GGT 220 controls the fangs of the Golden Cobra

[quote name='GUNNM']you getting naruto action? I need a co op partner[/QUOTE]

Haha, nah, sorry bro. Weirdly enough most of my pickups this month are for 3DS. Then my Songbird edish of BioShock arrives and I stop everything else.
[quote name='ActionKazimer']Haha, nah, sorry bro. Weirdly enough most of my pickups this month are for 3DS. Then my Songbird edish of BioShock arrives and I stop everything else.[/QUOTE]
last night was a total cock fest for 3DS friend adding
pics were drawn and shared where were you
[quote name='Luxuria']DmC 2.

Or the better one.[/QUOTE]
DmC2 isn't out yet. Soon though. . .:drool:
[quote name='ActionKazimer']DMC HD, but only because I don't have it yet and can't do it myself.[/QUOTE]
Shit's cheap enough, go get it.
[quote name='GUNNM']DMC 3 or bust! Or do what I'm doing replay MGS on ps2.
I just beat ocelot and SPOILERS someone loses a hand in the battle. I'm not saying who oh the suspense![/QUOTE]
[quote name='GUNNM']btw hank I've never played twin snakes before so I youtubed some of the cutscenes what an odd way to change the game in terms of cutscenes snake does a backflip for everything[/QUOTE]
Yes, see what I mean? Shits over the top like Stallone.
[quote name='BlueScrote']Eternal Darkness would like a word.[/QUOTE]
Eternal Darkness, to agree with everyone else, has aged poorly. Was a sweet game back in the day though.
[quote name='j-cart']Hank, you should start using TressFX conditioner. Shit is working pretty well for Lara.[/QUOTE]
Good, finally hair that doesn't look like matted up shit smeared hay.
[quote name='distgfx']NG2

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Leda gettin' fat.[/QUOTE]
I don't know much about that broad, but in ten years she's going to suck all the conversation out of the room when asked what she does. Her reply will be qualified with something like "I used to be on youtube...people would watch me," and everyone in the room will stop conversation to exchange a "WTF do we say now?" look. Some big-hearted sap will be like, "Oh yeah, youtube, I remember that!" and another one will chime in with, "Yeah, they had videos and stuff, that's great!"

Then she'll follow that up with some dipshit story about how her cats shit on the bed, or how when she was younger, this one time she had blue hair but then decided it looked better pink, and everyone will sprint to the coat room after recalling that they have to get up early the next day.

All the gifs and pics in GGT have made me hate her so very, very much. It's unfair to her, because I'm sure she's a real winner, just a real peach of a gal.
I remember telling Whoknows a couple months back that it would be awesome if I was actually dating Leda and just trying to get her publicity this whole time.

So many ways my life could have went.
[quote name='Indignate']I remember telling Whoknows a couple months back that it would be awesome if I was actually dating Leda and just trying to get her publicity this whole time.

So many ways my life could have went.[/QUOTE]

Did you bone your cousin over the weekend?
[quote name='Indignate']I remember telling Whoknows a couple months back that it would be awesome if I was actually dating Leda and just trying to get her publicity this whole time.

So many ways my life could have went.[/QUOTE]

It would be more awesome if we found out she was a barely passing dude in a wig and all the cam stuff "she" posts was recorded prior to "her" getting leveled by a bus. A solid bus, a fully-loaded one that's been doubled up -- you know, the ones with the accordeon-bendy thing in the middle.

That would be awesome.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Did you bone your cousin over the weekend?[/QUOTE]


[quote name='dothog']It would be more awesome if we found out she was a barely passing dude in a wig and all the cam stuff "she" posts was recorded prior to "her" getting leveled by a bus. A solid bus, a fully-loaded one that's been doubled up -- you know, the ones with the accordeon-bendy thing in the middle.

That would be awesome.[/QUOTE]

You're morbid.
[quote name='whoknows']I added you friend.

