Goomba's Freebie of the Week #2 - Dead to Rights (Xbox)

Q: Do you collect video games in the sense that you buy them and them save them for long periods of time? If so, do you actually go back to play them again and again or do you simply keep them on a bookshelf as a type of elite collection?

Absolutely, namely PS1 RPGs and anything Final Fantasy related. Often I don't touch the games for quite awhile or I use them as trade fodder in the future. The one exception is Final Fantasy VII which I've went back to and beaten quite a few times.
Alphakira, I'm long on average would you say it takes to go through Final Fantasy VII? I've owned it since day one when it released and still never beaten it due to my brother erasing my save files and then later a faulty memory card. I've tried three times now and I'm finally near the third long does it take you on average though to beat it? Just curious =) Obviously now you must know it like the back of your hand...
Q: Do you collect video games in the sense that you buy them and them save them for long periods of time? If so, do you actually go back to play them again and again or do you simply keep them on a bookshelf as a type of elite collection?

Absolutely. I don't just play them once then keep them on the shelf for looks, though. I absolutely go back and play my games multiple times, or on random occasions. Now obviously the newer games I haven't played yet are on a higher priority (unless I just can't help the nostalgia from overflowing inside :] ). I have a large shelf filled with games, but I ran out of room so I keep the rest of my games in another area.
I keep them unless I entirely don't like them. I'm not a "collector", but I hate selling/trading something for squat value when I might want to go back and revisit it later. Goozex is helping me get a little value back on games that I know I won't revisit, but are worth nothing elsewhere.
I do like collecting things and trying to keep them in pristine condition, but video games don't fall under that category for me. If I buy a game it's because I intend on playing it. While I do try to take good care of all my things regardless of their value, all my games are quite used and couldn't be passed off as "mint condition/sealed" or whatever.
When I buy a game I have every intention of keeping it after I play it. The only reason I would get rid of a game would be if I found it really poor. Just the other day I pulled out Arkanoid: Doh It Again to play.
I am a collector...I keep them and go back and play them all the time. I keep several consoles set up and ready to use at all times.
i hardly ever collect games
i always try, but end up selling/trading for games i haven't played yet
currently i'm starting a collection for real now
i'm only going to trade/sell games i haven't/won't play
I collect games, I go back and play them occasionally but it's more of a collector-habit, to just have them on the shelf and be happy that you own them.
[quote name='goomba478']
Q: Do you collect video games in the sense that you buy them and them save them for long periods of time? If so, do you actually go back to play them again and again or do you simply keep them on a bookshelf as a type of elite collection?[/quote]

Somewhat. I collect mainly single-player games that I've beaten and felt that it was worth keeping.
Usually after I finish playing a game, I come back every once in a while to play it again. I never sell my games, simply because I lose so money when I get $8 back for a $50-60 dollar game. Plus I miss them later..... (lol.)
i love to collect. my dream is to one day own every game system ever made. my prize right now is a complete virtual boy in the box with 8 games.
Loved Dead to Rights.

Cheap enough to buy, but why not try to win it?

Anyway, I do collect my games. I have everything post cartridge era complete with case and manual (supposing I got it in the first place). Bugs the heck out of my wife, but I love looking at my game cases every once and a while. I do play most everything I own atleast time to time though. It's a functional collection.
I go back and play most of them - some take longer for me to go back than others, but I only get about 3-5 new games a year, so yeah... my collection is important to have handy ;)
Yup Neonjam, I'm the same way...I absolutely need to have all my cases/manuals in tact ^_^ Good luck with the contest! If you lose, you're right ... it's cheap enough to buy, but free is best for us CAGs. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Yes, I save games for long periods of time. its nice to be able to go back and play a game again. I would never want to keep them as a collection to just sit on a shelf but to be able to access the game when i want and enjoy it again. Ive had some games ive sold and regret it as i no longer have instant access to play them if i have the urge.

Ive already beaten Dead to Rights years ago but it was a great mix on the max pain formula IMO.
[quote name='goomba478']That being said, do any of you guys have Jumping Flash for the original PSone? Just curious ^_^[/quote]

I actually do have Jumping Flash 1 and 2 somehwere around. I found the 2nd one just awhile ago while going through my games.
Hey MasterSprtn117,

Let me know if you'd be willing to sell/trade them to me. I'm going to be putting together a trade list today and tomorrow :) First time doing one so I have a LONG list of games to list. Thanks!
Hm, I'd have to check if they work.:roll: Some of my Playstation games kinda got out of their cases during moving, and I've been too lazy to find them all and put them somewhere.
[quote name='goomba478']
Q: Do you collect video games in the sense that you buy them and them save them for long periods of time? If so, do you actually go back to play them again and again or do you simply keep them on a bookshelf as a type of elite collection?

Yeah, I try to.

I've made mistakes in the past by selling some old consoles to gamestop (don't judge me = / ) But I've learned, gamestop is a terrible way to get rid of your games, I'd almost rather give them to my friends if I know that they're going to be played.

I've also been buying old games as of late. I picked up shaq-fu for the genesis at a thrift store for 1.50, haha.

