Good age to move out?


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What's a good age to move out and get an appartment (probably with a buddy or two) for someone who's about to attend college and just got out of high school?
I'd really love to stay here and mooch from my 'rents, but I'd just really like to move out...
Your opinions?
Stay and mooch as long as you can, once your out, YOUR OUT. Sometimes it isn't easy and sometimes having roommates sucks big time, but it can also be fun. I know I am of no help what so ever but I just wanted to give you my experiences.
Oh yeah and sometimes GIRLS ARE SLOBS I lived with 3 of them for 3 years and thought it would be cooler than it was -Jack Tripper :)
There was once a poll here asking what age did you move out. I tried to find it but I couldn't I remember the age of moving out was around 21-23 IIRC.

[quote name='Hex']18. Parents suck.[/QUOTE]

Well you can't keep a horse in the house.
It depends on each individuals case. I moved out at 18, but I did move back in for awhile at 22. When I was consulting/traveling it made no since to have my own place so I moved back in for 2 years to save cash. It was more a place to keep my things since I was never there...
Well, right now I'm planning on staying and mooching till I'm 19, then moving out until I finish college.
Up until then, that's all I have planned, somewhat.
I liked the idea of moving back in with the parents and traveling...but that all depends on whether I'm still up for it when I'm 21-22.
How much does a decent apartment cost?
I'm 21 and still at home. My brothers moved out and dropped out of college. Smooth move on their part.

Living at homes gives me access to free rent/food/ammunition (I do recreational and competition shooting). So yeah, i'm milking this cash cow until the teets are dry or I graduate. Whichever comes first.
it really depends on your situation. that said, when you hit 18 or 19, start making plans to move
Going away to college or around town? If you're going away, just use your parents place as your mailing address and a place to keep your stuff while you're at college. If around town, that depends on your individual situation. If your parents are still acting like you're 10, then get out. If you can still have your freedom, but get free room and board, stay and mooch until you graduate or find someone you'd rather move in with :)
[quote name='greatscot']Going away to college or around town? If you're going away, just use your parents place as your mailing address and a place to keep your stuff while you're at college. If around town, that depends on your individual situation. If your parents are still acting like you're 10, then get out. If you can still have your freedom, but get free room and board, stay and mooch until you graduate or find someone you'd rather move in with :)[/QUOTE]

your parents stop acting like you're 10? when does this happen? I can't wait :p jk
i plan on moving out when i finish college, which is probably next year or the year after, but then again, i just re-did my entire room , so maybe another year ;) lol...but seriously, i'm 20, maybe around 22-23 i plan on leaving, but at the same time, my parents are divorced and i feel really guilty leaving my mom by herself :\ and i dont leave in the best neighborhood, so its tough
I'm staying until college is done. I've missed out on some freedom maybe, but I don't like people really, so yeah. I'm 21 now, I have maybe another year or two, so 22 or 23 is when I'm leaving.
how are you gonna pay for college and rent ? got a job lined up? if you can move onto a dorm for college at least for a year or two go for it, if thats not in the cards then i'd say wait till after college when you'll probably find a higher paying job and not have to eat ramen every night.
[quote name='Milkyman']how are you gonna pay for college and rent ? got a job lined up? if you can move onto a dorm for college at least for a year or two go for it, if thats not in the cards then i'd say wait till after college when you'll probably find a higher paying job and not have to eat ramen every night.[/QUOTE]

Ramen, I do not miss. I haven't eaten that shit in over a year.
If youre disciplined enough to save your $ then stay at home. You're going to need that $ when you first move out. Use a savings account to accumulate the $ initially then move it to short-term CD's (start with 6 months). You won't get rich but they're definitely better than just letting it sit in savings, plus it's not tied up long-term. If your parents will put up with you (or vice versa) use the situation and time to cover yourself financially.
Staying at home has allowed me to save a TON of money in the bank for whatever I want to do in the future, as well as let me better focus on my education. I would like to stay longer, but as it stands I'm probably moving at the beginning of 2008. I'm 21, by the way.
It really depends on your situation. I tried sharing an apartment with 3 friends when I was 18 and it was a HUGE mistake. Within 3 months, the three of them became raging alcoholics and I was waking up nearly every morning between 4-6AM to the sound of someone throwing up in the bathroom.

I decided to move back in with my parents through college and save some money. My parents are cool though and it's pretty much like I live in my own apartment. With free food. And they do my laundry sometimes. And no rent.
I moved out at 18 for college. Now I am 23 and I'm returning home until I feel I've saved enough money from work to move out and live comfortably. Hopefully, this will take no longer than a year.
If you are staying in a dorm for college, then I would stay at home untill you are finished...if you are commuting to school then I would wait a year or 2 before you moved out.
I left for college when I was 17 and never went back. I wish I could have saved some money by living at home but I wouldn't trade the fun I had living in my own tiny apartment between the ages of 21-25 for any amount of money.
Yeah, it swings both ways.

I was 22 when I moved out (and my parents wanted me to stay). I think I was ready then. I had money saved.

It's a mix. There are lots of responsibilities to living on your own. You really have to depend more on yourself for things (it's the little things like when your toilet doesn't stop running the first time, and it's overflowing, and you alone have to handle it (before you call maintenence), that are the scary and gradifying moments of living on your own.

On the flip side, unless your parents have no interest in you, there are obligations to tell them where your going, etc. It got old after awhile, it's great now that I just go where I want (if the wife let's me), and no parents lording over me. It really makes you feel like an adult.

