Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

Hopped on They Bleed Pixels yesterday to do the achievements (I don't know why I torment myself accumulating credit that I can't use). I already had the first one, of course, but Squire and Bloodless are kind of achievements you'll only snag if you're specifically trying to get them. I'm not much of an achievement whore (not since my Xbox 360 days), so I didn't have them yet thankfully.


The first one, Squire, is done by piling up a 20x combo. Considering the game is heavily combo based, doesn't sound too tough, but it's actually a bit tricky. The time window to continue your combo is pretty slim unless you know what you're doing, so you're going to want to find an area with a good amount of enemies close to each other, and the area should have spike pits nearby. Why? Because the best way to extend your combos is to propel enemies off cliffs and/or into spike pits. Whenever an enemy is in the air, your combo timer is frozen. So sending an enemy off the edge and into a spike pit isn't only going to freeze your timer, it's going to extend your combo with the spike pit kill. 

The best place (I've found) to do this is in the prologue level, right after you come out of the little tunnels with the tutorial bits. If you head straight, you'll immediately come across a fairly flat area with spike pits breaking up each outcropping. On each bit of flat ground, there's an enemy, and there's four or so of these spots in a row. What do you do that this point? Your best bet is to kick a shambler straight up, then use your jester's blades ability to juggle him twice above you (you may have to get further into the game to unlock this ability); not three times, since that will kill it. Once you've juggled him twice, jump into the air and do a mid-air combo on him. The end of the combo should hopefully send him flying into a spike pit, but if not, you don't have to kill him with the air combo, just cancel it and kick him into a pit while he's stunned, before quickly jumping to the next shambler while the first one is falling/dying and repeating the same process.

If you do it right, you should only need 3 shamblers to pull off your combo. Realize that the multiplier in the corner of your screen isn't the same as the length of your combo. That's the multiplier for how many points (or "pints", as they're called in this game, since everything is based around blood more or less) you're getting. The actual combo SHOULD be how many hits are in your combo, not your multiplier.

If you can't pull it off there for some reason, the second best place to try for this is anywhere with ghost enemies, as they take a lot of hits before actually dying.


The next one, Bloodless, isn't nearly as easy... I tried getting it yesterday, after jumping back into the game months since playing it last, and it really frustrated me. There's no real easy guide to this, since the achievement here is to make it through a level without taking a single point of damage. Enemies can't hit you, you can't touch spikes, etc. Not an easy achievement at all (only 2.1% of people on Steam have it).

Your best bet is going to be doing this on the prologue (the first level). It's by far the easiest level, but in comparison to other platformers, the brutal difficulty of They Bleed Pixels is immediately apparent even in the first level. Beating the level really isn't too bad, no, but realize that pints in this game earn you checkpoints, and you can die as much as you like. Not taking a single hit takes that difficulty to a whole new level.

I gave up on it yesterday after trying 10+ times, turned it on today to try again, and somehow pulled it off first try. You can't panic, and I think that's the most vital bit of advice I can give on this achievement. If you're brand new to the game, you may not want to try this until you've played through more levels and gotten the hang of things, because you're going to need to be quite comfortable with the physics of the game to get a feel for navigating the whole level flawlessly without taking any damage. That said, it's totally possible (I'm not great at platformers and I pulled it off), and it's 50p in reward money!

Hopefully that helps anyone trying to nab these achievements. I won't bother going over the other one, since you just have to beat a level to get it.

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If anyone hasn't played Type Rider yet you have one day left to get PF Rewards for it.

It's actually a pretty enjoyable little game too, you can knock it out in one night.
So I tried playing this and it's actually a cute little game, it doesn't have much going for it game-play wise but I thought the visuals were pretty cool, as well as the "story" if you want to call it that. It's worth checking out especially if you've already bought the humble bundle.

GMG's "experts" are worse than aliens in my experience :(

Still, they are better than Steam support, so there's that.
Steam support is slow and awful, true, but I've heard many cases of people getting their problems solved with them... just very slowly.

GMG... yeah, I don't know. How many people are posting here saying "I told them my credit wasn't transferring and they fixed it, whoo!"?

off topic but Dio avatar! nice!
His voice will always be with me.