As for going back and playing them, not at the moment, The massive backlog of new fall games has made me unable to go back and play the titles i've missed. (I love you Final Fantasy XII, but it might be a while before i finish ya = / )
Hey SayHay,

Thanks for your responses! I won't judge you on your past errors with Gamestop as long as you've learned from your mistakes. I love buying older games myself as they're generally much cheaper and, in many cases, better games. How is Shaq Fu? Is it as laughably bad as everyone makes it out to be? Is it worth the $1.50 you paid? Dying to know :)

I have the same thing going on with Final Fantasy XII lol. I'm about 15 hours into it or so and I haven't played it in a while due to Mario Galaxy, Guitar Hero III and all these new releases that are being released every freakin' week...sometimes multiple ones in a week. How expensive this addiction is, even for a CAG.
[quote name='goomba478']
Q: Do you collect video games in the sense that you buy them and them save them for long periods of time? If so, do you actually go back to play them again and again or do you simply keep them on a bookshelf as a type of elite collection?[/quote]

I don't engage in active collecting. I buy games that I intend to play. If they're good, I keep them. If I don't care for them, I sell them.
I used to get my games and resell them. But to me, they have a sort of sentimental value to them, a good times rememberance. So, I like to keep all my games now that I am getting older (20) and can afford to keep them and not trade them into gamestop or EB for 15% of what I actually spent on them.
Just a reminder guys you have until tomorrow night at midnight (a little more than 24 hours from now) to enter if you haven't done so already. Contest winner will be selected on Monday. Good luck! New prize next week ^_^ Let's keep this ball rolling :)
dim2192, I'm not selling the game ... I'm giving it away free so it's all good. Even if you can get it for $2.99, what's the difference? Not all great games are expensive. Besides, I bought this over a year ago for $14.99 new, so oh well :) My loss. I guess anyone who still wants the game and doesn't win the contest can get it for $2.99 ^_^ That's a good deal!
I have bookshelves upon bookshelves of unplayed games. I like the collection aspect of it, but I still foolishly tell myself that I'll get to playing them all some day.
If I really liked the game, even If I don't play with it for a year or more, I'll keep it to either lend out to someone, or play it again when I get that crave. Otherwise, If I feel it was a one time play, then I will probably get rid of it :]
Thanks for another contest, never played Dead to Rights before...

I'm not really a collector unless it's a game I really enjoyed or has good online that I will go back and play again. Usually i'll beat them and trade or sell it while the value it still high unless it's a sports game then I dump those about a month or so before the new edition comes out. Lately i've been finding myself buying several older PS2 and Xbox games that I missed. If they are cheap and look decent i'll pick um up and i've been trying to squeeze them in between new releases. I'm slowly building a backlog of new releases rather than buying everything on day one like I used to do. So "collecting" a bunch of unplayed games is making me a better Cheapassgamer that and all the deals/tradein tricks i've found here. :D
Thanks again from last weeks contest.
My answer: I usually dont collect video games, as its value even if its rare doesnt seem to be worth much. I might decide to buy and keep a sealed copy if i know the game was going to be a big hit.
I usually sell off my games if I know I won't play them anymore in the near future. But if I think I might have a memorable game amongst the forgettable stuff, I might keep that one in the case that I might regain interest in it later.
No, I only collect or buy them so I can play them. Once I beat the game, then I mostly sell ir or trade it. Some games though I keep like Halo
Yes; I've sold exactly one game (Earthbound) that I didn't have a spare of, and regretted it quite a bit. I've got all of my original NES games, SNES, up to current-gen systems. Depending on the game, I'll go back and play it -- RE4 has tremendous replay value, any Mario games are great, old-school fighters, great beat'em'ups like the TMNT games for the NES/SNES... I don't want to do any work now, they're calling me....
Q: Do you collect video games in the sense that you buy them and them save them for long periods of time? If so, do you actually go back to play them again and again or do you simply keep them on a bookshelf as a type of elite collection?

Unfortunantly, no. If I really like the game, I will keep it. If it doesn't have much replay value (for example, an RPG). Then, I will trade it if I complete it. :)
I Definately do collect alot of videogames, but the only ones i keep are ones that i feel i would want to play again way down the road, usually I will sell them very cheaply to friends because i find trading them into stores to be a silly idea since they make too much money off my buck!

Sometimes I regret the games i sell way down the road but hopefully i can find it again, and find the system haha. The only system i've kept since I bought it was my Gamecube, so far i have sold entire sets of my games to my friends and then play them at their house...its genious because i still get to play my games but i get money too!
I buy old/new game(s) and system(s) to build up a huge collection then one day when I get out of school and work, sit on my ass and play all of them, one by one.
All entrants have been marked and the winner will be announced sometime soon on Monday. New contest will be up within the next couple of days too. Good luck to all that entered! Keep your eyes peeled ^_^
Update: I won't be able to list the winner/do the video today due to orders and work but I will list it tomorrow ^_^ Sorry for the delay. Check tomorrow around 5 PM or so :)
Haha Zerowing, I realize they're really simple but that's because this is the busiest time of the year for me and my home business and my two jobs ^_^ Maybe I'll eventually get a system down to making them where they can be more interesting ... but for now I'm glad you (and others) enjoy them. The Prize Pig moves on and prepares for week #3.

By the way there 86 entrants this week, so those of you who entered had a slightly better chance to win than last week ^_^
[quote name='zerowing']lol I have no idea why I like these vids so much.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I like them too, prefered first week music then this week one.
This week's track was a classic for Donkey Kong Country tracks :) The first was the end theme to Mario 64. Definitely more up beat but I plan on doing this for a while so I have to start somewhere ^_^ I'm just going to keep using tracks I like..some of which are better known than others. I'm trying to keep it game related for now. If any of you have track suggestions I'd love to have em :)
bread's done