GGT #52 welcomes the glorious return of Clay Fighter on DSiware

[quote name='distgfx']Oh, we're on 360s now? I'm on my 3rd, only system I have EVER had break on me in my entire life. I had a v1 PS2 too, surprised that didn't give me DRE problems.[/QUOTE]

The first Wii I bought didn't work out of the box,but I guess that's a different story. Besides that 360 was the only system I've had major issues with. I had a launch PS2 and it never had any issues.
Dead Space is a pretty intense game. Like, you just feel kinda exhausted after playing it for an hour. But yeah, I really can't believe that I hadn't even tried this game yet. Just makes me wish I had more time to play stuff.
My Game Boy Color had to be sent in for repairs a few times, but that was due to my clumsines rather than the GBC itself.

My Gamecube's laser got busted about 24 hours after I had purchased Pokemon Collisseum, which pissed me off a ton. I sent it in since it was still under warranty, but wasn't home when they called home about it so my mom answered. She managed to get me a brand-new platinum one.
[quote name='Chacrana']Dead Space is a pretty intense game. Like, you just feel kinda exhausted after playing it for an hour. [/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's why the mission structure of that game works out perfectly. When I played it I would usually play one mission at a time, and that would last about an hour each session.

I hardly ever replay games due to my backlog, but I'll probably go back and play Dead Space on the hardest difficulty before the sequel comes out.
[quote name='distgfx']Same here, no 60GB troubles, bought in mid-late December! *high-fives*[/QUOTE]
My 60GB is still running fine!

As for 360s, I'm on my 4th one. Hence why I only use the system for exclusives.
gunm- Sorry to hear about your PS3 :( It seems like all original models are crapping out now.

Im almost done with Mafia II. fuck I love this game. Seriously, everything from the atmosphere, music, charatcers and story. Not to mention so many different parts of my life are in this game....well minus all the mafia stuff. The only negative thing about it so far are some of the driving missions, which are almost impossible to complete on hard. Besides that I'm having a blast, and unless these wanted posters end up being horribly difficult to find, I may actually go through and platinum the game :)
I was on my 4th 360 before I dumped it to GS. 2nd PS3 because I dumped my 60 GB for a Slim, 60 GB was still running strong. 4 PS1s, 1 PS2.
[quote name='whoknows']Started playing Resistance 2 again for some reason.

The game is still pretty popular online. I'm impressed.[/QUOTE]I sometimes wish I still owned the game. I put over 80 hours into it, mostly online though. So much fun during CAG nights.

I could not resist myself, so I took advantage of Amazon's B2G1 free sale buying Kirby's Epic Yarn last night, along with NBA 2k11 (I'm too big of a Jordan fan to pass up), and DJ Hero 2 (even if I wanted a cheaper price.

As far as game consoles crapping out, it has gone:
-1 Turbo 16 Graft quit working, but still has the used warranty so I swapped it.

-2 Xbox consoles stopped reading discs or had major issues. Xbox #3 still struggles to read discs at times. Pretty much the entire reason all multi-platform games went to PS2 last gen even if the Xbox version had the advantage.

-3 360 consoles with RRoD. Last one I got I sold to GS, got a slimmer 360. So far so good. After having many die, its why the majority of my multi-platform games go to PS3.

-1 PSP-2000 had issues right from the start reading some discs, so I exchanged it and it was fine ever since.

My Wii sometimes has issues reading discs or freezing. My other Wii hasn't run into any issues yet.

20GB PS3 is still going strong, even if it had to go through tons of game related bugs/crashes (like the Burnout Paradise friends list bug). 120GB PS3 slim going strong too. My PlayStation platforms tend to work the best, because my PS2 for an example read EVERY single disc I put in it since I got it back in early 2002.
I'm old.

My first console problems were with the Atari 7800, back when consoles weren't allowed to be plugged up all the time. The 7800's power connector was small and fragile for the first few years. Adding the fact it was put away after playtime, it led to a lot of power adapters not working. But a quick trip to TRU solved any power supply issues. :cool:

My NES/SNES never had problems. Neither did my launch Game Gear/Genesis(which was purchased used in 1997). My brother had problems with his Game Boys, he kept losing them.:roll:

My launch PS1 stopped working reliably after 5 years or so. I'd need to flip it upside down to play certain games.

