Halloween is dying a slow painfull death!

[quote name='tiredfornow'] Parties and slutty outfits are still in full effect, though.[/QUOTE]

Which is all that really matters as an adult at halloween anyway! At least for those of us without kids!
To me, it was dieing out in the 90's. The 80's were great times both back in NY and here in Phoenix. We roamed the streets in a group and tried screwing around with each other. Like when everyone in our group got cans of silly string, we went around our houses getting the group together hiding the cans in our bags, once we were all together we all shot each other thinking we were going to be the only one pulling the gag. Hell, in NY you would see eggs all over the place from the older kids having fun.

I always hated the one house in our neighborhood that would set a bowl on a chair in the driveway. We ran up to it thinking we would grab a huge stash of candy but it ended up being some christian bookmarks or something.

But early to mid 90's more houses just started giving up. I miss the holiday. There's maybe two houses on the block that even try. What hurt was that parents started babying their kids with shit like Barney and were to afraid to let the kids go anywhere other than the strip mall if at all. And that's the main problem nowadays, parents are raising pussies, not allowing their kids to be challenged or hurt in anyway. Something bothering little Sammy? Go see the shrink and take some pills. Here's a cell phone so I'll always know where you're at. You need $20 to go to the movies? Here's $40 and I'll drive you across town to the better theater. Oh, you dropped/broke your phone/laptop/expensive item? Let's go buy you a new one tonight so you don't go without cause I don't want you to learn to be responsible.

There's a guy a few blocks down from me who already has a cadaver on a freaky operating table sitting on his front lawn. This Halloween will be time to visit the local enclave of horror.
[quote name='Guerrilla']

In my area, it seems less and less people hand out candy because people were taking advantage of it. It was okay when kids from a few streets over would come by, but now we're getting loads of people driving their families and friends around trying to get as much candy as they can. Most of these roaming families outright request candy for everyone, even if they aren't dressed up (parents, teens) or can't eat it (parents requesting candy for babies). Some try to hit up the same houses twice "on accident" and get caught doing so. So damn petty.[/QUOTE]

My husband's family stopped decorating the exterior house and giving out candy on Halloween because of this. They lived in a nicer part of town, and all their neighbors decorated and gave out candy. However, people would drive from the nearby poorer city in van and busloads, drop off their kids in the neighborhood, and said kids (and preteens, teenagers, and a few adults) would act like hoodlums. And I'm not talking about normal trick or treat stuff (TPing houses, silly string, etc.)--I'm talking about criminal behavior that got police involved, like mugging little old ladies for their purses at the door when they answered it to give out candy, punching toddlers in the face to take their candybags. The last year they gave out candy, a woman in the neighborhood was robbed, beaten, and left laying immobile on someone's lawn by some trick or treaters. After that the entire neighborhood, within a few mile radius, decided to ban trick or treating and not give out any candy anymore.

I live in Las Vegas, and here, Halloween is lame. Very few people let their kids trick or treat, and if they do they don't even let their kids go out after dark. One year I lived next door to an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and only saw 10 trick or treaters. The big thing out here is to take the kids to the mall, dump them off for a few hours, and then pick them up.

And what is with all the prostitot costumes lately?

And where I grow up, it is tradition not to give out candy until its dark outside. If you went a house in the afternoon, you would have straight out been told, "Its not even dark yet! Come back after the sun goes down" and then have the door shut in your face, candyless. I proudly insist on continuing this stubborn tradition; I refuse to hand out candy in broad daylight.

Our local stores had Halloween stuff come in over the summer, and clearanced most of it out in September! O_O

October usually ends up being an expensive month for me because I make short vacation trips for Halloween related stuff (Knott's Halloween Haunt, sometimes Universal, Disney etc.), so many years I may not be home early enough to give out candy, or even put up outside decorations.