On topic: GMG support fixed a payment problem that I had when they were "new in town", but sadly that tech support guy isn't with them anymore and the new guys don't actually read the full content of the support tickets.

Still, I had more luck trying to get them to read suppport tickets than I had with Steam Support.

After yelling at Playfire over and over and having them ignore me, I just got this:

"We are currently looking into whats causing your credit not to transfer, we've passed this over to our experts in our tech department. We will hopefully have this resolved as soon as possible."

Ooh, "experts". My problem will be solved for sure now.
Have you tried logging out and back in on both GMG and PF?

I ask cos I had credit sitting on PF not transferring. When I logged in and out on GMG it was there the next morning.

It may or may not have been a direct result, who knows?
It may have, yes. The support guide says to do exactly that. But seeing as that "glitch" they fixed fixed a lot of people's credit, yet not others, a glitch still clearly exists on some accounts that can't be fixed by that simple action.

Damn it. I'm $3 off from having the full $50 credit for Dark Souls 2. I'd be alright if the normal 20% off code worked on it instead of a super secret "For your eyes only" 20% off code.

Originally intended to try asking for DS2 for my birthday since it's close enough to the release for government work, but then I poked around and was surprised to see there are no normal physical PC copies listed anywhere. Seems like a good use for my GMG funnymoney if the damn code worked.

Well holy shit, my credit just transferred.

I tried doing the sign in/sign out thing again today, but multiple times and every which way I could. Signed out of Playfire and GMG at once, then signed in and out of GMG by itself (leaving Playfire signed out), then signed into both of them again at the same time, then signed out of GMG and left it signed out, while leaving Playfire signed in.

And a few hours later, I have credit. Some combination of what I did clearly worked, so if you're not getting your credit, try what I said above.

Pretty nice to see the conversion to USD from quid... £3.65 becomes $6.05. So satisfying to finally see it transfer. Shame it's too late to buy Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger... I really wanted that, but only with credit.

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Well holy shit, my credit just transferred.

I tried doing the sign in/sign out thing again today, but multiple times and every which way I could. Signed out of Playfire and GMG at once, then signed in and out of GMG by itself (leaving Playfire signed out), then signed into both of them again at the same time, then signed out of GMG and left it signed out, while leaving Playfire signed in.

And a few hours later, I have credit. Some combination of what I did clearly worked, so if you're not getting your credit, try what I said above.

Pretty nice to see the conversion to USD from quid... £3.65 becomes $6.05. So satisfying to finally see it transfer. Shame it's too late to buy Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger... I really wanted that, but only with credit.
Holy :censored: ! Maybe there's hope for me after all. I might as well try all of that and see if it works. I'm still chock-full of doubt though, but here goes nothing...

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Well holy shit, my credit just transferred.

I tried doing the sign in/sign out thing again today, but multiple times and every which way I could. Signed out of Playfire and GMG at once, then signed in and out of GMG by itself (leaving Playfire signed out), then signed into both of them again at the same time, then signed out of GMG and left it signed out, while leaving Playfire signed in.

And a few hours later, I have credit. Some combination of what I did clearly worked, so if you're not getting your credit, try what I said above.

Pretty nice to see the conversion to USD from quid... £3.65 becomes $6.05. So satisfying to finally see it transfer. Shame it's too late to buy Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger... I really wanted that, but only with credit.

Damn it. I'm $3 off from having the full $50 credit for Dark Souls 2. I'd be alright if the normal 20% off code worked on it instead of a super secret "For your eyes only" 20% off code.

Originally intended to try asking for DS2 for my birthday since it's close enough to the release for government work, but then I poked around and was surprised to see there are no normal physical PC copies listed anywhere. Seems like a good use for my GMG funnymoney if the damn code worked.
Wait until after the 11th, when the 'secret' codes expire. Will probably be a normal voucher or cash back deal after that.

Also, there are physical copies of the game in the UK, if you really want one.
Wait until after the 11th, when the 'secret' codes expire. Will probably be a normal voucher or cash back deal after that.

