Gotta love lazy CC employees


1 (100%)
So I went to my local CC tonight just to see what they have Condemned 2 (which they didn't have) and wondered if they even had any point cards that you can get if you buy a $30 game. When I went to look for the cards, there only had the 12 month Xbox Live cards on a peg, so I looked behind all the cards and found the point cards, and to my surprise they had these 12 month cards on the peg that had the $29.99 price. So I took one of the 12 month cards to get rung up, the girl said it was $54.XX and I said "oh it isn't $29.99 like the sign says?" So we went to look at the price and she said "yup your right" and she took me to a manager to PM their mistake. So I walked out of CC with a smile on my face and a 12 month subscription card (which I need by April 1) for $32.46. wanna hear lazy? I walk up to the counter, put the controller I'm buying on the counter and the dude says nothing to me. He rings it up and mumbles the price. I literally have to ask him 3 times because I can't understand what he's saying.

I give him my money, he looks at it and counts it and looks at the computer about 3 times, no joke. Then he gives me my change, bags up the controller and holds it out. Never looks at me the entire time. I say, can I get my receipt.

He grabs it, kinda wads it up and tosses it on the counter.

I had the thought of complaining, but you know, I think CC treats all of their employees like shit (thats the only thing I can think of) so I didn't want to deal with a pissed off manager either.

This guy couldn't even look me in the face. Talk to me face to face. Or hand me my stuff.
[quote name='mike.m'] wanna hear lazy? I walk up to the counter, put the controller I'm buying on the counter and the dude says nothing to me. He rings it up and mumbles the price. I literally have to ask him 3 times because I can't understand what he's saying.

I give him my money, he looks at it and counts it and looks at the computer about 3 times, no joke. Then he gives me my change, bags up the controller and holds it out. Never looks at me the entire time. I say, can I get my receipt.

He grabs it, kinda wads it up and tosses it on the counter.

I had the thought of complaining, but you know, I think CC treats all of their employees like shit (thats the only thing I can think of) so I didn't want to deal with a pissed off manager either.

This guy couldn't even look me in the face. Talk to me face to face. Or hand me my stuff.[/quote]

Sounds like a normal CC trip to me. =)
[quote name='Ragekod']So I went to my local CC tonight just to see what they have Condemned 2 (which they didn't have) and wondered if they even had any point cards that you can get if you buy a $30 game. When I went to look for the cards, there only had the 12 month Xbox Live cards on a peg, so I looked behind all the cards and found the point cards, and to my surprise they had these 12 month cards on the peg that had the $29.99 price. So I took one of the 12 month cards to get rung up, the girl said it was $54.XX and I said "oh it isn't $29.99 like the sign says?" So we went to look at the price and she said "yup your right" and she took me to a manager to PM their mistake. So I walked out of CC with a smile on my face and a 12 month subscription card (which I need by April 1) for $32.46.[/QUOTE]

Get away from my CC and go back to Canoga Park.
It isn't about being lazy, it's about you being lucky

Someone probably stuck them there, and forgot about them. They don't have to honor a price that isn't on the product itself.

So you were lucky to get it at that price
they had halo3 controllers on a 29.99 rack and i tried the exact same thing but at the counter he said it was a mistake and he wouldnt honor it :(
I went to CC last night to spend my $60 reward certificate (from their credit card). Figured Lost Odyssey and a 1600 point card for $9.99 more was a good enough deal. So I look at the pegs of cards. No 1600 point cards.

I ask 1st employee. Says to ask 2nd employee. She just says no, they don't have any. Wanders over to the spot I just looked at, again says no. Suggests I go to another store. Then she says I could try customer service.

So I talk to employee #3 up there, he asks a 4th employee about it. No deal. Then a "black shirt" walks by and I ask him. He said they'd honor the deal with 2 "800" point cards if they had them. I said the only other type is 4000 point cards. He said if that's all they had, they could work out some kind of deal with me for that. I figured that was good enough, since I didn't want to travel to another store anyway. So he asks a 6th employee to go get the 4000 point card if they didn't have any 1600 point ones.