I plan on decorating a little bit. I have some fake tombstones that are going out on my very small front yard. I'm also working on decorating my guest bathroom like one of Dexter's kill rooms.
We get a lot of conservative Christian "hell houses" here. People insisting that Halloween is some evil pagan holiday, with no idea that Easter has pagan roots too.
[quote name='Clak']We get a lot of conservative Christian "hell houses" here. People insisting that Halloween is some evil pagan holiday, with no idea that Easter has pagan roots too.[/QUOTE]

Christmas is also not really a Christian holiday, they made it up to try and attract people away from the Winter solstice(believe that was it). Either way you look at it Christmas has no business being celebrated in December since both scholars/historians and Jehovah Witnesses have shown time and time again that Christ could not have been born not just in December but even this time of the year.
[quote name='Spacepest']My husband's family stopped decorating the exterior house and giving out candy on Halloween because of this. They lived in a nicer part of town, and all their neighbors decorated and gave out candy. However, people would drive from the nearby poorer city in van and busloads, drop off their kids in the neighborhood, and said kids (and preteens, teenagers, and a few adults) would act like hoodlums. And I'm not talking about normal trick or treat stuff (TPing houses, silly string, etc.)--I'm talking about criminal behavior that got police involved, like mugging little old ladies for their purses at the door when they answered it to give out candy, punching toddlers in the face to take their candybags. The last year they gave out candy, a woman in the neighborhood was robbed, beaten, and left laying immobile on someone's lawn by some trick or treaters. After that the entire neighborhood, within a few mile radius, decided to ban trick or treating and not give out any candy anymore.

I live in Las Vegas, and here, Halloween is lame. Very few people let their kids trick or treat, and if they do they don't even let their kids go out after dark. One year I lived next door to an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and only saw 10 trick or treaters. The big thing out here is to take the kids to the mall, dump them off for a few hours, and then pick them up.

And what is with all the prostitot costumes lately?

And where I grow up, it is tradition not to give out candy until its dark outside. If you went a house in the afternoon, you would have straight out been told, "Its not even dark yet! Come back after the sun goes down" and then have the door shut in your face, candyless. I proudly insist on continuing this stubborn tradition; I refuse to hand out candy in broad daylight.

Our local stores had Halloween stuff come in over the summer, and clearanced most of it out in September! O_O

October usually ends up being an expensive month for me because I make short vacation trips for Halloween related stuff (Knott's Halloween Haunt, sometimes Universal, Disney etc.), so many years I may not be home early enough to give out candy, or even put up outside decorations.

I plan on decorating a little bit. I have some fake tombstones that are going out on my very small front yard. I'm also working on decorating my guest bathroom like one of Dexter's kill rooms.[/QUOTE]

damn thats some fucked up shit but my rule for t-o-t was always if you couldnt get there by foot you dont go. bussing in kids from other neighborhoods is very damn tacky. btw isnt everyday in vegas like halloween?

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Solution: Go to Target/Walmart on November 1st in costume to buy half price candy.

I gets me some 100 Grand Bars.
[quote name='lokizz']. btw isnt everyday in vegas like halloween?

Off the Strip, its not. Some areas of the city are remarkably quiet and normal. And we do have closet religious nutters (you'd be surprised how many Mormons have money invested in Vegas casinos) that occasionally come out into the light of a workday and like to stir shit up at the local libraries by trying to get various books/free public internet access banned.

Bah, just had a killjoy neighbor complain about my Halloween decorations visible in my living room window as "overdecorating". I have a cauldron with a device in it that makes multi colored mist and a few pumpkins on my table, nothing extreme. Now I'm going to get out the Wiccan Bible (that I got at a used bookstore sale) and look for some occult looking items to put next to it just to make him cringe. I'm also seriously reconsidering buying that 3 foot stuffed spider I saw at a Halloween store and putting it on my balcony just to spite him. That, and 3 foot fuzzy spiders are cool. Since my home is next to the community mailbox everybody will be FORCED TO LOOK at it.

And I love November 1 candy sales!
[quote name='Spacepest']Off the Strip, its not. Some areas of the city are remarkably quiet and normal. And we do have closet religious nutters (you'd be surprised how many Mormons have money invested in Vegas casinos) that occasionally come out into the light of a workday and like to stir shit up at the local libraries by trying to get various books/free public internet access banned.