Also, there are physical copies of the game in the UK, if you really want one.
Thanks for the heads up on the codes. Here's hoping a regular 20%-off deal (Or something) shows up.

And nah, since it was birthday fodder asking for a UK import (Which I hope and assume would just be a Steam key anyway) would be overboard. People never know what to get me since I don't usually want much, so a game I'm interested in near my birthday seemed perfect.

I've been doing it since Mindriot's post about it, but no change yet for me.

My head hurts.
Yup, same. No results yet either. Ugh. :wall:

I've tried various combinations of signing in and out on both sites, different browsers, deleting cache/cookies, flush DNS, etc... Just anything to get it to work. I finished getting all of the achievements for Type:Rider to see if that would help.

I just checked my Playfire account and the three Type:Rider achievements have already been correctly tracked. The achievement tracking has never been a problem for me it's always been the 100% lack of transferring of any credits over to GMG. Four months and not even a dime has shown up. I've never seen any check marks next to the credits on the Playfire Rewards page either. It's just all sorts of baffling really.

Yup, same. No results yet either. Ugh. :wall:

I've tried various combinations of signing in and out on both sites, different browsers, deleting cache/cookies, flush DNS, etc... Just anything to get it to work. I finished getting all of the achievements for Type:Rider to see if that would help.

I just checked my Playfire account and the three Type:Rider achievements have already been correctly tracked. The achievement tracking has never been a problem for me it's always been the 100% lack of transferring of any credits over to GMG. Four months and not even a dime has shown up. I've never seen any check marks next to the credits on the Playfire Rewards page either. It's just all sorts of baffling really.
That really sucks, and amazingly leads me to believe that my logging dance didn't really do anything. The "experts" finally fixed something... You wouldn't believe how many times I yelled at them.

I actually did have tracking problems massively in the beginning. It took about 2 weeks for my first rewards to track, and even then they didn't track correctly, certain things were missing, and Playfire has never fixed them. Then I had some fortunate glitches in my favor, like getting rewarded for some XCOM and Civ V achievements that I did months and months prior to those rewards being offered, so I gave up on the minor glitches against my tracked rewards.

But yeah, it took months and lots of complaining for my credit to finally transfer... Time will tell if it keeps transferring correctly.

Yep, I'm in the same boat (or maybe it's a ship) as Deuterium7. The only time I've received my credits (beyond the initial sign up) is when they did that whole big 'manual' update to everyone's accounts. Even then, I received mine after everyone else seemed to get there's. I've logged in and out of GMG, Playfire, the desktop client, etc....did the same while my Steam client was open. Also likewise, I've seen my achievements tracked fine, it's the rewards that are non-existent.
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I finally got my rewards!
But they weren't recorded or tracked.
It's just magic money.

Anyways. THANK YOU THOMAS IF YOU ARE OUT THERE. Three support agents in one month and finally something gets done.
I finally got my rewards!
But they weren't recorded or tracked.
It's just magic money.

Anyways. THANK YOU THOMAS IF YOU ARE OUT THERE. Three support agents in one month and finally something gets done.
No kidding, I think the guy who replied to me today was Thomas too. At least ONE of them is doing his job.

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  • The Wolf Among Us - unlock Promising Leads - £0.10
  • The Wolf Among Us - unlock The Enchanted Land of New York City - £0.25
  • The Wolf Among Us - unlock Journeyman Librarian - £0.50
Finally! Now I can get 'paid' playing game I wanted. :D

I haven't received an update to my playfire account since april 2. It shows the achievements unlocking on my profile page, but nothing on my  rewards beta. Really don't know if I want to waste my limited playing time on getting these psychonaughts unlocks if I will never see the credit. *grumble*

I submited a claim today with 10 screenshots and lengthy explanations, lets just hope I get this "Thomas" creature.

I haven't received an update to my playfire account since april 2. It shows the achievements unlocking on my profile page, but nothing on my rewards beta. Really don't know if I want to waste my limited playing time on getting these psychonaughts unlocks if I will never see the credit. *grumble*

I submited a claim today with 10 screenshots and lengthy explanations, lets just hope I get this "Thomas" creature.
I've contemplated that too.. psychonauts achievements. yuck.

