GGT 293 doesn't care about interactive stories unless it has scene girls, Godzilla, or Leda in it


Thanks MoCiWe for the Nintendo link, that looks like a solid deal and I'll probably pick up a blue set if a Wii U ever transpires in my future.

Thanks MoCiWe for the Nintendo link, that looks like a solid deal and I'll probably pick up a blue set if a Wii U ever transpires in my future.
No problem, I'm never that big on refurbs normally, but when it is done directly by the company that makes the product I feel better about buying them. It is a great deal for a wiimote+nunchuck set and I don't even think you can get blue nunchucks normally so that makes it kinda cool (I believe they are international only). Whenever you do get a Wii U you can definitely add me if you're up for stuff like Smash and MK when it hits.

What is somebody called who fears something(s) that is the same, equal, alike, similar, or common?

What is somebody called who fears the human genus?

What is somebody called who likes feet?

Played the first level (prologue) of Lollipop Chainsaw and got to the forest in Spelunky, both pretty fun. Lollipop is definitely different but I'll probably play through it all, and Spelunky is tough but something I see myself going back to occasionally. Now time for a bit more Ratchet

stop its not goty

Finished Tomb Raider last night. It was great. Last boss was way too easy, though.
the last boss really did suck ass. I wish the game
stuck to oh shit all of this is just random and these people are crazy except it went with there really is a japanese ghost keeping us stuck here

Anyone here watch game theory on youtube? I just watched a theory on link is dead in majora's mask and holy shit it makes sense also lines up with twilight princess' shade and a video on dr.light is evil.

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 I have a new theory about the brontosaurus.

You may well ask what it is, this theory of mine. Well, this theory that I have--that is to say, which is mine-- mine.

My theory that I have follows the lines I am about to relate.



Ahem Ahem.

Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem.

This theory which belongs to me is as follows. Ahem. Ahem. This is how it goes. Ahem. The next thing that I am about to say is my theory. Ahem. Ready?

All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the far end. That is the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.

The last of us is a joke. It pretty much stole the story from 28 weeks later

except that's a better movie than the last of us
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bread's done