Goddamn Allergies

Mr Unoriginal

111 (100%)
I've never had allergies in all my 25 years on the planet, but this week my nose decided to develop some. I tried some asprin, zyrtec (maybe zycam, I forget) but my nose and eyes are still fighting against the rest of my body.

I'm sure others have these problems as well, how do you deal with them, they are driving me crazy!
Hey man. Sorry to hear that you got them. I am 25 myself and have had them all my life. They totally suck. Mine are extremely terrible and apart from shots (which I have yet to do) I have built up a tolerance to most meds. I have taken all that stuff including Allegra which seems to help a bit so I would recommend that over the weak Claritin. If you do an Allegra Sudafed combo then it works pretty well with the running nose, itchy eyes, and sinus problems. There are all sorts of nasal sprays that will absolutely help, but sometimes at a cost. The only thing that seemed to work 100% was this spray called beconase. It worked like a charm for 2 years for me but then I decided to stop due to the side effects that can develop. Most sprays that work are steroids that will deteriorate the nasal lining from prolonged use. It was the best 2 years of my life, but I am more fearful of what I will be like 40 years from now if I kept using it. But it sure did the trick. Worth it for a while of relief if you really can't stand it. Otherwise, there are always shots you can get. I wish you the best and take care!
Mine have been worse than usual this year for some reason.

Flonase nasal spray is what I've been using the past couple of years. Usually fine but still getting some flare ups this year. Dr. gave me some Singulair and Zyxal (sp?) singulair didn't help much and the zyxal made me too drowsy. So now that I used up those trials I'm just doing the flonase and using over the counter Alavert if I get a flare up.

Best thing is to use regular sinus rinses (i.e. morning and evening) to get the allergens out. This one is the one I've liked the best. Easy to use.

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']zyrtec (maybe zycam, I forget) [/QUOTE]

Zyrec is a pill, Zicam is a nasty gel spray you jam up your nostils.

Least, I don't think there is a pill form Zicam.

Claritin D gives me the best results. Shop around, some people react better to some drugs than others.
Thanks so far for the suggestions. Myke, it was a pill so I guess it was Zyrtec.

I have heard of the nasal spray stuff and I think I may try that first as it sounds a little more 'natural' than trying a different pill each week.

How long do most of your allergies last? If I haven't gotten them up until a week ago, should I expect to have these symptoms for months?
I have allergies year-round.

Zyrtec/Flonase FTW. I used to take Claritin-D.

Get one of those Hepa-rated air filters for your home, too. Keep the carpet vacuumed, and keep your furnace filter changed ever 30-90 days, depending on the type of filter you use.
I'm taking Singulair and it does a pretty good job most of the time. I like it because you can also use an antihistamine along with it. I'm taking Allegra with it right now.

This has been a pretty bad spring for me though, even with both of those meds i still have days where i sneeze constantly.
[quote name='JolietJake']I'm taking Singulair and it does a pretty good job most of the time. I like it because you can also use an antihistamine along with it. I'm taking Allegra with it right now.

This has been a pretty bad spring for me though, even with both of those meds i still have days where i sneeze constantly.[/QUOTE]

I haven't really been sneezing at all, I'm hoping maybe it's a cold and I just don't have allergies at all. Basically my eyes feel like they've been open or reading for a really long time and my nose sort of tickles. I have to blow my nose a lot, but it's not due to the runnyness of it, more to scratch the itch.
Could be a cold, everyone has different allergy symptoms. For me it's usually everything, runny/itchy nose, itchy/watery eyes, itchy throat, sneezing.

I'm pretty much a mess in the spring and fall.
Allergies are horrible this year. You are not alone, OP. Two years ago was also pretty bad, but last year I had zero symptoms. This year, it's really, really bad. I'm also currently sick for the second time in a month, and those allergies sure aren't helping it.
I've had allergies for years and Monday was the worst in awhile. Here are a couple of suggestions:

1. Clean your house- especially your bedroom. You want to dust everything including your curtains, etc. I heard Dust mites can grow in your bedsheets, pillows so you should wash those too.

