Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

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Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

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For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

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For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
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= Playable on Linux

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Depths of Peril is a nice Diablo style with some extra strategy-lite elements in terms of diplomacy and trade and such. If you can live with not top notch visuals, it's a decent game. All of Soldak's stuff is pretty good and underated imho. He doesn't get much attention as an indie dev but he puts out quality work.

Angelica Weaver is kind of Big Fish-y, but it's well done for what it is. I think Utopianmachine would like it but the rest of you guys it's probably not your cup of tea. If you are looking to try out a hidden object adventure game though it's one of the better ones I've played, and yes I do have a bunch of them on Big Fish for when I want to channel my inner old lady.
I'm actually a big fan of hidden object games, and was pretty happy to see one included in this bundle (I haven't got many on Steam, and they rarely get decent sales from my experience). I'm pretty happy with everything in this bundle to be honest :D

Flying Bundle will also have Ittle Dew in it.. starting to feel really bad for that dev.

Full list of games in it:
hmm, now to decide if I buy tier 2 in this bundle, or wait for TFB. Guess it will come down to what else Groupees pushes into the $5 tier.

I think I will pass on that Flying Bundle. Most of it is meh and/or stuff I have already. Except for Ittle Dew which I'll just get from Groupees.

I guess I'll see what the mysterious Steam games to be announced later will be, but not really excited for that bundle so far.

I think I will pass on that Flying Bundle. Most of it is meh and/or stuff I have already. Except for Ittle Dew which I'll just get from Groupees.

I guess I'll see what the mysterious Steam games to be announced later will be, but not really excited for that bundle so far.
I think I might just settle for the $1 tier on it, since the games I really wanted were Bob Came in Pieces and Beep (The Polynomial looks cool but would probably give me seizures, and Bridge It and Clones aren't super exciting to me though I'd probably try them if I got it). Anywho I realized they don't have a definitive start date for that bundle, and I'd like to play Ittle Dew soonish, so I'll probably go with Groupees after all :)

I think I might just settle for the $1 tier on it, since the games I really wanted were Bob Came in Pieces and Beep (The Polynomial looks cool but would probably give me seizures, and Bridge It and Clones aren't super exciting to me though I'd probably try them if I got it). Anywho I realized they don't have a definitive start date for that bundle, and I'd like to play Ittle Dew soonish, so I'll probably go with Groupees after all :)

You don't want Beep. Did you look at any videos or screens? You don't want Beep.

I really am getting sick of Meridian4 using the entire PC download marketplace as their dumping grounds. Most of us already own all of these games, whether we particularly wanted them or not, but they keep right on clogging up sales and bundles week after week. Same for 1C, StrategyFirst, and any other budget Eurotrash publishers that do this.


BM9 sounds pretty good.

Yeah Meridian 4 might as well be paying gamers to play their games at this point. It's really kind of pathetic.

*Edit: Speaking of which, 4,500 bundles for the Meridian Groupee was just reached, Greed the black border has been posted to accounts now and the next bonus is Obulis.

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I really am getting sick of Meridian4 using the entire PC download marketplace as their dumping grounds. Most of us already own all of these games, whether we particularly wanted them or not, but they keep right on clogging up sales and bundles week after week. Same for 1C, StrategyFirst, and any other budget Eurotrash publishers that do this.


BM9 sounds pretty good.

Yeah Meridian 4 might as well be paying gamers to play their games at this point. It's really kind of pathetic.
Yeah, the number of sales and bundles is annoying, but not all of M4's catalog is trash.

Post Mortem, Still Life, Syberia 1&2, Scratches, Larva Mortus, the Grotesque Tactics series, Robin Hood, and Nikopol are all decent to quite good.

We just all already have them.

Same with 1C. You can't walk through the virtual indie bundle market without literally tripping over piles of King's Bounty keys, but at least they're by all accounts quality games.

EDIT: I have no defense for StrategyFirst. That publisher is indefensible.

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Depths of Peril is pretty meh.  It's an interesting concept (arpg grinder mixed with faction/political war)  but falls pretty flat in practice.  Din's Curse is their best game by far -- pity it isn't in here.

"Pretty meh"? I think Mooby just gave us all a glowing recommendation!

