Halloween is dying a slow painfull death!

MSI Magus

83 (100%)
Does it appear to anyone else as though Halloween is slowly drifting away from what it was supposed to be? To me, a big part of Halloween was being scared and scaring other people. I can recall as a kid even though I hated being scared that Halloween brought about a special feeling where it was a ton of fun. It seemed every house I would visit would be decorated in gore and viscera or at least have someone in a scary mask sitting on the porch waiting to terrify you.

A handful of years ago it started leaning towards the slutty and the childish though. At first it was largely just the slutty with older woman and eventually young girls dressing in smaller and smaller/cuter and cuter clothes. I accepted this both because I happily will admit I am a pervert, and also because well it makes sense that many women do not want to dress up in gory stuff like guys(especially young girls). However it seemed right after this homes began being decorated with those giant stupid fucking Winnie the Pooh crap and ghosts as well as other cutesy decorations and stuff that is totally not in the spirit of Halloween. Along with it came the trend that even guys are supposed to dress stupid now. If you are in shape you need to wear something sexy with your wife, where if you are out of shape you are supposed to try and do something goofy like a baby or a politician. Sadly, many little boys are even being barred from being scary. My brother had to get two Halloween costumes the last 2 years because scary costumers were not allowed at school during their Halloween party. A local town also had an event where bussiness passed out candy instead of local homes, as weird as it was I thought whatever....till I read no scary costumes permitted....wtf?

Then came Halloween not being celebrated on Halloween 90% of the time anymore as well as curfews for how late you could stay out. Many cities began dictating that Halloween would be celebrated on specific days that way it was not on a school night or it did not interfere with other town events. I rolled my eyes and followed suit sadly. I accepted not celebrating on Halloween and that kids needed to be in doors by 8:30 or 9.

As sad as all of this has made me I have minded my own business and went on teaching my little brother and cousins the true spirit of Halloween! I have hosted my yearly party exposing kids to movies that keep them awake for nights on end and making sure my home/apartment scares the shit out of any kids that live near me. Now though I think it is going too far, the straw that is breaking the Camels back is that several cities around me are setting their curfews before it is even dark out! It is bad enough that Halloween is not Halloween day in most of these places, but that on top of that they are now saying trick or treating is between the hours of 4 and 7....that is just insane! If something happens to a kid after dark trick or treating, then guess what....there was no fucking parent with him or other responsible adult!

Honestly what is even the point of Halloween anymore? We might as well just convert the Holiday to be like Christmas. Kids will dress up the night before and when they wake up their parents will have set a giant bag of fucking candy on the table for them.

Sigh, the only up side is that my town is still doing it old school. There is a curfew but it is like 6-9 which is much more reasonable, and it is actually on Halloween even if Halloween is a Sunday this year. I swear if my town ever pulls this 4-7 stuff I will put a huge sign in my yard notifying everyone that kids that come to my house before dark get no candy and scared shitless, kids that come to my house after dark get the candy those other losers forfeit(meaning double or triple candy)and they will get scared twice as shitless because that is what Halloween is about.

Edit - Just wanted to add 2 more quick sad observations. First off less and less people are celebrating Halloween. Last year when I took my little brother out Trick or treating he only got like 20% of a bag of candy vs the 50%-70% I always filled. Instead of only a house or two on the block not passing out candy it seemed a good 70% of them were not participating. We had to walk past 3 or 4 empty houses for every house that was actually passing out candy. The reason for this may be related to my second sad observation. It seems less kids are even participating. I just bought my first house and when I asked the neighbor kids who are 11 if they are trick or treating they said no they are too old for it and they are going to a party. It seems I hear this more and more, me and most of the people I knew were almost adult height before we stopped...yet now the cool thing to do regardless if you are 32 or 11 is to go to a party. Bet the neihgbor girl will dress like a slut to boot!
/end Grumpy old man rant. Sorry, needed to get it off my chess. Anyone else feel Halloween is loosing all purpose?
The trick or treating shit went downhill after 9/11, anthrax, SARS, and terrorism. Parties and slutty outfits are still in full effect, though.
Daylight savings creeping into November ruined it the most. East Coast Kids trick-or-treat in broad fucking daylight now.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Daylight savings creeping into November ruined it the most. East Coast Kids trick-or-treat in broad fucking daylight now.[/QUOTE]

