Grand Theft Auto V Announced! Back to California!

Can't wait to bunny hop over some corpes. Traveling through a next gen san andreas will be awesome, san francisco is full of potetial. I saw a dog in that trailer so hopefully they roam free in the game with many other animals. It was funny how the GTA 4 cag group said i was to good to play with them and they kicked me from a session when i was slaughtering them. Go play auto aim you goofs.
I guess you have to be a fan of the series to like these games. I played San Andreas with a friend and I hated it. I bought into the hype of GTA IV and got it day 1 and was very disappointed, the story and game mechanics were horrible. I really think GTA IV was th most overrated game of all time. If it had been called called Generic Name by Generic Studio it wouldn't have received the praise it got. GTA 2 FTW!
Wow, completely unimpressed. More LA from Rockstar, as if they didn't already have two other games devoted to it. I'm sure it will be another smash hit but color me hugely disappointed already.

Looks like the leaked rumors I was dreading turned out to be true, sigh.
No, I'm just sick of them doing the same thing over and over. I was hoping for any city other than LA again. There's a lot of other cool cities out there Rockstar. . .
Hopefully there will be some fun glitches to screw around with in the game world in single and multiplayer. But otherwise, color me meh for this new game as well(unless they add in some destructibility to the game environment and some video recording function like Just Cause 2 had).
They had me fooled by the first couple of seconds with them showing the beach and all. I also thought at first that the character doing the voice over sounded a bit like Ray Liotta.
I wanted a different city than an LA type as well, but somehow I think they have something hidden up their sleeves. Or they could just stay there and I will still love it if they include the same sense of detail and overall production values Rockstar North is known for.
well since its back to san andreas they need to add more stuff. san andreas to me was the best gta game ever because there was so much to do. clothing options, working out, dirtbike racing, triathalons, riding bikes. if you didnt want to bother with the story you could lose hours doing side stuff so they need to add more of that.

and for anything they add to the game you should be able to do it. if theres a golf course you should be able to golf or if theres skate parks you should be able to skate ect ect ect and yeah cj better be in it somewhere or else fuck it.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this game will have a 2012 release. Long way away obviously but it will be 4 years since GTA IV this upcoming spring and they have been working on this for a couple years at least.
[quote name='Josh5890']I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this game will have a 2012 release. Long way away obviously but it will be 4 years since GTA IV this upcoming spring and they have been working on this for a couple years at least.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i dont think it would come out this year, probably next year 4th quarter, maybe 3rd quarter. Too bad there wasnt a release date, or even estimate of a release date. Then again we all know what happened with GTA IV and their release date. :X
Looks boring. I wanted a new place. I dought this will have more stuff than san andreas, at best maybe equal but than in that case y not play san andreas instead. After the hype 4 wasn't that great and was a step down from san andreas. No idea how that game got rated higher than an 8
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']They had me fooled by the first couple of seconds with them showing the beach and all. I also thought at first that the character doing the voice over sounded a bit like Ray Liotta.[/QUOTE]
No shit, they're ripping off Goodfellas for sure. Too bad they couldn't come up with a new setting at least other than San Andreas 2.0 (which I never finished I was so bored). No originality at all.
[quote name='vic_x51']Looks boring. I wanted a new place. I dought this will have more stuff than san andreas, at best maybe equal but than in that case y not play san andreas instead. After the hype 4 wasn't that great and was a step down from san andreas. No idea how that game got rated higher than an 8[/QUOTE]
I tried playing San Andreas a month ago on the PS2 I bought from Target for $50. The game was NOT AT ALL as fun as I remembered. The cars chugged along the road unevenly(in some spots they actually rear end ya repeatedly if ya don't get out of their way) and the game was a completely ugly mess(even with the 'filter' turned off on it).

I actually ended up paying a flea market seller here about $16 for it. I wanted to make sure I had bought a 'Hot Coffee' copy since I only wanted to screw around in the open world again and not have to replay the whole game just to unlock every city.

But now I wish I could get back the money I spent, since I can't even play the game due to how it looks/plays.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I think Rockstar has a decent grasp on developing for the current gen consoles by now, so I wouldn't doubt it if we see it sometime around April or May of 2012.[/QUOTE]

That would seem like a large conflict of interest though since Max Payne 3 is slated for March of 2012. Even a possible July 2012 release would seem rather dicey.

I feel like ranting alot about this game, so here goes:

-I never got the whole "GTA IV is lame compared to SA" sentiment... I like both games, but I don't think SA is quite as good as people make it out to be. Nearly all of the problems I had with IV are present in SA: long driving segments to a mission? Check. Being forced to chase after indestructible cars? That's there too. Annoying interference? Yeah, IV's phone calls were annoying but so was keeping your character's weight and fitness in check in SA. Even SA had it's own issues with car handling: in IV you had may have had to learn to overcome the weird handling but in SA you had to friggin' earn it over time. San Andreas may have given you a bigger world and more stuff to do (although I don't really count linear mini games as relevent to the kind of fun I like to have in a sandbox game world), but it had more than its share of crummy parts in comparison to IV, especially the shooting.

