Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

[quote name='BMXJouster']Risen 1 and Gothic 2 actually weren't received much better by critics either to be honest (Metacritic scores of 77 and 79), yet people really enjoyed those games. Risen 2's is 73 at the moment.[/QUOTE]

True. I'll probably pre-order Risen 2 tomorrow as long as my car inspection doesn't lead to me spending too much!
[quote name='Ratfoot']The pre order code not working for anyone else?[/QUOTE]

Just pre-ordered Risen 2 and the code worked fine for me.
[quote name='TheDragonAce']Any update on when the guild wars 2 standard edition will be up for sale again?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Guild Wars 2']We have sold out of keys for digital distribution in North America. GameStop and Best Buy still have stock available.

We limit sales to ensure we have enough capacity for our customers. We're likely to have capacity available after the initial crunch at the start of the weekend. Players who purchase when we're able to resume digital sales at will still be able to play for the remainder of the weekend.[/QUOTE]
Looks like Anet cut off sales for now too so I imagine GMG won't be getting any new keys until Anet say so.
[quote name='rybrad']Looks like Anet cut off sales for now too so I imagine GMG won't be getting any new keys until Anet say so.[/QUOTE]

GMG temporarily has some more keys left. Just snagged mine.
Hello all

We've got a Paradox Week going on starting today until next Thursday, with daily deals on a bunch of great games :D Today has Cities in Motion and the King Arthur Colleciton. Details available on our blog :)

Will be around to answer questions as ever :)

Updated the OP with some slight price changes. Darksiders 2 is an exceptional deal at that price. Better yet, no promo codes required.

As a heads up, if there are any good deals next week I will be really slow updating them. I will unfortunately be required to spend many hours in Sanctuary with my friends so updates will be a low priority. What I am really getting at here is feel free to use the Wiki features next week!

Also: Don't buy Risen 2, it is a step back from the first game. It is riddled with horrible bugs and the most awful pop-in I have seen in a game. I can usually ignore all of that crap but it is quite overwhelming in this game. I also got a game breaking bug about 25 hours so I won't even be finishing the game it looks like.
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That is a great price on Darksiders 2, but I don't have a verified Paypal account and I'm not willing to give some website direct access to my bank account no matter how "secure" they want me to believe they are. I would use a credit card, but every time I buy something on a credit card from a foreign country my card ends up locked because the credit card company thinks something fishy is going on (usually without them bothering to alert me they've locked it). I think I'll just wait and see if I can find a deal from the states on Darksiders 2 that involves less hoops and/or headaches.
[quote name='buckythekat']any idea how long the Darksiders II deal is good for?[/QUOTE]
Not too sure, just noticed it today while perusing their site for deals. I am guessing it has been that price for a couple days now so hopefully at least through the week.
Thanks for posting this up rybrad :) I'll be sending you a PM too shortly, as a thank you for your support of GMG all this time!

Today's highlights:
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II: Retribution - $11.99 (Steamworks)
Homefront - $14.30 (Steamworks)

Two year anniversary sale, new deals every day.

I highly recommend Retribution, even if you don't traditionally like RTS games. I am not big on RTS but this game is really fun as you just focus on your squad of dudes instead of making a million things. You can try a demo of the earlier Dawn of War II games on Steam here. Retribution is a fairly sizable improvement, so if you like the demo then you will probably like Retribution.
I recommend DoWII first, its Chaos Rising expansion second, and Retribution third - I was hoping it would be the strongest of the three, but a large amount of repetition and unskippable cut-scenes coupled with an unfocused story (no doubt to adapt it across six species) really don't help it. Still a good game, but I don't think it's nearly as good as the original DoWII! ;)

Retribution was $7.49 at Gamersgate a few months ago as well as during last year's Steam sale, so it'll probably be around that price again during the Steam sale next month.

