Girlfriend issues. I need advice.

[quote name='lilboo']Well reading what you're saying, you like to be around the people you are dating.. and the girl you were seeing kinda has panic attacks/has urges to be alone. She needs to find someone who feels the same as her, and same with you. Relationships are hillarious because all the choices involved are so clearly simple to make, but they are so hard to actually make them :headache:[/quote]A relationship where both people want to be left alone? Wtf kind of relationship would that be? Actually sounds like marriage now that i think about it.:lol:
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']Hehm. Interesting. So Evolution made DoK grow a penis?[/quote]

Its a possiblity...look at the platapus, or the Hyena, or bill gates.
[quote name='joe2187']A Study of failure in the future of mankind and proof that if evolution is correct, we are only a Generation or two away from complete and total extinction.[/quote]

You said it better than I could. I tried to be eloquent about this for 10 minutes and couldn't figure out anything better than "Jesus F'in Christ, what the hell is wrong with you people..."

I'm gonna go rock back and forth in the corner til my guy comes back from his D&D thing and then scare him a bit by telling him all sorts of mushy things in an effort to shake this thread off.
[quote name='shrike4242']You do have a penis. It your BF's, and you let it out when he needs to use it. :D[/quote]:lol::lol:

This thread sure took an interesting turn. I said it before, but I'll say it again: If TMK developed the same passion for himself and women that he exhibits with all things Sony-related, he'd be in a bit better shape. I'm not trying to knock on you TMK, but that initial post was really too much. I'm flabbergasted.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Also, being in a relationship isn't the be all and end all of life. If you think it is you are either in high school or delusional.[/QUOTE]Well, when seeing all my old friends on Facebook getting married and such (along with most people I know having girlfriends or being in a relationship), makes me feel very sad I've never been in that situation. I'm starting to feel a relationship will bring my life together and make me feel much better about myself and such. But I dunno, I once thought owning tons of video games would make me happy, but I ended up being depressed and now I want to get rid of games.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']
This is the most mouth-gaping post I've ever read on this site. I seriously don't know how to reply. WTF??[/QUOTE]Sorry, to be honest, I didn't think what I said was going to get the replies I did (I didn't completely think before I posted what I did). Anyway, let's just leave it as I want a girlfriend. :)

A lot of what I said just has to do with, I have never been in a relationship and don't really know the feeling of someone cheating on me.
[quote name='JolietJake']A relationship where both people want to be left alone? Wtf kind of relationship would that be? Actually sounds like marriage now that i think about it.:lol:[/QUOTE]Sounds like my parents actually. They usually prefer not being in the same room with each other and prefer to not have the other one home while one his home. My parents say they are much happier that way, but that's marriage.

[quote name='johnnypark']
You attend a university, right? They probably offer some form of counseling service to students if you're full time, I know mine does. Just exploring what options you'd have would be a good start if you aren't entirely motivated yet, but it sounds like something you need to do.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I go to a pretty big university. Well, I was actually sent this email once:
The Purdue Anxiety Clinic is accepting clients who have anxiety in social situations. If you are experiencing fear or anxiety when meeting new people, giving a speech, talking in class, going to a party, or any other social situations please call us at 49X-XXXX. We are a specialty clinic that deals with anxiety and our techniques are based on up-to-date treatment evidence. We do assessment, provide feedback, and collaborate with you on your treatment goals. Our fees are based on your ability to pay, but we do not turn anyone away for financial reasons. We are located in the Psychology Bldg. If you are interested in our services please call us at 49X-XXXX and ask for ........
However, I am not a full-time student, so I'm not really sure if I could get it (I may call one day). Although they say it isn't free, I heard from someone it is. I was held back a few weeks ago for calling due to an important project deadline.

Although in reality, I probably just suffer from a Bipolar disorder known as Major Depressive Order

I'm trying to overcome it to get a girl, so I can live happy.

Anyway, to the OP, you probably made the best decision if you weren't happy with her not wanting to do something all the time (although you may never know, she may suffer through some kind of anxiety or something you don't know about). Good luck finding someone else. :)
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
Sounds like my parents actually. They usually prefer not being in the same room with each other and prefer to not have the other one home while one his home. My parents say they are much happier that way, but that's their marriage.



I hope you learn from their example, not emulate it.

To the OP, glad you stood up for yourself. Don't cave in if she begs you to come back.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']This is the most mouth-gaping post I've ever read on this site. I seriously don't know how to reply. WTF??[/quote]

Well she did seem good for a shag a week, I know a bunch of dudes who would have kept her around until the lovin ran dry (sans the bullshit favors she asked for, of course)

You don't leave your current job, however shitty, until you have a new one lined up - some ppl also apply that to relationships.
[quote name='twen']And here's the request for a pic of OP's ex-gf, and a pic of DoK's penis.[/quote]

This is going to be the worst music video ever.

