums, it's easier then the other 2. I wouldn't know since this[Bowser's Inside Story] is my first of the series. It's fun, though. I just wish enemies re-spawned more often instead of only when leaving the area. I'm probably just grinding too much though.
[quote name='ihadFG']Weight is pretty important (at least to me) for a portable device. And the App thing isn't null because it doesn't matter how many stores you can buy from as long as the one store has a great selection and pricing.[/QUOTE]

It does if the store refuses to publish the apps you want.
Like the google voice app that was delayed for a good long time.
I don't remember exactly when I converted to using voice for all my shit, but I had to jailbreak my iphone to get access to the app for it.
Contrastingly, with android, you don't have to root/jailbreak, you can just install from unknown sources...
[quote name='corrosivefrost']It does if the store refuses to publish the apps you want.
Like the google voice app that was delayed for a good long time.
I don't remember exactly when I converted to using voice for all my shit, but I had to jailbreak my iphone to get access to the app for it.
Contrastingly, with android, you don't have to root/jailbreak, you can just install from unknown sources...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's the difference. But I'm not a customizing type, and my app needs are very basic, so it doesn't really affect me. Other than wanting MS Office, which is out of Apple's control, I have pretty much every app I want on the iPad already. Would like an iPad version of skype so I don't have to use the iPhone app is the only other one I can think of.

But I still dislike Apple's policies with being restrictive on the App store, taking 30% of in app sales (and maybe losing some apps like Kindle etc. because of it) and so on. So I'll happily move on to some other tablet that better fits my work needs down the road, be it a new MS tablet or an Android tablet once they improve etc.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']From what I've read on forums, it's easier then the other 2. I wouldn't know since this[Bowser's Inside Story] is my first of the series. It's fun, though. I just wish enemies re-spawned more often instead of only when leaving the area. I'm probably just grinding too much though.[/QUOTE]

Superstar Saga was pretty easy. Partners in Time wasn't hard but some of the boss battles took for ever. Think it took me nearly 2 hours to beat the final boss--and I never died. Just took forever to whittle down the bosses health as it kept healing etc. Though I'm sure there was probably some easier way to do it.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']
Contrastingly, with android, you don't have to root/jailbreak, you can just install from unknown sources...[/QUOTE]

Not if you have an Android from AT&T...
[quote name='dmaul1114']Back to gaming, just ordered Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story for $22.xx off Amazon after seeing the thread in the deals forum.

Had been wanting to play that as I liked the first 2 a lot. Will give me a reason to touch my DS for the first time in a year or so as well.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely loved Bowser's Inside Story. It was my favorite in the series both gameplay-wise and writing-wise. The game is really funny overall.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']It does if the store refuses to publish the apps you want.
Like the google voice app that was delayed for a good long time.
I don't remember exactly when I converted to using voice for all my shit, but I had to jailbreak my iphone to get access to the app for it.
Contrastingly, with android, you don't have to root/jailbreak, you can just install from unknown sources...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it really will vary person to person as to what Apps are important. For me, all I would care about if I were to get a tablet would be simple web-browsing and gaming apps, in which case the iPad would be by far the most suited to my tastes. With that said, I don't want a tablet device anyway.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']I still haven't played the Writer, but I did beat the Signal. Good stuff.[/QUOTE]

Quoting this again as I just saw in the XBLA deals thread than The Writer is 50% off this week--so it's only 280 points.
[quote name='ihadFG']I absolutely loved Bowser's Inside Story. It was my favorite in the series both gameplay-wise and writing-wise. The game is really funny overall.[/QUOTE]

Agreed Inside Story is really fun, for me it is a toss up between Partner's in Time and Inside Story being the best in the series. I think Partner's in Time had a great thing going with having four characters that you controlled via all of the DS face buttons and using the dual screens to have battles that spanned both, but Inside Story made use of a bunch of the DS functions with enemies that went between both as well as mic stuff, plus eating enemies and fighting them in Bowser's stomach was such a great idea. All three games were really amazing in my opinion though.
[quote name='icebeast']Agreed Inside Story is really fun, for me it is a toss up between Partner's in Time and Inside Story being the best in the series. I think Partner's in Time had a great thing going with having four characters that you controlled via all of the DS face buttons and using the dual screens to have battles that spanned both, but Inside Story made use of a bunch of the DS functions with enemies that went between both as well as mic stuff, plus eating enemies and fighting them in Bowser's stomach was such a great idea. All three games were really amazing in my opinion though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah all that stuff was great. Also, I REALLY liked the character Fawful in Inside Story. He was seriously one of my favorite characters in recent memory.
Sure it was the GBA one? Unless my recollection is wrong, it was adult Bros in Superstar Saga (the GBA one) and both baby and adult Bros in Partners in Time (the DS one).
What's the deal with the SMT DS games? I've been out of the loop for so long, I didn't even realize these existed. Are they any good?

What about Devil Summoner and Digital Devil Saga? I never grabbed those way back when, and it looks like they're reprinted now. Worth getting into?
[quote name='linkpwns']What's the deal with the SMT DS games? I've been out of the loop for so long, I didn't even realize these existed. Are they any good?

What about Devil Summoner and Digital Devil Saga? I never grabbed those way back when, and it looks like they're reprinted now. Worth getting into?[/QUOTE]

SMT: Devil Survivor is fairly good if you like SRPGs, although the characters and plot seemed to be kind of an acquired taste (it seems like most people either really liked the plot, or didn't like it at all). Personally I liked the plot and it was mostly what kept me playing since I don't much like SRPGs (I didn't beat it though, because I got burned out on it like I usually do with SRPGs which is why I tend to avoid them).

SMT: Strange Journey is like SMT: Etrian Odyssey, basically you have demon fusing mixed with Etrian Odyssey dungeon crawling. I heard the end of the game can be kind of ridiculous with not having you be powerful enough to beat the final boss when you reach him, I didn't make it that far though. Personally I thought I would really like the plot and setting, but it didn't really catch my interest when I tried to play through it, but maybe the plot gets more interesting later on.

Digital Devil Saga is fairly sweet, I've only played the first one and didn't beat it, but the references to Eastern religions are really interesting and the characters are fairly interesting (although get ready for some eye rolling bad dialog, haha; like the whole people who have never felt emotions suddenly feeling them is kind of awkward). Also, the game uses skill trees rather than demon fusion so the difficulty (while still hard, don't get me wrong) seems a little lower, since grinding to get abilities that will be beneficial is a slightly more clear and straightforward process (than in the more classic SMT games where you basically have to keep a team of different element demons of reasonable level to handle lots of situations).

Devil Summoner I haven't really played much of, but the setting seems cool (I really love the classic clothing styles, haha). Gameplay seemed alright, although combat seemed a bit basic as you don't really have tons of control (I don't remember exactly how it works, but I think you control only Raidou, while the demon kind of does it's own thing (maybe you could make suggestions for what the demon should do though)). I've only played the first game though, and not a whole lot of it, at some point I should get back to it (since I've heard it isn't too long).
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