GGT 306 owes its success to the Helix Fossill

Nope, still no notification.
Hmm... This time I'm trying it as a multiquote. Have you tried selecting being notified by email? And are the successful notifications to your 'Notification List' also the only successes to your email notification?

I like how I am trying to figure out the problem, but won't be able to do anything if I do. Well, maybe it'll allow tiredjohn to figure it out. A few people have posted about it in the CAG 3.0 Upgrade thread, but obviously it has not been resolved.

Zeki says that he still can't get on CAG and all it tells him is that he's not allowed to be on this community or whatever. It was the same message I was getting when I got banned, so whoknows what is happening.

Midtown got back together. That's nice.

Lights had a baby girl named Rocket Wild. That's nice.

Here's a mix of good and bad stuff.

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Zeki says that he still can't get on CAG and all it tells him is that he's not allowed to be on this community or whatever. It was the same message I was getting when I got banned, so whoknows what is happening.
Is that were you can see when the ban will be lifted? Maybe it's for next year. whoknows?
[customspoiler=WTF 2?]

[customspoiler=No. Really. WTF?][/customspoiler]

This is getting weird... I like it. Maybe great minds do think alike...
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Tales is cool but I'll wait for $10. Collector's isn't worth the price.

I think my favorite CE has been Catherine's. That shit was filled with awesome. 

Tales is cool but I'll wait for $10. Collector's isn't worth the price.

I think my favorite CE has been Catherine's. That shit was filled with awesome.
Just looked it up to see, doesn't look like there's anything in that one I would have liked haha. It just comes down to what kind of stuff we all collect I suppose :p

Ohhhhh. You know what? That popped in my mind and was gonna be the next thing I checked.

And once again you are right. And I mean 'once again' only when whoknows comes back.
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Final Fantasy XIV is dope
I'm gonna have to check this out...

Huh, you're the first person on here (GGT specifically) I saw that doesn't like it....what was it you didn't like just out of curiosity? I'm having a blast with it from what I've played.
Everything? It's a 6/10 at best, IMO.

I've 100% it now and my biggest complaints are the following:

Enemy variety is severely lacking. Everything is the same soldier... only some of them have shields that need a charge attack or some of them jumped out of DmC and you need to color code them to get rid of the shield first.

Aside from a few poorly designed sections, the game offers just about no difficulty. A couple of the boss fights on hard can be aggravating, but it's not cause they're legitimately challenging... which leads into my main complaint.

The combat is meaningless. The original games had a set level pattern and even if enemies kept spawning, it fit the style of the game. Without a leveling system or a currency system or some actual reason to kill enemies, it all feels like a giant trash mob, especially with the lack of variety I mentioned above. Apparently you can launch the soldiers in the air, but I never really found an effective use for it, so I played the game as if the Y button didn't exist. The combat just feels empty and pointless. I had this feeling like when I hit the level cap in Fallout 3 and combat had gone from exciting and rewarding to just being a nuisance that was in the way of me getting to my next objective. Without the reward of EXP, there was no real reason to fight. And that's kind of how this is... especially since it's so repetitive.

I have no idea what they were doing with the story or the level of polish on the game. I love it when a game pays attention to detail, like Lords of Shadow -- as you gain subweapons, Gabriel's belt has more pouches and such... Hiryu on the other hand has 3 kunai on his back from the start of the game and yet you can't use kunai to open locked doors until you're at least 40% of the way through the game. The voice overs are terrible and the whole dialogue/cutscene design follows suit from the fact that nobody can move their mouth to the strangely "animated" portraits on the text boxes.

The game is ridiculously short. I just finished it in 2:45 and could've been done in about 2:30 or less if I hadn't gone for a few extra upgrades to make the last fight easier.

I remember when I was a kid, I found out there was a Strider game on the NES and I thought it was the arcade game. My parents got it for me on some occasion and I remember the disappointment when it wasn't the same game. However, I stuck with it, cause it was the only new game I had, and that game turned out to be pretty amazing, even if it wasn't what I envisioned and was expecting. This on the other hand, it just doesn't deliver for me.

Long shot but anyone have a 360 copy of Splatterhouse for sale or trade? I just beat part 2 on Genesis today (my namesake, and one of the harder games out there) and have the itch to run through the 360 version for a 3rd time. Let me know if you do.

It's so different from all of those games that it is hard to compare. The best I can come up with is something like Bionic Commando Rearmed, although even that isn't a great comparison.
Strider isn't really difficult at all. Mostly.

Especially if you play on normal or (I assume) easy.


I really came in here to post this:

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Wall of text!
Haha fair enough, seeing someone with a more detailed reasons rather than "it just sucks" is nice on the internet. I guess I'm used to a lot of repetitive games (DW, EDF, MH, etc) so the enemy variety doesn't bother me much, but yeah there really aren't a lot of enemy types. I figured it would be short when I saw that achievement for beating it in under 4 hours, but you just beat it in 3 anyways. I've been playing on normal and so far I only almost died one time during a boss fight, but I also rarely use the Y button, I try to here and there just since it's there but it is far easier to just use the X attack instead.