I follow this 6th guy back to the games where he asks a 7th employee if they had any 1600 point cards. #7 says no, but to look in the back. #6 wanders off to do so.

While I'm waiting for him to return, someone FINALLY turns off a camera alarm that had been going off since before I entered the store. Also while I'm waiting, I hear a customer looking at a Wii game, shocked to learn that "there's a steering wheel IN THE BOX WITH THE GAME!?!?"

I can't help but wonder why I bothered coming here at this point.

#6 returns, and tells me there are none in the back. An 8th employee walks by and informs him that 1600 point cards are kept on pegs at the end of an isle near some computer stuff.

Wouldn't you know it, there they were.

So in the end, it worked out. But it took 8 empolyees to get to someone who knew where to look. Plus I was able to snag the pre-order bonus because they were still sitting out. When I was being rung up by the "black shirt", he told me that the pre-order boxes shouldn't have been sitting out after the game was released.

How many lazys can you spot in that story?

[quote name='djkunai']Get away from my CC and go back to Canoga Park.[/quote]
This was at Canoga Park. Didn't knew you owned a CC. ;)

I say its lazy only because whatever employee didn't want to take the time to put all the different cards on the pegs they were suppose to go on, he just wanted to get his job done faster and kiss ass. Well yeah I was pretty much lucky too. I'm surprised at the patience you have MCalvert1, well at least you got your 1600 point card.
[quote name='MCalvert1']I went to CC last night to spend my $60 reward certificate (from their credit card). Figured Lost Odyssey and a 1600 point card for $9.99 more was a good enough deal. So I look at the pegs of cards. No 1600 point cards.

I ask 1st employee. Says to ask 2nd employee. She just says no, they don't have any. Wanders over to the spot I just looked at, again says no. Suggests I go to another store. Then she says I could try customer service.

So I talk to employee #3 up there, he asks a 4th employee about it. No deal. Then a "black shirt" walks by and I ask him. He said they'd honor the deal with 2 "800" point cards if they had them. I said the only other type is 4000 point cards. He said if that's all they had, they could work out some kind of deal with me for that. I figured that was good enough, since I didn't want to travel to another store anyway. So he asks a 6th employee to go get the 4000 point card if they didn't have any 1600 point ones.

I follow this 6th guy back to the games where he asks a 7th employee if they had any 1600 point cards. #7 says no, but to look in the back. #6 wanders off to do so.

While I'm waiting for him to return, someone FINALLY turns off a camera alarm that had been going off since before I entered the store. Also while I'm waiting, I hear a customer looking at a Wii game, shocked to learn that "there's a steering wheel IN THE BOX WITH THE GAME!?!?"

I can't help but wonder why I bothered coming here at this point.

#6 returns, and tells me there are none in the back. An 8th employee walks by and informs him that 1600 point cards are kept on pegs at the end of an isle near some computer stuff.

Wouldn't you know it, there they were.

So in the end, it worked out. But it took 8 empolyees to get to someone who knew where to look. Plus I was able to snag the pre-order bonus because they were still sitting out. When I was being rung up by the "black shirt", he told me that the pre-order boxes shouldn't have been sitting out after the game was released.

How many lazys can you spot in that story?


Least you had help :p
I am an ex-employee at CC and can tell you first hand it is one of the most corrupted corps. in the industry...

I can't even begin to explain how bad they are... I left about a year ago when there stock was around 20 bucks (like 25)... last I checked it was 3 bucks LOL

Some officials there told me that with in 2-3 years there will no longer be a CC... Wal-mart has really taken the competition over (along with Best Buy, and Target...)

To sum it up, there is no room in the electronic world for CC, mark my words...
[quote name='mike.m'] wanna hear lazy? I walk up to the counter, put the controller I'm buying on the counter and the dude says nothing to me. He rings it up and mumbles the price. I literally have to ask him 3 times because I can't understand what he's saying.

