Ghost Recon: Future Soldier thread

[quote name='Rhett']Ahhh. $200 netflix machine! Heheh. I bet that's rough. Time to have two $200 netflix machines![/QUOTE]

Haha, I bought a PS3 to help curb that but our other TV crapped out on us, so now 2 $200 Netflix machines on one TV.

I believe I re-added you after you mentioned getting BF3 again .. but I haven't been on that to play it. I *WILL* be all over this though.

Ubisoft really needs to get their shit together. Makes me wonder just how good the game is going to be when it finally comes out.
[quote name='Rhett']I should be on, but I kinda-sorta-maybe took you off my friendlist since maybe a week passed and I never saw you play anything besides Netflix. >_>;

Feel free to add me again, though. I only have maybe one or two friends who are getting it, that I'd like to play with.

And @Hustletron

You may get an email on Thursday, or sooner, or possibly later. I think they're staggering invitations from preorders.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for clarifying again, I was getting worried since I havent received a code yet.
I updated the OP. Anything in yellow is changed/new from what it has been for the last week or so. Info about the beta/splitscreen/prestiging/MP/etc.

Apparently the beta is live on PS3 for Plus users. Doesn't help us on 360 but gives us hope.

On a side note, I have yet to receive any beta code. Even through Splinter Cell.
Stole this from gamefaqs,

Here's a link to get a free beta key: Ghost Recon: FS nu/

Sign up for an account, use google chrome to auto-translate. Click xbox or ps3 and it gives you a key. Put that into xbox and you are good to go. Mine is downloading now and im in USA so there doesnt seem to be a region lock or anything.
[quote name='HydroX']Apparently the beta is live on PS3 for Plus users. Doesn't help us on 360 but gives us hope.

On a side note, I have yet to receive any beta code. Even through Splinter Cell.[/QUOTE]

You don't need a key if you registered your Splinter Cell on Uplay, just put Splinter Cell in, go to extras and then just hit X to start downloading.

Site works great for USA Xbox Live keys (and I'm assuming other regions as well) ! Didn't work in Firefox for me though so I had to use IE. Still up and running as of this post. Just hover over the Ghost Recon picture with your mouse for the form...
[quote name='HydroX']Apparently the beta is live on PS3 for Plus users. Doesn't help us on 360 but gives us hope.

On a side note, I have yet to receive any beta code. Even through Splinter Cell.[/QUOTE]

Naw it's in the same shape as the 360.
I know this isn't a code drop forum but here's 3 Beta access keys:
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[quote name='ArmyOfFun']FFWC9-MR3TK-RHGYT-WDTG3-WPYCZ[/QUOTE]

I used this one. For some reason my download from SC:C disappeared and couldn't get it to restart... ? Thanks
[quote name='VipFREAK']I used this one. For some reason my download from SC:C disappeared and couldn't get it to restart... ? Thanks[/QUOTE]

HAVE to stay in SC:C, with the download window open, for some reason.

And I'm dissatisfied with the multiplayer. Partially because of retarded team mates that carry over the COD-centric "LETS MAKE EVERYTHING TDM EVEN IF IT ISN'T." behavior, and also because it's just not very fun to me. No matter what Ubisoft does, unless you play with a coordinate team all the time, you'll still have to put up with people who will not contribute in the least.

What's worse, is that it makes an even bigger difference than in, say, Battlefield 3, since it's 6v6 and not 12v12. 1/6 of your team (at least) is now not contributing, if someone like this, is playing.

Though, I admit, I was never excited for the MP beyond the gameplay vids I saw. I was getting GR:FS for the co-op campaign and Guerrilla. Those shouldn't disappoint. Even if the adversarial MP is tweaked, I doubt I'll be playing it in the full game.
[quote name='Rhett']HAVE to stay in SC:C, with the download window open, for some reason.

And I'm dissatisfied with the multiplayer. Partially because of retarded team mates that carry over the COD-centric "LETS MAKE EVERYTHING TDM EVEN IF IT ISN'T." behavior, and also because it's just not very fun to me. No matter what Ubisoft does, unless you play with a coordinate team all the time, you'll still have to put up with people who will not contribute in the least.

What's worse, is that it makes an even bigger difference than in, say, Battlefield 3, since it's 6v6 and not 12v12. 1/6 of your team (at least) is now not contributing, if someone like this, is playing.

