Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='shieryda']I did not receive this.[/quote] your guide listed as "shipped" on Amazon? Weren't they originally supposed to go out on the 25th?

[quote name='Bezerker']FYE & Kmart thus far have broken street date.[/quote]

No dice at the Kmart in Poughkeepsie, NY. And I think I need a tetanus shot after going into that freakin' store.

[quote name='joe2187']There's a fifth and final trailer up, just saw it on TV...nice and slick[/quote]

Amazing. :applause:
[quote name='The 7th Number']Kind of like this?

Good lord i hope its not bad like that.[/quote]

I was watching the live feeds of PS3 and saw something similar, but it was a guardrail that appeared. I've come to face the facts that once in a while something weird happens. It's always been like that in GTA.

Odds are it won't be often though.
Posted on Kotaku tonight:

Our GTA IV review is going live tomorrow morning, 9 AM Pacific/12 PM Eastern in the easy-to-read Kotaku style. After that, expect a handy platform comparison, in which we talk about how GTA IV performs on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Yes, I've played both quite a bit, so I hope you'll find my nitpicking informative. See you tomorrow!
I'm STILL waffling over which version to buy...maybe this will help?
[quote name='Dezuria']To those who have played the PS3 version, are the controls the same as the PS2 games? I like steering with the digital pad.[/quote]

Sorry to crush your dreams, but analog only for driving. The D-Pad is reserved for your cell phone (up), changing radio stations (left and right), and zooming out on the map (down).

It's fun playing this on a DS3. I changed my ringtone on the game to vibrate and the controller rumbles when you have an incoming call. :D
MAJOR SCREENSHOT OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Will make you pee your pants with hype)




Sweet ass Crib....Super gay shirt.

Forget it Niko...its chinatown.

Junk in the trunk?

In Loving memory of Jose.

When Niko gets the munchies...he gets them bad.

Niko at sunset

Bring out yer dead...

Maybe he wont notice me....

Hailing a Cab...or attempted car decide

The side-effects of hot-coffee

He never saw it coming...

You see warriors!!! this is what you get when you mess with the orphans!!

What do you mean you don't serve breakfast at 11:00!!!

Mr Beef shows you his goods

Simply gorgeous...just...damn

Easy Targets

The news is painful

Little man...Big Gun.

*Cue Dukes of Hazzards Theme*

You like yes?...

What are you retarded? I'm the GODDAMN BAT-MAN!

WTF?! Mt.Dew Gamer fuel?...shit tastes like ass yo.

Proud to be an american...

The Truth behind the JFK Assination

Do you think I'm sexy?

In the morning we shall wake, and the city will rumble.

Good night folks.
I love the people with the starbucks cups because
you can shove them or bump into them and they drop their cup, then you can pick it up and throw it at them
So I'm listening to Liberty Rock, and two awesome songs come on..
"1979" by Smashing Pumpkins
"Rocky Mountain Way" by Joe Walsh
. The third,
"Goodbye Horses" by Q-Lazzarus
comes on. I hear the opening beats, and I immediately go "Ohh!" just like in the scene from
Clerks 2


It was funny, I didn't know if it was the same song.. turns out it was!
I'm kind of concerned regarding which version to buy as well. I have a PS3 and a 360 sooo...

Also the sort of pop in that we regularly see on 360 (hello unreal engine!) has to do with textures and normal maps loading in late. The stuff you guys are posting about is asset pop in which I haven't seen as frequently. That's normally due to problems with occlusion... very strange. I hope this isn't the case. I don't want anything that removes me from the world of GTA. And that might do it.

I'm so hype for this game tho. It's tough weighing my options. I'll be looking forward to what Kotaku has to say tomorrow.
[quote name='RynoZebz']I'm kind of concerned regarding which version to buy as well. I have a PS3 and a 360 sooo...

Also the sort of pop in that we regularly see on 360 (hello unreal engine!) has to do with textures and normal maps loading in late. The stuff you guys are posting about is asset pop in which I haven't seen as frequently. That's normally due to problems with occlusion... very strange. I hope this isn't the case. I don't want anything that removes me from the world of GTA. And that might do it.

I'm so hype for this game tho. It's tough weighing my options. I'll be looking forward to what Kotaku has to say tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Well, I had the same conflict but since I know that my main focus is going to be multiplayer I went with 360 because I know more people that will be online with the 360 than on PS3.
I think the PS3 probably play marginally better than the 360 version from what we've read in the reviews thus far. But considering everyone who's played the 360 version has stated there's no real slowdown or any major graphical issues, cheesemints, DLC and XBL win out for me.
[quote name='SynGamer']I click the banner that says the review is up and it sends me to a 404 :([/quote]Yeah it is the same with me, but i expect it to be up soon.
[quote name='RynoZebz']I'm kind of concerned regarding which version to buy as well. I have a PS3 and a 360 sooo...

