GOG Deals Thread

Besides the future ones having, you know, future stuff, all the older ones are more or less the same thing so if you get 1404/DoD it's basically 150whatever with better graphics, but eh.
That could be. It's not like I did much more than look at a few user reviews and then go with the cheapest one on GOG.

With some solid 75% off discounts, many of which didn't require any sort of bundle, this was a solid GOG sale.

I grabbed Anno 1503 because I've never tried anything in the series, Sea Dogs, Sam and Max Hit the Road, and of course Giants. I've never played any of the Settlers games and thought about grabbing a title from that line, but decided against it this time.
Dawn of Discovery gold is the best way to go, from what I've heard, or Anno 2070 if you want a more scifi approach. I bought DoD on steam back in October, it was the first time it's hit 75% off in the US, but goes on sale more often on the EU store (but is also under a different name there).

Only one person posted about the Dawn of Discovery sale in the steam thread, but hey.. at least someone posted about it.

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Sometime in the next few hours, Juanjava is gonna find himself wondering why I "liked" a post of his from six weeks ago.
You could've waited a couple days more until it's on sale again. I would've been even more confused
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Team 17 need to get their heads out off their arses. The only half decent Worms games were released over a decade ago. Face the facts and move on, try something new for crying out loud.
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Descent 1-3 have now been delisted from GOG. Hope everyone got them at 90% off. The same might apply to the steam versions soon too
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Though admittedly, a huge portion of the indies most of us have acquired is worthless bundlefodder anyway. I'd say we play about 10% of the games we'd genuinely want to play.
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Backlogging DRM free shit to me is like backlogging crap on the Pirate Bay. Um, okay.

You're basically buying crap on the honor system that you've no intention of playing on a site that doesn't even have public profiles so you can show your e-peen game count off.


I see you also enjoy janky SNK gams.
Oh yeah they're dumbasses too. I shouldn't count that out.

ohai herz da sam maim gamz ugot4fr33 pai us moniz plz

Oh and hey here's a 5x T-shirt for your troubles you slob!

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GOG is having a sale on Id and Bethesda games.

Seems like most are overpriced and already on Steam!
Or broken and buggy messes *cougheveryBethSofttitleevercough* that haven't ever been fixed *coughBattlespireandRedguardcough*.

Bio Menace is currently free, I don't think that has been posted- credit goes to Dealnews.

Trying to decide between Wolfenstein 3D or RtCW, any input?  (I do own the Dooms fwiw)

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Bio Menace is currently free, I don't think that has been posted- credit goes to Dealnews.

Trying to decide between Wolfenstein 3D or RtCW, any input? (I do own the Dooms fwiw)
Was surprised to see Bio Menace. Came here to see if it was posted, looks like 2 other games are going to be free at some point according the the list of free games. Servo and Sorcerer King.

Was surprised to see Bio Menace. Came here to see if it was posted, looks like 2 other games are going to be free at some point according the the list of free games. Servo and Sorcerer King.
I don't know much about Servo, but Sorcerer King is a fairly new Stardock release, and I doubt it will be going for the low price of free any time soon. I expect those two games are in the "free" list because they haven't been officially released on GOG yet and do not have a price listed at this time.

I don't know much about Servo, but Sorcerer King is a fairly new Stardock release, and I doubt it will be going for the low price of free any time soon. I expect those two games are in the "free" list because they haven't been officially released on GOG yet and do not have a price listed at this time.
Thanks for the explanation, my first time seeing any games listed that way.

Apparently the Duke Nukem games are gonna be removed from GOG on December 31, 2015. The games are currently on sale for 75-90% off. Buying the whole bundle nets you the 90% discount.

Announcement page

Duke Nukem Bundle page.

Also, Dragonshpere is gonna switch from being free, to paid ($5.99) at the same time. If you don't already have it, you may want to grab it now.

Credit to CAG user Electroplasm for creating a thread which called this to my attention. But I figured it should also be noted here.

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Bio menace used to be one of my favorite Apogee games. Challenging and the guys explode into the gibs. Also the main character looks kind of like the late, great Eddie Guerrero.

Yeah I don't think the Star Trek games were in the 90% bundle, only difference I can see.
How can anyone buy dat shit after seeing it for 90% off, srsly. Aside from the Star Trek games of course..
I'm still waiting for them to release Klingon Academy on GOG. Someone already fan-patched it to work on Windows 7 and 8...but I'll need to try it again as now I'm using Windows 10 now.

And pick it up CBS, seeing the old Activision lineup on Steam/GOG for Trek's 50th would be icing on the cake. They represent the best of my middle/high school years. Sad I know.