[quote name='GUNNM']4167-5818-9373[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']2621-2929-3864[/QUOTE]

whoooknoooowwwssss add me
[quote name='Indignate']Oooooooooooooor don't play it at all.

If you play it, you lose.[/QUOTE]
The combat is mediocre, but the story is great. Just play it on easy.
Ivy from Gamestop just called me to let me know Castlevania will be there for me tomorrow.

Now that's some great service! See you tomorrow morning Ivy!

Power To The Players!
[quote name='dothog']I don't know much about that broad, but in ten years she's going to suck all the conversation out of the room when asked what she does. Her reply will be qualified with something like "I used to be on youtube...people would watch me," and everyone in the room will stop conversation to exchange a "WTF do we say now?" look. Some big-hearted sap will be like, "Oh yeah, youtube, I remember that!" and another one will chime in with, "Yeah, they had videos and stuff, that's great!"

Then she'll follow that up with some dipshit story about how her cats shit on the bed, or how when she was younger, this one time she had blue hair but then decided it looked better pink, and everyone will sprint to the coat room after recalling that they have to get up early the next day.

All the gifs and pics in GGT have made me hate her so very, very much. It's unfair to her, because I'm sure she's a real winner, just a real peach of a gal.[/QUOTE]
A more likely scene would be her on her knees in the middle of six naked dudes.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']She's basically a cam whore that doesn't get naked. Boo ums.[/QUOTE]
Sad fact is true. Bet she has a nice rack. I'd hit it.

[quote name='Indignate']Wouldn't it be great if this entire time I actually despised Leda?[/QUOTE]
Impossible. Like my hating Lady Gaga.

[quote name='Indignate']I remember telling Whoknows a couple months back that it would be awesome if I was actually dating Leda and just trying to get her publicity this whole time.

So many ways my life could have went.[/QUOTE]
I feel the same. :cry:
[quote name='whoknows']Ivy from Gamestop just called me to let me know Castlevania will be there for me tomorrow.

Now that's some great service! See you tomorrow morning Ivy!

Power To The Players![/QUOTE]
Joel would totally hit on Ivy to get some extra castlevanai swag
cause hes a boss like dat
AcaciaTreeTV 1 day ago
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I just gotta ask.. why is this girl so popular? Its just her looks right? Cause anyone can act all fake like this on youtube

· 6

  • indiepoos 23 hours ago
    This has been flagged as spam
    She used to be a really nice and inspiring person who worked hard at her studies and enjoyed life, now she's a foul mouthed, self centered, lazy, insecure little girl who does nothing all day.

    · 86 in reply to AcaciaTreeTV

  • indiepoos 11 hours ago
    Listen, when will people understand... not everyone can worship the ground she walks on, there going to be criticisms and disappointed older fans etc, I know Leda has the potential to be great and it upsets me that she chooses to post bad quality content, I'm allowed to think that. You know when she started going down hill? When people realised that she had the most nasty, malicious, uncompassionate fans like you who insult a person just for not thinking the same way as they do.

    · 3 in reply to Laura Alice

  • Laura Alice 11 hours ago
    You can get away with being very rude and nasty because its your "opinion" but when I call you out on your inappropriate behaviour I am nasty and malicious? You really can't say those things to someone you don't even know. It is very hurtful. I don't worship the ground she walks on, but I believe she deserves respect. You are using your entitlement to an opinion as an excuse to say mean things about people. You can't tear somebody to shreds because you don't like the video content.

    · in reply to indiepoos

  • indiepoos 11 hours ago
    I understand, No your comment was hardly malicious, I was just mentioning my disliking of fans who attack people for thinking independantly. I know people will be upset that I don't like her (for whatever reason, it doesn't affect them) I expected that when decided to post my original comment. The thing is, this is Youtube, she puts herself out their and it's judgment that makes or breaks you online, when she posts thought out videos she doesn't get comments like mine. But she chooses to be lazy

    · in reply to Laura Alice

  • Laura Alice 10 hours ago
    I just don't think you should be part of this unfair judgement that is on youtube. The main point is, that if you don't like her, keep it to yourself. She hasn't done any wrong to her viewers expect make content that isn't up to their standard.