Bah, just had a killjoy neighbor complain about my Halloween decorations visible in my living room window as "overdecorating". I have a cauldron with a device in it that makes multi colored mist and a few pumpkins on my table, nothing extreme. Now I'm going to get out the Wiccan Bible (that I got at a used bookstore sale) and look for some occult looking items to put next to it just to make him cringe. I'm also seriously reconsidering buying that 3 foot stuffed spider I saw at a Halloween store and putting it on my balcony just to spite him. That, and 3 foot fuzzy spiders are cool. Since my home is next to the community mailbox everybody will be FORCED TO LOOK at it.

And I love November 1 candy sales![/QUOTE]

hes complaining about decorations inside your home that can be seen in the window? the guy has too much time on his hands , and may be a peeper, if the stuff inside your house bothers him.

post halloween candy sales are cool but ive always been more into post easter/valetines candy sales ( choco bunnies and choc covered cherries).
I remember probably my last adolescent trick or treating - I was probably in 6th grade - borderline too old - me and my friends went out - our funniest treat - 10 pennies taped up into a roll.

Probably my most enjoyable outing while in undergrad was a Halloween - I went as the unibomber composite sketch - ted kaczynski. Tons of parties everywhere - just a blast.

Now I have a house and a wife and a newborn. We get little to no trick-or-treaters. I wonder what my daughter's Halloween experiences will be like. Going desk to desk at my wife's work?
Halloween is dead because its one of the few holidays that dont make mainstream businesses money easily. It could also be do to the fact that Hollywood cant bring itself to make a decent original horror movie either. Looking forward to Saw 14 in 3D.

As with everyone else I used to love Halloween, dressing up going out with my friends seeing the cool costumes that people put together and house decked out.

Hell, I dont know......but I wish it would come back. But you have to take into account that fact that a lot of these kids now a days are completely fucked out of their minds. I would think twice about opening my door to a lot of them because there are too many kids with dumbass parents who allow them to do anything they want.
[quote name='Soodmeg']It could also be do to the fact that Hollywood cant bring itself to make a decent original horror movie either. Looking forward to Saw 14 in 3D.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, there are better than decent horror movies around, they're just not mainstream.
i don't remember when the last time i did anything for halloween was apart from carving a pumpkin. last time i went trick or treating everyone was asking "aren't you a little too old"? that was also the year i bought a ton of fire extinguishers and it was freezing cold that night. had fire extinguisher fights and gave each other/all the kids we encountered lung cancer for sure. you can make a damn good fog in an area with a fire extinguisher or two. the stuff just kinda hangs in the air for a good couple of minutes.

whos too old for free candy.
One thing that seems to have changed in 20 years is more people go to amusement parks for Halloween events. One park about 45 minutes from me has 11 different indoor and outdoor mazes/walkthroughs and it is usually very crowded.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']One thing that seems to have changed in 20 years is more people go to amusement parks for Halloween events. One park about 45 minutes from me has 11 different indoor and outdoor mazes/walkthroughs and it is usually very crowded.[/QUOTE]
ah yes on the weekends silverwood transforms into scarywood. oooooooooooo.
Have to agree Halloween is going on the back burner. I look each year for the Halloween specials, but I don't see alot on TV anymore. I remember every show had one. I'm sure it really wasn't but I think Punk Brewester scared the shit out of me - it was somesort of evil sheet that sparkled in a cave or something.

Then there was the Halloween Tree cartoon and a bunch of others. I don't see many on TV anymore.

At least I'm keeping it alive a little bit. I watched Night of the Living Dead last night and I'm going to watch Dawn of the Dead right now.
I remember those too, Dokstarr. Didn't the Punky Brewster also have a giant spider in it, and some sort of flying ax that was following her, and it killed the spider right as it was about to bite her?

I also remember a Halloween cartoon about some kids who always trick or treat together every year, and then their friend got sick, and he was leaving them messages to go without him, and they all thought it was a joke, but I think maybe he was dead and it was his ghost leaving them?

80s/90s sitcom Halloween episodes were awesome, where every character had elaborate costumes and parties and supernatural elements for the entire show. Treehouse of Horror were some of the best Simpsons ever written.