Are there any two people out there that want to get the Monaco - Play it again Sam achievement with me ?

It's worth £0.50 and all we have to do is play a piano for 1 minute, stealthily.

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I've contemplated that too.. psychonauts achievements. yuck.

Are there any two people out there that want to get the Monaco - Play it again Sam achievement with me ?
It's worth £0.50 and all we have to do is play a piano for 1 minute, stealthily.
Play it again with SAM
I've contemplated that too.. psychonauts achievements. yuck.

Are there any two people out there that want to get the Monaco - Play it again Sam achievement with me ?

It's worth £0.50 and all we have to do is play a piano for 1 minute, stealthily.
I tried it in local co-op (with one other person, one of us us controlling two characters :lol:) and we just couldn't pull it off. Only a few levels have a piano anyway. The first level where you can find one (the Maison, I think?) seems easy enough, but there are too many patrolling guards and no weapons anywhere in the level. Even if you use the Cleaner to KO them, they wake up too fast. A minute doesn't sound like a long time but when you're hoping the guards won't enter the room it feels like an eternity.

Much later in the game there is another level with a piano (the casino) and there are also shotguns so you theoretically could kill all the guards and just play to your hearts content, but again, easier said than done. The level is quite hard to begin with and stocking up that much ammo, even more so.

Ok, after writing the first draft of this post I decided to go back and try it again and at this point I'm 90% sure the achievement can't be done in local-coop. I stacked the odds so ridiculously in our favor and it just never popped. It doesn't help that the characters sometimes seem to stop playing randomly without any apparent reason. T_T

I tried it in local co-op (with one other person, one of us us controlling two characters :lol:) and we just couldn't pull it off. Only a few levels have a piano anyway. The first level where you can find one (the Maison, I think?) seems easy enough, but there are too many patrolling guards and no weapons anywhere in the level. Even if you use the Cleaner to KO them, they wake up too fast. A minute doesn't sound like a long time but when you're hoping the guards won't enter the room it feels like an eternity.

Much later in the game there is another level with a piano (the casino) and there are also shotguns so you theoretically could kill all the guards and just play to your hearts content, but again, easier said than done. The level is quite hard to begin with and stocking up that much ammo, even more so.

Ok, after writing the first draft of this post I decided to go back and try it again and at this point I'm 90% sure the achievement can't be done in local-coop. I stacked the odds so ridiculously in our favor and it just never popped. It doesn't help that the characters sometimes seem to stop playing randomly without any apparent reason. T_T
I read that it is easier to do it in the Casino map! Since there are weapons.

But I've only tried it in the mansion. Would you like to try it with me tonight and your friend ? :O

I waited until this morning to see if the heavens opened up and bestowed a gift of GMG credits, nope. Nothing.

However, I did notice an interesting discrepancy between GMG and Playfire. Both are using the same email address, although one starts with a capital letter the other does not. Usually I wouldn't think anything of it, but at this point I've run out of ideas and didn't want to wait for another 5-7 day Playfire automated response. So I changed my Playfire email to something (let's say it was "[email protected]") and when I tried to change my GMG email to "[email protected]" GMG wouldn't allow me to save or make the change at all. Hmm.

Then I tried the reverse with another email address (let's call this one "[email protected]"). I changed my GMG email first, that was easy enough. Then when I went to change my Playfire email, an error page comes up showing a lovely mosaic made of PS3 games. Hmm.

I repeated this a few more times and every time the same result, one would make the change while the other would tell me to GTFO. So clearly there seems to be some disconnect going on between my accounts using the same email address. This might be part of the problem.

I don't know if others have a similar situation but I thought I'd mention it.

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I waited until this morning to see if the heavens opened up and bestowed a gift of GMG credits, nope. Nothing.

However, I did notice an interesting discrepancy between GMG and Playfire. Both are using the same email address, although one starts with a capital letter the other does not. Usually I wouldn't think anything of it, but at this point I've run out of ideas and didn't want to wait for another 5-7 day Playfire automated response. So I changed my Playfire email to something (let's say it was "[email protected]") and when I tried to change my GMG email to "[email protected]" GMG wouldn't allow me to save or make the change at all. Hmm.