I've still got my fingers crossed that they'll do a sort've DoWII: Mercenaries, and see if they can reach the former glory of DoWII. :)
[quote name='Abeja']So is Darksiders 2 dead? Code isnt working. Gonna grab Guild Wars 2 tho.[/QUOTE]
Looks that way, updated OP, thanks for the heads up.
Is the Disciples 2 giveaway region restricted? I'm signed in and in NA and there's nothing on the page that explains what to do.

Edit: Nevermind, the page is still blank, but I searched for Disciples and found the game and checked out free of charge. Thanks!
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Quick update to OP to get attention to Disciples, will update the other deals in the next 30 or 40 minutes as there are some other really good deals.

Today's highlights:
Disciples II: Gold Edition is the BIG deal today. You can get it for free and once it is in your account you can trade it in for $5 credit. This deal is a no brainer so don't miss it.
[quote name='Hudson187']Took advantage of the Disciples II promo, however there is no option to trade it in. Bug?[/QUOTE]
Trade-in starts on Saturday.
Ok OP fully updated with deals, a few Steamworks games for good prices today and discounts on pre-orders.

Today's highlights:
Disciples II: Gold Edition is the BIG deal today. You can get it for free and once it is in your account you can trade it in for $5 credit. This deal is a no brainer so don't mess it. Trade-in begins on Saturday.

Sonic Generations - $10.17 (Steamworks)
Total War: Shogun 2 - $7.48 (Steamworks)
Sid Meier's Civilization® V - Game of the Year Edition - $12.48 (Steamworks)

Pre-order Deals:
Use voucher code GREEN-SUMME-RDEAL to receive 20% off the below pre-orders. Voucher good until May 31, for maximum discount get Disicples 2 for free today, trade-in on Saturday for $5 credit and then use the voucher on one of the pre-orders. Prices listed below include the voucher discount.

Darksiders II: Limited Edition - $39.95 (Steamworks)
Game of Thrones - $28.75
Sleeping Dogs: Limited Edition - $35.99 (Steamworks)
The Secret World (NA) - $39.99
In a few days I'll have $6.20 worth of trade-in credit from free games that they've given out. Now to figure out what to buy.

edit: Oooh, Syberia. I've been meaning to pick that up for awhile. Hopefully it's still on sale then.
Are they gonna have Ghost Recon future soldier? i see it in that picture on their pre-order sales, but they don't have it on that page nor do they have the game listed.
Guess I'll "buy" it and trade it back in. I would consider playing it but I don't really want to download another service. Already have MS's since I can use MS points on it and Steam. That seems like enough.
[quote name='Blaan']Anyone know how long this will last? Will I be able to get it after work tonight?[/QUOTE]

The email I got from them said "This offer is available until Saturday 0900 UTC 26th May" so that should be 5AM EST or 2AM PST.

As long as you do it some time today (Friday) you should be safe, yes.

Oh and for the person who said they didn't want to install another service to try this game, it's not really a service per say, it's more like a downloader. It isn't a full on client like Steam or Origin or anything like that.
I grabbed Sonic 4 ep 2 for $5.94 after the trade in discount.

There's some good deals to be had there with that $5 trade in credit. Civ V base game would be only $2.50.
[quote name='facls']Does this credit have an expiration date?[/QUOTE]

I don't believe so. Not unless they decide to do away with the trade in program at some point.

If you already grabbed the Disciples II game you should own it for good now and don't need to trade it in for credit until you are ready to buy something else.
O man forgot to get my $5 credit :( Would have used it on GW2. O well, the game will be worth the $60 and its already on sale.
[quote name='Motoki']I don't believe so. Not unless they decide to do away with the trade in program at some point.

If you already grabbed the Disciples II game you should own it for good now and don't need to trade it in for credit until you are ready to buy something else.[/QUOTE]

I traded mine in because I assume the TIV is going to tank after this promotion.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']I traded mine in because I assume the TIV is going to tank after this promotion.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I'm sure it will. There's no way it'll stay at $5.
Does anyone think Secret World will go back down to 20% off before its released? I missed the coupon, even though it was still the 30th or so. They took it down early, compared to OP.

bread's done