Halloween I consider to be the coolest holiday, and it's definitely taken a hit over the years. Oh well. I can also echo other comments people were making about people going to a fancy neighborhood in an attempt to get lots of candy - there's one or two around here that have gridlock every year, being entirely overrun with a smattering of children.

When I went trick or treating, the neighborhood was essentially a giant horse shoe, so when you reached the end, you just walked a few hundred feet to get back where you were. People decorated their houses lavishly, with tombstones and cobwebs and fake spiders, and routinely there were a few people each year who dressed up like scarecrows or other monsters, sat on their front porches, and would scare you as you walked away from the house.

Too many good memories. Kids finish these days before it's dark. We strode like titans into ten or eleven at night and didn't give two fucks about it. Sad to see it degenerate.
[quote name='Tony208']retailers having sales on 9/11 too[/QUOTE]
"Rack up these deals with towers of savings! Everything must go!"

The though of trick or treating before dark is just awful. The comment about waiting until dark before being unleashed was the absolute standard in the 80s. If anyone dared to venture out early, they would only get shunned and told "we're not ready yet, come back later."

The real question now is: how does society say goodbye to a dead/ruined holiday?
Agree with everything said here. Main problem is that everything is too PC (scaring people is wrong), paranoid (my kids could be kidnapped), or freeloading (load up everyone you know and go to the rich neighborhood to get candy). People in America have a great way of ruining things.

And Christmas is the worst: a girl I know told me she starts doing her Christmas shopping in July. That just seems weird to me. Who wants to start thinking about Christmas in the summer or even fall? And why buy presents for 50 people? That's just a lot of junk that ends up at Goodwill, a garage sale, or the landfill.
Halloween was childish even when I was a kid in the late 80's and first half of the 90's. There's still Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios, though!
[quote name='crystalklear64']i don't remember when the last time i did anything for halloween was apart from carving a pumpkin. last time i went trick or treating everyone was asking "aren't you a little too old"? that was also the year i bought a ton of fire extinguishers and it was freezing cold that night. had fire extinguisher fights and gave each other/all the kids we encountered lung cancer for sure. you can make a damn good fog in an area with a fire extinguisher or two. the stuff just kinda hangs in the air for a good couple of minutes.

whos too old for free candy

Yea what the eff? Kids get free shit their entire childhood, do the really need more free crap!? I'm broke and people are giving out free food/candy in the community, I'll wear a shitty spiderman outfit and ask for candy dammit.
[quote name='Strell']
I also remember a Halloween cartoon about some kids who always trick or treat together every year, and then their friend got sick, and he was leaving them messages to go without him, and they all thought it was a joke, but I think maybe he was dead and it was his ghost leaving them?

That was Halloween Tree - yeah there friend is dead or something and his spirit takes a pumpkin and they have to chase him around or something. It has been so long but maybe I can find a DVD somewhere or something.
[quote name='skinkrawl']And Christmas is the worst: a girl I know told me she starts doing her Christmas shopping in July. That just seems weird to me. Who wants to start thinking about Christmas in the summer or even fall? And why buy presents for 50 people? That's just a lot of junk that ends up at Goodwill, a garage sale, or the landfill.[/QUOTE]

I say don't start Christmas shopping until the official start of Winter. That's the American way!
yeah i miss the halloween cartoons as well. i was able to locate one id been searching for for years "witches night out" used to come on every year i think garfield and peanuts also had cartoons to. now its just thanksgiving and xmas.
I've taken my little ones out for the past 2 years now. Seeing as how we have a neighberhood with a lot of elementary age kids there's usually a pretty good turnout and quite a few houses go all out on decorations. And there always are a few familys coming around in vans or from outside the neighberhood (I guess if you live in a ghetto apartment complex you can't really go trick or treating there).
[quote name='eldergamer']I've taken my little ones out for the past 2 years now. Seeing as how we have a neighberhood with a lot of elementary age kids there's usually a pretty good turnout and quite a few houses go all out on decorations. And there always are a few familys coming around in vans or from outside the neighberhood (I guess if you live in a ghetto apartment complex you can't really go trick or treating there).[/QUOTE]

