Halo 3 Beta via Crackdown is up!

[quote name='CocheseUGA']I'm being run over by vehicles and blown up by lasers before I can get ten feet, much less find a decent weapon.[/QUOTE]

If you're going straight into the Rumble pit, this is pretty much bound to happen. Get your feet wet with some Team games. Team Slayer/BTB Slayer should give you some breathing room so you can learn the maps and adjust the sensitivity to your liking on the controls.

The rankings themselves don't matter, and they matter even less since its a 3 week beta. Find a gametype you like, and stick with it-- you'll be surprised how decent you'll be doing after giving it a little more time.

I can understand though, hell my first few games I was fumbling about due to the new weapon swap keys. :)
Just finished a few games of Team Slayer. I swear some of these guys are so good you would think they hacked the game and played with a mouse and keyboard. Still trying to nab my first triple kill but it isn't easy with only 4 members per team.
Check it out...you can fly the Banshee into outer space. It seems that the sky in Halo 3 is a lot more detailed and complex then it leads on.

Fast forward, if it goes too slow for you.
Alright, so when i shoot someone in the head with the sniper rifle, they don't die. When i shoot them 3 times in the head with the sniper rifle...they don't die. I'm behind them, they aren't moving...nothing. Yet, 1 shot and i'm dead...
[quote name='SynGamer']Alright, so when i shoot someone in the head with the sniper rifle, they don't die. When i shoot them 3 times in the head with the sniper rifle...they don't die. I'm behind them, they aren't moving...nothing. Yet, 1 shot and i'm dead...[/QUOTE]
Sounds like you need to get a new ISP.
[quote name='SynGamer']Alright, so when i shoot someone in the head with the sniper rifle, they don't die. When i shoot them 3 times in the head with the sniper rifle...they don't die. I'm behind them, they aren't moving...nothing. Yet, 1 shot and i'm dead...[/quote]
Shots to the body take 2 bullets if they have full shielding. Headshots will always kill the guy with one bullet so either you are missing their head by a fraction or you (or they) are lagging.
[quote name='SynGamer']Alright, so when i shoot someone in the head with the sniper rifle, they don't die. When i shoot them 3 times in the head with the sniper rifle...they don't die. I'm behind them, they aren't moving...nothing. Yet, 1 shot and i'm dead...[/quote]

Lag, thats your problem. The only other thing would be that your in a VIP game and your shootin the VIP which if the OS is like the old OS it should only take 2 shots in the head.
Does anyone find the Warthogs to be kind of ridiculous? They made them a hell of a lot more robust. I've stuck a single Warthog with multiple Plasma Grenades, and not only does the Warthog survive, the people riding it do as well.
[quote name='CokeCola']Does anyone find the Warthogs to be kind of ridiculous? They made them a hell of a lot more robust. I've stuck a single Warthog with multiple Plasma Grenades, and not only does the Warthog survive, the people riding it do as well.[/QUOTE]

I actually think it's alot easier to kill people in vehicles, but the Warthog does seem to be able to take more damage. Nades usually just flip it, but most of the time it still lands on its tires again.
Valhalla in Big Team Battle or whatever it's called.

I agree that the Warthogs seem stronger, it took two rockets to demolish one but as was said, I find it a lot easier to kill passengers/drivers in vehicles now.

So I got splattered by a Mongoose on High Ground the other day. I was at the very bottom of the map in front of the beach and they were coming full speed from the top of the hill so it might've just been because of the sheer force but I thought it was weird. I even watched the replay to make sure I wasn't seeing shit.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']If you're going straight into the Rumble pit, this is pretty much bound to happen. Get your feet wet with some Team games. Team Slayer/BTB Slayer should give you some breathing room so you can learn the maps and adjust the sensitivity to your liking on the controls.

The rankings themselves don't matter, and they matter even less since its a 3 week beta. Find a gametype you like, and stick with it-- you'll be surprised how decent you'll be doing after giving it a little more time.