2. I use a Hepa filter in my bedroom when I go to sleep. Its helps.

3. I uses a saline-rinse solution to flush out the snot out of my sinus cavity. Its pretty disgusting but It really helps. Here is a link:

I heard there is a similiar solution called a Netty Pot but i can't vouch for that.

4. On a personal note, I noticed that not having dairy in my system helped a lot with the Allergy systems. I don't know why but I discovered this a few years ago.

5. Some Soups (paticularly those with stock base) seem to help too. I go to this Asian restuarant and order the hot wanton soup and I always feel better.
I have had nasty allerigies all my life (28 now) and have tried basically everything. Zyrtec has done the best job for me, but it didnt work after just 1 pill. If you need immediate relief I would say go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist. They have some stuff behind the counter that anyone can buy (have to keep it back there so people dont make drugs from it or some stupid crap) and work well. My girlfriend uses the behind the counter stuff. :D
Try benadryl (equate brand at walmart). It'll help reduce symptoms, but be warned, it'll most likely cause drowsiness... and death... (just kidding about the death part).
I tend to have allergies at the beggining of spring really badly. I never had them until about 5 years ago. Now I get them "sumthin' fierce".
Just a warning if you have liver problems this is a no-no (most of the meds) but I found out my prostate got slightly enlarged possibly due to allergy pills and I'm 26 years old. I gota ask my doc about what medicine doesn't cause this as far as allergy meds go, but holy crap are my allergies bad as of late... I just had to grab some $4 equate and use them here and there cause they are so bad.

I am considering a sinus drain as well, despite how nasty it looks I probably need it considering I never used one in 26 years.
I sometimes use jala neti (nasal rinsing). It works until you go back into the area where the allergens are, then there's just a nice clean nasal cavity for the allergens to stick to. Then you're just screwed.

I've tried everything and gone to a professional immunologist, and he couldn't come up with anything besides painful allergy shots. Claritin D works lovely but it's insanely expensive, it's kept behind a counter so stupid fuckers can't make meth with it, and I usually end up sleepy or dizzy. All I can do right now is keep things clean, and keep taking regular Claritin, even though my body's adjusted to it.

Singulair's also pretty good, but I had to go off it because of side effects. I think it's off the market right now anyway because it's been linked to suicides.

One thing to stay the hell away from is one of the nasal sprays, Astelin. The doctor tried that first, my nose swelled shut, and I almost suffocated in my sleep.
I just want to say, don't waste you're time with the regular Claritin. Get the good stuff, Claritin-D or Zyrtek-D, you'll have to show a pharmacist ID for these wonderful pills.

Hit up a Wal-mart for some cheap (just as good) knock off brands.
[quote name='option.iv']Try benadryl (equate brand at walmart). It'll help reduce symptoms, but be warned, it'll most likely cause drowsiness... and death... (just kidding about the death part).[/QUOTE]

I take this stuff all the time when mine act up. I think it is benadryl max that I take. The equate does nothing for me. The past few years I have taken Alka seltzer plus cold with them and that works. However that is only if the benadryl takes longer then 2 or 3 days to start working. Also if the benadryl does not knock me out then I usually have to call the doc and get something. I have had allergies all my life and i'm 23. working in a warehouse does not help the matter at all.
I just took advice from CAGs on my sinus and decided to buy some of the flush for $12 which includes 50 packets. That was the most disgusting thing ever, but to tell you the truth I feel a lot more relieved now.
I can't take Benadryl (diphenhydramine) any more. It fucks me up. Especially if I drink after I've taken it.

Be warned about most of those nasal sprays out there - they contain steroids.
[quote name='shieryda']I can't take Benadryl (diphenhydramine) any more. It fucks me up. Especially if I drink after I've taken it.

Be warned about most of those nasal sprays out there - they contain steroids.[/quote]

Sarah Jessica Parker and Triple H love nasal sprays.
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