Gran Turismo 5 - 1000+ Cars! - 1/6: GT5 XL Edition w/DLC & Spec 2.0 - 1/17 - $39.99

Just got the shipping info and it looks like it'll be here tomorrow. I don't think I've been this excited about a game in a while.
[quote name='Vinny']Why? If it only lasted 20 minutes (like it said it would) I wouldn't have cared but that fact that it took twice as long was annoying as fuck.

Oh well, it's over now. The game is fucking gorgeous and the load times are much shorter than they were in Prologue (so I guess the install does help). I wish the game my car in it though... they have a G35, why not a G37 dammit!:p[/QUOTE]
It says it takes 50 minutes to do the install.
I pre-ordered the collector's edition from gamestop and it won't be delivered until next week.....UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[quote name='MisterBee']I golded all the B class license trials, never ever going to get that trophy :cry:


Damn, you got gold in all of them? That's impressive. I can't do it... I need to check YouTube or something once people start posting tips.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It says it takes 50 minutes to do the install.[/QUOTE]

Mine said 20 minutes. And then 12 (after 20 minutes). I know that's what it says because my brother came into my room and asked, "The install takes 20 minutes?" when he saw it when he learned I got it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding of the install is that even after that 40-50 minutes of installation the game continues to install/decompress files as you load new data. (which would cause initial load times to still be longer than what they will ultimately be)
[quote name='stripwhite']IGN Review: 8.5[/QUOTE]

You read that review? The first two pages was ripping on minor graphic details and complaining about his standard car not being premium.

[quote name='IGN'] Once more it's a lifeless grind through a series of races where it's more often than not simply a case of having the right machinery beneath you rather than a test of any real driving skill.[/QUOTE]

This could be said above every video game, but alas this is a racing game. I'm suppose to race a series of RACES!

Gran Turismo 5 is a 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game – it’s driving is as exhilarating as anything that’s gone before, and its slavish obsession with the minutiae of many of its cars ensure it's an encyclopaedia of automotive delights. Its brilliance on the track, however is matched by its sloppiness off of it, and there’s a lack of polish that would at one time have seemed sacrilegious to the series. Ultimately its driving wins out to ensure that it’s still a great game, but it leaves that nagging doubt; this could have been a masterpiece were it not for the fact that Polyphony was so absorbed with the detail that it took its eye off the ball.

Not once does he mention what the ball was. Is it the driving? Is it the details? Is it the menu system? Please Martin tell me what the BALL is that GT5 missed.

IGN GT5 Review
To be fair, I and probably a lot others were hyped for this gen's GT to be the bomb shit in terms of everything -- the pinnacle of high production development. To hear that it still sports the traditional grind and usual A.I. is a bit disappointing. However, I always thought racing against A.I. is about as meaningful as playing a fighting game on single player -- useless. Most of what I do on GT games is time trials, and with GT5 I'll be online.

So putting GT5's campaign aside, it's also disappointing to hear that the online portion doesn't have all the bells and whistles. But it works and does what it needs to do -- and I can only assume this game hosts the best driving mechanics on the market, which is the biggest selling point.

As for the review itself, I too noticed he never once went into very great detail about why this game is a 10/10 driving simulator -- but he made sure to state that at the end. It could be that he isn't a huge gear nut and isn't confident in writing about such aspects, but then that would also call his other judgments into question.

And let's not ignore the blatant fact that he's comparing this against Forza, as he alluded to it in his review. I think the Forzas are great car sims but I also don't think they fairly deserved their scores, and I don't agree that GT5 should be knocked down for not having things like an extensive painting tool. This is a car sim, not Need for Speed [insert stupid subtitle here]. I was actually taken aback that he would even mention the lack of paint/body options in a Gran Turismo game review.

So perhaps he took points off for that. Perhaps he took off points because you can't make wild and crazy replays, probably. What he did imply as a negative point though was track creativity and the fact that some weren't as visually stunning as others. Which is really a blatant double standard as Forza 2 released with about 10 tracks total (including reversed, I think), and it was a flat out ugly racer with a minimal selection of cars. However, it got top scores because of paint/customization and damage -- both of which are elements that are unrelated to the driving experience.

And let's not lie to ourselves -- Forza 3's campaign was shit to, it just had fancy menus and a British guy narrating your achievements.

But that's a 9.4 on IGN.

I haven't touched GT5 yet, but you can expect these kinds of unprofessional critiques in mainstream reviews these days.
If the AI is no better than in the old games, then GT5 deserves the 8.5.