I give him my money, he looks at it and counts it and looks at the computer about 3 times, no joke. Then he gives me my change, bags up the controller and holds it out. Never looks at me the entire time. I say, can I get my receipt.

He grabs it, kinda wads it up and tosses it on the counter.

I had the thought of complaining, but you know, I think CC treats all of their employees like shit (thats the only thing I can think of) so I didn't want to deal with a pissed off manager either.

This guy couldn't even look me in the face. Talk to me face to face. Or hand me my stuff.[/quote]

So, because the cashier wasn't Suzy Sunshine, you had a kinipshit, do I understand you correctly?

Either A) you grabbed something he hid which he knew was priced super cheap and he was pissed about it(I've had this happen numerous times at stores where the employees are known for 'hiding stuff') or B) he was just having a bad day(like maybe a close relative of his died or something, you just never know).

Not everyone can be a ray of friggin' sunshine 24/7 and typically, many retail employees just don't give a shit enough to be 'on' all the time for people who demand stuff(not just ASK where it's at, but should say 'show me where it is so MY lazy ass doesn't have to traipse all over the store to find it')and bark at them all day about 'how you should have the Wii in stock' or whatever other obnoxious shit I've heard customers demand in the past 2 months of visiting the local BB,CC,etc stores.

This is why I don't work retail anymore, since customers expect you to do damn near everything for them. Hell, I'm sure if some retail employees volunteered to, some customers would want you to come home with them and wipe their ass for them. People are so fuckin lazy nowadays, they have the 'gimme, gimme, gimme' attitude and they want the shit right under their noses or they want someone to point out where it's at so they don't 'waste their valuable time', as they yammer on their cell phone like the self important assholes they are.

People suck, in general, but especially consumers. I'll admit, I've 'demanded' to know where a certain item is in the past as well, so I'm JUST as guilty of this to some extent.

So just lay off the underpaid and overtaxed/overworked register monkeys if they're having an off day and don't feel like barking 'sir yes sir' after everything you command of them, ok?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']

So just lay off the underpaid and overtaxed/overworked register monkeys if they're having an off day and don't feel like barking 'sir yes sir' after everything you command of them, ok?[/quote]

What the hell are you talking about? If Captain Sunshine there doesn't like/want to wait on people, I might suggest he/she finds another job or calls in sick. That person is being paid to be there and perform a duty - namely, deliver great customer service. That I should cut someone a break as a customer or a manager just because they're having an "off day" is absolutely outrageous. Are they going to refund any of their wages to the company for poor performance? Hell no! Retail isn't rocket science, and although I understand there are better jobs to be had, that dude could always be shoveling shit for a living.

To be fair however, if a customer comes into my store and starts with the piss-poor attitude, I *do* tell them where to go to get bent; if you aren't the sociable type who doesn't respond well to a cheery "Looking for anything in particular?" you probably need to do your shopping on-line instead of bothering me.
[quote name='Jobbercho']....What?[/QUOTE]
I used to work in retail and my manager used to consider it lazy to not put things where they belong just to finsh faster and not do anything.
[quote name='olde_english']What the hell are you talking about? If Captain Sunshine there doesn't like/want to wait on people, I might suggest he/she finds another job or calls in sick. That person is being paid to be there and perform a duty - namely, deliver great customer service. That I should cut someone a break as a customer or a manager just because they're having an "off day" is absolutely outrageous. Are they going to refund any of their wages to the company for poor performance? Hell no! Retail isn't rocket science, and although I understand there are better jobs to be had, that dude could always be shoveling shit for a living.

To be fair however, if a customer comes into my store and starts with the piss-poor attitude, I *do* tell them where to go to get bent; if you aren't the sociable type who doesn't respond well to a cheery "Looking for anything in particular?" you probably need to do your shopping on-line instead of bothering me.[/quote]

But see, I PREFER the toned down type of clerk, the one who isn't up my ass asking if I need help finding shit as soon as I step through the damned door. I'm perfectly capable of finding stuff on my own, but if I am looking for something in particular and after I have searched thoroughly on my own for the item, THEN I'd LIKE some help.