Though, I admit, I was never excited for the MP beyond the gameplay vids I saw. I was getting GR:FS for the co-op campaign and Guerrilla. Those shouldn't disappoint. Even if the adversarial MP is tweaked, I doubt I'll be playing it in the full game.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly how I felt, the matches always felt one sided with half of a team cover firing from nowhere near the objective, refusing to advance no matter how many sensor grenades I ended up throwing for them. Also the team would run off when I'm capturing an objective, leaving me wide open or would be nowhere near an objective we are defending...I swear worse than Brink AI and that's saying something. Only see MP fun if you are playing with a squad of friends.
[quote name='Rhett']HAVE to stay in SC:C, with the download window open, for some reason.[/QUOTE]

Oh... one of those... Oh well. I guess I should check if the code one I took is d/ling then thanks.

[quote name='Rhett']I was getting GR:FS for the co-op campaign and Guerrilla. Those shouldn't disappoint.[/QUOTE]

If's it's like RSV at all it won't need Multiplayer, at least that's my feeling.
[quote name='gotdott']That's exactly how I felt, the matches always felt one sided with half of a team cover firing from nowhere near the objective, refusing to advance no matter how many sensor grenades I ended up throwing for them. Also the team would run off when I'm capturing an objective, leaving me wide open or would be nowhere near an objective we are defending...I swear worse than Brink AI and that's saying something. Only see MP fun if you are playing with a squad of friends.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. And the cover system needs a few changes. I shouldn't be able to be killed by someone who is 50m away, behind cover and not already aiming at me, less than a second after I come into view, via aiming down sights.

Obviously there will be tweaks, and I really hope they change that, but I'm still disheartened.
I don't know, my friends are in love with this but I feel like it's going to go the way of the Crysis 2 MP and burn out pretty fast. Hopefully guerrilla mode is good.
[quote name='Rhett']HAVE to stay in SC:C, with the download window open, for some reason.[/QUOTE]

Workaround: Once the download starts, cancel it, go to your dashboard --> account management --> Download history. Re-download and turn off your XBOX if you have background downloads enabled ;)
The game knows. I decided to try another match... I got into a game with people who were playing in a party, some kind of clan. It was a good game. Then it froze before it ended. :/
Well my biggest gripes so far:
LAG - I couldn't do anything in one game, I shot at a guy over 9000 times and he wouldn't die.
COD Effect - As others have stated, most of my team mates charge forward and play like It's TDM when It's objectives all the time.
Too Fast, Too Furious?!? - It's almost like they turned this into Gears of War in the terms of speed. Last I played GRAW it was a slow moving tactical game. It can still be tactical, but It's far from slow moving.
Two Maps? Variety? - Well it is BETA afterall.
Fugly Graphics - Yeah, BETA again, but yikes...
Two Maps are small - In GRAW the maps were pretty big. Again I hope this is just because of beta.

What I like?
Still GRAW... Kinda
Going behind people and assassinating them. Had a double one earlier, apparently the guy didn't know his team mate was getting ninja'd, and THEY WERE RIGHT NEXT TO EACHOTHER! LOL!
Butter smooth framerate despite some ugly graphics.
Controls - A lot of people complained about this already but I enjoy them! Quite fluid for a GRAW game.
UAV being limited - No longer can you see the entire map of people. This is compared to other games of course COD *cough* COD.
Cloaked when in cover - Only works with a certain class but It's very nice.

Everything else is just OK. I'm sure the final product will be well polished and worth some good money, but we all know Ubisoft games drop fast. I think it would be hard to resist at $30 down the road, but I can't see myself paying full price anytime soon. If I didn't have a big backlog I would probably buy this in the summer.

On a side note: Why did it only take one year between GRAW1 and GRAW2, and now 5 years between GRAW2 and this? The first two games sold well. WTF?
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I have never cared for Ghost Recon, but I dig this game. Controls feel a bit wonky and heavy, but other than that, really fun.
It's been awhile since I played a third person shooter with a 360º camera.
When sneaking up on people I keep forgeting they can probably see me.

Enemies hiding behind cover across the map and snapping to ADS is pretty annoying, wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so fast and accurate.
The supported "quick aim/snap shot" (LT) isn't even close to being as good.