IGN is just being "harsh" since the game has been in development forever and things like this should have been addressed.
Further reason why I miss EGM's 3-person review system. They were short blurbs highlighting the important details and you got three was perfect.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I haven't touched GT5 yet...[/QUOTE]

Thats all I needed to read honestly.

From all opinions I have read, the fact of the matter seems that GT5 stayed with the old school same design they had back in 2005 (Gran Turismo 4's year, and the game mechanics at that time were feeling old already IMO). I can't wait to play GT5 myself, so I won't say which game is better and I don't care. I think Forza 3 is the pinnacle of Sim racing games now, but GT5 "seems" it worried more about high end graphics and more cars than actual FUN gameplay. I will reserve judgment until I get my copy tomorrow, but Gran Turismo's time for me was on the PS1 era, were it was king and I spend 1000's of hours on it. GT3 was the last great one for me personally; GT4 disappointed me and unfortunately, I believe 5 will do the same (I have high expectations, and after 5 years, I believe I should judge it based on these expectations).
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Going to get my copy after work at gamestop. Anyone know if there is any guides available or any resources to help me get started with tuning up cars?

I am excited though. Even though the AI isn't perfect, or other things are a bit not so great, I will still have an awesome time with it.
[quote name='Fell Open Ian']Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding of the install is that even after that 40-50 minutes of installation the game continues to install/decompress files as you load new data. (which would cause initial load times to still be longer than what they will ultimately be)[/QUOTE]

I forget where I read or herd it but I think it gives you the option to do the big up front install or small installs along the way, not a combination of both. If you choose not to do the big install then it will install while you play in small chunks as needed. So, I don't think the load times will improve as you play at all.

I could be wrong.
I don't understand what IGN is really rating... you give the game an 8.5, then at the end of the review you say... "Gran Turismo 5 is a 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game." The simulation of racing IS THE GAME! That was the developers goal... to create a game that was a realistic driving simulator. That's the FUN right there. If Forza 3 gets a 9.0 for graphics with the comment "Some great car models and it runs smoothly for the most part. The lighting isn't perfect, and neither are some of the damage effects." Versus GT5 Same score 9.0 for graphics with the comment "It's moments of sheer beauty ultimately outweigh the uglier ones, though sadly they don't quite outnumber them."

why punish the game because some cars are done to perfection and some aren't. I mean damn who the hell cares about a 1998 Honda Civic Standard car.. I sure as hell don't.

Standard vs. Premium:
[quote name='Danil ACE']If the AI is no better than in the old games, then GT5 deserves the 8.5.

IGN is just being "harsh" since the game has been in development forever and things like this should have been addressed.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I just realized that the IGN review doesn't even mention A.I.(user vs. the CPU) Until it talks about B-Spec and in that mode you're training an A.I. Driver. The review doesn't mention A.I. as it involves you racing against other cars. Now the Destructoid review does mention A.I. and noted that it was very good and could feel the A.I. cars becoming more aggressive on the final laps of each race. They said it made the racing more intense.

That's why I ask.. what is IGN reviewing?
[quote name='Thomas96']I don't understand what IGN is really rating... you give the game an 8.5, then at the end of the review you say... "Gran Turismo 5 is a 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game." The simulation of racing IS THE GAME! That was the developers goal... to create a game that was a realistic driving simulator. That's the FUN right there.[/QUOTE]

I'm not defending their review, I haven't even read it, but...

I can see the reasoning behind the 10/10 sim and 5/10 game. If you have an amazing beer that is a perfect 10 and put it in a bottle that cuts your lip every time you take a drink you give the bottle a 5/10... (assuming you can't pour it either).
[quote name='iwannadie']I'm not defending their review, I haven't even read it, but...

I can see the reasoning behind the 10/10 sim and 5/10 game. If you have an amazing beer that is a perfect 10 and put it in a bottle that cuts your lip every time you take a drink you give the bottle a 5/10... (assuming you can't pour it either).[/QUOTE]
After like the 2nd cut (if not the 1st), wouldn't you stop putting the bottle on your lip?
[quote name='gamer4432']Awesome - Newegg will be delivering it tomorrow! Surprised to see release date delivery (and free too!).[/QUOTE]

I spoke too soon. Newegg's tracking system is devious. Probably won't be here til Friday the earliest.
[quote name='iwannadie']I'm not defending their review, I haven't even read it, but...

