Guitar Hero Portable at Target

If I need an excuse not to get laid, i'll bust that out in a public place and pretend like it's a real guitar...

That's awesome, totally gonna buy.

It's probably not as good as the handheld Beatmania and Pop'n Music games from Japan, though (which I own a few of, cause I'm a bemani fanboy).
[quote name='eastx']I think it's neat. Don't know why everyone's hating on LCD games... Maybe they're all too young or something.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='eastx']I think it's neat. Don't know why everyone's hating on LCD games... Maybe they're all too young or something.[/quote]
Yeah, what the hell distiguishes this any from Guitar Hero on your TV? It's about the simplest concept for a game ever, and has been around since...LCD games were popular.
I'm 25, so certainly not too young to remember LCD games. I laugh at the "portable" aspect. Could you honestly picture yourself carrying that anywhere...and playing it?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'm 25, so certainly not too young to remember LCD games. I laugh at the "portable" aspect. Could you honestly picture yourself carrying that anywhere...and playing it?[/quote]
I am only defending this product because I fail to see how it is any more ludicrous than a 20 or 30-something-year-old male standing up furiously whacking primary colored buttons on a 1/2 size guitar. Or poking at a little white box with two screens. Or perfecting the timing when tapping buttons that feel like jellybeans so you can shoot an imaginary person in the head just so.

What we do and what we love is inherently ridiculous. I don't see how you cannot embrace it all.

That said, I would never get this. I have a DS for portable gaming.
Anyone else seen these at Target? As soon as I heard about this, I knew I'd be buying it for one of my friends (long story), and if it's at every Target I'll pick one up tomorrow.
[quote name='garfep']Anyone else seen these at Target? As soon as I heard about this, I knew I'd be buying it for one of my friends (long story), and if it's at every Target I'll pick one up tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

BS, you're getting it for you. Why so ashamed?
Lol, features 10 of the most popular "riffs" from Guitar Hero I and II. Does this piece of shit even have full songs?
I always had a strange interest in crap like, if only to see how it worked and how they did it. Macy's had a plug and play guitar and even drum set around Xmas but the box didn't even say what songs were on it. Then there's that other light up guitar thing I keep seeing at Sams Club, it says "teach yourself to play" blah blah and it comes with 10 songs or something. I wasn't going to buy it for $40 or whatever but I was curious as to how it worked.
I think many of you are missing the point that this is cheap and made for little kids. But it seems to capture the gameplay as well as any tiny LCD game could, plus it has real songs. It's good for what it is.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'm 25, so certainly not too young to remember LCD games. I laugh at the "portable" aspect. Could you honestly picture yourself carrying that anywhere...and playing it?[/quote]

Only a real man would. Are you trying to tell us something, Bruce? Shall we get you some Neuticles?
her - "Is that a portable Guitar Hero LCD game, or are you just happy to see me?"
me - "well, umm.. yes, yes it is."
her - "well I'm definatley not going to f*ck you now!"
me - "ah, well.. atleast it plays "smoke on the water, and jessica too..".
wasn't gonna pick this up until i saw that it had jordan, got it half an hour ago in the des moines target off of 88. this thing has pretty decent response times, and buttons are a happy medium between the GH1/GH2 sg and the GH3 les paul. couldn't find a tablist on gamefaqs, but if anybody could help out a brother in need, it'd be appreciated. anyway, thanks OP!
aahh the joys of being a woman.. playing this in public will not hinder me getting any action, in fact, it might attract a few likely candidates :) It looks fun. I'd probably wait 'til it goes on clearance to buy.
This has "cubicle harassment device" written all over it (actually it's in the fine print, but you know what I mean). Most of the people in my area know about Guitar Hero, "old ladies" and "cool guys that don't play video games" alike. Add in the fact that sometimes my medication causes me to want to really get under people's skin (side effect, just like parenthetical statements) and that we have new "open" cubes to lead to a more conducive environment and BLAMMO! Totally fun GH times!

And I suck eggs off of Yngwie Malsteen's pinkie at Guitar Hero. Let me friends have their PSPs and Zune 80s...I'll have Guitar Hero madness! I will shred and thank Cleveland or Boston or whatever before, during and after every song!

Thanks for the heads up!
I collect all these basic fun brand keychains that look like little board games and toys. I think it is cool looking. I will look for it.
[quote name='mickeyp']I collect all these basic fun brand keychains that look like little board games and toys. I think it is cool looking. I will look for it.[/QUOTE]

I think those things are awesome, because they don't just look like their respective boardgames, but are often actual playable versions of the games, in miniature. Quite cool.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'm 25, so certainly not too young to remember LCD games. I laugh at the "portable" aspect. Could you honestly picture yourself carrying that anywhere...and playing it?[/quote]

Well it beats reading the same issue of Outdoor Living that was there a year ago in the dentist's office, so I'd have to say, yes.
bread's done