You hit on the reason that I do not mind people from outside the neighborhood trick or treating in my neighborhood. You never know where people live, and if they live in an area that is largely apartment complex it means they have no choice but to go someplace else to trick or treat. You also never know if people are trick or treating with relatives and just got separated from the group. Me and my brother rarely trick or treated in our own neighborhood when we were kids, instead my mom would take us to our cousins house to trick or treat with them. Problem was that the two of them were girls and content with walking door to door, where as me and my brother would go as fast as our little legs would carry us. My mom would try and keep us in check and make us walk with our slow ass cousins, but as the night went on we would end up far ahead of them. So to people within the neighborhood we looked like the ghetto outsiders, when in reality we were with insiders....just ahead of them ;)

As I said before, I really do not mind if people are neighbors or game from an hour a way. All that matters to me is that they have the Halloween spirit, I would rather give a big handful of candy to a little Mexican kid dressed up in a terrifying mask then give a single candy bar to some little white boy dressed as one of the twilight characters.
Halloween is the stupidest holiday period. It has no significance. It's just an excuse for people to get in costumes and act stupid or slutty.
[quote name='rvdrock']Halloween is the stupidest holiday period. It has no significance. It's just an excuse for people to get in costumes and act stupid or slutty.[/QUOTE]

And the significance of Easter and Christmas is? Christmas and Easter were just created to combat Pagan holidays near the same time of the year. They are as stupid and pointless as you get. I will not pretend that Halloween is some sacred holiday and that we as a Nation can not afford ot loose it or anything stupid....but implying that any of our other holidays are less absurd is well...absurd.
Halloween is fun, though, and is a lot less stupid than Valentine's Day. Also, much less effort is required to get sex on Halloween than Valentine's Day, LOL.
boo hoo the holiday i grew up with no longer gives me the pleasure i want out of it so it is dead. boo the next generation. get off my lawn, you whippersnappers.

no evolution allowed
[quote name='Sporadic']boo hoo the holiday i grew up with no longer gives me the pleasure i want out of it so it is dead. boo the next generation. get off my lawn, you whippersnappers.

no evolution allowed[/QUOTE]

*points out the several spots he said he still celebrates, does it big, refuses to give up and is teaching his brother what he thinks Halloween is supposed to be about*

To quote Apu, Thank you, come again!
[quote name='MSI Magus']*points out the several spots he said he still celebrates, does it big, refuses to give up and is teaching his brother what he thinks Halloween is supposed to be about*

To quote Apu, Thank you, come again![/QUOTE]

Yeah, you celebrate it the same way you did when you were a kid. I bet you are also the type of guy to put on Bing Crosby for Christmas because that's what you grew up with and ultimately complain about how things just aren't as great as when you were a kid.

The whole point of my post was to make fun of you guys living in the past, drowning in nostalgia
[quote name='Sporadic']Yeah, you celebrate it the same way you did when you were a kid. I bet you are also the type of guy to put on Bing Crosby for Christmas because that's what you grew up with and ultimately complain about how things just aren't as great as when you were a kid.

The whole point of my post was to make fun of you guys living in the past, drowning in nostalgia[/QUOTE]

guess you never got to enjoy halloween huh? are you a jehovas witness?
[quote name='Sporadic']Yeah, you celebrate it the same way you did when you were a kid. I bet you are also the type of guy to put on Bing Crosby for Christmas because that's what you grew up with and ultimately complain about how things just aren't as great as when you were a kid.

The whole point of my post was to make fun of you guys living in the past, drowning in nostalgia[/QUOTE]

I am not one for nostalgia and living in the past. I no longer celebrate Christmas because as an adult I can recognize I am not Christian and people not just now but NEVER in my life have had the giving/loving spirit the holiday is meant to represent, so whats the point? I do not celebrate any other major holidays and if you want to look at things from nostalgia, I moved away from home and have largly cut my family out of my life. If you think you are talking to Mr Conservative sitting and reading the newspaper and gripping things just aint what they used to be you are wrong.

The post in general was meant to complain and blow off some steam less because "things aint what they used to be" and more because the Holiday has been neutered. Like I said in my initial post, the thing that set me off the most was the fact that people do not even go out after dark anymore.