So, there is no right or wrong time to move out. It's really a personal thing. For some, it's 18 and out. For others, hanging around is the right move.
24...Then I moved in with my future wife who owned a house for 2 years until we got married and bought our own.

24 might be a little old looking back, but the money I saved was crazy!!!
The best time to move out is when you make enough money for yourself IMO. Don't get in to the debt just becouse you want to get away from your parents.
People are staying home longer and longer these just makes financial sense to...unless you have no choice.

I guess I'm glad to have cool parents who don't nag me and know that I am a (mostly) responsible adult. I'm sort of looking forward to moving back home. I have student loans to pay back and the extra $800 a month I would be saving (on rent and bills) would be awesome.

I'm limiting myself to a year though...a young single guy like me can't stay with his folks for any just wouldn't be right ;)
I'm 21 and I kinda still live at home. I went to a community college for my first 2 years (when i was 18 and 19). Last year I transferred and lived in the dorms so I had to come home for this summer. Later this month I have a 10 month lease for an apartment near campus at school. I will probably live at home again next summer too (I'll be 22). Once I finish college up in the fall of 08, I'll move out. It's worth it to save a ton of money.
Ill probably move out around 22-25.

I dont want to live on my own while going to community college... it is like Highschool 1.5. So until I go to my Trade School in San Fran ill be staying here...

Couldnt afford going to school fulltime at a CC and paying rent/foodect.
Yeah, you'll spend less living with your parents, but it makes it REALLY hard to make new friends. Additionally, it makes it much more difficult to get laid ("Shhh, you'll wake up my mom!"), and you run the risk of grating on each other's(family) nerves(our house is small, real small). I lived at home for 3 out of my 4 years at college, and I got a campus owned APT this year with a friend. I paid the rent on my tuition bill, so I don't have to worry about it monthly, and I think it's good for me to get some experience living on my own so I don't dive into it in an area where it could be trouble. Also, you're only 18-23 once, so it might be agood time to be jus' a little crazy. Tip-toe through life to arrive safely at death? No thanks.

Weigh your options, and decide what's best for you.
I just turned 22 last month and I am still living at home. I work full time as a developer and go to school so I'm not around a whole lot. In 6 months I will be done with my masters degree. By staying at home I was able to easily pay for all of my tuition and save up quite a bit of money. When I am done with my masters I want to continue and get my phd so that is probably when I will finally move out.

My older sister on the other hand moved out when she was 20 and lived on her own for a couple years. She got a lot of debt and had to move back in with my parents. So it depends on your situation and what your goals are.
i lived at home until i was about 20, i went to a JC nearby so there was no reason to move out. i say if youre going to school within a 25 mile radius then stay. youll save a lot of money, especially if you have a job. i had tons of money living at home, working and go to school. now that im graduated and living on my own im broke all the time.
How did everyone who move out at like 18-19 support themselves? I'm 20 and currently still live at home, but I am DYING to move out. However, it's hard enough paying for school (and I work full time!!). Any suggestions? :(

And yes, I *really* have to move out. My mom and I don't get along at all since my father passed away.
I moved out at 18 but it wasn't really a choice. My parents moved out of state from R.I. to Ohio, but I was living in the dorms anyway. For the summers I spent some time (like a week to a month) in Ohio and the rest of the time I spent at my grandparents, which was like living in a hotel. So I've technically been on my own since then, but my parents/grandparents help me out with stuff even if I tell them not to.
I'm 20, live at home, and going to college, with a full time job making 13.42 an hour around 50 hrs a week. I can easily move out, but I think it is better to focus on school and not being in debt. My advice is to stay at home and worry about school, not how you are going to pay rent.
I'd say 23 is the best age.

You'll be out of college, and you can accumulate a ton of money over the year. Save it up, and then go out on your own. My brother is with 2 other guys and only pays 566 a month (which includes utilities).

For that year, if you work your ass off, you could set aside a large majority of your rent for the following year.
Wait a few more years. And when you do, don't get a place with any "buddies." It never works out like you think it will. If you already have doubts about living with roommates then don’t do it and don’t let anyone talk you into it.
Also make sure to start stocking up now on stuff like furniture and living stuff. You don’t want to move out and not have anything, although if your extended family is anything like mine, you shouldn’t have a problem with that. Lots of people have stuff they don’t need/want anymore.
As far as how much, that really depends on where you live. In a smaller area a decent 1-bedroom apartment shouldn’t cost you more than $400. The key to apartment hunting is looking. Do not get the first place you find that you like. Make a list of 3 or 4 places you like and then make appointments to go see them all in the same day.
Good luck.
[quote name='ninju D']As far as how much, that really depends on where you live. In a smaller area a decent 1-bedroom apartment shouldn’t cost you more than $400. The key to apartment hunting is looking.[/QUOTE]

The cheapest I've found around a city in Connecticut has been around $900 a month in a very undesirable neighborhood! WTF
I'd probablys ay around 25-27. Not only would you be out of college, your financial situation shoudl be much more stable by then and you should hopefully have a stable job. In addition, this also gives you a few years to pay off any student loans you may have and to save up to get your own place (even if you rent, you probably dont' wanna end up sleeping on the floor...)

Too bad I moved out at 18.
Seeing as I'm only 16, I can't give any personal experience on this topic.

But anyways, just about everyone else in my extended family moved out of their respective families homes around 25...don't know why, but I guess thats a safe age to do so?
bread's done