Yup. Last year I don't think one kid came past the point the sun just started to go down. It's sad, Halloween was so much fun when I was a kid. We started at 7 and went till 10. Even 7-11s and pizza shops got into it. We would get a free slurpee, free slice of pizza, free cookies from the local bakery, but sadly none of them participate anymore. It's like people just don't care.
[quote name='tcrash247']Yup. Last year I don't think one kid came past the point the sun just started to go down. It's sad, Halloween was so much fun when I was a kid. We started at 7 and went till 10. Even 7-11s and pizza shops got into it. We would get a free slurpee, free slice of pizza, free cookies from the local bakery, but sadly none of them participate anymore. It's like people just don't care.[/QUOTE]

I was not lying when I said as a kid we were not allowed to go out till it was starting to get dark. My mom would watch for when the sun was almost down then let us off our chains.

My hope is that maybe with the economy crashing a bit that people will not be able to afford the commercialism aspect of Halloween and as a result we see some of its spirit start to come back. If not as I said I will keep hosting my yearly party, decorating my house scary as shit and giving 1 candy bar to kids that are dressed up as something cute and 3 or 4 to those that dress scary.
I know what you mean about the trend: less scary, more sanitized and sultry at the same time. That said, I keep it on the scary end.

In my area, it seems less and less people hand out candy because people were taking advantage of it. It was okay when kids from a few streets over would come by, but now we're getting loads of people driving their families and friends around trying to get as much candy as they can. Most of these roaming families outright request candy for everyone, even if they aren't dressed up (parents, teens) or can't eat it (parents requesting candy for babies). Some try to hit up the same houses twice "on accident" and get caught doing so. So damn petty.
[quote name='Guerrilla']I know what you mean about the trend: less scary, more sanitized and sultry at the same time. That said, I keep it on the scary end.

In my area, it seems less and less people hand out candy because people were taking advantage of it. It was okay when kids from a few streets over would come by, but now we're getting loads of people driving their families and friends around trying to get as much candy as they can. Most of these roaming families outright request candy for everyone, even if they aren't dressed up (parents, teens) or can't eat it (parents requesting candy for babies). Some try to hit up the same houses twice "on accident" and get caught doing so. So damn petty.[/QUOTE]

Have not seen that around us yet, neither when we lived near Ann Arbor and not now in Toledo. I do not mind people from outside the area coming in to trick or treat, but screw parents asking for candy. I would give a Dad/Mom a candy bar if we were passing out something uncommon and they requested one as a treat, but screw giving each person candy and def not if its something common like M&Ms.

Editing to add that something I do see and really hate is people that say "My kid is too scared to come up to your house and get the candy herself, so I cam up for her". Its not so bad if the kid is like 5 or 6...but at a certain age it gets to be a bit sad.
Halloween is just dead. Hell I went to a halloween party last week. I'm sure it is really because the people that had it have something going on every weekend so they had to do it then or not at all. Hell even all the stuff that was on TV is no longer the same. I remember as a kid the Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street being played all day on different channles. Hell even on friday the 13th some channle would play the movies all day but now they don't even do that.
i only celebrate the horror movie aspect of it personally but yeah the holiday is prety much dead. too many pervs and nutters preying on kids so trick or treating is pretty much a no go for many kids unless they live in a good close neighorhood.