Then I tried the reverse with another email address (let's call this one "[email protected]"). I changed my GMG email first, that was easy enough. Then when I went to change my Playfire email, an error page comes up showing a lovely mosaic made of PS3 games. Hmm.

I repeated this a few more times and every time the same result, one would make the change while the other would tell me to GTFO. So clearly there seems to be some disconnect going on between my accounts using the same email address. This might be part of the problem.

I don't know if others have a similar situation but I thought I'd mention it.
You can't change email's to same one if they don't match.

I had same problem and support manually transfered credit and created new playfire account with weird name (152af45afc6b51085538e84f66973).


I read that it is easier to do it in the Casino map! Since there are weapons.

But I've only tried it in the mansion. Would you like to try it with me tonight and your friend ? :O
Gah, I just pulled off a perfect run of the casino and managed to get the achievement. My strategy was to use the pickpocket, since he can get the most coins and therefore the most ammo. Then use the shotgun, found in the security office directly left of the piano, and kill every guard or NPC in the area. There's also C4 at the far upper-left corner of the area with the piano, which is a little harder to use but doesn't leave any bodies behind, thus preventing guards from reviving them.

Anyway, when it's finally time to play the piano, I suggest having all 3 characters face it from the front. You can play the piano from the left or right sides, which I tried many times, but the achievement only finally popped when I did it from the front with all three. There is no special timing to it, just have everyone keep playing until the achievement pops.

Also, if you're using a 360 controller (necessary for local, although I realize most people probably don't have 3+ controllers) use the dpad rather than the control stick. Makes it easier to remain facing the piano.

I don't think my buddy would be up for it but if you can find a third person I'd be willing to help you guys out.

Has anyone here been able to get the Champions Online and Loadout rewards? I know there was a problem with those 2 games but wondering if it has been fixed. Yet Zombie Defense Game is another one that didn't unlock correctly. I don't know if there is another problem with that game. Everything else has been fine for me

I read that it is easier to do it in the Casino map! Since there are weapons.
But I've only tried it in the mansion. Would you like to try it with me tonight and your friend ? :O
Here is a custom workshop map made just for the Play It Again, Sam achievement, so you don't have to worry about any guards. Just hit Subscribe and the map will be automatically downloaded to the game. If you need another person for it, let me know.

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Here is a custom workshop map made just for the Play It Again, Sam achievement, so you don't have to worry about any guards. Just subscribe to it, then it will be automatically downloaded to the game. If you need another person for it, let me know.
The other day when I was trying to get the achievement, it actually did occur to me that there might be a useful map on the workshop. But I couldn't find anything - looks like this map was uploaded just this morning. Probably could have saved myself some stress by just making the map myself. Anyway, thanks for the link, I'm sure it will help a lot of people.

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Can't believe I just found out about this awesome Playfire thing. Did anybody ever make a thread for it or is it only talked about in this thread?

So, I have the day off work tomorrow and I own and have never played Batman:AC, Psychonauts, or Sleeping Dogs. I know they're all supposed to be awesome, but I was wondering which would be the best to focus on to get some of the achievements?

Can't believe I just found out about this awesome Playfire thing. Did anybody ever make a thread for it or is it only talked about in this thread?

So, I have the day off work tomorrow and I own and have never played Batman:AC, Psychonauts, or Sleeping Dogs. I know they're all supposed to be awesome, but I was wondering which would be the best to focus on to get some of the achievements?
The best way is to use SAM to get all the achievements, tbh.

Can't believe I just found out about this awesome Playfire thing. Did anybody ever make a thread for it or is it only talked about in this thread?

So, I have the day off work tomorrow and I own and have never played Batman:AC, Psychonauts, or Sleeping Dogs. I know they're all supposed to be awesome, but I was wondering which would be the best to focus on to get some of the achievements?
I would probably just see which ones are the easiest to get and try for those one each game. I know the more expensive ones on Sleeping Dogs might require a little deeper playing time and the same is probably true for some of the Batman ones.