Also the sort of pop in that we regularly see on 360 (hello unreal engine!) has to do with textures and normal maps loading in late. The stuff you guys are posting about is asset pop in which I haven't seen as frequently. That's normally due to problems with occlusion... very strange. I hope this isn't the case. I don't want anything that removes me from the world of GTA. And that might do it.

I'm so hype for this game tho. It's tough weighing my options. I'll be looking forward to what Kotaku has to say tomorrow.[/quote]Maybe the 7 minute install on the PS3 is just loading the textures on the system so it does not have to read them each time off the disk(bluray would slow it down worse)?..Thats the most logical explanation.

I read the IGN review and they said the framerate and everything else is good on both systems but the 360 version has more pop in.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Team Xbox review[/quote]

from their review....

Despite what some other people who’ve played the game already say, I experienced very little pop-up, something you can usually expect in games without hard load times. In fact, playing the game in a near gold state a week ago, as well as now with a retail copy, my experience has been relatively glitch free. That’s not going to stop the fan boys from fighting over which version is better, Xbox 360 or PS3. Guess what, I choose Xbox 360. I’ll take achievements over a couple higher resolution textures any day
[quote name='']The two versions are so close to identical, visually, that putting together a comparison was a challenge. Initially, it appeared that the PS3 suffered from more noticeable aliasing than its 360 counterpart, but after eyeballing the final retail copy, they appear to be on par.[/quote]

What's "aliasing"?
Anyone else happy that Gametrailers said that this GTA is easier than others? I actually want to be able to finish this rendition without using cheat codes.
[quote name='help1']Anyone else happy that Gametrailers said that this GTA is easier than others? I actually want to be able to finish this rendition without using cheat codes.[/quote]

Hell yeah. I never got past that early mission in San Andreas where you have to chase OG Loc on the motorcycle. Because of that I only have like 3 hours of play in that game. :lol: :bomb: :cry: (I can't seem to decide if that is something I should laugh at, be pissed about, or feel pathetic).
[quote name='Kendro'](I can't seem to decide if that is something I should laugh at, be pissed about, or feel pathetic).[/quote]I'd go with the latter... jk :D (sort of)
[quote name='help1']Anyone else happy that Gametrailers said that this GTA is easier than others? I actually want to be able to finish this rendition without using cheat codes.[/QUOTE]

It's a little easier than the others, but don't expect a cake walk on some missions.
Check out this sexy piece.

[quote name='help1']Anyone else happy that Gametrailers said that this GTA is easier than others? I actually want to be able to finish this edition without using cheat codes.[/quote]

I never really felt that the GTA games were difficult, but the controls often made them REALLY frustrating. Looks like the shooting/targeting has been addressed in IV, but the wobbly driving has me a bit concerned.
Just took one of my buddies to the bar and tried driving him home with cops chasing that made me feel sick watching the screen and trying to drive and stuff...made it home, but :whistle2:#
[quote name='Kendro']Hell yeah. I never got past that early mission in San Andreas where you have to chase OG Loc on the motorcycle. Because of that I only have like 3 hours of play in that game. :lol: :bomb: :cry: (I can't seem to decide if that is something I should laugh at, be pissed about, or feel pathetic).[/quote]

Ahh, I remember that mission. I got lucky because he hit a mail box and fell off.
[quote name='bmachine']
I never really felt that the GTA games were difficult, but the controls often made them REALLY frustrating. Looks like the shooting/targeting has been addressed in IV, but the wobbly driving has me a bit concerned.[/quote]

Yea. I remember in San Andrea there was this one mission where you had to do a drive by and kill like 15 guys on some corner. The problem was that on the PS2, drive by controls were horrible, while I think that on the XBOX drive by controls were easier.
I know I'm going with the 360 version over the PS3 just so I can play with all my friends on XBL. I'll take a few lower resolution textures and a bit of pop up if that means I can do drive by's with all my friends.

That said, I saddened that Toys R Us isn't doing a midnight release for the game, but I'd rather use a giftcard than have to pay cash out of my pocket to do it. I'll just have to wake up early and get there right when they open.
[quote name='Moxio']Would someone mind explaining what "pop up" means? Is it related to draw distance?[/quote]When you don't see something in the distance and you happen to drive and run into something that just pops in. That is what it is loading that doesn't keep up.
Hooker pickup spoiler
Just took a hooker for a ride and it lets you cycle between was a convertible and I paid for the $50 service and it showed her putting her head in his lap while Niko pushed it down......Hilarious!
[quote name='Moxio']Would someone mind explaining what "pop up" means? Is it related to draw distance?[/quote]

Popup is objects that don't load fast enough and "appear". It happens in all GTA games, and apparently in GTAIV, it happens both in PS3 and 360 now and again. (i'm not surprised)

The draw distance in IV is greater on the PS3, but the 360 uses more texture filter to "fade" the distance.
bread's done