I feel like if Mooby ever wrote a positive review, the tagline would read something like "well It's not cancer..."
re: DoP

I liked it but yeah I agree Din's is better. Wow I agree with the Moobster.

But really, DoP is a good bit older and also was his first game so considering that I still think it's better than a lot of stuff out there.

Decent stuff in groupees. Eador has been in my wishlist for a while and if you can get the original as well should be great. Too bad I got Whispered World elsewhere but decent bundle nonetheless.

I'm definitely interested in seeing what the tiers are for the Be Mine bundle are. Ittle Dew, The Whispered World, and Eador are the only games that interest me, it would suck if they all ended up in the higher tier. I'm hoping at least The Whispered World will end up at $1 since it was released over three years ago.

I'm definitely interested in seeing what the tiers are for the Be Mine bundle are. Ittle Dew, The Whispered World, and Eador are the only games that interest me, it would suck if they all ended up in the higher tier. I'm hoping at least The Whispered World will end up at $1 since it was released over three years ago.
I can all but guarantee Ittle Dew will be in the $5 tier, it's barely been over a month since it's release and it's also in the upper tier of the flying bundle (albeit for cheaper).

Eador and Ittle Dew are probably locks for the $5 tier.

Eador only got a 40% discount during summer sale, and it will come with the previous game now. Is #5 on my wishlist (#1 being fallen enchantress)

Ista-buy xD
I'd buy Fallen Enchantress if it weren't for one little stumbling block: Brad Wardell.  Repackaging Elemental into FE then repackaging FE into Legendary Heroes and adding basically nothing to it other than bug fixes and gameplay improvements that you'd expect in a patch but for $20.  That and he split of FE into its own separate entity saying they still 'want' to support it in the future (hint hint, if you don't buy LH you're pretty much boned).  And and the $5 DLC quest pack that came out a week or so after LH that should have arguably been included in it.  Maybe one day when it's all packaged together for sub $10 but currently the man's business ethics make Robert Kotick blush.

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Available May 14, 2013 — June 4, 2013
Patrician IV
Slam Bolt Scrappers
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Paranautical Activity
Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty DLC
BTA Games
Blood Bowl
Constant C
Blades of Time
I hope #9 approximates #8.
6 of the 7 games I wanted most were in the $1 tier.
I'd buy Fallen Enchantress if it weren't for one little stumbling block: Brad Wardell. Repackaging Elemental into FE then repackaging FE into Legendary Heroes and adding basically nothing to it other than bug fixes and gameplay improvements that you'd expect in a patch but for $20. That and he split of FE into its own separate entity saying they still 'want' to support it in the future (hint hint, if you don't buy LH you're pretty much boned). And and the $5 DLC quest pack that came out a week or so after LH that should have arguably been included in it. Maybe one day when it's all packaged together for sub $10 but currently the man's business ethics make Robert Kotick blush.

I didn't liked that too. I'm also waiting for a $7.5 package, still looking for a Masters of Magic successor.
I'd buy Fallen Enchantress if it weren't for one little stumbling block: Brad Wardell. Repackaging Elemental into FE then repackaging FE into Legendary Heroes and adding basically nothing to it other than bug fixes and gameplay improvements that you'd expect in a patch but for $20. That and he split of FE into its own separate entity saying they still 'want' to support it in the future (hint hint, if you don't buy LH you're pretty much boned). And and the $5 DLC quest pack that came out a week or so after LH that should have arguably been included in it.
That's kinda weak.

Sid Meier would have managed to get at least another required expansion for purchase in there for each of those games.

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Well it's live.

Tier 1 is Whispered World, Mini Motor Racing EVO, Splatter and Depths of Peril.

Tier 2 is Eador, Angelica Weaver, Ittle Dew and Ring Runners for $5, all of them with soundtracks (which I don't really care about but some CAGs do).

All Steam except for Splatter and Ring Runner. For cardz people, Ittle Dew and Eador have em (price tank alert).

I'm biting for Eador (including Genesis).

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Someone want to trade a Ring Runner Desura key

for my Whispered World and Depths of Peril Steam keys? 2 fur 1

I'll throw in cars or something...