My fat :ps2: laser in under 3 years. Sony fixed it for free, and I traded it in for a Slim :ps2: when that was released, and that slim still works today after 6 years.

On the :gba: platform I didn't have problems with either the regular or the SP.

My launch :psp: still works, I think. I never play it, and don't know exactly where it is.

No problems with my Phat or Lite(x2 :bomb:) :ds: systems.

My used Halo :xbox: never had problems in the 3+ years I've owned it.

My used 80GB BC :ps3: laser died within 2 days after getting it from GS. I exchanged it for another BC 80GB which worked fine up until I sold it over the summer.

I've purchased 4 :360:. My first got a E74 over the summer after ~3 years. My second became a gift to my future BiL and he got hit with a E68, but it still works w/o HDD attached. My 2 current :360: work fine(knocks on wood).
Three NES, one broke, one I eventually gave to a family member. I bought another one a couple of years ago.

I'm on my fourth Xbox, the first two broke via RRoD, and I sold my third one to get an S model.

I'm also on my third Wii, first one I sent in with precautions before Brawl, then I had my system's memory get corrupted earlier this year, and I just got my third one back with a new disc drive in it.

I've also had a DS screen crack.
[quote name='Cheska19']gunm- Sorry to hear about your PS3 :( It seems like all original models are crapping out now.[/QUOTE]
It was his slim that died.
[quote name='manthing']
My first console problems were with the Atari 7800, back when consoles weren't allowed to be plugged up all the time. The 7800's power connector was small and fragile for the first few years. Adding the fact it was put away after playtime, it led to a lot of power adapters not working. But a quick trip to TRU solved any power supply issues. :cool:

My launch PS1 stopped working reliably after 5 years or so. I'd need to flip it upside down to play certain games.

Never had any problems with my Atari 2600 (that I can remember) , still have it and works fine , although it is boxed up in my closet.

When my first PS1 started having problems , I tried the flipping it on its side and flipping it upside down to get it to work (since thats what everyone was suggesting you do at the time) and it never worked for me , so I had to just get another system.

Never had any problems that I can remember with any of my various Nintendo systems , although my brothers were unlucky enough to have their Gamecube's laser fail on them after a year or two , their DS Phat touch screen no longer functions properly and their other DS Phat's battery only stays charged for like 2 hours at a time now. As well as having some disc reading errors on their Wii , which seems really hit or miss.
My PS1 was at the point where it had to be on its side or upside down, and I went through 3 fat PS2's (2 of which were caused by other people thinking that they are supposed to turn it off from the back while it's on- that's why that fucking button is on the back!)

I'm getting paranoid about my 80gb PS3 going, since I'm now a few days out of my 2 year warranty. Rockband 3 also had big piles of glitch where some menu items were supposed to be a few days ago.
As I said in previous posts, the current gen has not been good to me:

PS3 60gb (original) lasted 10 months -- bought it around September, it stopped reading discs in July when MGS4 released. Sent it in for free, repaired, worked like a champ til I sold it for a slim.

Xbox 360s -- all had revisions, none were OG. Manufactured in 2007 or later. First one died of E74 14 months in. At that point E74 wasn't covered, so I fixed it myself, but don't trust it enough to sell to anyone. Second one died of E74 12 months in. Since at this point I heard how repaired 360s were treated, I said "fuck it" and bought a third 360 during the $99 arcade sale last year. It's working now, but who knows when it would decide to up and quit on me.

The only other system I ever had problems with was my PS2... It was bought in October of 2001 and by October of 2003 or 2004, it had the issue where the CD laser had stopped working. Sony fixed it for the cost of shipping, even though it was extremely out of warranty. It's still working today. I played FF13 on it and finished it sometime earlier this year.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']As I said in previous posts, the current gen has not been good to me:

PS3 60gb (original) lasted 10 months -- bought it around September, it stopped reading discs in July when MGS4 released. Sent it in for free, repaired, worked like a champ til I sold it for a slim.

Xbox 360s -- all had revisions, none were OG. Manufactured in 2007 or later. First one died of E74 14 months in. At that point E74 wasn't covered, so I fixed it myself, but don't trust it enough to sell to anyone. Second one died of E74 12 months in. Since at this point I heard how repaired 360s were treated, I said "fuck it" and bought a third 360 during the $99 arcade sale last year. It's working now, but who knows when it would decide to up and quit on me.

