Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Hahah oh god that's amazing. I have to screenshot that. Some real gems in there.




Look, we all know the real reason is they just want that command for their little ass kissing pets who constantly fellate them telling them how great they are and spend 28 hours a day in that chat so they know all the convoluted rules.

And Jonny wanting to keep the mystery? Why? People usually find out what the hell is in those bundles anyway. They just make it a ridiculous amount of work, like some nonsense Easter Egg hunt for their little buddies.

If they want to do a blind pre-order with the trade off of being cheaper like Indie Royale used to do then do the blind pre-order. If they want to tell people what's in the bundle ahead of time then tell them. But for Christ's sake shit or get off the god damned pot!  :bomb:

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Oh god, I made the mistake of talking to one of the Groupees weirdos in chat. Check out the Tina Guo bundle chat to learn all about this random person's life.

I wonder how many of the games that debut in this bundle end up in a cheaper Indiegala bundle soon. This happened with Morningstar and Drakensang River of Time.
I wonder how many of the games that debut in this bundle end up in a cheaper Indiegala bundle soon. This happened with Morningstar and Drakensang River of Time.
Probably 90% of them. In Verbis Virtus is meridian4, Belladonna is Black Shell Media (bundles pretty much everything), Terranova is night dive. Ankh is Deck 13 (hasn't bundled often but bundled Venetica twice so far). Most of the revealed games have publishers that bundle their shit consistently.

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Probably 90% of them. In Verbis Virtus is meridian4, Belladonna is Black Shell Media (bundles pretty much everything), Terranova is night dive. Ankh is Deck 13 (hasn't bundled often but bundled Venetica twice so far). Most of the revealed games have publishers that bundle their shit consistently.
damn Spoder.. I was tempted by Verbis Virtus due to Steam raving review. Now, I don't want to pre-order anymore and will wait for the IndieGala


Tomasety Tomasetyed Jonny Cappuccino and found out he's worth a million dollars. For real.

Meanwhile the indie devs all complain they don't get paid squat from Groupees.
Is that a million dollars in Groupees coins, or real money? Cuz Groupees coins aren't worth shit!

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Real money. Ask Toma. He can give you the dox. Like phone numbers and net worth and he how screwed up and didn't file some trademark papers (Hey Indie Gala the Groupees name is up for grabs) etc etc.

He probably knows his blood type and social security number too.

Well Groupees just squeezed another BM out. It's live now. Everyone guessed everything of course except maybe the Greenlight game. Oh there's a 'mystery' game. Because, you know, they need an excuse to post an announcement on Reddit for the 8th time.

I know none of us would buy it outside of a pre-order anyhow, but that $1 tier is pretty lame and that $4 tier ain't so hot either.

Compared to what you get at other bundle sites lately for the money doesn't seem like a good deal at all. And like Spoder said it will all get rebundled anyhow.

This way if Gala runs those games it will give Poopees and excuse to get their feathers ruffled with righteous indignation again.
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Ewww.....this is the worst Be Mine....I should have gone with my gut and skipped this. Hopefully Belladonna is cool....I wanted it....ugg the rest of this stuff....

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Huh. I thought we'd have more time before the thing actually released.

I wanted In Verbus Victus, but I'm glad I didn't preorder. The Bemines usually have loads of music so at least they're worth the preorder to me but this one looks like a big disappointment. Three bonuses? That's it?

And the bonuses aren't even guaranteed anymore because more people are pre than post ordering, obviously, because their bundles suck. And Poopees is being hardass and won't lower the goals anymore but will just save it for the next bundle they shat out.

According to the chat, one of the devs pulled out.  And that game was supposed to be the highest rated game in the bundle.  The mystery game is no longer guaranteed to be unbundled because they're going to have to take whatever garbage they can get on a week's notice.  I'm guessing that it was more than one dev that bailed on them, and they had to pull a game bonus to the main bundle, leading to the low number of bonuses.

I think it's safe to say that they're circling the drain at this point.

Yeah this is officially likely the last game bundle i'm buying from Groupees. If anyone wants that Mic game i'm willing to trade for just about anything I don't have haha. Or I may just code push it here...just really disappointed in this bundle period.

Yeah this is officially likely the last game bundle i'm buying from Groupees. If anyone wants that Mic game i'm willing to trade for just about anything I don't have haha. Or I may just code push it here...just really disappointed in this bundle period.
I wouldn't mind spodering it, it looks to be the highlight of the bundle. Unless someone else wants it, in that case, I challenge them to a spodering duel.


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Before the last two BM bundles I wouldn't skip buying a BM.

I'm now skipping this one and possible future ones.

Also I'm just going to blame shifty for the quality drop.


This bundle would be better if it had at least 7 games, like all the other BMs before it have had.

Well, it would at least be one game better.

I almost feel bad for anyone who pre-ordered this bundle but... it's your own damn fault.

There's an old saying, that says; fool me once, shame on.. shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again.

Well Groupees just squeezed another BM out. It's live now. Everyone guessed everything of course except maybe the Greenlight game. Oh there's a 'mystery' game. Because, you know, they need an excuse to post an announcement on Reddit for the 8th time.

I know none of us would buy it outside of a pre-order anyhow, but that $1 tier is pretty lame and that $4 tier ain't so hot either.

Compared to what you get at other bundle sites lately for the money doesn't seem like a good deal at all. And like Spoder said it will all get rebundled anyhow.

This way if Gala runs those games it will give Poopees and excuse to get their feathers ruffled with righteous indignation again.
Huh. I thought we'd have more time before the thing actually released.

I wanted In Verbus Victus, but I'm glad I didn't preorder. The Bemines usually have loads of music so at least they're worth the preorder to me but this one looks like a big disappointment. Three bonuses? That's it?
I think everyone is being way too harsh here. The music album sounds decent, and there are some solid-looking games. I really hesitate to sell my preorder bundle. That said, if anyone missed the preorder and is kicking themselves, I've got you covered.


I think everyone is being way too harsh here. The music album sounds decent, and there are some solid-looking games. I really hesitate to sell my preorder bundle. That said, if anyone missed the preorder and is kicking themselves, I've got you covered.

I'll trade you my preorder Steampunk bundle for this. :p

Real money. Ask Toma. He can give you the dox. Like phone numbers and net worth and he how screwed up and didn't file some trademark papers (Hey Indie Gala the Groupees name is up for grabs) etc etc.

He probably knows his blood type and social security number too.
Have groupees trademark
Want 42 million dollars
lol of course he resorts to Greenlight trash when he had other games bail.

Also who did he ban?
No idea. I could only see that when was I scrolling up to check past chats.

Btw they fucked up with the bonus cover.

This was the cover it showed when Bonus unlocked


And if you look on google you will find this:

Probably is the last bonus from BM22.


They deleted it already. Well anyways was almost the same pic of the url I linked.


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bread's done