Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

Spent my $8.12 Playfire rewards on Bioshock, Minerva's Den and Darkness II.

Only cost less than $2 real money.

Playfire will surely not last forever. How can GMG keep giving out virtually free games like this?

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I think you should reconsider, but as long as you can access the storefront, the game key you get will be for your region.
ESO sucks?

Havent heard anything about it, havent really done any research on it either. Was mostly going to be an impulse buy since Diablo 3s expansion blows

Spent my $8.12 Playfire rewards and on Bioshock, Minerva's Den and Darkness II.

Only cost less than $2 real money.

Playfire will surely not last forever. How can GMG keep giving out virtually free games like this?
most people probably dont own 95% of the games in the promotion like cags do, and boot up said games specifically to get the rewards

most people probably dont own 95% of the games in the promotion like cags do, and boot up said games specifically to get the rewards
Well I hope it carries on forever. This is freaking awesome. It's forcing me to play and finish games in my backlog and then gives me cheap/free games to backlog until they have rewards.

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ESO sucks?

Havent heard anything about it, havent really done any research on it either. Was mostly going to be an impulse buy since Diablo 3s expansion blows
Ummm - you didn't get into any of the recent ESO Betas, did you?

No NDA's when I played - so, I'll speak on it.

If the Beta is any indication from the 10 hours or so that I spent with it, ESO is mediocrity AT BEST. ESO isn't sure if it wants to be a SP game or a MMO - as it tries to do both, but it fails at being good in either category. While ESO's performance was not good in the Beta and the game having bugs are kind of expected for a Beta and can be overlooked a bit b/c it was in Beta - it's the boring questing; not-so-great voice-acting (sounded phoned-in, to me); and writing so "meh" that this even makes Bethesda look like Gods at writing dialogue + prose that ALL really turned me off w/ this game.

I hope the game and its first 10 hours got overhauled since the Beta, which I played a few weeks back. But to me - things didn't feel promising.

God knows how old that ESO Beta build was...

But If it's in a similar state of the Beta - this thing looks like it's ready for B2P or F2P.

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Laf. I bought Minerva's Den on GMG. Didn't have enough credit for BS2, figured I'd just grab it some other time since it's always going on sale. Steam won't let me activate it. I had no idea that restriction was in place. Seems pretty arbitrary.

Laf. I bought Minerva's Den on GMG. Didn't have enough credit for BS2, figured I'd just grab it some other time since it's always going on sale. Steam won't let me activate it. I had no idea that restriction was in place. Seems pretty arbitrary.
On Steam, you must have the BASE-GAME activated on your account BEFORE you activate any DLC's and EXPANSIONS.

He's RIGHT about THAT. It just makes SENSE when you THINK about IT.
He's right, but it doesn't make sense. Maybe a few years ago, but DLC is a big enough thing now, and it goes on sale separately enough from the base games that it doesn't make sense to restrict people from activating DLC codes for a game they don't have yet. Keep them from installing/playing it, sure, but buying/activating it? There's no upside to that restriction.

He's right, but it doesn't make sense. Maybe a few years ago, but DLC is a big enough thing now, and it goes on sale separately enough from the base games that it doesn't make sense to restrict people from activating DLC codes for a game they don't have yet. Keep them from installing/playing it, sure, but buying/activating it? There's no upside to that restriction.
It means you have to buy the game. Maybe now that you have the dlc that you can't activate, you'll buy the game quicker than you would normally. Maybe even before it hits its next big sale.

That's why they do it that way.

He's right, but it doesn't make sense. Maybe a few years ago, but DLC is a big enough thing now, and it goes on sale separately enough from the base games that it doesn't make sense to restrict people from activating DLC codes for a game they don't have yet. Keep them from installing/playing it, sure, but buying/activating it? There's no upside to that restriction.
You'll be glad you didn't activate DLC first, if somehow you say get your hands on a Bioshock 2: Complete Edition key.

(Does that even exist now?)

That way, you can do something w/ your un-activated key - give it away, trade it, whatever.

Most games on Steam, if you activate say a bundle-key that contains also something you've already activated - you don't get an extra key.

