GGT 315 Welcomes You to the Future!

dawg im already over it ok lets move on AE is on so that means I'm on youtube looking at babymetal videos now

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I watched some videos it looks fun until i think back to the first one and remember its fun at first, have you made any tracks?
I have not made any tracks, I just like playing on the ones other people made. I enjoy playing it, but I haven't gotten to the hard stages yet, still on normal and do a lot of player tracks. I'm only missing one more bike to unlock right now so at least most of them are easy enough to unlock, and then you can just play user tracks if you ever get stuck/frustrated :p

I have not made any tracks, I just like playing on the ones other people made. I enjoy playing it, but I haven't gotten to the hard stages yet, still on normal and do a lot of player tracks. I'm only missing one more bike to unlock right now so at least most of them are easy enough to unlock, and then you can just play user tracks if you ever get stuck/frustrated :p
That's how I felt about the original the difficulty spiked from normal to hard in a big way, I usually like a challenge but the physics would feel crazy sometimes like you would land and bounce back into the ramp

That's how I felt about the original the difficulty spiked from normal to hard in a big way, I usually like a challenge but the physics would feel crazy sometimes like you would land and bounce back into the ramp
I can stream it again sometime if you want to see some of the new content/player made stuff.

Also, don't know if anyone else will be on but I'm up for some PvZ/Titanfall again, probably in like an hour or so.

I can stream it again sometime if you want to see some of the new content/player made stuff.

Also, don't know if anyone else will be on but I'm up for some PvZ/Titanfall again, probably in like an hour or so.
Yeah I would be up for some I cant play as late though but for a couple hours I have to get up early in the morning

I saw some of your videos on xbox, it seemed similar to the original but I would interested in seeing some user created tracks
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Yeah I would be up for some I cant play as late though but for a couple hours I have to get up early in the morning

I saw some of your videos on xbox, it seemed similar to the original but I would interested in seeing some user created tracks
Sounds to me like a no sleep night!

BTW me and my buddy are both on now.

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I've tried looking for all my books online previously and nothing and I already do ctrl + f my quizzes. I did 8 quizzes yesterday on texas government with ctrl+f.

pr rog won AE over inflitration USA USA USA

hrm need 5 classes to finish my associates next semester I got 4 already registered and the last one I need is a gym class... uh I have to pay to take a gym class? uhhhhhhhhh I got gold's gym membership dawg


And thus begins finals week. See you Wednesday night, Freedom. 

I tried the Ragnarok Odyssey demo again and it feels floaty. I'm not sure about the game.

@whoknows: Did you end up getting it?

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And thus begins finals week. See you Wednesday night, Freedom.

I tried the Ragnarok Odyssey demo again and it feels floaty. I'm not sure about the game.

@whoknows: Did you end up getting it?
Wooooo finals! I never really got that crammed when finals came around, I took some of them early as well :p

My copy is coming in tonight! What did the demo all have in it? From what I played of the original on Vita I liked how it played, but I didn't get super far.

Digital textbooks seem like they would only be worthwhile if you could torrent them, as shitty as that sounds. I'm sure some people would prefer being able to read them on their tablet or computer or whatever, but I'm sure official digital copies are still overpriced as fuck--I'd never want to get stuck paying 40 bucks for a Fundamentals of Basic Math or whatever textbook that is too obscure to be easily torrented, and not even get a hard copy for my money.

Real talk tho, GEX is everything I remembered and less.

That was a pretty cool top 16 for AE, but I haven't watched the finals of a tourney since that Capcom Cup whatever in Japan last winter so it's probably just me being a novice.
umm, playin Metroid 2 on mah gameboy, duh! Wat up beatle bro :)
Not a whole lot really, just backlog calling my name :cool: also when you buying me a wii u for smash bros?

having to buy this huge ass magnifying glass with lights on the side to play it at night didn't need the magnifying glass part doe just the light. Also LTTP
I remember having one like that, i would rarely use it, I would just search my house for a better light. Seemed to end up in my parents office area since there was a desk with a nice light.

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Not a whole lot really, just backlog calling my name :cool: also when you buying me a wii u for smash bros?
Hmmm, yeaa. You see, I dont know why moey told u i was gettin u a wii u. Its just not true, I dont buy any wii u's or anything for my buds soo yeaa, moey lied to u ;o Ask moey to buy u a wii u lol

Hmmm, yeaa. You see, I dont know why moey told u i was gettin u a wii u. Its just not true, I dont buy any wii u's or anything for my buds soo yeaa, moey lied to u ;o Ask moey to buy u a wii u lol
we agreed that you are buying wii Us for everybody, Mo can't he is a single mother with 5 kids in this made up story im telling you.

How do you buy those games though walk, bike or carrier pigeon? we can see we played titanfall last night and i was terrible except for one match :D/
but i was sleepin last night so technically u didnt play Titanfall, cuz u didnt play it with me! How do I buy games u ask? Simple!, credit card and gettin 20 psn/xbox cards at walmart and sellin them here for paypal and gettin dem games digitally son!

but i was sleepin last night so technically u didnt play Titanfall, cuz u didnt play it with me! How do I buy games u ask? Simple!, credit card and gettin 20 psn/xbox cards at walmart and sellin them here for paypal and gettin dem games digitally son!
You get deals on those 20 cards? Well I remember playing last night so it did happen, you should have not been sleeping.
bread's done