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Is that a vote of confidence for the quality of the games? :bouncy:
Well, mostly just Eador which isn't for everyone and still has some bugs/balance issues. I'm sure it'll eventually end up in some $1 bundle but 75% off plus some other games is good enough for me now. I spent about an hour playing Ittle Dew. It's a decent enough Zelda clone with puzzles and pretty limited combat. No idea about the other two BTA games.

I didn't liked that too. I'm also waiting for a $7.5 package, still looking for a Masters of Magic successor.

^This - why can't someone make Masters of Magic 2 (that supposed sequel Lords of Magic was just awful).

Anyway, I'll bite for the $5 tier to see if Eador can scratch the itch for at least a little while.

^This - why can't someone make Masters of Magic 2 (that supposed sequel Lords of Magic was just awful).

Anyway, I'll bite for the $5 tier to see if Eador can scratch the itch for at least a little while.
Lords of Magic was a Sierra Online game and was actually an offshoot of the Lords of the Realm series. I don't think there was ever any direct connection to the Master of Magic series.

I'd buy Fallen Enchantress if it weren't for one little stumbling block: Brad Wardell. Repackaging Elemental into FE then repackaging FE into Legendary Heroes and adding basically nothing to it other than bug fixes and gameplay improvements that you'd expect in a patch but for $20. That and he split of FE into its own separate entity saying they still 'want' to support it in the future (hint hint, if you don't buy LH you're pretty much boned). And and the $5 DLC quest pack that came out a week or so after LH that should have arguably been included in it. Maybe one day when it's all packaged together for sub $10 but currently the man's business ethics make Robert Kotick blush.
Elemental rant:

Yeah, I bought the Elemental CE on eBay a few years ago and asked the Stardock folks around the time that the first iteration of FE was coming out about getting the free upgrade they were offering to owners of Elemental and was told that my purchase was too recent to qualify for it. That wouldn't bother me so much if they hadn't essentially quit supporting Elemental as soon as FE was published. The history of these games is really unusual for Stardock, which did have a pretty stellar track record of supporting its releases until the half-baked abortion that was Elemental was actually released. Fallen Enchantress was created as a kind of mulligan, which I get (the dev for that dinosaur shooter that's on free for this week did basically the same thing), but now Wardell and Stardock are just trying to pretend that it just flat-out never happened. If you go to the game's homepage, you can see that there is now no reference at all to the original game. Unlike the Orion: Dino Horde situation though, it's a little harder to pretend a thing never existed that you created a physical boxed version and a collector's edition of.

I hope this whole Fallen Enchantress thing represents a fluke in game production and marketing from SD, but I have serious doubts about that. I have a feeling the company's not making that much money on its software products now that Windows 7/8 have made them considerably less useful and the only really big positive on their rep chart at this point is their relationship with Ironclad; Sins of a Solar Empire was very well-received, although, again, Rebellion was mostly just the base game with a few added factions and the improvements from the expansion packs that were already released and sold separately, instead of including the long-awaited campaign mode (Wardell is also on the record as hating single-player campaigns).

I thought Lords of Magic was awesome. I never played Masters of Magic though. Not too interested in the $1 tier but Eador looks okay so maybe I'll get the $5 one if there are any bonuses I'm interested in.

re: Elemental/Fallen Enchantress/Legendary Heroes/whatever they are calling a slighty modified iteration being sold as a new game this week

Moobs and Warreni speak the truth. The whole handling of that games (and sorry Stardock but it really is one game) has been less than ideal to say the least. As for Brad Wardell, well googling him brings up some interesting info about his (alleged) personal conduct at Stardock...

Anyhoo, I am on the fence with this Groupees bundle. I know this is really a bit much to ask a CAG to play a game, but can someone who has played Eador recently comment as to the current state the game is in and what if any are the current issues with it? It was said to be an unfinished buggy mess at launch and I'm just wondering to what degree that may or may not have changed and what sort of things are still problematic with that game.

I don't trust looking at the Steam community forums because after everyone else who initially bought it and found it to be a mess gets pissed off and leaves all its left with are hardcore Euro-fanbois who will praise the game no matter what. There are people on the Realms of Arkania forum delusional with rose colored glasses on trying to convince people that game is now in a playable and decent state and as someone who owns it and keeps going back to try that mess every so often for the shits and grins, yeaaaahno. 

TL;DR - Thoughts on Eador from those who have played it recently?

bread's done