Grand Theft Auto (GTA) IV Special Edition


I noticed that Amazon and Gamestop both posted special edition versions for pre-sale of GTA IV. Looks like a lot of stuff and I was wondering how interested everyone is with this. The current pre-order price right now is $89.99 (for both PS3 and 360 versions). I've linked the 360 versions on here.

AMAZON (Comes w/ Amazon exclusive License plate)



Gamestop (No picture of License plate shown with their pre-order)

The description of the items are as follows:

The Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition will be presented in a customized Grand Theft Auto metal safety deposit box. The box will contain:

- Grand Theft Auto IV on the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system with special packaging
- The Grand Theft Auto IV Art Book, featuring never-before-seen production artwork from Grand Theft Auto IV
- Selected soundtrack CD from Grand Theft Auto IV, featuring new material from top artists, only available on this release
- An exclusive Rockstar keychain for the safety deposit box keys
- Completing the collection is a limited edition Rockstar duffel bag

So will this be a sell-out item like the Mass Effect Special Edition or will we find these everywhere after release? Your thoughts.
[quote name='Malik112099']I'm not paying 90 fucking dollars for that.

P.S. The plate is wrong. It should be GTA IV, not 1V[/quote]

some in liberty city could already have that license plate
[quote name='dank']some in liberty city could already have that license plate[/QUOTE]
So stupid.

Hopefully I'll be able to buy this for $20 a couple months after release, like with Halo 3 Legendary.
I'll likely pass. I would have been more interested if the CD(s) were the complete soundtrack and not just selected tracks and it included a Behind-The-Scenes/Making Of featurette. But has it stands, all that extra stuff would just end up being junk that I don't need.

It'll be interesting the see just how "limited" this is (and I mean that in the context of the Halo 3 Legendary Edition).
Woulda been nice if they would have included something like the original GTA and GTA II with the SE, that would be slightly enticing (especially since you can download them for free on the Rockstar website).
i was going to pass on this until i saw deep discount had it for 73 shipped a couple months ago. looks like they've upped the price now.
I noticed that they just re-did the Amazon page and took off the exclusive license plate.
[quote name='Kozman']I noticed that they just re-did the Amazon page and took off the exclusive license plate.[/quote]
it's still there

i'll prob just go with the regular edition
lol @ plate.

with the halo LE and others you actually have something to display after the initial coolness wears off.

A duffel bag doesn't really do it for me.
Well, I'm a real Collectors/Special edition whore, so I'll probably get it. Also I'm pretty sure that plate isn't a mistake, I think they were trying to be funny since a lot of people "misuse" letters or numbers to make words on their plates.
[quote name='kipz']I think they were trying to be funny since a lot of people "misuse" letters or numbers to make words on their plates.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Malik112099']I'm not paying 90 fucking dollars for that.

P.S. The plate is wrong. It should be GTA IV, not 1V[/quote]

The joke's on you, bub. Most states have a limited character set that can be used for license plates to prevent confusion of similiar characters such as "S" and "5", "0" and "O" or "I" and "1". In these states, they pick the numerical option over the alphabetical one. Thus, the spelling on the plate is not incorrect, it's merely accurate. If liberty city were a real place, most likely the issued vanity plate for GTA IV would be "GTA 1V".

/the more you know. . .
[quote name='moonphrogg']The joke's on you, bub. Most states have a limited character set that can be used for license plates to prevent confusion of similiar characters such as "S" and "5", "0" and "O" or "I" and "1". In these states, they pick the numerical option over the alphabetical one. Thus, the spelling on the plate is not incorrect, it's merely accurate. If liberty city were a real place, most likely the issued vanity plate for GTA IV would be "GTA 1V".

/the more you know. . .[/QUOTE]
Also, some states give you a discount on vanity plates if you use at least one number.
[quote name='moonphrogg']The joke's on you, bub. Most states have a limited character set that can be used for license plates to prevent confusion of similiar characters such as "S" and "5", "0" and "O" or "I" and "1". In these states, they pick the numerical option over the alphabetical one. Thus, the spelling on the plate is not incorrect, it's merely accurate. If liberty city were a real place, most likely the issued vanity plate for GTA IV would be "GTA 1V".

/the more you know. . .[/quote] took less time to actually make the plate and disprove you than it did for you to type up that paragraph of lies...and for New York no less - where GTA IV is technically based...

i preordered mine in mid december. i guess i got caught up in the holiday, spend everything that i dont have craze. good thing i wont have to pay for it until may.
[quote name='moonphrogg']The joke's on you, bub. Most states have a limited character set that can be used for license plates to prevent confusion of similiar characters such as "S" and "5", "0" and "O" or "I" and "1". In these states, they pick the numerical option over the alphabetical one. Thus, the spelling on the plate is not incorrect, it's merely accurate. If liberty city were a real place, most likely the issued vanity plate for GTA IV would be "GTA 1V".