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I don't know much about Servo, but Sorcerer King is a fairly new Stardock release, and I doubt it will be going for the low price of free any time soon. I expect those two games are in the "free" list because they haven't been officially released on GOG yet and do not have a price listed at this time.
I think Sorcerer King is the buggy incomplete spinoff/redo of the buggy incomplete Fallen Enchantress which is the renamed patch of the horribly buggy incomplete Elemental game (of which they even released a public apology for I think?) which tried to be a modern remake of Master of Magic. See the pattern here? All renamed as new and sold for full price as pre-order early access. It's amazing they can fail after almost a decade of development on it. Or that people are still buying into it.

I wouldn't be surprised if they gave away this latest incarnation as a public service at this point just to increase their ratings for the game (coz folks rate anything free as good in their reviews) or just to recover their PR.

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I had to go back to Page 10 to find this thread. lol

Anyway, it looks like GOG is introducing their version of Early Access. They call it "Games in Development". In honor of this big announcement, they have a sale with several games with unusually shitty discounts.

I figured that somebody should at least mention it here.

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I had to go back to Page 10 to find this thread. lol

Anyway, it looks like GOG is introducing their version of Early Access. They call it "Games in Development". In honor of this big announcement, they have a sale with several games with unusually shitty discounts.

I figured that somebody should at least mention it here.
The 14 day "no questions asked" refund window is nice.

The 14 day "no questions asked" refund window is nice.
That and if they're serious about not just opening the floodgates like Valve and actually taking the time to curate these offerings so that it's not just a garbage heap. Time will tell. GOG has made a few questionable decisions in the recent past that have left me wondering how serious they are about having a quality store, including removing "goodies" from games that were previously available.

Unsurprisingly, Gearly oGaccess is not a big hit on the GOG forums.

Doesn't really bother me, in fact i'd think that there would plenty of those anti-steam hooligans who would be happy be able to actually purchase more stuff. But anything that has the steamstench is ...


No no no no no no no no.

fuck no.

fuck this shit.

I am beyond dissapointed in you, GOG.
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That and if they're serious about not just opening the floodgates like Valve and actually taking the time to curate these offerings so that it's not just a garbage heap. Time will tell. GOG has made a few questionable decisions in the recent past that have left me wondering how serious they are about having a quality store, including removing "goodies" from games that were previously available.
My guess is that there won't really be anything in this category that isn't already on Steam. They'll wait and see what is doing well there before adding it to GOG.

Unsurprisingly, Gearly oGaccess is not a big hit on the GOG forums.

Doesn't really bother me, in fact i'd think that there would plenty of those anti-steam hooligans who would be happy be able to actually purchase more stuff. But anything that has the steamstench is ...
I suspect that, while there will be loud complainers, this is something that a number of their customers have asked for. Not so much Early Access in and of itself, but rather those popular Early Access games on Steam that aren't yet on GOG. This is for those DRM-is-the-devil GOG customers that want to play Starbound. Or whatever.

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Most overhyped games get their best quota during early access. Valve knew that and now cd project red has realized it too.
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It's funny because Early Access was one of the things GOG used to make digs at Steam and now they are doing it too. Of course they still make digs at them over lack of curation, but before that they made digs at them for being too restricted. :roll:

14 day refund window sounds really good for PR, but they bigger issue with Early Access Games in Development is abandonment in the long (or even not so long) term. If the game just sucks or is too rough and early on you're going to figure that out in the first two hours.

14 days seems like it opens up potential for a lot of abuse by 'renting' games, and this has already been a concern even by some even with the two hour limit. As some games are further along in the Early Access process and just use that time to polish a few things up this long refund window wouldn't be ideal for them.

Also the developers will either have a delay to get their money or else have to worry about some of it being taken back.

Oh and yes, I can definitely how this would not go over well with GOG's usual crowd of angry Europeans who hate Steam.

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How very odd. Just a few hours ago, I visited GOG to see what the current deal was. While I was there, I suddenly had an overwhelming feeling that something was gonna be given away for free. I actually took a few moments to scan the front page and see if there was anything being offered. But at that time, the giveaway hadn't started.

Given that I already own Consortium on steam, and have a DRM-free copy on Humble, this might go down as the most useless incident of precognition of all time. Still, might as well grab it while I'm here.

Thanks for the head's up Juan.

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It's funny how they always find an excuse to put the witcher games on sale

"space invaders sale!. Save on galactic empires, endless space, Space sim 12, space attack... Witcher 1, 2 , 3... Spaceship command..."

"motoki picks! Grandma games on the bargain bin! Search for hidden clues on .... And... And... Witcher 1, 2, 3... And..."
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bread's done