Made a mental note not to enter the character customization screen before trying to join any games.
If I do, the odds of getting a never ending load screen are high.
First couple of times I waited 3-4 minutes before going back to the dash.
Now I know if the games doesn't start within 30 seconds it never will.

Will give it another shot in the morning, unless TW2 gets here first.
The three matches I played today weren't bad, but yeah, everyone played it like TDM.

The first game left a sour taste in my mouth as it kept freezing while trying to spawn. Would sit on "Spawning" forever before I had to quit out to dashboard.
Whats with the horrible servers;/

It should be more visible whats the objective etc kids were just running around spawn killing the other team lol
This game hides lag very well, almost as well as COD, almost every kill cam I watched that wasn't obvious how I died showed me behind cover and getting killed by a headshot while my killer shot the sky, ground, my legs, everything else and MAYBE a grazing bullet hit my head and I died, across the map.

I'm very familiar with Ghost Recon and RB6, I've played since the PC so I know this isn't Halo but damn, why bother putting the kill cam in if it's completely useless and inaccurate?

In before "lol it's beta bro". The game comes out next month after being delayed how many times and pushed back like 2 years and this is the beta? I can accept the lag because it's become the norm unfortunately but I just expected more polish on this game.

When aiming down the sights the muzzle flash is pretty overpowering on the screen.

It seems the ACR on the Ghosts side overpowers the Bodark's AK, both in accuracy and stopping power, no proof, just after playing both sides for a few hours I would pick an ACR over an AK, then again who wouldn't right?

On paper the sensor balls and the UAV sound and look awesome, in implementation and playing against them, I personally feel it kind of compromises the actual gameplay in that if both teams have one or more engineers or even all engineers, it can become a stand off because of the UAV and sensor balls especially if teams are coordinating with each other then everyone can see everyone else, therefore defeating the purpose of the scout class aside from being able to use a sniper rifle.

Which leads me to my next topic, aside from extreme distances, the sniper rifle can be outgunned by an AR, headshots can be scored easily from distances as far as the big middle bridge to the small wooden mill bridge on the mill map. I just think the recoil should be slightly increased on the ARs if the damage is going to be so high, meanwhile enter the LMG, if you've fired this thing full auto it's get out of hand quickly which I like, but hopefully it's only like that till you get some attachments like a grip or bipod.

The movement feels clunky, this may be the most disappointing part for me, I was hoping for more fluid movement based on the videos but really, if you're not moving cover to cover the movement, for lack of a better word, sucks. I don't like that when you sprint (Hold A) you hold your gun with the barrel pointing up with one hand but that's something more aesthetic to me.

When switching between ADS and over the shoulder your target changes, needs to be fixed but is something usually overlooked in TPS that include ADS or first person mode.

I don't like you can't move through the trees in mill.

The melee take down seems to need some fine tuning.

Spawns on the respawn gametype are pretty bad and teams can spawn camp/get spawn camped pretty easy due to the fixed spawn system. Unless an enemy is firing on your team mate, you can't tell if there's any enemy there so you can spawn on your team mate, the game will spawn you in the worst spot, out in the open and you instantly die. If your teammate is taking fire or fired upon it should prevent you from spawning on them, not just when they are engaging but also when they are being engaged.

That's most of my criticism, will post my positive stuff after I get back from lunch lol.

EDIT: Back from lunch.

The gunplay overall, aside from what I mentioned isn't too bad, when I first started playing I was reminded of Metal Gear Online which is good and bad, good in that it's responsive and USUALLY people die from an acceptable amount of bullets and bad that wildly fired bullets can score headshots.

The 2 maps look nice, Mill looks better in my opinion.

Grenades seem to function and work pretty well, flashbangs are nice and strong and smoke is useful.

I like that the MP7 isn't completely gimped for being an SMG like most games tend to do, same with the AKS and M4 shorty on Engineer.

Scout camo isn't overpowered or underpowered, it's subtle enough to throw players that don't pay attention off but stands out for the players who are paying attention.

Team shooting is very effective.

