caldazar CAGiversary! Feedback 7 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #303 Free stuff is awesome!!! I'm still hoping for that first WIN with CAG too!!! Go ME!
C ckyted CAG Veteran Feedback 3 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #314 I played the demo of this game, not too shabby of a game. I definitely hope I win.
Redeema CAGiversary! Feedback 66 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #316 Always up for something to play on the PSP, free is good.
K kevinjl77 CAG Veteran Oct 1, 2010 #317 So, is this the game that tells of Russell Crowe's true origin?
WhipSmartBanky CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #319 This looks pretty sweet, and would definitely put me over the top for wanting a new PSP.
distgfx CAGiversary! Feedback 33 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #320 [quote name='deadbodyman11']Post[/QUOTE] Ditto.
Indignate CAGiversary! Feedback 45 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #321 [quote name='kevinjl77']So, is this the game that tells of Russell Crowe's true origin?[/QUOTE] It's the Christopher Nolan reboot.
[quote name='kevinjl77']So, is this the game that tells of Russell Crowe's true origin?[/QUOTE] It's the Christopher Nolan reboot.
akmgmer CAGiversary! Feedback 373 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #326 Man I love this site! Thanks everyone involved for giving away these awesome games.
Edgesabre CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #327 Played the demo and would definitely consider getting this, if not for free then as a cheapy deal.
pacifickarma CAGiversary! Feedback 32 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #331 I haven't heard of this game, but I enjoyed the movie Gladiator. Hope I win!
H Hibiwa CAGiversary! Oct 1, 2010 #338 Reminds me of a gladiator game for the PS2 that I packed away somewhere, some time ago. Blood and violence. Yay!
Reminds me of a gladiator game for the PS2 that I packed away somewhere, some time ago. Blood and violence. Yay!
JUDOHAWK CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Oct 1, 2010 #348 Thanks guys, I never win, but the thought is what I appreciate.