I can understand though, hell my first few games I was fumbling about due to the new weapon swap keys. :)[/QUOTE]

I suck also, and I don't want to play team games because of that reason.
What team wants someone that sucks on it? So I will slog thru rumble pit
until I get better. Unfortunately I don't have that much time to play so
it may be a while....
For anyone that's part of the beta or anyone else that just likes it:


partial rep:


May not work with long gamertags...sorry.
Over the last few days I've heard a few people new to Halo complain about getting the crap kicked out of them in match's. You only get better from there. Had a few friends of mine who haven't played before, hop into a few match's last night. After a few they improved a bunch. You can only get good, if you play. Any shooter is like that
[quote name='CokeCola']Does anyone find the Warthogs to be kind of ridiculous? They made them a hell of a lot more robust. I've stuck a single Warthog with multiple Plasma Grenades, and not only does the Warthog survive, the people riding it do as well.[/quote]
i didn't use to think the warthog was that bad in the beta, but after today I have changed my mind. I was playing VIP and had a warthog driving towards me so I decided to stick it with the two sticks I had. Both sticks hit the warthog and stuck. I was unhappy to see that everyone in the hog was still alive. I don't mine it being a little stronger but two grenades is a little to much for me:bs:
[quote name='richierich']lol same here, and my wife is probably thinking this damn guy can't get up for class on other days yet he can get up for a video game wtf! :lol:[/quote]

haha you sound like my bf. He doesn't wake up before noon unless he has to work and he woke up @ 5am to download halo 3 beta...
[quote name='Trakan']Lolz, man that internet can do some crazy things sometimes.[/QUOTE]
Like me showing up? Heh heh heh. That was fun. Sorry I wasn't more chatty, it was overwhelming!
I dont know why, but I haven't played this nearly as much as I anticipated. Not that it's a bad game at all...but I just don't feel like playing...

I think it would be better if I played with more people here.
I haven't played it lately just cause it is a beta. I got what I want out of it, and played the crap out of the 3 levels available. So unless a new mode or gametype is put in I doubt I will play it anymore.
[quote name='mr ryles']I haven't played it lately just cause it is a beta. I got what I want out of it, and played the crap out of the 3 levels available. So unless a new mode or gametype is put in I doubt I will play it anymore.[/QUOTE]

Not even....with me?:cry:
[quote name='seanr1221']Not even....with me?:cry:[/QUOTE]

If you need a CAG to Beta around with I'll be down for it this weekend. Pretty much all I'm playing on the Xbox360 till Shadowrun comes out on Tuesday. After Shadowrun, however, I'm hanging up the beta till the real deal--- Its a great time, and if you get a good group for territories et all, it can be a blast.

But I think a majority of people on my friends list feel the same way as ryles-- They got what they wanted out of it, and now are looking to something else.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Double Team matches are supposed to be up this week according to an FAQ at Bungie.net[/QUOTE]
They've been up since earlier.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Like me showing up? Heh heh heh. That was fun. Sorry I wasn't more chatty, it was overwhelming![/quote]

Ha, didn't see this post til now. Yeah, that was a bit surprising.
Tonight I figured out why there are no more dual needlers in multi... Other than a few random times in the 166 games I've played, the needler has never been used as much as I saw it tonight. The fucking gun is way too powerful.
Earlier I was playing with a bunch of friends who somehow got the "Custom game" virus. Basically one of their friends got the custom game lobby mode from someone else who hooked it up for them. Played some "Tank CTF", used the sword, and magnum. The Magnum sucks, its rate of fire is slow as heck, alot slower than Halo 2. And there's another option to speed up the default walking speed and another option for low gravity. FAST WALKING + LOW GRAVITY + CTF on Valhalla is fun!
IDK what happened to the other thread, but I requested more friend invites for people with levels of 30+. I'm at a 37 and no one on my friend's list is quite as high besides like 2 people. I'm not trying to show off or anything, I just want to find a few more people so I can actually find matches and actually have fun, instead of going in as a single and getting raped by a team of 4. So those of you with higher levels, send requests!
[quote name='A Happy Panda']IDK what happened to the other thread, but I requested more friend invites for people with levels of 30+. I'm at a 37 and no one on my friend's list is quite as high besides like 2 people. I'm not trying to show off or anything, I just want to find a few more people so I can actually find matches and actually have fun, instead of going in as a single and getting raped by a team of 4. So those of you with higher levels, send requests![/quote]

I am a 31/32 in team slayer. Send me a friend request (GT = LunaticPuma) with CAG in the text and we can play. I had a horrible night last night in team slayer by myself. None of my team had mics or would talk. It was awful until I played some with my friends.
bread's done