Ok, I talked with my boyfriend, who is as big of a nerd as anyone on this board, about TMK's post, and he said he used to feel the same way, before he met me. He did have girlfriends before, but he thought due to his nerdiness, he'd have to eventually settle for someone who would make him give up videogames and other things he loves.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Ok, I talked with my boyfriend, who is as big of a nerd as anyone on this board, about TMK's post, and he said he used to feel the same way, before he met me. He did have girlfriends before, but he thought due to his nerdiness, he'd have to eventually settle for someone who would make him give up videogames and other things he loves.[/quote]

You own him.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Well, when seeing all my old friends on Facebook getting married and such (along with most people I know having girlfriends or being in a relationship), makes me feel very sad I've never been in that situation. I'm starting to feel a relationship will bring my life together and make me feel much better about myself and such. But I dunno, I once thought owning tons of video games would make me happy, but I ended up being depressed and now I want to get rid of games.[/quote]

Having an intimate relationship isn't going to instantly fix your life, but it could help your self-esteem (after all, what's a better indicator that you're worth something than having somebody choose to be with you when they don't have to be?). The catch, of course, is that unless you have a certain amount of self-esteem and open yourself up to the chance of being rejected you're not going to be able to start that relationship.

A lot of what I said just has to do with, I have never been in a relationship and don't really know the feeling of someone cheating on me.
It's not a good feeling, you don't want it. Having someone not like you at all feels better than someone betraying you.

Sounds like my parents actually. They usually prefer not being in the same room with each other and prefer to not have the other one home while one his home. My parents say they are much happier that way, but that's marriage.
Don't use that as your model of marriage :p. That's just what happens when two people are bored of each other and neither one of them wants to make the effort to improve their relationship. If they really thought they were better off by themselves, I would hope they wouldn't have gotten married.

However, I am not a full-time student, so I'm not really sure if I could get it (I may call one day). Although they say it isn't free, I heard from someone it is. I was held back a few weeks ago for calling due to an important project deadline.

Although in reality, I probably just suffer from a Bipolar disorder known as Major Depressive Order

I'm trying to overcome it to get a girl, so I can live happy.
Well to be Bipolar would require you to be both manic and depressive. Anyway, I doubt you're really clinically depressed, I think you're just too hard on yourself. Going to some therapy could at least help you get a better perspective and see yourself and the world more accurately (as could getting that contact lens...).

Being in no relationship is better than being in an unhealthy one, so you really shouldn't be trying to find just anything.
[quote name='SpazX']
Well to be Bipolar would require you to be both manic and depressive. Anyway, I doubt you're really clinically depressed, I think you're just too hard on yourself. Going to some therapy could at least help you get a better perspective and see yourself and the world more accurately (as could getting that contact lens...)[/quote]

Yeah, major depressive episodes usually indicate depression-type mood disorders... The DSM-IV sometimes gets wacky with classifications.

Anyway, I used to feel like TMK. I'm sure we all have at one point in our lives. You just have to focus on the positive aspects of your self/personality. No use lingering on negative things. I gotta agree with Spaz. You're being hard on yourself for no reason. A little constructive criticism is beneficial every now and then.. but you're taking that too far.

I think you should try to accept yourself as you are. Don't worry about what naysayers on this board or elsewhere have to say. Also, don't worry about living up to some sort of ideal of perfection. Being different is ok, I mean.. we're all different really, despite what the media might portray.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I dunno, if I was in the same situation as Theduck, I'd keep dating the girl. Heck, at the moment, I'd just be glad a girl was dating me even if she was cheating on me a little.[/quote]

Go cut yourself already EMO boi.
I feel for ManaKnight, women will never like you for who you are, no matter what you're interested in. They just want you to be catty like that Hotshot fellow.

Just act like you're hot shit, like you've got something they can't have, and they've got to work to get it out of you.Being honest/nice to a female you pine for will only make you miserable.

It sucks because you want to say you love them, but they hate/cheat on you if you're honest like that. Relationships are a mindfuck, expect to fail, but if you keep trying, you can make it work.

I ruined tens of relationships before I figured how to "operate". I have a girlfriend, but I secretly resent her for giving into my rick n' roll. I have to be like "the master" all the time and figure everything out, I wish women and men were equal. God is cruel.
[quote name='redroversk']I feel for ManaKnight, women will never like you for who you are, no matter what you're interested in. They just want you to be catty like that Hotshot fellow.

Just act like you're hot shit, like you've got something they can't have, and they've got to work to get it out of you.Being honest/nice to a female you pine for will only make you miserable.

It sucks because you want to say you love them, but they hate/cheat on you if you're honest like that. Relationships are a mindfuck, expect to fail, but if you keep trying, you can make it work.