I can see the reasoning behind the 10/10 sim and 5/10 game. If you have an amazing beer that is a perfect 10 and put it in a bottle that cuts your lip every time you take a drink you give the bottle a 5/10... (assuming you can't pour it either).[/QUOTE]

I understand.. good point. IGN gave GT5 a 7.0 for presentation.. which hey, slow menus, load times, I understand that. But then there's the Beer - (Gameplay) 10/10 Beer is great... game is Perfect according to IGN's comment, but the Gameplay gets a 9.0. But 2 seconds earlier they say the game is the perfect 10/10 sim. The sim part is the gameplay.

then they gave the game a 7.0 for presentation citing that the game had poor menus and load times. IGN presentation category looks at the following: "This category includes everything from the quality of the manual and packaging to the menu layout, load times, and included game options. We also consider the overall production, licenses, atmosphere, and style." 1000 cars, WRC Racing, NASCAR, LeMans tracks, Cart Racing, etc.

I always say that NO game is perfect, but sometimes you have to overlook some imperfections and just enjoy game for what it is. I'm not mad about the IGN review, cause I don't really care about the review, but I see GT5 with a 8.5 and then Forza 3 with an 9.4 and it made me want to take a deeper look at the review and its process. The fact that they don't even mention A.I. as it relates to User vs CPU really says a lot about the quality of the review.
[quote name='Thomas96']The fact that they don't even mention A.I. as it relates to User vs CPU really says a lot about the quality of the review.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IGN']Unfortunately the same can't be said when it's yourself in charge, and A-Spec's races aren't helped by the return of the series' now trademark zombie A.I. Any tweaks that have been made are hard to decipher as by and large your fellow racers will pay little attention to your on-track maneuvers, often braking at inexplicable moments and turning what should be a high-octane contest into a comic bout of very expensive bumper cars.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='madcatz1999'].[/QUOTE]

I read that crap twice and Missed that part.. found it now though. I still find it funny to read what IGN had to say about the A.I. versus what Destructoid had to say about it:
[Opponent AI feels like it has greatly improved since the last game. It appears that a lot of care went into realism this time around. I got the sense that I was in races with drivers of different types for the first time in the series. Some seemed aggressive and others careful. All seemed to put on the heat in the last leg of the last lap. This made for some tense finishes that felt closer to what you might experience in a race with real opponents. There were many times where I was fully immersed in competition and had to remind myself that I wasn't actually in a live race.]

It's all just opinions.
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The game has a 86 overall (from 11 reviews) on Metacritic... I think that's going to end up being in that area after more reviews come in. I don't think there's anything wrong with IGN's review.

I'm really amazed at how emotional some of you are getting defending the game. Don't kid yourselves... for being in development for 5 years, this game has some obvious technical shortcomings.
[quote name='Thomas96']... game is Perfect according to IGN's comment, but the Gameplay gets a 9.0. But 2 seconds earlier they say the game is the perfect 10/10 sim. The sim part is the gameplay.

I'm not mad about the IGN review, cause I don't really care about the review, but I see GT5 with a 8.5 and then Forza 3 with an 9.4 and it made me want to take a deeper look at the review and its process.[/QUOTE]

I don't agree that Sim is gameplay. Simulation is a part of the gameplay element of a game, not the gameplay itself. Great simulation does not equal fun or even good.

[quote name='Vinny']I'm really amazed at how emotional some of you are getting defending the game. Don't kid yourselves... for being in development for 5 years, this game has some obvious technical shortcomings.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking the same. Why do most of you care and defend it so much, seems most of ya don't even have it yet. If you enjoy it, enjoy it, forget what reviews say, let alone dissect said reviews and say you don't mind the reviews scores in the first place.
[quote name='iwannadie']I forget where I read or herd it but I think it gives you the option to do the big up front install or small installs along the way, not a combination of both. If you choose not to do the big install then it will install while you play in small chunks as needed. So, I don't think the load times will improve as you play at all.

I could be wrong.[/QUOTE]
You are. It only installs car, track, and photo location data and everything else installs when you first access it.

I really don't get the AI complaints any more since they've largely fixed the problems with them since they can be aggressive and they make mistakes, which I saw a bit of in GT5 Prologue. It seems like it's a meme at this point to complain about the AI since I can't fathom how the AI has to react to actually get praise in a racing game.
Yesterday even though it was the 23rd I couldn't believe GT5 is actually coming out, today I got an email saying it's shipped. I still don't believe it. lol

