GTA IV Lost and the Damned DLC - Are you buying it? - POLL


Head Cheap Ass
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14 (100%)
I was reading my friends blog about Take Two's downfall, and it made me wonder just how many people will buy the GTA IV DLC.
According to GameStop, it seems like it's going to cost $20.

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Nah, i wont be. Rockstar have left it too long in my opinion...if they released it when they said they would then i probably would have.

GTA4 bores me now and DLC wont get me back into it...

Are you picking it up Cheapy? Or you not going to tell us lol :)
Its kind of stupid of me to do so, since I haven't finished the game yet. But yeah I probably will. :oops:

EDIT: I just found out, according to Jeff Keighley, the Lost and the Damned DLC will be released in a month. That's a bit troublesome given the fact that Killzone 2 will be released and then Resident Evil 5. So I'll have to amend my answer to a probably not. Especially since its $20. Just a timing issue (assuming Jeff is right .. and he was quoting Rockstar directly so I assume he is).
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Probably not, $20 isn't worth it to me for DLC on a game I only somewhat enjoyed. If it ever goes on sale or it turns out to be really great content I may change my mind, but as it stands right now, no I will not.
you know 20 is steep for DLC but it does seem to be alot more to it then most, id have to fall in the undecided slot until after it comes out and i can see what kinda bang for buck it offers so to speak
I am on the fence about it as I just haven't really payed much attention to that game or the content coming out for it. Its just collecting dust waiting to be played at this point. I am probably going to lean towards the NO on this one seeing that its $20, I mean what can they do that is worth that price point?
I beat the game, and there aren't any games that interest me on the horizon with the exception of Killzone 2. So yes.
I think I'm in the same boat as help1. There arent many games on the horizon that I'm dying to play. GTA4 was my favorite 2008 game (that I played) so I wouldnt mind revisiting that world. Once I get some cheap points cards or if GS has a powertrade type deal I'll likely pick it up.
at $20 maybe not. If there is a price drop/sale then sure. I've only played like 5% of the game so I really need to finish GTA4 before thinking about the DLC
Rockstar was the best publisher during the last gen. However, this is 2009, not 2004. Rockstar needs to move on and start creating new franchises. Sure, there is always GTA, but how long will that last? GTA4 in my opinion, was a failure. It sold well at the time of release but is now a wasteland online and is not selling at the same rate that the previous GTA games sold. I know that EA dead pissed off plenty of gamers, but if you look at that blog article Cheapy provided, maybe it would have been better for Take 2 to accept.

And to answer the question, I will buy the new content as long as it is released in physical form (like they did with the Oblivion Shivering Isles DLC) . I hate downloading content, especially on the 360 where everything is more complicated than it should be.
Yeah I'm gonna get it. $20 isn't too much for something that seems like it will offer a decent amount of gameplay. I might wait a week or two until I actually have time to play it and to make sure it can't be finished in 1-2 hours because that would be a waste. Also I really don't want to support downloadable content for games b/c I'd hate to see full games become digital only, but I might have to in this case.
The pricing is what's affecting my decision. I was able to get in on the BBV B1G1 deal. So to pay more for the DLC than I paid for the actual game itself seems crazy. I think game publishers need to take a realistic view at the way they price DLC especially considering that a price drop in the future will be pretty much nonexistent. Now had it been released in 2008 I would be more likely to buy it but come on R*/2K the fucking game is almost a year old.
It has been too long to go with out DLC, but GTA is a popular game to some people. I didnt like the style, but the DLC looks good. I will probably end up getting it when it goes down like 400pts
[quote name='dim2192']Rockstar was the best publisher during the last gen. However, this is 2009, not 2004. Rockstar needs to move on and start creating new franchises. Sure, there is always GTA, but how long will that last? GTA4 in my opinion, was a failure. It sold well at the time of release but is now a wasteland online and is not selling at the same rate that the previous GTA games sold. I know that EA dead pissed off plenty of gamers, but if you look at that blog article Cheapy provided, maybe it would have been better for Take 2 to accept.

And to answer the question, I will buy the new content as long as it is released in physical form (like they did with the Oblivion Shivering Isles DLC) . I hate downloading content, especially on the 360 where everything is more complicated than it should be.[/quote]I think GTA is like any other popular series (e.g. Guitar Hero, Madden, ect.) They will keep pumpin' these GTA games out and people will keep buyin' them... well I know I will atleast. I love the GTA series, even GTA IV. :D
[quote name='dim2192']

I hate downloading content, especially on the 360 where everything is more complicated than it should be.[/quote]


You click on the content, click download now, and click confirm. It's possibly the simplest way to dl anything.
It comes out at a bad time with SFIV coming out the same week and KZ2 the following week, so those are added reasons to the fact that I haven't even finished the game and haven't touched it since early May last year.
Pickin up at 3:01 am EST. New multiplayer, guns, bikes = awesome.

I think it depends on if you liked the game though, seems like people either loved it or hated it.
I'm mostly in the 'no' column, but if people gush about how amazing it is, then what I'll probably do is wait until I can get 1600 points on the cheap. $20 for DLC is harsh, man.
I stopped playing GTAIV and haven't gone back to it since the beginning of last year. I really want to beat the game but, I had only played half way through before I gotten tired of it. I can't imagine putting more hours to beat a game I've already shown myself not to care for and than buy even more content for a game.