/the more you know. . .[/quote]

Asswipe, Liberty City is NOT a real place, therefore the plate can have as many digits of any form they want. Someone chose "1V", which is numerically incorrect. Whether or not that is a spoof on custom plates is debateable. I think it's dumb to intentionally screw up the Roman numerals when they just as easily could have done it right, but then again I don't always get Rockstar's snide sense of "humor".
I honestly cannot believe we're fighting over the license plate. It obviously isn't a mistake. You don't think someone would notice that? As others have said, it is either a spoof of how people pick alternate characters when the plate they want is taken or, as one poster pointed out, how some states have a limited character set.
I fell for the Halo 3 Legendary version for $99 shipped from Best Buy, I am NOT going to fall for this "limited" edition. I was pissed when I saw the Halo 3 Lengendary game for $50 recently online and I will wait for this GTA IV game to get to $50 for this edition too.
[quote name='Dustin Echoes']Wow, such confusion on an internet forum no less. Is no one familiar with "l33t" speak?[/quote]

That's what I figured when I first saw the license plate, I didn't think everyone would be discussing it so much. I'm just disappointed that they didn't include a miniature RC car that rocks back and forth when you recharge it or a coffee mug :lol: I really don't know what I would do with a safe deposit box or a duffle bag, the CD and keychain are OK.

L8R :rofl:
The lockbox is cool but I don't know what the hell they were thinking with the duffel bag. I'll be skipping over the limited edition because of that...
I'm not pre-ordering anything.

First off, pre-ordering is a waste of money. Unless I'm getting something free for it then I'll buy it when it comes out.

Second off, special editions are the latest and greatest in fluff. The games already went up to $60 and now these companies expect gamers to buy....stuff that has nothing to do with gaming?

I wouldn't ordinarily buy a Master Chief helmet or GTA branded duffel bag so would I do it cuz it comes with a game branded "special edition".

Give me some extra gaming content for my buck then we'll see about the "special edition".

Give me the duffel bag, keychain, and lock box, and then I'll pre-order it for $60 and not the $80-90 asking price.

Folks when you do stuff like, gaming companies have absolutely no incentive to throw you a bone.

Remember the pre-order for Zelda: Wind Waker. You got Ocarina Of Time + Master Quest free....that's a deal.

Now there's no reason for a company or retailer to do something like that cuz folks not pre-order, in some cases, 6-months out, but they buy special edition fluff that is worth squat later.

These ain't comic books.
[quote name='Busyman']Folks when you do stuff like, gaming companies have absolutely no incentive to throw you a bone.

Remember the pre-order for Zelda: Wind Waker. You got Ocarina Of Time + Master Quest free....that's a deal.

Now there's no reason for a company or retailer to do something like that cuz folks not pre-order, in some cases, 6-months out, but they buy special edition fluff that is worth squat later.

These ain't comic books.[/quote]

Let me see if I can decipher this. You're saying that that becuase of people like me that will pre-order a special edition like this, companies will be less inclined to include stuff like your Zelda example. Instead we should try to send them a message by not pre-ordering it, right? Wouldn't companies then by less inclined to include anything?
[quote name='kipz']Let me see if I can decipher this. You're saying that that becuase of people like me that will pre-order a special edition like this, companies will be less inclined to include stuff like your Zelda example. Instead we should try to send them a message by not pre-ordering it, right? Wouldn't companies then by less inclined to include anything?[/quote]

I think he's trying to say that if you buy the special editions with all of the extra junk, companies are going to get the message that they can bundle worthless crap with their games and people will pay top dollar for them. If people stop buying the special editions of stuff that come with things like a freaking duffel bag, the companies will be forced to make special edition bundles with things that are actually good like added content.
So much hate for the bag... Personally I think it looks kinda cool. I'd love to carry stuff around in a suspicious looking black bag. It'd also be neat to store all my cash and contraband in that lockbox. But that license plate looks stupid, with the digit or the roman numeral, toss that out please.
Mm, I'm tempted to pre-order because I like that Lockbox. More gamer stuff in my room is needed and I could use it as a change holder. Plus art books are always nice. Not sure I'd have a use for a duffle bag though. Doesn't look big enough to be of actual use.
Eh, I got in on the Liongames preorder of the regular version last year, so I'll have it for $48 shipped. The extra stuff is most definitely NOT worth an extra $42.

Tho the license plate is cool. :)
[quote name='Malik112099'] took less time to actually make the plate and disprove you than it did for you to type up that paragraph of lies...and for New York no less - where GTA IV is technically based...[/quote]
Ah, but the GTA IV plate obviously is not from NYC. You see, in recent years, the state of New York has swiched from die-pressed plates to printed plates. Characters are also used interchangeably to save money on dies and simplify the pressing process as well. It seems obvious to me that either a: Liberty City is not a direct analog of modern day New York City, b: perhaps the designer imagined that this plate was pressed before printed plates were introduced to the state of New York, or c: it's simply a made up city where none of this really matters anyways.

I'm going with the latter option. It's a design call by the guy who thinks up useless swag to sell games for more than they're worth.

Anyways. . .this is all pointless. I've pre-ordered mine. Jumped on it a month ago at liongames for $10 less. Shame. . .I won't get the authentic plate . . .
Gamestop is doing a power trade offer for reserving this title. 20% bonus on your trades if you are putting it towards a the reserve of GTA IV, combines with edge card so you get 30% if you have one.

I have never bought a special edition, but I am getting this one. Everything except the art book has me excited.
[quote name='TC']Never preorder until there is a real solid release date.[/quote]

That is silly, I pre-order any game that I feel is "must have". Who cares if the release date is solid? Hell I have seen dates change a week before the game is supposed to release. As long as you do reserves at a place where you can cancel your reserves (such as GS/EB) there is no risk in reserving early.

I reserved Rock Band early, and most stores stopped taking reserves about 2 weeks before the game came out. Lesson to be learned, reserve early.
bread's done