It goes to WASTE. ;(

Very rarely, does Steam give you extra copies from activations:

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He's right, but it doesn't make sense. Maybe a few years ago, but DLC is a big enough thing now, and it goes on sale separately enough from the base games that it doesn't make sense to restrict people from activating DLC codes for a game they don't have yet. Keep them from installing/playing it, sure, but buying/activating it? There's no upside to that restriction.
OK, maybe it'll MAKE more SENSE IF I make different WORDS CAPITALIZED this time?

HE's right ABOUT that. It JUST makes sense WHEN you think ABOUT it.
That picture is woefully outdated. Sure he did nothing before getting it, but after he got it he sure did plenty (see: drone strikes). They really should take it back, even if he only got it in the first place for "not being Bush".

Edit: Sorry, sorry. Regardless of political ideology, you have to admit he didn't deserve it. I remember being at college when they announced it, and people literally booed at the news. Even back then everybody knew it was ridiculous (he was in office, what? Less than a year?) , nevermind the fact that he's done a lot of "not peaceful" stuff since then.

A guy on another messageboard said he had ~$5.50 in credit and it expired. I don't recall ever seeing deadline information on Playfire--anybody else know anything about it?

I don't know about credits expiring.  I joined the program when it first started and I have not seen any acquired credit go away unless I spent it.  On a side not  I must be a #FakeCAG because I don't have any of the bundled games for the rewards today and that makes me sad.

Jenny! JENNY!!!!! Or w/e her name was. I think it was Jenny. If you're the type who likes a game like Spec Ops then you'll like Darkness 2. If you want more S in your FPS with weapon variety, level design, etc. you're better off looking elsewhere.
But Darkness II lets you fling rebar to staple dudes to walls and cut them in half with flying car doors. If that ain't weapon variety, I dunno what is.

Does anyone know the status of the STALKER franchise? I remember hearing a rumor, over a year ago, that Bethesda had bought it, but that turned out to be false.
Supposedly BitComposer bought it, then it turned out that they bought the rights to Roadside Picnic instead which didn't really include it and now them and the remnants of GSC both claimed to own the rights. No idea where it went from there.

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Latest rewards:

New Rewards

Available until Sunday 13 April, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

7 Days to Die - play for the first time - £0.10
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - play for the first time - £0.10
Harvester - play for the first time - £0.10
Pressure - play for the first time - £0.10
Pressure - unlock King of the Sky - £0.10
Pressure - unlock UltraKill - £0.25
Pressure - unlock Gun Jammin' - £0.50
Space Engineers - play for the first time - £0.10
System Shock 2 - play for the first time - £0.10
They Bleed Pixels - play for the first time - £0.10
They Bleed Pixels - unlock Dream 1: Prologue Completed - £0.10
They Bleed Pixels - unlock Squire - £0.25
They Bleed Pixels - unlock Bloodless - £0.50

If you haven't played Pressure yet there's also the extra bonus it just recently had Steam cards added.

I know you all are excited about this one.

GreenManGaming is having a 75% off Magicka sale.

(This was a 24h deal, so about 11 hours left at the time of posting.)

Games and dlc include:

  • Magicka - $2.48
  • Magicka Collection -$4.99
  • Magicka Nippon DLC - $0.24
  • Magicka: Vietnam DLC - $1.23
  • Magicka Gamer Bundle -$0.48
  • Magicka: Marshlands DLC -$0.49
  • Magicka: Watch Tower DLC -$0.49
  • Magicka: Frozen Lake DLC - $0.49
  • Magicka The Other Side of the Coin - $1.24
  • Magicka: Horror Props DLC - $0.74
  • Magicka: Final Frontier DLC - $0.74
  • Magicka: Holiday Spirit DLC - $0.49
  • Magicka: The Stars are Left - $1.49
  • Magicka: Tower of the Niflheim DLC - $0.49
  • Magicka: Grimnir's Laboratory - $0.24
  • Magicka: Dungeons & Daemons DLC - $0.99
  • Magicka: Dungeons & Gargoyles DLC - $0.99
  • Magicka Mega Villain Robes DLC - $0.49
  • Magicka: Heirlooms Item Pack DLC - $0.49
  • Magicka: Lonely Island Cruise DLC - $0.49
  • Magicka: Wizard's Survival Kit DLC - $0.24
  • Magicka: Aspiring Musician Robes DLC - $0.49
  • Magicka: Peculiar Gadgets Item Pack DLC -$0.49
Also, about 13 hours left on the 24-hour deal:

All activate on Steam.