Anyways, I will drop this now since really it seems you are just coming in here being a judgmental ass...and my guess is no matter what we say or do you will continue.
[quote name='lokizz']guess you never got to enjoy halloween huh? are you a jehovas witness?[/QUOTE]

No, I did. Every year me and my siblings would dress up and go out with our Mom to trick or treat. Never was scared by random people but we would run around the neighborhood and most would have a few decorations up (jack-o-lantern, window stickers, fake cobwebs, etc). I also remember one year putting a boombox in the window with a haunted house tape.

You are kidding yourself if you think that kids still aren't having fun going out. They get to dress up and get free candy. If anything, all of you sad sacks "Halloween just isn't the same" guys are hurting it more than anything. Of course it isn't the same when you were a kid, nothing is. That happens every generation. Let the kids have fun and stay out the way. The holiday is for them, not you. (Like the person who would turn away people who showed up before dark because that's the way it was when they were a kid, fuck you)

If you have fun decorating your house, do it. If you are like me and don't really care, get a bowl of candy and ham it up for the kids who do show up. But don't whine because it isn't exactly the way it was when you were younger.
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I never really celebrated halloween, candy is just meh to me. I eat it once in a while but im not crazy about it. And I never give out candy cause it's a waste of time. So yeah, I don't care about halloween. At all.
You guys are bumming me out!. I dont celebrate Halloween like i did when i was a kid, fuck that!. Im an adult now, im can drive myself anywhere, buy my own alchohol and drugs that i want!:D

I always look forward for Halloween, one of my fave nights of the year cuse crazy shit always goes down.

For the past 9 years ive gone to Monster Massive which is a Halloween rave in L.A.


Go with a bunch of friends and girls and the night just leads to debauchery, with out even trying.

If i want some actual Trick or Treating done, then i go to Sunset on Halloween night where you get to see some cool costumes, a bunch or freaks, and stores on the strip usually give out candy as well.

I'll get some candy for you guys, dont worry.
i tell you what though the one thing i dont miss about halloween is that stale hard as a rock pink bubblegum people used to give out that shit tasted like ass and looked like it was covered in chalk and the cheapest of the cheap bastards always gave it out.
Ah the good ole days. Throwing eggs with shaving cream, bobbing for apples, parties and trick or treating. I want to go back.....
I love the all of the traditional Halloween stuff, but have a special place in my heart for women dressed in provocative outfits. It is a true win win situation.
[quote name='lokizz']i tell you what though the one thing i dont miss about halloween is that stale hard as a rock pink bubblegum people used to give out that shit tasted like ass and looked like it was covered in chalk and the cheapest of the cheap bastards always gave it out.[/QUOTE]

ahh yes

I agree with this thread... about 5 years ago is when Halloween died in my area, really now the kiddies go to the mall and get candy handed to them there or just go to amusement parks. it used to be crazy everywhere you went, now you have to find hot spots and shit. I think last year 1 person passed by our house.
[quote name='tiredfornow']The trick or treating shit went downhill after 9/11, anthrax, SARS, and terrorism. Parties and slutty outfits are still in full effect, though.[/QUOTE]

For me, it was the Tylenol scare of 1982.

Yeah, I remember it. :oldman:
[quote name='argeezy']ahh yes

I agree with this thread... about 5 years ago is when Halloween died in my area, really now the kiddies go to the mall and get candy handed to them there or just go to amusement parks. it used to be crazy everywhere you went, now you have to find hot spots and shit. I think last year 1 person passed by our house.[/QUOTE]

I actually loved getting that type of bubble gum. Halloween pretty much died in my area about 5 years ago. It might have something to do with that Daylight Saving Time change some of you guys mentioned.

Honestly, the only thing I like about Halloween are the horror movies. Otherwise, it just prevents the Christmas season from starting earlier. I know some people don't like how early the holiday season begins, but I love it.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Does anyone even know what the reason for the change to savings time was?[/QUOTE]

it was either energy consevation or farming. i cant recall which if either.
I think the original reason was to have an extra hour of daylight in summer so businesses would be able to stay open longer (ie: make more money) and it would be good for the economy. That prior to that, people would get out of work and just go home to bed because it was too dark out to go to the beach, etc.
bread's done