Melee takedowns are awesome and feel very personal thanks to the animation similar to battlefield 3's knife take down.
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The PP-2000 is pretty fucking sweet in close quarters with the Scout. I've caught a few people off guard with the cloak as they walk by me, then wham-o .. dead.
Can't even get it to work for me. When I hit "Join Game" it sits at the loading screen showing the controls for a good 5+ minutes. I have tried twice and both times it happened.
Erm.. wow. lol First game fired some shots to get the feel for the game seconds later it's over we won and no stats. Second game got a little farther then it froze. I think I'm good waiting for the final release. Not to mention MP on any game sucks anyway...
Don't have a 360 anyomre, but got these in an email.

I've had the demo freeze on me quite a few times, forcing me to restart my xbox completely.

I thought this would have been a day one purchase but I don't know if there's enough substance to justify the purchase. The menus are just terrible, they feel very clunky and it sucks moving around them. I leveled my scout class up to 4 then I went to try and unlock some attachments or weapons or something, not knowing what I was doing, and reset my class back to 1.

Why would a game have that option to reset your class level? I hit like replace or something while I had scout selected and it moved my class rank back to 1. Didn't know what I did but it's stupid.

I'd be happy just playing Island Thunder again to be honest.......or even GR2 on the first Xbox.
[quote name='Tallest-Midget']Don't have a 360 anyomre, but got these in an email.


Thank you! I used that code.
[quote name='VipFREAK']It's not finished and this is a beta... I'm still looking forward to playing it in May...[/QUOTE]

You couldn't be more naive, no offense. The bugs in this game that haven't been fixed, like soldier skins disappearing will more than likely get fixed in the release. All the other problems like people pop shotting and getting headshots from cover, that's not going to change.

They would have to revamp the gunplay and cover system/shoot from cover system. What you're getting in the "beta" is what you're getting in the final release. Beta is just a safe word devs use to hide behind so that if their product is deemed mediocre by the public that play their "beta" they can say hey it's only a beta it won't be like this in release.

Look at ANY console beta in the last 2 years and you'll know what I'm talking about.

That being said, if you like the beta then more power to you, buy the game and enjoy, but I had expectations of Ghost Recon and this definitely is not it. This is some mutant bastard child created from Ubisoft's theft of the license Ghost Recon from Red Storm and they had the never to throw Red Storm on the cover of this game.

For what it's worth I played some more today and won't be purchasing. If there's one thing I'm more passionate about than Gears(and I'm not even that much anymore) it's my Clancy shooters and the last good one I played was Raven Shield, so if you played RVS on PC you know where I'm coming from and why I don't like this game.
[quote name='hustletron']You couldn't be more naive, no offense. The bugs in this game that haven't been fixed, like soldier skins disappearing will more than likely get fixed in the release. All the other problems like people pop shotting and getting headshots from cover, that's not going to change.

They would have to revamp the gunplay and cover system/shoot from cover system. What you're getting in the "beta" is what you're getting in the final release. Beta is just a safe word devs use to hide behind so that if their product is deemed mediocre by the public that play their "beta" they can say hey it's only a beta it won't be like this in release.

Look at ANY console beta in the last 2 years and you'll know what I'm talking about.

That being said, if you like the beta then more power to you, buy the game and enjoy, but I had expectations of Ghost Recon and this definitely is not it. This is some mutant bastard child created from Ubisoft's theft of the license Ghost Recon from Red Storm and they had the never to throw Red Storm on the cover of this game.

For what it's worth I played some more today and won't be purchasing. If there's one thing I'm more passionate about than Gears(and I'm not even that much anymore) it's my Clancy shooters and the last good one I played was Raven Shield, so if you played RVS on PC you know where I'm coming from and why I don't like this game.[/QUOTE]

BF3 beta = released product eh?
[quote name='gotdott']BF3 beta = released product eh?[/QUOTE]

Absolutely. I played both. It took them how long to fix the lag on Tehran Highway after the game released?

The core gameplay that you're seeing right now will not change, the menus will not change, the graphics will not change, the bugs MAY get fixed and when that happens is anyone's guess. This has become common knowledge in the last few years when it comes to console "betas".

Please post what you've taken.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Welp, so be it I guess... I'll take a shitty "beta" over CoD ANY Day...[/QUOTE]

I won't argue with that at all.
[quote name='hustletron']I won't argue with that at all.[/QUOTE]

now I know not to trust your opinion if you didn't have fun with any COD games...
It's ok dOOd, plenty of suckers got that game. Don't hate on people that actually like realism... and :gasp: people that have some resemblance of... Tactics.
bread's done