most holidays have pretty much died out all except for xmas which has slowly and steadily taken over a number of months due to over advertising. hell keep an eye out for xmas ads during this month and youll see what i mean. even thanksgiving takes a back seat to it.
I always thought the point of Halloween was the one day where it was nationally accepted for women to dress slutty and men are allowed to stare. OK, so maybe that's just the definition I choose to believe.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']I always thought the point of Halloween was the one day where it was nationally accepted for women to dress slutty and men are allowed to stare. OK, so maybe that's just the definition I choose to believe.[/QUOTE]

youre thinking mardi gras although i agree with the op with how creepy some of the kids costumes are these days ( slutty costumes for kids).
[quote name='lokizz']most holidays have pretty much died out all except for xmas which has slowly and steadily taken over a number of months due to over advertising. hell keep an eye out for xmas ads during this month and youll see what i mean. even thanksgiving takes a back seat to it.[/QUOTE]

Thanksgiving died as a holiday 20 years ago.
I'm a scrooge, there is no way in this world I'm giving candy to little kids for no reason. If you want to cut my grass or rake my leaves so I don't have to send my wife out to do it, then I'll give you candy. Otherwise, get away from my front door.
Dude, I remember our grade school used to transform the halls into one giant haunted house every Halloween and let me tell you -- they had some scary ass shit going on in there. Like a live chainsaw being carried by a guy wearing a hockey mask or a dude on a gurney moaning in pain as a twisted doctor ripped his guts out. I'm not even joking because that's firmly planted in my mind as one of the best times I ever had during Halloween. My buddy and I both came out crying it was so intense lol. That kind of stuff would NEVER fly today and it's really too bad.

Trick r' Treating was always after dark. These hours that exist today are retarded and never happened outside of malls that would participate back then. We had some really awesome neighbors that would always go all out and even LARP when you came to the door lol. This one dude would always sit in a lawn chair, holding a candy bowl and just sit perfectly still pretending to just be a prop. I knew better, so I'd usually get first pick of the candy when my friends would all run once he got up haha.

Damn, I feel sorry for kids these days. My childhood was just too awesome.
No one gives a shit about halloween anymore. I drive by like 3 dozen houses and 1 will have either a paper bat hanging on string in a window or someone will have a metal cut out pumpkin face stuck in their lawn and thats it. When I was a kid tons of houses got fixed and you could hear kids screaming up and down the streets as they ran away from those houses and could hear boomboxes playing haunted house sounds of windows And trick er treaters were always out. Now I dont see any of that shit.

And no one dresses up anymore either. Its always something stupid and not halloweeny where they try and be clever with their costume like they will try to dress up as a some random thing like I saw a woman dressed up as a mastercard priceless commercial by writing shit on her shirt, or someone dressing up like a rubicks cube or something as equally prententious as it is non halloween. On the rare occasion someone does try to look halloweeny its usually a woman saying she is a witch but ends up looking like a whore instead.

Adults think halloween is a excuse to put some stupid costume and have a party to drink, teenagers dont give a shit aside from a couple that just want to cause trouble and little kids either dont know because their parents dont let them do anything or they just want candy.

And it sucks because halloween is the only holiday I recognize

[quote name='tcrash247']Thanksgiving died as a holiday 20 years ago.[/QUOTE]

Thats because there is no money to be made in thanksgiving unless your a company that sells frozen turkeys. Thanksgiving isnt advertised because people dont buy gifts for it or greetings cards, wrapping paper and so on. So what companies did instead is start talking about christmase before thanksgiving even happens, soon the holiday will just be overwritten and christmas will start the day after halloween before it finally creeps over it also.

Big business obviously has overwritten thanksgiving because hell business's have created their own holiday just so they can sell more shit. How else do you explain sweetest day? What is that, valentines day part 2?
It's dead in my neighborhood because there just aren't many kids. I think there's maybe 10-15 kids between the ages of 5 and 12 within four blocks of me. I buy the candy and have a few decorations but typically end up giving up on the whole thing around 9pm when I've had one or two groups of kids come by and then just go find an adult party where I can look at boobs.
I think the problem with the Holiday is being caused by two things

1. The fact that people would rather drink and party then hand out candy or take their kids door to door. And if you are at a party you want to hook up with someone, or if you are married at least believe you COULD have.

