GGT #35 vs the World

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I mean that's the thing is everyone is assuming that it's going to be a dumbed down game when we know nothing about it..

I can't ever see GSC making Bioware style design choices for console. It's too unlike them.

Calladudy in russia was metro 2033
Oh yeah, forgot about Metrosexual 2033.

I'd never ever bother to get a GAF account, since I'd just get banned for not thinking some PSP RPG was GAME OF TEH FOREVERZ.
Speaking of Bioware, isn't Dragon Age 2 supposed to be hella dumbed down or something? I glanced at gaf and that seemed to be what people were saying, so I'm assuming it's maybe true, or maybe false.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Oh yeah, forgot about Metrosexual 2033.[/QUOTE]

No, that's you in 23 years. Because you're a diva.
Dumbed down like most (intended for originally) PC to console games. Not like it's an unheard of thing.
Except maybe Tropico 3.

Dragon Age 2 PC is being turned more consolish.
No more overhead iso cam.
Also no more editor.
[quote name='dallow']Odd question considering you only have one MS game listed on your for sure list.[/QUOTE]

And if Fable 3 is anything like Fable 2, he'd be better off waiting for it to hit $20. :lol:
[quote name='jer7583']Yeah I know all these things it's just really irritating to be silened for your opinion on a forum where it's popular users/moderators so love to think of themselves as such free thinking, open minded, modern types.

Also where the side that the moderators agree with (PC gaming elitists/fanboys) make far more inflammatory and insulting remarks and get passed over.

Should just stick to reading that forum from now on. No point in trying to provide an opinion if it's just going to get eliminated when they don't like it.[/QUOTE]


Say... are you the same jer from when I left the GGT for a while? I just remember you being much more... troll-ish.
[quote name='distgfx']Amen.

Say... are you the same jer from when I left the GGT for a while? I just remember you being much more... troll-ish.[/QUOTE]
What the fuck is wrong with you Sony?
[quote name='dallow']What the fuck is wrong with you Sony?[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, I must not be quite opinionated enough to get banned at GAF.
And here I thought I was...

Temp ban or permanent is the real question here...
it was temporary.

I'm just saying people are jumping to conclusions in that stalker thread so that they can get on their "PC games are better than console games" soapbox and make inflammatory statements. Pointing out those inflammatory statements gets you banned.

I don't think I got any PS3 games last year around holiday either. Well, I think God of War collection came out around end of last year. I really have been contemplating selling it again. Maybe if I need the money. It's sorta nice for blu-rays though. I'd keep it for that, and a few of the games i own.
SSF4 is the only thing my PS3 has been used for all summer. Played plenty of other games though:

Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Persona 3 Portable
Jeanne D'Arc

Huh..they are all RPGs :whistle2:?
[quote name='corrosivefrost']:rofl:

Not like it had stiff competition, friend-o.[/QUOTE]

Since Lara Croft doesn't have online co-op until Fall (Or Autumn) doesn't that mean MNC has unofficially been declared Champion of Summer of Arcade? It was my most anticipated XBLA game from SoA and they blew it.

Completed Act 1 of Commando Mode in Bionic Commando. :bomb:
I just need to figure out how to get the Medium Armor and I should be good to go.
So for the rest of the year I have:


Dead Rising 2 (sept) - 360
Kingdom Hearts: BBS (Sept) - PSP


DJ Hero 2 (?) - 360
Rock Band 3 (?) - 360
Fallout: New Vegas (October) - 360

Interested in, but now this year:

God of War PSP 2 - Still have GOWII to play through and GOWIII to get
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Still haven't got ACII
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Amen to that. Shaving gets me pussy.[/QUOTE]

Fixed. ^_^

I ah feel like-a playing a-more Assassin's Creedo Due.
So far for Summer of Arcade: Limbo>>Monday Night Combat>>>willingness to pay $15>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hydro Thunder Hurricane>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Castlevania HD
I really hate these $15 price tags (old news). I'd be buying more games and spending more money if they were $10. I honestly think they'd make more money as well at lower prices but then again I'm no economics major...

[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']So for the rest of the year I have:


Dead Rising 2 (sept) - 360
Kingdom Hearts: BBS (Sept) - PSP

Wait Jesus, you like Kingdom Hearts? I guess we have more similar tastes in games than I thought. Your cool in my book again ;)
[quote name='seanr1221']Yup.