But usually if you 'blow off' the 'cheery' clerks(overly cheery in my opinion, like on Prozac and Paxil combined cheery) on your way into the store, then it's like pulling friggin' teeth to FIND one to help you check their inventory to see if they have the item you couldn't find yourself and see if it's in stock.

I understand that some of these people may make a meager commission if they hard sell you on items you may have no interest in whatsoever, but like the clerks at Gamestop and car salesmen in general, IF I NEED HELP I'LL ASK FOR IT. Till then get the hell away from me and quit asking me if I have games to trade or I'm interested in a HDtv or phone service or some junkmobile your manager told ya to push off on someone.
I agree, if I want help I'll ask someone, I don't like people asking me questions right when I walk into their store.
I don't mind the question as I walk in, what I don't like is when I'm walking through the different departments getting asked about 5 times in about 2 minutes. The two CCs near me know that I will ask them if I need something.
Well, working in retail (at Lowe's) we're required to ask people questions. I know many don't like it, but understand it isn't by choice that we ask
[quote name='MCalvert1']I went to CC last night to spend my $60 reward certificate (from their credit card). Figured Lost Odyssey and a 1600 point card for $9.99 more was a good enough deal. So I look at the pegs of cards. No 1600 point cards.

I ask 1st employee. Says to ask 2nd employee. She just says no, they don't have any. Wanders over to the spot I just looked at, again says no. Suggests I go to another store. Then she says I could try customer service.

So I talk to employee #3 up there, he asks a 4th employee about it. No deal. Then a "black shirt" walks by and I ask him. He said they'd honor the deal with 2 "800" point cards if they had them. I said the only other type is 4000 point cards. He said if that's all they had, they could work out some kind of deal with me for that. I figured that was good enough, since I didn't want to travel to another store anyway. So he asks a 6th employee to go get the 4000 point card if they didn't have any 1600 point ones.

I follow this 6th guy back to the games where he asks a 7th employee if they had any 1600 point cards. #7 says no, but to look in the back. #6 wanders off to do so.

While I'm waiting for him to return, someone FINALLY turns off a camera alarm that had been going off since before I entered the store. Also while I'm waiting, I hear a customer looking at a Wii game, shocked to learn that "there's a steering wheel IN THE BOX WITH THE GAME!?!?"

I can't help but wonder why I bothered coming here at this point.

#6 returns, and tells me there are none in the back. An 8th employee walks by and informs him that 1600 point cards are kept on pegs at the end of an isle near some computer stuff.

Wouldn't you know it, there they were.

So in the end, it worked out. But it took 8 empolyees to get to someone who knew where to look. Plus I was able to snag the pre-order bonus because they were still sitting out. When I was being rung up by the "black shirt", he told me that the pre-order boxes shouldn't have been sitting out after the game was released.

How many lazys can you spot in that story?


I've been playing way too much Professor Layton because my first instinct was to actually try and solve the puzzle.
I had a CC employee give me the stink eye when I responded to his "Can I help you?" with a stern "No.".
If they put an item whith another price up and the price does not specify the item they should honor the price, its worked for me on some non-game related items, a printer that was $80 but was on a table with $50 and some flash drives i think. if the Price says its for something else then they can argue it was just put on the wrong place.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']\Hell, I'm sure if some retail employees volunteered to, some customers would want you to come home with them and wipe their ass for them.[/QUOTE]
So two weeks ago at work, a co-worker went into the women's restroom and found some lady cleaning her pants out at the sink. Turns out she shit her pants upon entry into the stall. Once the lady finishes up she tells my co-worker that we can get somebody else to clean the shit up because the smell is making her sick. I could understand if she was an elderly woman, but it was an able-bodied 40ish year old woman!
Damn Jobbercho, I would've been like 'it's yours to begin with, you clean it up'. Then again, people think that workers in retail stores and elsewhere have to cater to their every whim(see the billg Circuit City screwed up my Black Friday thread for proof of that).