2. People go bat shit crazy about protecting kids nowdays. While they are happy to do things that logically do hurt their kids like let them weigh twice what they should because they stuff burgers down their throat or failing to invest at all in their education, they go bat shit insane over stuff that has no real effect...but since they fuck up else where they have to pretend they care on these non issues(and I mean why not, it does not cost them time or money). People started worrying they were damaging kids scaring them so they stopped. And everyone is terrified that little Susie may be raped while out trick or treating so trick or treating should be done while it is bright. As I said before its incredibly stupid because if your kid is not old enough to fend for themselves, or at least have a group of kids that as a group could take care of each other, then there should be a parent out on the street with them that would fend off any evil doer.
[quote name='perdition(troy']I'm a scrooge, there is no way in this world I'm giving candy to little kids for no reason. If you want to cut my grass or rake my leaves so I don't have to send my wife out to do it, then I'll give you candy. Otherwise, get away from my front door.[/QUOTE]

lmao i could see someone saying that to a kid too.
Most of the people that are into Halloween are just college kids and people in their 30s, that really celebrate it (be it at a party, a bar, or movie marathons at home). Because that was the last generation to enjoy Halloween before it got soured by daylight, 90% of trees still holding onto their leaves with a death grip, and overprotective parents. Back when the current horror movie dictated what the best selling costume was, not whoever had the most fucked up MTV Awards red carpet outfit, or whichever political candidate was the most popular.
Wow, so I just got back from Grocery shopping and the dollar store and Menards not only had Christmas stuff up already....but their Christmas sections were larger then their Halloween sections. Both places had 1 single row of halloween stuff vs the Dollar store having two for Christmas and Menards litterally had like 4 rows of Christmas stuff...fucking insane.

On the bright side we found a store that sold nothing but Halloween stuff and I got this awesome Zombie Baby(link below). They had a bunch more but I figured id go back after Halloween when its 50% off. On the down side 70% of the store was kids costumes and slut costumes(wife just added she thinks closer to 80%) ;(

Ok so here is a link to the Zombie Baby we bought, I do not think the video does it justice what so ever though!
[quote name='technom22']Hm. It's still nice on my street.

But yeah, I miss the creepy people staring a you with a creepy mask.[/QUOTE]

just hang outside a botox clinic lol.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Wow, so I just got back from Grocery shopping and the dollar store and Menards not only had Christmas stuff up already....but their Christmas sections were larger then their Halloween sections. Both places had 1 single row of halloween stuff vs the Dollar store having two for Christmas and Menards litterally had like 4 rows of Christmas stuff...fucking insane.

On the bright side we found a store that sold nothing but Halloween stuff and I got this awesome Zombie Baby(link below). They had a bunch more but I figured id go back after Halloween when its 50% off. On the down side 70% of the store was kids costumes and slut costumes(wife just added she thinks closer to 80%) ;(

Ok so here is a link to the Zombie Baby we bought, I do not think the video does it justice what so ever though!

that zombie baby is pretty cool and damn xmas is seriously taking over. i predict in 2 years people will be preparing for it in july and it will go from a week long thing to a whole month lol.
Big Lots had almost nothing for Halloween. I spent 20 minutes trying to find a single box of orange lights -- plenty of fucking Christmas shit, though.

There's nothing going on around my apartment complex. Granted, there's only a small handful of kids, but still -- every year starting October 1st, my place can be seen from the road, glowing orange with a creepy pumpkin face in the window. Inside I have skeletons, ghosts, and Jason Vorhees decorations, and Michael Myers' severed head sitting in a bowl in my dining room. When I go out, I'm usually Freddy Kreuger. Halloween needs to exist, and it needs to be fucking scary. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch Trick 'R Treat.
They don't even celebrate Halloween here. We have "Beggar's Night". This is going to sound extremely weird to you guys, but try to follow along: Basically, on October 30th, kids dress up in costumes and go door to door. They say "Trick or treat!" and get this, people actually give them candy! I'm sure you guys have never heard of anything like this. It is totally and completely different from Halloween in every single way! I mean, it's on an entirely different night!