I ruined tens of relationships before I figured how to "operate". I have a girlfriend, but I secretly resent her for giving into my rick n' roll. I have to be like "the master" all the time and figure everything out, I wish women and men were equal. God is cruel.[/quote]

Go gay. It is easier.
[quote name='Scorch']That was my impression as well.

I'd pay her a suprise visit during one of those "oh, I just watched movies all day" days.[/quote]

This. But my suggestion is to be sure to call ahead ("Hey, I'm right around the corner, and thought I'd stop by and hang out) from outside the house (in your parked car). That way you can catch the dude(s) in the act as he's (they're) jumping out the window with his (their) pants around his (their) ankles.
[quote name='redroversk']I feel for ManaKnight, women will never like you for who you are, no matter what you're interested in. They just want you to be catty like that Hotshot fellow.[/quote]

I'd hardly describe myself as "catty". I'm still the same gaming/anime nerd I've always been, except I started working on myself more and getting into shape.

I admit, I got extremely lucky and found a cute young woman who's also into gaming and anime, and it's been wonderful being with her these past 2 years (and hopefully many more), but honestly, I haven't sacrificed or changed anything about myself to be with her, which you could probably tell by how much I still play video games.

In fact, I'll dig up a few photos of myself just to show a comparison of myself when I was younger, before I started taking better care of myself and working out, and how I am now.

Physically, it's a decent difference, but as far as personality and who I am on the inside are concerned, nothing's really changed.

[quote name='redroversk']I feel for ManaKnight, women will never like you for who you are, no matter what you're interested in. They just want you to be catty like that Hotshot fellow.

Just act like you're hot shit, like you've got something they can't have, and they've got to work to get it out of you.Being honest/nice to a female you pine for will only make you miserable.

It sucks because you want to say you love them, but they hate/cheat on you if you're honest like that. Relationships are a mindfuck, expect to fail, but if you keep trying, you can make it work.

I ruined tens of relationships before I figured how to "operate". I have a girlfriend, but I secretly resent her for giving into my rick n' roll. I have to be like "the master" all the time and figure everything out, I wish women and men were equal. God is cruel.[/QUOTE]I have to agree there in every way. I try so hard to be honest with everyone, nice to most everyone, and try to be as helpful as possible, but that just turns girls off since they seem to want some guy who likes to be hard, sometimes rude, and so on.

Oh well, maybe I just wasn't meant to have a girl.

Maybe I should ask the OP if his girl would be interested in me. ;)

Thanks for the advice everyone, like Spaz, HotShotX, PhrostByte, and so on.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I have to agree there in every way. I try so hard to be honest with everyone, nice to most everyone, and try to be as helpful as possible, but that just turns girls off since they seem to want some guy who likes to be hard, sometimes rude, and so on.

Oh well, maybe I just wasn't meant to have a girl.[/QUOTE]

This is simply not true. Buck up, kid!
If that's honestly how the girls around you are TMK then you're gonna have to just find some who have grown the fuck up and don't care about that teenage bullshit kinda stuff. If they're like that then you don't need them. You can't have a relationship with someone who doesn't know you and accept you.

You should be exactly yourself. I mean, don't like run off a list of your faults to every girl you see, but don't try to act like somebody you're not because you can't have a real relationship that way. If you want some stupid girl who's only good for a fuck then that's one thing (of which I have no experience), but if you want a genuine relationship then you can only get that by being yourself.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I have to agree there in every way. I try so hard to be honest with everyone, nice to most everyone, and try to be as helpful as possible, but that just turns girls off since they seem to want some guy who likes to be hard, sometimes rude, and so on.

Another thing my boyfriend said. :lol: Seriously though, you seem like a nice enough guy even though you are a giant fanboy and nerd. Something will surely come along for you.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Lying is NOT nice.[/QUOTE]

That is what our country and all relationships are based on. It is the only way.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I have to agree there in every way. I try so hard to be honest with everyone, nice to most everyone, and try to be as helpful as possible, but that just turns girls off since they seem to want some guy who likes to be hard, sometimes rude, and so on.

Oh well, maybe I just wasn't meant to have a girl.

Maybe I should ask the OP if his girl would be interested in me. ;)

Thanks for the advice everyone, like Spaz, HotShotX, PhrostByte, and so on.[/QUOTE]

maybe this will help you sum things up

[quote name='mr ryles']maybe this will help you sum things up[/QUOTE]Video doesn't work. What was it about?

[quote name='SpazX']If that's honestly how the girls around you are TMK then you're gonna have to just find some who have grown the fuck up and don't care about that teenage bullshit kinda stuff. If they're like that then you don't need them. You can't have a relationship with someone who doesn't know you and accept you.