The only other system I ever had problems with was my PS2... It was bought in October of 2001 and by October of 2003 or 2004, it had the issue where the CD laser had stopped working. Sony fixed it for the cost of shipping, even though it was extremely out of warranty. It's still working today. I played FF13 on it and finished it sometime earlier this year.[/QUOTE]

I can tell a big difference between the 2006 and 2009 model. For one the 2009 model doesn't get anywhere near as hot as the 2006 model did and is extremely quiet compared to the ones I had that sounded like a jet taking off.

After I've had 6 360's die on me. That's one of the main reasons I only get exclusives on 360. As bad as my luck is with them I'm sort of tempted to get rid of the one I've got now and buy a new one when Gears Of War 3 is out.
*knocks on wood* I've had good luck so far. My 360 (pre-falcon model--extra heat sink, but original chip) bought in fall 2007 is still going strong.

Never had a PS3, had no issues with my Wii for the year and a half or so I had it before ditching it.
My :360: continues to have issues with overheating. I have a bad feeling its going to be a ticking time bomb.

Haven't really had any issues with my MGS4 80gb PS3 though. I doesn't get as much use as :360: though. And doesn't put out as much heat. and noise pollution.
[quote name='jman619']I can tell a big difference between the 2006 and 2009 model. For one the 2009 model doesn't get anywhere near as hot as the 2006 model did and is extremely quiet compared to the ones I had that sounded like a jet taking off.

After I've had 6 360's die on me. That's one of the main reasons I only get exclusives on 360. As bad as my luck is with them I'm sort of tempted to get rid of the one I've got now and buy a new one when Gears Of War 3 is out.[/QUOTE]

That's the problem though. Quiet = bad in some cases.
My repaired 360, which works fine for me, but I don't trust enough to sell -- it's got a whispermax in it, one of the super models with the "turbo" switch -- and it runs on turbo constantly -- sounds like a lawnmower, but runs like a champ.

As far as I can tell, the problem with the older 360s was twofold, and nobody really got the solution right.
(1) The fan was inadequate, so it didn't draw out enough of the heat from inside the box.
(2) The heatsinks were inadequate, so they didn't draw enough heat away from the chips.

Combine 1 and 2 and you have a board that flexes and softened solder, stressing/breaking the joints for either the CPU or GPU.
Sure, you can disassemble, clean, and add rigor to the board with the heatsink fix, but you can't remove all flexibility from the board and if the heat gets high because of the fan not exchanging the air properly, it's still going to flex some and fuck up the solder joints again.

Upgrade the fan AND apply the heatsink fix? I've had my box that I fixed in August of 2009 running still to this day. (Previous fixes without fan upgrade yielded about 20 hours of gameplay before it stressed enough to need ANOTHER re-fix...)
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just finished Shattered Dimensions. The credit sequence had some gorgeous art pieces. Almost seems like how motion comics should be done.

My PC's graphics card is dying. Really obnoxious.
Is there any sort of release window on 3S Online yet? I'm dying for info on that one... I'd probably even consider double dipping if it's $15 and my fightstick is dual modded. I missed out on the hayday of 3S and welcome this opportunity.
I don't think there's been any info on release stuff or well... anything said at all since 3S online was announced.


3s is such a better game than 4.
[quote name='Chacrana']I don't think there's been any info on release stuff or well... anything said at all since 3S online was announced.


3s is such a better game than 4.[/QUOTE]

Quiet you. You said fighters suck. :bomb:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Quiet you. You said fighters suck. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Yeah, fighters suck.
No info is out on it because Ono announced it without anybody really knowing about - including Capcom. I think after he announced it he said something like "well, they have to do it now."
Hey everyone! Been away on vacation awhile.