And of course, now that we ARE getting something that looks to offer the scope and diversity of San Andreas, everyone's upset because we've already been to this location before. I think it's safe to assume that the location is the same in name only; I'd imagine the San Andreas of the early 90s is going to be thematically different from Modern SA. I also seriously doubt I'm going to be able to pull out my San Andreas map and see all there is to see in GTA V. I think California is a great idea because it's such a geographically diverse region.
I couldn't stand the story one bit in GTA IV, whereas I actually liked the story in SA. I never 'connected' with most of the characters on any really meaningful level, so when I saw the endings I just let out a big MEH.

Now the episodes on the other hand, those were fun and interesting by comparison.
[quote name='wrencrest']The hell with it, just remake Vice City with the new tech and a bigger city and be done with it! :)[/QUOTE]

Still my favorite GTA. I did enjoy IV though, looking forward to this for sure.
[quote name='kube00']I loved GTA SA....[/QUOTE]
So did I back in the day, but now it's absolutely horrid to look at. Only things I had fun with when I was playing it was doing the BMX bike super jump and messing with the monster truck from the trailer park just outside of Los Santos(to the west of the beach area).

Otherwise it was making my frickin' eyes bleed to play it for longer than 30-45 minutes at a clip. Shame really since I put in around 100+ hours of screwing around in the game world when I used to play it.

As for GTA V being one city and one city only, that just sucks balls. I was kinda hoping they'd make a casino heist game for multiplayer ala Ocean's Eleven. I was also really looking forward to trying to climb the cables on their version of the Golden Gate Bridge like I climbed up the bridges in Liberty City in GTA IV and Episodes.

Hopefully they'll have a lot more fleshed out interiors in this game as opposed to GTA IV et. al, where you could only go into the buildings they allowed you to and only to the extent they allowed.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']So did I back in the day, but now it's absolutely horrid to look at. .[/QUOTE]

GTA was never a beauty and since HD arrived, it is just so hard to go back to anything less. Everything looks god awful. The only old games I can play now are sprite based, so mainly 8 and 16 bit games. Sub HD polygons just hurt to look at for more than minute.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']As for GTA V being one city and one city only, that just sucks balls. I was kinda hoping they'd make a casino heist game for multiplayer ala Ocean's Eleven. I was also really looking forward to trying to climb the cables on their version of the Golden Gate Bridge like I climbed up the bridges in Liberty City in GTA IV and Episodes.[/QUOTE]
I really, really wanted it to be Vegas this time. There's so much they could do with it and having come fresh off the heels of FNV, I'm sure they'd capture that crowd as well. Remember how they added all those entertainment shows for IV? Think of the possibilities Vegas offers. That and I would fully expect a nod to Fear and Loathing somewhere. ;)

Instead we get same old shit and rumor has it they're doing the turf wars thing again which I hated. Unless they release this during summer when there's nothing else to play, I might skip it altogether.
[quote name='Jodou']I really, really wanted it to be Vegas this time. There's so much they could do with it and having come fresh off the heels of FNV, I'm sure they'd capture that crowd as well. Remember how they added all those entertainment shows for IV? Think of the possibilities Vegas offers. That and I would fully expect a nod to Fear and Loathing somewhere. ;)

Instead we get same old shit and rumor has it they're doing the turf wars thing again which I hated. Unless they release this during summer when there's nothing else to play, I might skip it altogether.[/QUOTE]

I think the problem with Vegas only is that Vegas is totally flat, and the streets are pretty much a grid. Driving missions would get boring fast unless R* substantially broke from reality in their design of the city, which after playing IV, I don't think they will do.
[quote name='Puffa469']I think the problem with Vegas only is that Vegas is totally flat, and the streets are pretty much a grid. Driving missions would get boring fast unless R* substantially broke from reality in their design of the city, which after playing IV, I don't think they will do.[/QUOTE]
I don't know that this would bother me that much. It would be more or less like driving in the NY suburbs of IV with only the desert to break that up. And the strip is no less impressive than Times Square, so it's a toss up. But you're probably right that this is a play-it-safe sequel where they're not willing to take chances on design like that.

Pity really.
The only thing thats a pity about gta is how Rockstar Gaymes puts auto aim in there online games. Seeing anyone complain about a Cali map with countryside makes me want to do some head busting with no discussion, puttin chrome to your dome giving you a concussion, and i bet you'll leave here on a stretcher, the ambulance gonna have to come and get ya.
Nerds. Nerds. Nerds. Nerds!!!
bread's done