Here is a custom workshop map made just for the Play It Again, Sam achievement, so you don't have to worry about any guards. Just hit Subscribe and the map will be automatically downloaded to the game. If you need another person for it, let me know.
That's 100 times better than using SAM. Perhaps it's still gaming the system a little, but at least the inherent risk is eliminated.

I'm still baffled as to why people risk using SAM to cheaply exploit the Playfire reward achievements. It'd be extremely counterintuitive to get a few games on GMG for free but to then get caught and possibly have your Steam account terminated. A slim chance but a chance nonetheless. Personally I don't think the risk outweighs the reward when you have large Steam libraries like most CAGs do.

Of course I'm pretty sure Playfire/GMG doesn't have that much power or influence with Vavle/Steam beyond reporting a user, but you never know. To each their own, I'm not judging those who do, it just seems like an interesting choice for a realitively small personal gain.

That's 100 times better than using SAM. Perhaps it's still gaming the system a little, but at least the inherent risk is eliminated.

I'm still baffled as to why people risk using SAM to cheaply exploit the Playfire reward achievements. It'd be extremely counterintuitive to get a few games on GMG for free but to then get caught and possibly have your Steam account terminated. A slim chance but a chance nonetheless. Personally I don't think the risk outweighs the reward when you have large Steam libraries like most CAGs do.

Of course I'm pretty sure Playfire/GMG doesn't have that much power or influence with Vavle/Steam beyond reporting a user, but you never know. To each their own, I'm not judging those who do, it just seems like an interesting choice for a realitively small personal gain.
$70+ buys a lot of cheap games. And some of us are gambling types.
Of course I'm pretty sure Playfire/GMG doesn't have that much power or influence with Vavle/Steam beyond reporting a user, but you never know. To each their own, I'm not judging those who do, it just seems like an interesting choice for a realitively small personal gain.
There are risks in most things that all of us ignore. Are you saying that you do not sometimes go a few miles over the speed limit, that you never download media (music, movies, tv, etc.,) and that you never, every jaywalk?

I'm not trying to call you our out or say you're (probably) a hypocrite, but rather that we all have our personal hang-ups about what we think is acceptable risk. Personally I'm not too worried about what a foreign 3rd party company that can't even process Steam achievements correctly is going to do. I just don't see much risk there.

That's 100 times better than using SAM. Perhaps it's still gaming the system a little, but at least the inherent risk is eliminated.

I'm still baffled as to why people risk using SAM to cheaply exploit the Playfire reward achievements. It'd be extremely counterintuitive to get a few games on GMG for free but to then get caught and possibly have your Steam account terminated. A slim chance but a chance nonetheless. Personally I don't think the risk outweighs the reward when you have large Steam libraries like most CAGs do.

Of course I'm pretty sure Playfire/GMG doesn't have that much power or influence with Vavle/Steam beyond reporting a user, but you never know. To each their own, I'm not judging those who do, it just seems like an interesting choice for a realitively small personal gain.
Considering one of their staff said it's fine to change clock etc. as long as you don't use SAM to unlock, using that map is most likely OK.

I doubt then can even detect unless If you unlock all on same second or something stupid (unlocking complete game achievement without unlocking beat level style achievements) :D

Of course you'd be spending a lot of time researching on unlock order and relative times (remember they get play time too), making it require a lot of effort to make it look real.

That's why they had those impossible achievements on April Fools (Garry's Mod, which was bundled). (my theory)

Best reason to actually play is to clear some of your backlog. :)

Valve haven't done anything about SAMmmers so I doubt they would do in this case, but they will ban you from Playfire, that's for sure.

Valve haven't done anything about SAMmmers so I doubt they would do in this case, but they will ban you from Playfire, that's for sure.
I can definitely see this happening eventually. I think at this point they're more concerned with working out automatic tracking stuff so they can figure out when people are SAMing. When they think they've got the tracking worked out, they'll hit a switch and we'll all get banned. This is precisely why I'm spending my credits immediately as soon as something I've got even a slight interest in is available and within my credit range; to avoid building up a credit balance I can lose when the ban hammer comes down.

bread's done