The list of broken consoles I've had is:

5 NES systems (every one I've ever had) has broken after about a year of use

1 SNES (only one I've ever had) broke after just playing 2 games (Street Fighter 2, I think, and the Lion King game)

Launch PS1 broke after 4 years

PSX (or PS1 slim?) broke just last December

PS2 launch system broke in fall '08, so I traded a friend a copy of Halo 3 for a NIB PS2 Phat

Launch 360 RRoD'd January 28th '09, got a replacement a week later that gave me another error, it happened twice more for a total of 4 times until August '09

My family's Launch Wii has caused me a shit ton of problems. We bought it new at GameCrazy and thing has done nothing but fuck up, constant disc read errors and problems corrupting data out the ass
[quote name='Mr. Beef']No info is out on it because Ono announced it without anybody really knowing about - including Capcom. I think after he announced it he said something like "well, they have to do it now."[/QUOTE]

Yo, when's good for the next batch of zombie genocide? ^_^
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Hmmm. The next few days aren't looking good. Maybe sometime Thursday and beyond?[/QUOTE]

Word. Hopefully work will slow down by then too, so I could possibly do a mid-day kind of thing thurs/fri if necessary.
Just Cause 2 is finally starting to open up as I unlock the rocket launcher as the last black market item. It only took 30 hours to get to that point so that I can take out cranes and other hard structures more easily.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Just Cause 2 is finally starting to open up as I unlock the rocket launcher as the last black market item. It only took 30 hours to get to that point so that I can take out cranes and other hard structures more easily.[/QUOTE]

Just Cause 2 is so close to the perfect open world game. I just wish that the guns 'felt' better, and that I wasn't constantly with low health.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Battered spouse syndrome in full effect. :cry:[/QUOTE]

In behavioral terms we call this Learned Helplessness.
[quote name='Chacrana']3s is such a better game than 4.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']So true...[/QUOTE]

So very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY, very, very true.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']How long was his ban?


What tier are Ryu, Ken, Chun in 3S?[/QUOTE]

S+ - Chun-Li
S - Yun
A+ - Ken, Dudley
A - Makoto, Yang
A- - Urien, Akuma, Ryu, Oro
B+ - Hugo
B - Elena, Ibuki, Alex
C - Necro, Twelve, Remy, Q
D - Sean

Stolen from the SRK wiki.

Chun has the easiest hit confirm into super., go to the bathroom, take a drink, go out and buy a new game, browse CAG, play another game, go to bed, wake up then super.
[quote name='BlueScrote']GGT moves slowly without JSP[/QUOTE]

Quality, not quantity.

Anyway, I bought a wireless adapter today. I'll be returning a wireless adapter tomorrow.

Why is it so fucking difficult to find networking stuff that isn't garbage?
[quote name='distgfx']S+ - Chun-Li
S - Yun
A+ - Ken, Dudley
A - Makoto, Yang
A- - Urien, Akuma, Ryu, Oro
B+ - Hugo
B - Elena, Ibuki, Alex
C - Necro, Twelve, Remy, Q
D - Sean

Stolen from the SRK wiki.

Chun has the easiest hit confirm into super., go to the bathroom, take a drink, go out and buy a new game, browse CAG, play another game, go to bed, wake up then super.[/QUOTE]

Nice... all the characters I'd probably use are A- or better, save maybe Remy... :\
[quote name='BlueScrote']GGT moves slowly without JSP[/QUOTE]
It's because of the fighting game talk.

JC2 is a bit of a bullet sponge game, but I use the grapple a lot to throw dudes around or off of ledges to avoid using the guns I need to blow up things. I just wish it would show me nearby enemies on the radar or the screen since I'd like to avoid them whenever possible.

I'm liking the Killzone 3 beta, as it feels like a quicker, more responsive game and it at least seems like they don't lock up the classes behind the leveling system like KZ2.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
I'm liking the Killzone 3 beta, as it feels like a quicker, more responsive game and it at least seems like they don't lock up the classes behind the leveling system like KZ2.[/QUOTE]

This sounds good. DF had a feature on it where they said that the lag is down from 150ms to ~116ms in the beta. Compared to the fastest a locked 30fps shooter ever managed (100ms) and the fact they have time to make improvements, they were very positive about it.

Also good to hear about the classes, since the worst thing, for me, about KZ2 was slogging through levels to unlock classes. :(

[quote name='dallow']![/QUOTE]

Some of the MvC2 type stuff with tag assists is cool, but I was really unimpressed overall.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
I'm liking the Killzone 3 beta, as it feels like a quicker, more responsive game and it at least seems like they don't lock up the classes behind the leveling system like KZ2.[/QUOTE]

I'm jealous. I really wish I was able to get in on that.
bread's done