Use voucher 8KM88H-PPN6L5-SJ9GRU for an additional 20% off if you spend $10 or more.

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You unlocked Around the World on 5 Trampolines in Goat Simulator


They fixed it!

  • Dear Esther - play for the first time - £0.10
another bundle game without cards.

They Bleed Pixelz: 2.49 - 0.1 (credit back) - 1.6 (playfire) - 4x0.13 (cards) = $0.27

0.13 is for cheapest, most are worth more.

Probably worth buying. :p

I was going to buy they bleed pixels...but it was .27 cents i wanted to save.  I hear that game is shittier then Lost Planet and I don't believe it...but I also wasnt going to take the chance.  The only way they will force that retro garbage on me is in a bundle because...I can't resist those.

And my credit jumped another $20 :lol:

Too bad my crap comp can't run Dark Souls II, since I can just about afford to get it entirely on credits without a coupon.

Has anyone received any credits from Playfire since their "update" ?

Because I finally got a response on my ticket saying that I was credited but there has been no change since March 14th, even though I've done over 10 achievements since.  :twoguns:

Has anyone received any credits from Playfire since their "update" ?

Because I finally got a response on my ticket saying that I was credited but there has been no change since March 14th, even though I've done over 10 achievements since. :twoguns:
Yeah, I have some credit as recently as last week.

If anyone hasn't played Type Rider yet you have one day left to get PF Rewards for it.

It's actually a pretty enjoyable little game too, you can knock it out in one night.

Has anyone received any credits from Playfire since their "update" ?

Because I finally got a response on my ticket saying that I was credited but there has been no change since March 14th, even though I've done over 10 achievements since. :twoguns:
I've been getting them daily since they fixed the issue and I was one of those people that didn't get jack shit for months.

08 Apr '14 You unlocked Slayer of Kings in Dwarfs!? £0.50
08 Apr '14 You unlocked Infowlable in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.50
08 Apr '14 You unlocked Squire in They Bleed Pixels £0.25

07 Apr '14 You played Pressure for the first time! £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Bloodless in They Bleed Pixels £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Dream 1: Prologue Completed in They Bleed Pixels £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Gun Jammin' in Pressure £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked UltraKill in Pressure £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked King of the Sky in Pressure £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked How's It Hanging? in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Stop the Clock in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Serial Killer in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked AR Knight in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Contract Terminated in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Dial Z For Murder in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Bargaining Chip in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Conundrum in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Pick Pocket in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked IQ Test in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.10

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Infowlable in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.25

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Kleptomaniac in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.25

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Super Cop in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.25

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Stuntman in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.10

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Slight Silver in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.10

04 Apr '14 You played Type:Rider for the first time! £0.10

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Play It Again Sam in Monaco £0.50

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Technician in Monaco £0.25

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Massacre in Monaco £0.10

04 Apr '14 You unlocked No Solid Food for Six Hours in Psychonauts £0.50

04 Apr '14 You unlocked No More Secrets in Psychonauts £0.25

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Mmm… Bacon! in Psychonauts £0.10

03 Apr '14 You unlocked Yes, I am the real garry! in Garry's Mod £0.50

03 Apr '14 You unlocked Addict in Garry's Mod £0.50

02 Apr '14 You unlocked One Year in Universe Sandbox £0.50

02 Apr '14 You unlocked Lucky Rabbit's Foot in Omerta - City of Gangsters £0.25

02 Apr '14 You unlocked An Offer You Can't Refuse in Omerta - City of Gangsters £0.10

01 Apr '14 You played Yet Another Zombie Defense for the first time! £0.10

01 Apr '14 You played Alien Swarm for the first time! £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked One shot, many kills in Yet Another Zombie Defense £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Saving up in Yet Another Zombie Defense £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Corporal in Yet Another Zombie Defense £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Weapons Collector in Omerta - City of Gangsters £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Hawk, wolf, puma and bear 3 in Awesomenauts £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Awesomenauts, roll out! in Awesomenauts £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Croaked by a toad in Awesomenauts £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked SUPREME SACRIFICE in Left 4 Dead 2 £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked HEAD HONCHO in Left 4 Dead 2 £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked ACID REFLEX in Left 4 Dead 2 £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Half Marathon in Garry's Mod £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Map Loader in Garry's Mod £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Play Around in Garry's Mod £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Vultures Chef in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Group Heal in Alien Swarm £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Clear Firing in Alien Swarm £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Technician Secured in Alien Swarm £0.10

After yelling at Playfire over and over and having them ignore me, I just got this:

"We are currently looking into whats causing your credit not to transfer, we've passed this over to our experts in our tech department. We will hopefully have this resolved as soon as possible."