    · in reply to indiepoos

  • indiepoos 10 hours ago
    But I know a lot of people agree, as the viewer what we think matters. When she posts real videos and discusses these things rather than ignoring them then she gets so much love and admiration. She's asking for criticism by not putting the effort in, that's how this business works. Work hard and you'll get more positive than negative it's pretty simple. I've been quiet about how I feel for a long time then I posts a comment one day and now I'm just responding to the people commenting back.

    · 4 in reply to Laura Alice

  • Laura Alice 10 hours ago
    This comment has received too many negative votes
    She is not asking for criticism full stop. Youtube isn't her life. How much effort she puts into videos shouldn't matter. She makes these videos for you regardless. Just be a little more grateful.

    · in reply to indiepoos

  • indiepoos 10 hours ago
    Of course how much effort she puts in matters o_O because that decides whether the video is good or bad. Just because I love Leda doesn't mean I have to like every single video she makes, especially when she doesn't even seem to enjoy making them anymore.

    · 8 in reply to Laura Alice

  • devsox1 10 hours ago
    This has been flagged as spam
    Leda used to be motivated by her fans but now that she's in the process of getting partnered she's more motivated by money and that sucks. Her videos are going downhill and you're def not the only person to notice

    · 10 in reply to indiepoos

  • TheMysteryofRichy 6 hours ago
    This comment has received too many negative votes
    Cause your content is so much better. Try actually scripting a video, keeping up with a schedule, editing, marketing, and more. See how hard it really is to be a Youtuber. To be honest what leda shares with you and what she acts like on camera is entirely up to her. But you can't blame her for not being the same on camera when her audience are turning into total douchebags.

    · in reply to devsox1
devsox1 6 hours ago
I never said anything about being better than her.... and the majority of people liked her videos better before they were scripted.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']The combat is mediocre, but the story is great. Just play it on easy.[/QUOTE]

No way it can be better than Call of Duty. Call of Duty has nukes and Soap MacTavish!

[quote name='whoknows']Ivy from Gamestop just called me to let me know Castlevania will be there for me tomorrow.

Now that's some great service! See you tomorrow morning Ivy!

Power To The Players![/QUOTE]

I just get a text. Lemme get dem Ivy digits.

[quote name='Indignate']Show her your pokemons.[/QUOTE]

They are handing out that Pokemon (forgot the name) at GameStop starting tomorrow.

Do it, coach.
[quote name='Luxuria']

They are handing out that Pokemon (forgot the name) at GameStop starting tomorrow.

Do it, coach.[/QUOTE]

I forgot about that. Need to take it with me tomorrow.
[quote name='Indignate']I remember I used to go there to get tabs.

What a terrible time in my musical life.[/QUOTE]

Real musicians know how to read sheet music. We can also sight read :D
i had to wipe my shit
and transfer my ambassador shit to my new shit


and i just labeled gunm as whoknows
this might get confusing
Decided to watch some Tomb Raider streamin' and the game looks fun, especially on Hard.

Yo, Minish Cap was awesome. No replay value, but great game.
getem mixed up all the time.

why is there no boba fett game?
I feel like I might be qualified to run lucasarts
even without my uber business degree
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']yeah
getem mixed up all the time.

why is there no boba fett game?
I feel like I might be qualified to run lucasarts
even without my uber business degree[/QUOTE]

I agree, but as it stands, Bounty Hunters in SWTOR are freaking bitching. Fire on everything!


[quote name='j-cart']Real musicians know how to read sheet music. We can also sight read :D[/QUOTE]
I play by ear and watch hands, so fuck you. :cool:

Drum notation doesn't tell you anything about feel.
[quote name='GUNNM']what kind of asshole shows up to gamestop just to dl a pokemon
jesus christ[/QUOTE]

I usually stay in my car and do it.
bread's done