Halloween starts when I walk into Target on November 1st, fill up a carriage with $100 or so of candy (at this point all 75% off or better) and ends next October, when I realize I still have last year's candy left over. fuck the costumes.

Wanna scare the shit on some trick or treater? Just dress like a red neck and pull a gun on em. At least that's what my co-worker said he's gunna do this year.
Every year I dress up as something bloody/gory and scare the hell out of the trick or treaters. Last year, and this year, I got my Ash Williams costume ready. 20lb chainsaw with speakers placed inside that connect to my Zune with a minute or so of a chainsaw getting revved up and running. Along with a Double Barrel Shotgun Nerf gun, painted to look like a real shotgun. Got 2nd place last year at my College's Halloween costume contest, got out done by fucken LEGOs... -_-
[quote name='Duddy07']Every year I dress up as something bloody/gory and scare the hell out of the trick or treaters. Last year, and this year, I got my Ash Williams costume ready. 20lb chainsaw with speakers placed inside that connect to my Zune with a minute or so of a chainsaw getting revved up and running. Along with a Double Barrel Shotgun Nerf gun, painted to look like a real shotgun. Got 2nd place last year at my College's Halloween costume contest, got out done by fucken LEGOs... -_-[/QUOTE]

if you do that have someone tape it because id love to see that lol. you should have a bowl of candy somewhere where they have to come to it and then you leap out at them.
It is mostly skipped by shops around here except for obviously the Halloween store , but then hell so is Thanksgiving . Year before last I had exactly one kid show up at the house which is about when it sunk it this is a waste of time.
My family used to decorate like CRAZY on Halloween, everyone in town would come to our place because it was the scariest house in the neighborhood. My dad use to design sets for a living, so would have all the props leftover from the Halloween plays (Sweeney Todd, ect.) so we would go all out.

But all the sudden (I can't remember when exactly) people stopped really going around the neighborhood. We would maybe have 4-6 people come to our house the entire night, when before it was a constant stream of people. SO eventually it started getting to be too much work for such little reason and we cut down to a few shitty decorations and when my parents separated, stopped it all together.

Last year I lived on a cultisack and we literally had ONE couple come to our house (the people across the street) and I actually spent some time to decorate. So needless to say I stopped that.

Also Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studio used to be INSANELY amazing, they would go all out like CRAZY. It was amazing. Then all the sudden they stopped doing it for a couple years and then eventually brought it back - when it returned it was a steaming pile and I was so embarrassed bringing my friends/gf to go see how great it was.

It's a bummer, Halloween was my favorite Holiday because it was amazing. Now it is just by default because the other Holidays suck more. Don't get me started on Christmas now indays... ugh.
What's sad are all the orange Christmas lights I've been seeing around the neighborhood. I assume so lazy fucks can put them up in October and take them down in January.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Have not seen that around us yet, neither when we lived near Ann Arbor and not now in Toledo.[/QUOTE]

Shit... you live near me.. (Monroe)

Personally, when I trick or treated as a kid, you'd have what looked like a decoration laying in a yard, turns out it's a guy laying there with a ton of makeup/good costume on, and as you left the porch, he'd jump up and grab you like a fucking zombie. Shit scared you. Garages turned into haunted houses, shit was a lot more vicious.... now... you just get candy, and most houses don't give it out. I quit around 2003 or so. It just started to suck. My family stopped giving candy because half of the neighborhood trick or treating is parents pushing a baby in a stroller, or annoying teenagers/college students that don't even put on a cheap mask.
I agree with you, OP. One pet peeve of mines is when places like malls or strip malls for example have these events on Halloween during the day time. They advertise it like "fuck going trick or treating just come here instead. There will be candy and other shit." Sure enough some people just end up going to places like these and then they just go home because they already got candy, there is no need to go trick or treating.
... Wow.