Funny since I've seen actual video of it and proof people have it.
IMO, the big problem with reviews/opinions about GT5 is the perspective of the individual giving the review/opinion. There are three types of perspectives out there - that of the die hard GT fan, the middle of the road gamer, and the die hard GT hater. Each one has its biases and therefore such reviews/opinions can be considered quite baseless by everyone who doesn't share the same perspective. Makes for a fairly useless "You're Right, You're Wrong" discussion.
Did anybody else's GameStop pre-order code only give them one car? The Joey Logano #20 NASCAR? I redeemed my code, and it didn't give me the McLaren Stealth car.
[quote name='pjb16']After like the 2nd cut (if not the 1st), wouldn't you stop putting the bottle on your lip?[/QUOTE]

So you would then pour it into your mouth from a distance creating a longer beer load time making for an over all poor experience.... :cold:
[quote name='daphatty']IMO, the big problem with reviews/opinions about GT5 is the perspective of the individual giving the review/opinion. There are three types of perspectives out there - that of the die hard GT fan, the middle of the road gamer, and the die hard GT hater. Each one has its biases and therefore such reviews/opinions can be considered quite baseless by everyone who doesn't share the same perspective. Makes for a fairly useless "You're Right, You're Wrong" discussion.[/QUOTE]

This is also true... it seems that a lot of GT fans turned into GT haters due to the constant delays and whatnot. And many probably converted over to Forza, since it's more accessible.

If you like racing and/or simulation games, you have to be really biased to think this isn't a great game. I'm not a hardcore GT or racing game fan but I always enjoyed the series for the amount of depth and care that was put into the details of each and every car. My car (I found it... the Japanese version anyway, but they're nearly the same) sounds and drives almost exactly like it does in real life.
Geez. That was some install. I was hanging on by a thread. I'm glad it is out of the way; that way I can start playing immediately after work.
[quote name='nightmare452']Thats all I needed to read honestly.

lol i wasn't saying it deserved a higher score, i was just speculating on how the reviewer's mindset may have worked.

Who knows, maybe it's less than an 8.5. It certainly doesn't look like it deserves a AAA score. All I'm saying is that mainstream reviews and IGN especially are known for some of the wildest double standards and contradictions in gaming journalism.
Amazon sent me an email saying my shipment was delayed.... WTF really? As a paying Prime member if I don't get the game until Friday Amazon will be receiving a pissed off letter from me.
I can't believe they took out infineon raceway which was my favorite track on the psp version. I live like 20 minutes from the track and saw nascar there a year ago. The other nascar tracks don't even compare.
The game will be waiting for me when I get home today, but it sounds like I can get in a few rounds of Black Ops on my 360 while GT5 installs.

I have a test I intend to perform tonight to check out the AI. In previous GT games, the AI cars only followed their racing lines, they were 'blind' to your presence. The way you can check this is to 'park' in the middle of a staight section of track and wait for the AI cars to come around and lap you. In old GT games, the AI cars would plow right into you as if they didn't see you (they didnt'). I'm curious to see how they respond to the test this time.
Why anyone would make a big deal over reviews is beyond me. Its being reviewed by people that are being paid to review it and do it for a living. When you do something for a living your luster for the job in a lot of cases gets skewed because you dont love it after awhile. Not to mention IGN is about as useful as spike tv for information or game awards.

Besides Millions think dancing with the stars is good tv, millions think britney spears is a good singer, billions think mcdonalds has good food, million think transformers is a good movie, millions think the wii has a lot of great games but I dont agree with any of them. So if I dont agree with that many people who would I automatically agree with 1 person on a video game review?

I picked mine up today and I love it, I think its a great game and see myself having a lot of fun with it for a good while and over the next year spending a hundred more hours of fun with it on and off. Im glad I bought it and going back to play some more after I finish lunch. Far as I can tell with the few hours I played it so far its well worth me paying full price for it.

I think the biggest problem is its been in development so long everyone is expecting it to be the very pinnacle of human gaming. Thats soon as they insert the game disc the awesomeness will make them cum in their pants and a gold chariot will descend from the heavens where the games creator will step down and kneel before them offering infinity happiness and the cure for all the worlds ills. People were already acting like assholes making petitions, making videos, sending emails and everything else telling them to hurry as if polyphony owed them a game or they were entitled to having gt5 right now. So when it finally comes out their mentality is its not a gift from the heavens and they need to run out on the internet and bitch instead of actually playing the game and enjoying it.

My impression is very good and its what I was expecting from the game which makes me happy and Im going to have a lot of fun with it.
Reviews are just opinions, which are sometimes jaded, but it doesn't matter either way. No one should take offense to anyone else's oipinion on a game. You should read what someone has to say about a game to determine whether or not the aspects of it sound good to you, then hopefully you can try a demo before you buy. I know I wont like GT5, because I dont like racing sims. Simple as that. So when I read a review of a game and it touts it as a racing sim...I stop reading, I know I wont like it. Doesnt mean it isnt a good, fun time for someone else though!
[quote name='panzerfaust']lol i wasn't saying it deserved a higher score, i was just speculating on how the reviewer's mindset may have worked.

