Do I win now??!!
ElektroDragon CAGiversary! Oct 1, 2010 #203 Thank you so much Aksys and CaG for this chance to win an interesting game!
Jackie Chandler CAGiversary! Feedback 10 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #208 Cool! I haven't heard of the game, but I'll have to check it out.
G galaknight CAGiversary! Feedback 32 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #209 Played the demo and it was awesome would love to have this game on my PSP.
BloodiedWraith CAGiversary! Oct 1, 2010 #213 Wow download codes - glad I can get this game. Now if only I could get Kingdom Hearts II on my PSPgo.
Wow download codes - glad I can get this game. Now if only I could get Kingdom Hearts II on my PSPgo.
G G3 Steve-O CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #219 not sure why I do this stuff as I NEVER win a thing. Oh well
berzirk CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #222 I actually enjoyed the demo. Neat customization options and such.
AAnimedude CAGiversary! Feedback 112 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #227 This game looks like a fun change of pace from the usual PSP fare!
blaine878 CAG Veteran Oct 1, 2010 #228 I had been looking at this game prior to its release. Seems like Soul Calibur with one main character and more customization.
I had been looking at this game prior to its release. Seems like Soul Calibur with one main character and more customization.
ohram CAGiversary! Feedback 138 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #231 My brother has been wanting this game. Would be pretty jawesome to win!
ninjalunchbox79 CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #237 been needing a reason to pick up my PSP again!!!
strife18 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #238 Hmm...well this will give me something to play on my dust ridden psp.
R rrr111 CAG Veteran Oct 1, 2010 #240 This game had a fun demo with plenty of content. Definitely interested in this one.
J jkgregg CAGiversary! Oct 1, 2010 #246 I found the game to be quite fun (Gladiator Begins) when playing the demo. I find myself desiring the full game!
I found the game to be quite fun (Gladiator Begins) when playing the demo. I find myself desiring the full game!