Ooh, "experts". My problem will be solved for sure now.

I've been getting them daily since they fixed the issue and I was one of those people that didn't get jack shit for months.

08 Apr '14 You unlocked Slayer of Kings in Dwarfs!? £0.50
08 Apr '14 You unlocked Infowlable in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.50
08 Apr '14 You unlocked Squire in They Bleed Pixels £0.25

07 Apr '14 You played Pressure for the first time! £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Bloodless in They Bleed Pixels £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Dream 1: Prologue Completed in They Bleed Pixels £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Gun Jammin' in Pressure £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked UltraKill in Pressure £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked King of the Sky in Pressure £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked How's It Hanging? in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Stop the Clock in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Serial Killer in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked AR Knight in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Contract Terminated in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.50

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Dial Z For Murder in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Bargaining Chip in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Conundrum in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.25

07 Apr '14 You unlocked Pick Pocket in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.10

07 Apr '14 You unlocked IQ Test in Batman: Arkham City GOTY £0.10

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Infowlable in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.25

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Kleptomaniac in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.25

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Super Cop in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.25

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Stuntman in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.10

05 Apr '14 You unlocked Slight Silver in Sleeping Dogs™ £0.10

04 Apr '14 You played Type:Rider for the first time! £0.10

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Play It Again Sam in Monaco £0.50

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Technician in Monaco £0.25

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Massacre in Monaco £0.10

04 Apr '14 You unlocked No Solid Food for Six Hours in Psychonauts £0.50

04 Apr '14 You unlocked No More Secrets in Psychonauts £0.25

04 Apr '14 You unlocked Mmm… Bacon! in Psychonauts £0.10

03 Apr '14 You unlocked Yes, I am the real garry! in Garry's Mod £0.50

03 Apr '14 You unlocked Addict in Garry's Mod £0.50

02 Apr '14 You unlocked One Year in Universe Sandbox £0.50

02 Apr '14 You unlocked Lucky Rabbit's Foot in Omerta - City of Gangsters £0.25

02 Apr '14 You unlocked An Offer You Can't Refuse in Omerta - City of Gangsters £0.10

01 Apr '14 You played Yet Another Zombie Defense for the first time! £0.10

01 Apr '14 You played Alien Swarm for the first time! £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked One shot, many kills in Yet Another Zombie Defense £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Saving up in Yet Another Zombie Defense £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Corporal in Yet Another Zombie Defense £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Weapons Collector in Omerta - City of Gangsters £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Hawk, wolf, puma and bear 3 in Awesomenauts £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Awesomenauts, roll out! in Awesomenauts £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Croaked by a toad in Awesomenauts £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked SUPREME SACRIFICE in Left 4 Dead 2 £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked HEAD HONCHO in Left 4 Dead 2 £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked ACID REFLEX in Left 4 Dead 2 £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Half Marathon in Garry's Mod £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Map Loader in Garry's Mod £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Play Around in Garry's Mod £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Vultures Chef in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare £0.10

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Group Heal in Alien Swarm £0.50

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Clear Firing in Alien Swarm £0.25

01 Apr '14 You unlocked Technician Secured in Alien Swarm £0.10

After yelling at Playfire over and over and having them ignore me, I just got this:

"We are currently looking into whats causing your credit not to transfer, we've passed this over to our experts in our tech department. We will hopefully have this resolved as soon as possible."

Ooh, "experts". My problem will be solved for sure now.
Looks like we're in the same boat.

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After yelling at Playfire over and over and having them ignore me, I just got this:

"We are currently looking into whats causing your credit not to transfer, we've passed this over to our experts in our tech department. We will hopefully have this resolved as soon as possible."

Ooh, "experts". My problem will be solved for sure now.

bread's done