Who knows, maybe it's less than an 8.5. It certainly doesn't look like it deserves a AAA score. All I'm saying is that mainstream reviews and IGN especially are known for some of the wildest double standards and contradictions in gaming journalism.[/QUOTE]

IGN is actually where I've been going for reviews. Gamespot seems to always be higher lower than everyone else for no reason.

I used to go to Gametrailers, but for awhile now they've just been saying either things that are just wrong in their reviews or just nitpicking incredibly unimportant things.
My only issues with the game thus far are load times for the main menu and server errors preventing me from starting my career.
I am assuming the main load screen has to do with the servers since it is trying to connect afterall.

I'm loving every bit of this game thus far (even though I have been only doing licenses). Driving with the Driving Force GT feels awesome.

Tip: Buy the go-kart as your first buy, it is only 5,000 credits. Then you can get it on with the licenses.
[quote name='Mr. 420']I can't believe they took out infineon raceway which was my favorite track on the psp version. I live like 20 minutes from the track and saw nascar there a year ago. The other nascar tracks don't even compare.[/QUOTE]

This disappoints me as well. I've actually driven my S2000 on that track and have spent the last several days practicing on Infineon in GT4. Still, one can only hope that they add the track via DLC. If not, I'm sure I will have a blast learning how to drive Laguna Seca. :D
I am playing Gran Turismo 5 regardless of reviews. A average score of 80-90 is good for me (and sounds fair seeing how all cars do not have a cockpit view or look the same in terms of detail). Besides I don't even listen to these big name reviews nowadays seeing how when I watch a demo of someone from Game Spot or Game Trailers play the game they end up crashing the car on the first turn and say the game is too hard.

Also how long does it take to install the 1.01 patch and install the game completely? I rather have a single install rather than a install for data every minute.
I just played this for hours. Holy crap, this game is good.

[quote name='Puffa469']In old GT games, the AI cars would plow right into you as if they didn't see you (they didnt'). I'm curious to see how they respond to the test this time.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played a GT game since GT2 (on the Dreamcast!), but I think there's at least some semblance of AI in GT5. I was off of the track in one spot, and I turned back on the track. As I was getting back on the track, the car that was coming up to the spot that I was going to occupy turned to the right and gave me room. I don't think it was a coincidence either.

Also, the gameplay while playing NASCAR Daytona in arcade mode is highly dynamic. At one point I shouted "WHERE THE HELL DID MONTOYA COME FROM?" It's a shame NASCAR is so underrepresented in this game. This could have been the definitive NASCAR game.

On a non-AI matter, I think the game polls the home server a lot. Like, each time you do something significant in menus, the game polls the server. If the server's busy (like it must be today), loading times go haywire. Well, they're not really loading times because it's only polling the server, but it's all done in the loading screens. One time I got a "cannot connect to server" error after a particularly long loading sequence, and then I was finally able to continue doing stuff.

When first running the game, I said no to the complete install. It appeared to install in bits and pieces as I was playing. However, after I did a full install (you can do it at any time from the options menu), I'm still seeing "installing" during loading screens. I guess things really are unpacking.

The first Top Gear test track challenge with the hippiemobiles is a sick joke. I hate it with a passion.

Jeff Gordon driving school is nice.

GTTV has free trailers and paid-for content that doesn't interest me.

I haven't even tried playing online yet.
[quote name='Chuplayer']
Also, the gameplay while playing NASCAR Daytona in arcade mode is highly dynamic. At one point I shouted "WHERE THE HELL DID MONTOYA COME FROM?" It's a shame NASCAR is so underrepresented in this game. This could have been the definitive NASCAR game.

I wish for the day that they would make a full on NASCAR game. I am even surprised they were allowed to use NASCAR in this game. I thought EA had the licensing rights to it. Either way I am going to go pick up my copy in 15 mins. I am excited to see Daytona is in there.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I wish for the day that they would make a full on NASCAR game. I am even surprised they were allowed to use NASCAR in this game. I thought EA had the licensing rights to it. Either way I am going to go pick up my copy in 15 mins. I am excited to see Daytona is in there.[/QUOTE]

EA gave up their license. Right now it appears to be an open license like it was before it went EA exclusive. NASCAR is appearing in this game and another game to be published by Activision next year.
bread's done