But, like myke said, if the reviews are glowing and its a brand new experience I might bite.
Hopefully it will be playable alone from in a menu .
I don't want to have to jump though a bunch a hoops to be able to play it .
[quote name='xDARKx Knight']Im curious to why some people haven't finished the story yet...

Is it because you got bored of it, or got stuck or what?[/QUOTE]

The car physics made it considerably less fun to joyride around town, which was one of the things that drew me to the series in the first place.
[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']No... the only enjoyment I ever get out of GTA now is through occasional free mode sessions with a friend or two.[/quote]

I have to agree with you on this.
I don't really want it all that much, but my bother really does so I will probably do the 2 for deal and have it myself.
[quote name='silent h3ro']^ Maybe you shouldn't be playing GTA then.[/QUOTE]

The car physics in IV are vastly different than in any of the PS2/Xbox/PSP iterations. And not for the better, in my opinion. I'm also not the only one with this opinion. The lack of "give-a-fuck" in the long run for this game speaks to a number of things it failed to do properly when compared with the titles of the past. I suspect that it's not due to including Jimmy Gestapo, and possibly due to gameplay not being as fun as it normally is.

Which, is, of course, my longwinded and polite way of telling you precisely what you can do with your opinion...
Of course the physics/ handling is different. The previous 3D GTAs in the series were all using the GTA 3 engine, which is why they were so similar gameplay wise. GTA IVs direction is a more realistic and dark experience, and with that came more realistic physics all around. If you don't like the game then don't play/buy it. There are people who like this game just as much, if not more than the older Grand Theft Auto games despite what your opinion is. You do not speak for all gamers...
[quote name='jdeluis']I will probably buy it. Once it gets priced lower than $20.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, much lower. I paid $7.50 for GTAIV (the second time). There is no way I'm buying a DLC add-on for 20 bucks.
I somewhat doubt this will be worth twenty bones. That's a fair chunk of change that could be spent on full/arcade games. If the reviews prove me wrong and this DLC is that magically delicious, then I may give it a second thought. That seems fairly unlikely, especially since I'm one of the ones that didn't think GTA4 was as great as some others believe.
[quote name='dim2192']Rockstar was the best publisher during the last gen. However, this is 2009, not 2004. Rockstar needs to move on and start creating new franchises. Sure, there is always GTA, but how long will that last? GTA4 in my opinion, was a failure. It sold well at the time of release but is now a wasteland online and is not selling at the same rate that the previous GTA games sold. I know that EA dead pissed off plenty of gamers, but if you look at that blog article Cheapy provided, maybe it would have been better for Take 2 to accept.

And to answer the question, I will buy the new content as long as it is released in physical form (like they did with the Oblivion Shivering Isles DLC) . I hate downloading content, especially on the 360 where everything is more complicated than it should be.[/quote]

It will last as long as people keep buying it. The GTA on DS looks fantastic. I'll prolly end up playing that more than GTA4.

$20 for DLC seems kinda steep. Depends on how much content we're talking I guess.
Highly unlikely. I thought GTA IV was pretty disappointing, and $20 for DLC is not something I look forward to regardless of the game it is for.
I will definitely be getting it. It will basically be a new game in the same way Vice City was to GTA 3. That is all Vice City was, a full priced expansion. I think this DLC will be great and the price is just right IMO. I loved GTA 4! Sure the physics were a little unforgiving at times, but once you get used to the nuances in the controls there is nothing like it. While I prefer Saints Row 2 for the sheer fun factor (feels more like the old GTAs) GTA 4 is a masterful game in its own right and the Lost and Damned expansion will rock! Once people see the awsomeness, the $20 price will not be an obstacle and you will be thanking R* for giving us such a great value.
[quote name='brewin']I will definitely be getting it. It will basically be a new game in the same way Vice City was to GTA 3. That is all Vice City was, a full priced expansion. I think this DLC will be great and the price is just right IMO. I loved GTA 4! Sure the physics were a little unforgiving at times, but once you get used to the nuances in the controls there is nothing like it. While I prefer Saints Row 2 for the sheer fun factor (feels more like the old GTAs) GTA 4 is a masterful game in its own right and the Lost and Damned expansion will rock! Once people see the awsomeness, the $20 price will not be an obstacle and you will be thanking R* for giving us such a great value.[/QUOTE]

Except Vice City was a completely new game, in a new city, with new game-play mechanics, vehicles, weapons, cast, controls, ect.

That being said, I'm undecided. Hard-drive space on my 360 is really limited, and I'm at a point where everything on it is stuff I'm keeping. So at $20, I probably will pass, at $10 I'd definitely buy it.
I liked GTA4 but for 20 bucks I can get all kinds of stuff. I've been eyeing $30 Lost Odyssey for a couple weeks now. If that drops again it'll be a no-brainer.

I'll get the expansion if I can find some cheap points cards and actually pay 15 or less for it.
It really just depends on how much content is in it for me. I'm perfectly fine with a $20 price point, I've spent close to $20 on broken games before (I'm looking at you, CC), so paying for something that actually works, would be a god-send (yes, I'm aware CC is now patched, but all of it's allure has worn off).

I need something to get me back into GTAIV anyway, now that I sadly do not have Saints Row 2 anymore (which I highly prefer).
If the DLC can make GTAIV fun like the other GTAs then I am definitely in. I don't see that happening. This DLC needs to be more than just a few hours of story. I want something fun to do in LC. Less serious, more entertainment please. I'm too weary from 30 hours of Niko's whining. Wah.
bread's done