Look, I'm a first generation American. My parents never celebrated Halloween back where they are from, and they never let me go out and celebrate it when I was a child.

I feel somewhat responsible for the purported death of the holiday, as this year I have decided to pretend that I am not home, and avoid handing out candy.


Well. When I first moved to my neighborhood, I thought it would be a great way to get to /meet/ people who live here. However the kids show up en masse, grab some candy, and run off. The /parents/ treat you like a potential kidnapper if you try to do more than silently give out candy.

I handed out candy for a few very unfriendly years, and ultimately I have decided that is simply isn't worth my time and money to continue feeding treats to the children of modern paranoid American adults.

:( Sorry.
Halloween was the best holiday

the only holidays that matter these days are ones where companies get to push you to buy stuff

Nothing like celebrating Veteran's Day by consuming a ton of shit

retailers having sales on 9/11 too
Man it seems like a lot of people in this topic just gave up. I can appreciate that it is annoying having jackasses come to your door or no one coming to your door....but I do not think I am going to give up that easily. I have my decorations set up and did a decent job this year(maybe I will post a picture later)but NEXT year we are going all out. The only reason I say next year is because this is the first year we have owned our own home and could go out and it seems stupid to go and spend $700 at the Halloween store whenever if I just make due with what I have this year I can go November 1st at the 50% off sale and REALLY go nuts.

If not many kids show up or it is a bunch of jackasses then I still will not give up. I keep faith that if I do it big people will know and see. Ultimately we want to create a little haunted house type thing where people walk through our side yard and we have people popping out the windows scaring them, with wood walls we then lead them through our back yard in to our garage which we have decked out and it ends in the ally behind our street. It may take me a few years to set all this up and afford it...but I have faith that people will show if I do. As for the jackasses fuck em. Anyone that shows up in my house dressed up in the spirit gets candy, I do not care if they are college age or 55. But anyone that comes with no costume expecting candy gets shit. Just tell these people off if they get lippy, they will know not to show up year in year out. Same with the uncomfortable parents acting like you will molest their child. Tell them off and they will stop coming back, hell they may even avoid your block all together.

Not mad at any of you guys, I just think it seems a lot of people are just giving up without even trying.
You do realize that "Trick or treat?" means that if you don't give out candy you're going to get a trick, don't you?
[quote name='keithp']You do realize that "Trick or treat?" means that if you don't give out candy you're going to get a trick, don't you?[/QUOTE]

Indeed and if I do I do. In general people do not mess with me and I have had friends tell me before getting to know me they were terrified of me. Despite the fact that I always smile and my tattoos are all positive stuff(like the words love life across my knocks or my giant arm piece which clearly says Ryan loves Amanda in the banner) people just seem to see a big guy covered in tattoos and rocking a mohawk and piss themselves.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Indeed and if I do I do. In general people do not mess with me and I have had friends tell me before getting to know me they were terrified of me. Despite the fact that I always smile and my tattoos are all positive stuff(like the words love life across my knocks or my giant arm piece which clearly says Ryan loves Amanda in the banner) people just seem to see a big guy covered in tattoos and rocking a mohawk and piss themselves.[/QUOTE]


"No costume no candy so fuck OFF"!!!!!!!!!!
Congress messed up Halloween by pushing Daylight savings time back 2 weeks. In the desert southwest kids go trick or treating in daylight and the sun does not set tell around 6:30 PM or so. I hate daylight savings time.
I've noticed that there are fewer trick or treaters, and stores seem extra desperate to sell Halloween stuff the last two years (some stuff at rite-aid was already half-off in mid-september). Also there are fewer Halloween items for sale this year (no Jones soda at target :(), but somehow I'm sure we'll get egged again this year. Why is it that egging never goes away, and the cops just don't care? :/
bread's done