GGT 339 PS4 sucks XBone sucks PC sucks Fire Emblem Sucks let's play Smash

I remember when like 5 of you posted after this was brought up and a new one still didnt show up. OH WAIT! That was today, because you all suck except Action! :p
Remember when you quoted from a previously unlocked thread, then locked it so that nobody else could easily quote from it? Remember what I was gonna quote? Me neither.

I felt like there were some rude things happening...
Like chat being deleted?

Edit: my post seemed to aggressive so i deleted it

xbox live is down as usual by the way
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Yo, Action, Mo is streaming smash can you go play with him so I have someone to cheer for?
Maybe tomorrow man, you guys and your free advertising for me :D

Ice cold, Mo.
I'm sorry man! I felt bad declining you guys, I was doing 1v1 tourney style play with someone for practice, I feel like it's been helping me get better with my characters and it's interesting to see/play against some of the people who are used to this. I'd be down for playing with you guys sometime like tomorrow if you all want. That is kind of why I didn't mention the stream/game in this thread today is since I was doing that this time.

Also tried some for Glory to test it out today, won 2 lost 2, kind of interesting.

I did kind of miss items though :p

Thanks four grabbing my spelling mistake, its how wii learn.
Actually, it's a malapropism, or something. The spelling mistake was 'arguement.' Thanks for making me feel bad for pointing it out...

EDIT: It's called an 'eggcorn,' I think...

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Actually, it's a malapropism, or something. The spelling mistake was 'arguement.' Thanks for making me feel bad for pointing it out...

EDIT: It's called an 'eggcorn,' I think...
Eggcorn? Corn eggs?

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Haha, I'm just giving you a hard time, dude. If you ever wanna get some 1v1 practice while I'm around, I'd be happy to play. Just lemme know.
Can do, I'm sure that would be helpful since you're good at the game haha :D

But you aren't someone from twitch so he wont have time for you....
Don't worry you can join in tomorrow as well, and again, I asked you if you wanted to play Halo earlier today and you didn't respond :p

EDIT: So from what I understand, this issue has to be related to Update Data from the Smash Bros game and not the Wii U itself. I can still use the console normally without any issues. I purchased Smash U on launch day and have had no issues at all until yesterday, peculiarly, the same time everyone has reported of this crisis. Other games and applications act fine. However, when I either access either Data Management or insert my Smash Brothers U disk, I get the infamous error codes.

Error Code: 160-0103 (When attempting to insert Smash U into console)

Error Code: 160-1710 (When attempting to access Data Management)

Both of these, from online research, appear to be the same error, being "unable to find a specific error code" and suggest to either call Nintendo Support or ship the console for repairs. The fact that both errors are related to software data and that other applications work fine can only point to Smash U. It makes me wonder if there is some kind of infection going around, since not everyone has been afflicted. I played the "For Glory" mode for a few hours on my last session before this happened.Those who have called Nintendo Support seem to report that they are simply told to either format their console or ship them in. Well, formatting the Wii U seems to clearly brick the system for those who have done so. I think Nintendo is not even aware of the issue and hasn't yet acknowledged it since they are telling people to just format their system, only causing bricking

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Damn, I thought I read something about that. That's scary shit. I played some Glory tonight. Hope everything's okay.

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Damn, I thought I read something about that. That's scary shit. I played some Glory tonight. Hope everything's okay.
It appears to be kinda wide spread, at least going by the youtube comments.(Take with a grain of salt I know) I saw this on gfaqs in the smash boards. Just trying to give everyone that plays a heads up about it. Be careful, and hopefully Nintendo gets a patch for it soon.

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Appreciate it, man.

Looks like I'm able to boot up and start Smash and everything. Also saw a few accounts of this happening as far as a year ago. Wonder if something's spurred an increase or if more people are just noticing now.

Either way, pls dont brick my wiiu

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Appreciate it, man.
No problem man. I've been doing more reading and some people are saying it's because people are quitting/shutting their U off via the power button while smash is saving. Since smash has no way of letting you know when it's saving that could explain a lot with the data getting jacked up. A way to avoid this would be to let it sit for a few before going to the U's main menu and then click close software, and then once it's at the main menu for a few, then shut the system off via the power button. (That's what I always do anyway, never just turn my U off before going to the main menu, but I know some people do that.) If I read anything else I'll be sure to keep you guys updated.

Gfaqs topic if anyone is interested:

Gaming site reporting about it

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That's good to know. I make a habit of hanging out on the title screen for a bit before shutting down, so hopefully I stay gold.
Sounds like you should be honestly, I always do that as well in any game let it sit for a few before quitting. Just remember after playing glory to do that for sure, since that's when it seems to be happening to most people is after they play glory mode. Ninty just came out with a new OS today too, but it's for MK improvements, nothing for smash just yet. I'm sure they'll come up with something soon.

That's good to know. I make a habit of hanging out on the title screen for a bit before shutting down, so hopefully I stay gold.
Yeah, thanks for the heads up Wandering, I usually tend to back out to the starting screen before quitting Smash as well but it's good to know.

bread's done