You should be exactly yourself. I mean, don't like run off a list of your faults to every girl you see, but don't try to act like somebody you're not because you can't have a real relationship that way. If you want some stupid girl who's only good for a fuck then that's one thing (of which I have no experience), but if you want a genuine relationship then you can only get that by being yourself.[/QUOTE]I'm not kidding, most girls I know are that way; however, most girls I may look at are 4-5 years younger than me (not much I can do because I'm one of the older people in college, who went straight from H.S. to college).

Then again, I'm sometimes too afraid to be myself (actually, sometimes I don't even know who I really am) because would it be good for a girl to know I tend to obsess over things I love too much, such as video games, my favorite NBA team, and other things? Would it be good for a girl to know I'm a workaholic, can't sit still for very long, and other issues? That's why I sometimes do not get "just be yourself", since some things should maybe be hidden. However, I might not have a good enough understanding about the subject.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']Another thing my boyfriend said. :lol: Seriously though, you seem like a nice enough guy even though you are a giant fanboy and nerd. Something will surely come along for you.[/QUOTE]Me, a giant fanboy (I'm not all that big in reality) and nerd, never. ;) I may have some nerdy qualities, but not to the point of some uber nerd. ;)

[quote name='seanr1221']TMK, relationships suck. Hooking up is where its at :D[/QUOTE]Aren't you in a relationship? So, you are suggesting just going out to a dinner/movie with a girl and that's it, on ocassion? Dating would be nice, but I'm looking for a relationship.
Guys and girls are different, your never gonna find someone with the same qualities as you, maybe sometime down the line if your lucky. But you find someone you are attracted to physically, someone that just by looks you want to wake up every morning and see beside you. Then you take it from there.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']So, you are suggesting just going out to a dinner/movie with a girl and that's it, on ocassion? Dating would be nice, but I'm looking for a relationship.[/quote]For you, yes. Work your way up to a relationship. You really need to be around girls to find what's good about you so you aren't so damn down on yourself.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Aren't you in a relationship? So, you are suggesting just going out to a dinner/movie with a girl and that's it, on ocassion? Dating would be nice, but I'm looking for a relationship.[/QUOTE]

I'm engaged, and this is how it works. You start by just spending time with the person in a romantic setting. If it goes well, you'll have another date, and a relationship will develop. Simple as that. You're putting so much pressure on yourself to get into a "relationship" that you're sabotaging your chances of ever having one.

Also, you seem really concerned about having your "nerd" status get in the way of meeting a girl. The trick here is that there is no need to get into the depth of your interest at the onset. Talk about your interests, but keep the initial conversation more general. If a girl likes you as a person, she'll accept your quirks, but you have to give her a bit of time to get to know you without having those quirks instantly define you. Don't be dishonest, just be selective in what you reveal about yourself and when.
[quote name='strummerbs']I'm engaged, and this is how it works. You start by just spending time with the person in a romantic setting. If it goes well, you'll have another date, and a relationship will develop. Simple as that. You're putting so much pressure on yourself to get into a "relationship" that you're sabotaging your chances of ever having one.

Also, you seem really concerned about having your "nerd" status get in the way of meeting a girl. The trick here is that there is no need to get into the depth of your interest at the onset. Talk about your interests, but keep the initial conversation more general. If a girl likes you as a person, she'll accept your quirks, but you have to give her a bit of time to get to know you without having those quirks instantly define you. Don't be dishonest, just be selective in what you reveal about yourself and when.[/quote]


[quote name='The Mana Knight']Video doesn't work. What was it about?

I'm not kidding, most girls I know are that way; however, most girls I may look at are 4-5 years younger than me (not much I can do because I'm one of the older people in college, who went straight from H.S. to college).

Then again, I'm sometimes too afraid to be myself (actually, sometimes I don't even know who I really am) because would it be good for a girl to know I tend to obsess over things I love too much, such as video games, my favorite NBA team, and other things? Would it be good for a girl to know I'm a workaholic, can't sit still for very long, and other issues? That's why I sometimes do not get "just be yourself", since some things should maybe be hidden. However, I might not have a good enough understanding about the subject.

Me, a giant fanboy (I'm not all that big in reality) and nerd, never. ;) I may have some nerdy qualities, but not to the point of some uber nerd. ;)[/Quote]

dude! im the same way and i found a girl. so there is hope for you!!!:D
[quote name='Theduck']She literally tells me how she just hung around the house all day long and watched movies throughout the whole weekend.

I haven't been following the thread, but this is EXACTLY what my previous girlfriend said she would be doing too. I quickly found out that she actually would be calling/"dating" one of my "friends" during that time. If you don't like your current situation, I would break up with her because it is just stressful to deal with something like this.
bread's done