ggt 56

I sometimes wonder if all I'll have time for is something like iPhone gaming when I have actual responsibilities someday.

But, that time is not now. I don't think I'll even get changed today.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']From the look of your gif shehe's a black guy[/QUOTE]
Don't go believing everything you see and hear... this is the internet.
[quote name='seanr1221']I sometimes wonder if all I'll have time for is something like iPhone gaming when I have actual responsibilities someday.

if you make time for it, sure. Every time I add more responsibilities, I worry about not having time for games, but nobody should have shit to do from about 9pm onward during the week, if that. And there's always the weekend.

Marriage and kids don't seem to stop people gunm!
yeah, i need me some pac-mang. Can't believe I never played Pac-Man CE when I had a 360. I even had the XBLA disc that used to come with Arcade systems, but I never put it in.
[quote name='ninja dog']yeah, i need me some pac-mang. Can't believe I never played Pac-Man CE when I had a 360. I even had the XBLA disc that used to come with Arcade systems, but I never put it in.[/QUOTE]

Good job on depriving yourself of a visually stimulating and seizure inducing pac-man.
[quote name='ninja dog']yeah, i need me some pac-mang. Can't believe I never played Pac-Man CE when I had a 360. I even had the XBLA disc that used to come with Arcade systems, but I never put it in.[/QUOTE]
Don't feel bad, I have never played Pac-Man CE either. I can't wait to get DX, though.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Don't feel bad, I have never played Pac-Man CE either. I can't wait to get DX, though.[/QUOTE]

you missed out.

the game was soooooo good, i bought a digital copy so i wouldn't have to fish out that stupid arcade disc if i wanted to play.
[quote name='Outlaw420']yes, and I help her sometimes.

Its hot.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ninja dog']GT5 get!

133mb day 1 patch get![/QUOTE]

Are you trying to say I get to spend 40mins installing it as well as however long it takes to download the update?

I'm stoked!!
[quote name='whoknows']Are you trying to say I get to spend 40mins installing it as well as however long it takes to download the update?

I'm stoked!![/QUOTE]

Plus 800 cars are shitty GT4 models!
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Still better than Forza.[/QUOTE]

I really am gettin GT5. I just enjoy making fun of everything.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']GOTY. JC Denton with a bat.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of which the next Deus Ex is going to be the best game ever.
[quote name='dallow']Inazuma 11 FINALLY being localized.

What? Seriously?!


*ahem* I mean, "Sure took 'em long enough. Hope I don't have to wait this long for Ni no Kuni."
[quote name='Outlaw420']

I played the first one of those, it was ok, but that was my first Roguelike and I discovered that I'm not much of a fan of the genre. Not really a fan of losing almost everything (including going back to level 1) when you die.
[quote name='blueshinra']Hope I don't have to wait this long for Ni no Kuni.[/QUOTE]

I would think that Studio Ghibli movies are semi popular enough in America to warrant a fairly quick localization. I am also very much looking forward to that game.
[quote name='icebeast']I played the first one of those, it was ok, but that was my first Roguelike and I discovered that I'm not much of a fan of the genre. Not really a fan of losing almost everything (including going back to level 1) when you die.[/QUOTE]

That's why I don't play those kinds of games. I'd go crazy if I lost everything.

And then I'd be in a mental institute and that wouldn't be good for anyone, except me.
Free rent!
[quote name='icebeast']I played the first one of those, it was ok, but that was my first Roguelike and I discovered that I'm not much of a fan of the genre. Not really a fan of losing almost everything (including going back to level 1) when you die.[/QUOTE]
I got hooked on roguelikes fairly recently and have the first Izuna in my backlog. It is frustrating to lose everything that you're carrying (and all your levels), but it also pushes you to do better the next time around.

[quote name='icebeast']I would think that Studio Ghibli movies are semi popular enough in America to warrant a fairly quick localization. I am also very much looking forward to that game.[/QUOTE]
My main concern is the spellbook. Translating that's gotta take awhile.
I played Shiren on DS and played for an hour or two. Never died, but it still wasn't that much fun.

went grocery shopping while GT5 did it's 8gb install :whee: time to play and remind myself that I'm not actually a fan of racing sims at all and that I'm just playing for the novelty of playing a game that's been in development for a million years and claims to have everything under the sun in it.
Man, I remember getting my ass fucking curbstomped by Wizardry back in the day. @__@ Ultima beat my ass too, but not as badly.

Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior 1, 2, 3, and 4 were easy mode compared to that shit, good lord.
bread's done