GGT 336 Cancelled Halloween and it's coming for Thanksgiving.

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Are you being mean to him cuz whoknows told you that we didn't like him?

Cuz it's mostly whoknows and another person that doesn't post here that often that don't like him.

The rest of us are ok with him, at least I think so.

He's alright.

I sometimes don't play videogames with him even though I said we would.

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This thread just got really dark.

thx beatles
Are you being mean to him cuz whoknows told you that we didn't like him?

Cuz it's mostly whoknows and another person that doesn't post here that often that don't like him.

The rest of us are ok with him, at least I think so.

He's alright.

I sometimes don't play videogames with him even though I said we would.
I'm just tired of his shit honestly, and trying to push my buttons. The constant "shots" at me are getting quite old. Even if they are suppose to be jokes, they're bad ones, and when someone doesn't even bother to reply to them, yet you still continue to do it over and over you should really get the hint. He likes to do that shit to me and whoknows for w/e reason, I don't bash anything he likes. Whatever. I'm not in the mood for it today. He can take his shots somewhere else and if I get banned I get banned. I'm on fb hit me up. Later.

I thought Beatles was capitalizing off of Adam's post by saying that she had two dicks in her face.
Whoa missed wanderings post had to go back and see what you meant.

She is crying so hard her frown reversed its self

I was trying to make fun of indignates whole "made it dark" by putting like a fake sad face. In no way was it meant at wandering.
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I'm just tired of his shit honestly, and trying to push my buttons. The constant "shots" at me are getting quite old. Even if they are suppose to be jokes, they're bad ones, and when someone doesn't even bother to reply to them, yet you still continue to do it over and over you should really get the hint. He likes to do that shit to me and whoknows for w/e reason, I don't bash anything he likes. Whatever. I'm not in the mood for it today. He can take his shots somewhere else and if I get banned I get banned. I'm on fb hit me up. Later.
I made a post and then accidently deleted it. Long story short.

I went though his history to see if I missed anything, and it doesn't seem like has said anything bad in the past month except some post about calling whoknows a casual. I can't tell you what you consider a shot at you is or isn't though, but his last post just seemed like a slam against Nintendo and that's like whatever because everyone does it so idk.

I'm still waiting on Beatles to confirm or deny the amount of penises that have been in or around his face at any given time.

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It's cuz it ruins our plan for the GGT in the Deals Forum. Gosh...

Also, time stamped videos are still not enabled.
Which isn't going to happen unless someone actually does feel like getting banned or whatever.

I mean, not right away but probably like 3 days after whoever makes it.

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bread's done