That's why I'm proud to say I'm a consumer who can find stuff on my own and rarely needs the help of the employees, which is why I also dislike when they pester me if I need help 90 friggin times while I'm in a store.

I mean, I understand that loss prevention may tell the manager to have the employees do that so if they're a shoplifter they may become discouraged from all of the attention they're receiving, but to regular customers it's HIGHLY ANNOYING.
and I usually have that problem at Best Buy, I can walk around the store for a half hour, without the "hassle" of them actually asking if I need help. I am the type of person who can/does find what I need, but being acknowledged is always, nice. I honestly think that in this day and age we as consumers turn to the internet because we DON'T have to deal with these type of people.

As for CCity, my sister works at one, and i'm not trying to be biased because I've had my up's and down's at store, but I think the problem lies in management issues.

But there's the good and the bad in every store. walmart, target, kmart, sears, etc....... It really just comes down to how people do or don't take pride in their job.

The cool thing about "knowing" someone in the store is being able to get them to accept typos in the paper. durring the holiday season the mis-printed madden 08 for the 360 for something like 24 bucks, we were able to get a price change on it and get it for the "ad" price.
[quote name='jp0213']I don't mind the question as I walk in, what I don't like is when I'm walking through the different departments getting asked about 5 times in about 2 minutes. The two CCs near me know that I will ask them if I need something.[/QUOTE]Haha, Gamestop employees learned to do that with me, since they know I already know what I'm looking for and I'll ask. Circuit City isn't so bad asking me, it's usually Best Buy that does in every department I go in. It was funny yesterday (at the CC in Fort Wayne, IN), one guy asked if they had a DDR game on Wii, the employees were asking around unsure. I told the guy and employees there is a DDR on Wii called "DDR Hottest Party" and I even own it, but don't see it. The employees thought I was lying.

Anyway, I had CC do this to me three times:
-In Lafayette, IN, they priced Ace Combat Zero (PS2) at $19.99 on the sticker of one case, and it rang up as $39.99, so the manager changed it.
-At the CC in Castleton, IN, they priced Onimusha Dawn of Dreams (PS2) at $19.99, but rang up at $29.99. I got the price adjusted to $19.99.
-In Lafayette, IN, they priced Devil May Cry: SE (PS2) at $16.99, rang up at $19.99, so I got the price changed.

Circuit City does this all the time. My local Best Buy had Wipeout Pulse in the Wipeout Pure slot, saying it was $14.99. I considered trying, but decided not to.

Also, I checked CC in Castleton, Merrillville, and Lafayette for Project Sylpheed, but could not find it. I didn't think the location in Fort Wayne still had it (this was a few weeks after the clearance started) and they still did (with a price sticker of $39.99). I had them scan and it said $8.99. I should have gotten EDF on 360 the same way at a location around Indy, but I passed up hoping I'd see it around home or my apartment (one location did not have it).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But see, I PREFER the toned down type of clerk, the one who isn't up my ass asking if I need help finding shit as soon as I step through the damned door. I'm perfectly capable of finding stuff on my own, but if I am looking for something in particular and after I have searched thoroughly on my own for the item, THEN I'd LIKE some help.

But usually if you 'blow off' the 'cheery' clerks(overly cheery in my opinion, like on Prozac and Paxil combined cheery) on your way into the store, then it's like pulling friggin' teeth to FIND one to help you check their inventory to see if they have the item you couldn't find yourself and see if it's in stock.

I understand that some of these people may make a meager commission if they hard sell you on items you may have no interest in whatsoever, but like the clerks at Gamestop and car salesmen in general, IF I NEED HELP I'LL ASK FOR IT. Till then get the hell away from me and quit asking me if I have games to trade or I'm interested in a HDtv or phone service or some junkmobile your manager told ya to push off on someone.[/QUOTE]

Having a stressful day are ya? I hear what you're saying and that style is what I prefer but I learned this week there are 4 types of people when it comes to sales. Look up the Brinkman test and you'll see. Understand that not everyone is going to prefer the way we want to be sold to when we walk into a store.
bread's done