I do like that it has a fair amount of costumes (even if it is just colors) to unlock at least.

On the other hand, that commercial is great!

You guys you have played and beat Tales of Symphonia, are you completionists? Did you play through it three times? That game has been sitting in my GC for probably 2+ years now. I have a compulsion for completing most games but with what seems to be a daunting task and the hours required, I just can't bring myself to play it. If I knew you could do everything in one playthrough, I think I would have finished it already and enjoyed doing so. But knowing what's ahead if I wanna actually complete it, I'm not allowing myself to enjoy it. I really just wanna beat it once and be done with it.

I almost never "complete" a game, it's usually beat it with a few side things done and move on, too many games waiting to be played.

Ha sweet, my wife got the job. She is now co-editor of It's only two-hundred a month guaranteed but she could make a lot more if the site gets big and that's 200 a month she wasn't making before.
Nice! It would be pretty sweet to do something like that, making money (even if it's not a huge amount) working with something you would enjoy!

You guys you have played and beat Tales of Symphonia, are you completionists? Did you play through it three times? That game has been sitting in my GC for probably 2+ years now. I have a compulsion for completing most games but with what seems to be a daunting task and the hours required, I just can't bring myself to play it. If I knew you could do everything in one playthrough, I think I would have finished it already and enjoyed doing so. But knowing what's ahead if I wanna actually complete it, I'm not allowing myself to enjoy it. I really just wanna beat it once and be done with it.
It depends on the game, if it's easy to complete/max then I might try for it, if it takes multiple playthroughs and just a huge amount of hours to complete fully then I'll usually just beat it once and be happy that I at least beat the game. With how many games that I have been getting lately though I see myself fully maxing games less and just beating them to see the main story

Seriously, I've sent writing samples to places like IGN so many goddamn times I've lost count. I'll never stop trying, but Christ it gets daunting sometimes.

Seriously, I've sent writing samples to places like IGN so many goddamn times I've lost count. I'll never stop trying, but Christ it gets daunting sometimes.
Oh yeah, I would love getting paid to just write about games haha. I mean, I play enough of them as it is! Plus it would totally beat having no job at all

Game journalism is a crap job with low pay.  It's only a stepping stone into a game development job that you probably won't get.

Game journalism is a crap job with low pay. It's only a stepping stone into a game development job that you probably won't get.
I have a no job with no pay right now though :( But yeah I know it's not that great, just think it would be kinda neat to do though. I don't really think I'd personally want to get into actually making games though

You guys you have played and beat Tales of Symphonia, are you completionists? Did you play through it three times? That game has been sitting in my GC for probably 2+ years now. I have a compulsion for completing most games but with what seems to be a daunting task and the hours required, I just can't bring myself to play it. If I knew you could do everything in one playthrough, I think I would have finished it already and enjoyed doing so. But knowing what's ahead if I wanna actually complete it, I'm not allowing myself to enjoy it. I really just wanna beat it once and be done with it.
I beat it twice. Generally nowadays, a game is complete if I've gotten through the story and have all the achievements.

what kind of name is Rocket Wild

I'm gonna try the FFXIV ps4 beta soon. Is it any good?

FFXIV is good.  I would play it on PS4.

I wish I had rich parents to buy me a nice new room to do my youtube channel videos on:


It's weird. The more I think about it the more I'm surprised New Old Boy was as bad as it is. It seemed to have the pedigree and making of a great film.
Also, I don't see what the big deal was.

You accidentally fucked your hot daughter one time? Get over it. At least she was hot and you didn't have to use a condom. Dude should have just kept fucking her and created a new life with the diamonds. Why would you trust Sam Jackson to take care of you anyways? That sex scene wasn't hardcore enough.
I literally just spent all night playing that Lotr Moba game with my cousins right now.

fuck it, No Sleep till Brooklyn.

I'mma go get me some MickyD's breakfast.

My PC has been making all kinds of racket since last night. I threw a can of compressed air at it right now and it seems to have calmed down.

Luxuria said he would build me a new one.

Still Waiting.

Remember Me.

Lux ignores my psn friend requests. Rude.

I am downloading ffxiv ps4 beta so I can play with frostybro. Four more hours to go....
Leda is best when she tries to look like melonie mac. She can't ever be that good, but I appreciate her trying.
Where are you guys at in FF14? I thought it was pretty looking and very boring but I took it all the way to end game.

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Donkey Kong is pretty sweet! Only played the first world so far but I'm having a blast with it

Where are you guys at in FF14? I thought it was pretty looking and very boring but I took it all the way to end game.
I got to like level 10 in the beta! Woooooooooooooooo :p

bread's done