MNC is the best Summer of Arcade game so far.[/QUOTE]


I hear the Assassin is super broken in MNC.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Never could get into Kingdom Hearts. I think it's due to the same reason I don't like FFXIII.[/QUOTE]

Is it because you dont really like action RPG's, or did you not really like the fusion of SE and Disney and the story that was presented?

I'm actually really surprised at how many people I've met that love Kingdom Hearts. Like people I wouldn't have even expected to have played it, come out and say it's one of their favorite games.
[quote name='jer7583']lol wow I just got banned on NeoGAF

You have been banned for the following reason:
"Mouth-breathing consolites" should know their place, yeah?

I realize the place doesn't have to be fair and even handed and all, but when a mod bans you for a post where you disagree with him with very clearly stated reasoning and opinion, citing examples why statements made in a thread were inflammatory and NOT well-thought out and reasoned, just because you disagreed with their opinion, it's hard to take that forum seriously.

The discussion was about STALKER 2 coming to consoles and how it's OBVIOUSLY going to be dumbed down for the console players who can't handle any REAL games.[/QUOTE]

ZealousD (the guy who organized most of the SC2 stuff on GAF) got banned in the same thread for pretty much the same reason, I think.

[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Hey Scrotum, how do you get a Backloggery thing in your sig?[/QUOTE]


without the .'s in the tags and with your backloggery username.
[quote name='Trakan']Castlevania.

I hear the Assassin is super broken in MNC.[/QUOTE]

I mostly play Assault and have been using the armor enhancement. They can't one hit kill you if they sneak up on you, and I'll charge into them right after and kill them.

But they do need to be fixed. Maybe some type of visual warning if they're directly behind you.

As for Castlevania, I think it's safe to say you guys are addicted. I think Zew was on the entire day yesterday. :lol:
[quote name='jer7583']lol wow I just got banned on NeoGAF

You have been banned for the following reason:
"Mouth-breathing consolites" should know their place, yeah?

I realize the place doesn't have to be fair and even handed and all, but when a mod bans you for a post where you disagree with him with very clearly stated reasoning and opinion, citing examples why statements made in a thread were inflammatory and NOT well-thought out and reasoned, just because you disagreed with their opinion, it's hard to take that forum seriously.

The discussion was about STALKER 2 coming to consoles and how it's OBVIOUSLY going to be dumbed down for the console players who can't handle any REAL games.[/QUOTE]
Just read the offending post. I feel like the mod never got past the first sentence, and completely missed that this was sarcasm. Oh well.
I saw Scott Pilgrim last night. It started out painfully slow but it was a good movie in the end. I'll probably check out the comics and games eventually.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Never could get into Kingdom Hearts. I think it's due to the same reason I don't like FFXIII.[/QUOTE]


I love FF13 and I hate KH. So I'm curious as to what you see as a commonality.
Now that's not to say I love the *story* in FF13... I just love the combat and sphere system enough that it outweighs it. And at least *some* of the characters are likeable, design-wise... and those that aren't really my bag? At least they're still tolerable.
It's much better than any FF entry on the PS2 for sure.
MNC is for sure the best.

Hydro Thunder second and Limbo 3rd. i haven't finished limbo though.

Really disappointed in Castlevania, I have some friends who play regularly though so it's better with friends, but the online system is so bad.
wtf BB:CS? why would you make me fight unlimited Rachel with Jin and then take away my sword for 3 fights? that is retarded.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']At least they're still tolerable.[/QUOTE]
No they aren't.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']why am I tempted by the Quake collection on steam? :S[/QUOTE]

If you're in it for Quake 3 Arena, just go for Quake Live. That's what I did. And it's free!
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']wtf BB:CS? why would you make me fight unlimited Rachel with Jin and then take away my sword for 3 fights? that is retarded.

No they aren't.[/QUOTE]

Sure they are. Any character in 13 is better than anyone in X, save Lulu. And since all characters in 12 were bland and mostly interchangeable, the only one worth a damn there was Fran. Vanille is the least tolerable of 13, but it's mostly because of her retarded NA voice actor. I wish there was a patch for Japanese VA with subs.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I wish there was a patch for Japanese VA with subs.[/QUOTE]

There is! You just have to buy the Chinese version :(
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