Halo 3: ODST - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Matt Young']Firefight and map pack achievements still wanted! Would like to play this week![/QUOTE]

I'm down if you ever need space. Hit me up next time you see me online.
Probably won't play today but I still have 2 of the ODST vidmaster achievements to do (endure and deja vu) which I can't do on my own as they require 4 people. Maybe this week a group can get together and knock these out?

[quote name='Ruahrc']Probably won't play today but I still have 2 of the ODST vidmaster achievements to do (endure and deja vu) which I can't do on my own as they require 4 people. Maybe this week a group can get together and knock these out?


Im up for deja vu' thought I needed annual I was wrong....
Ice, that sucks that your bandwidth is capped. I have my computer on and connected all day, even when I'm not using it, and then the Xbox, PS3, and Wii. I couldn't do that.

I can play Wednesday. Ink, I'll definitely invite you if you're on.

I'll check out that group, but I'd much rather play with CAGs.
[quote name='Matt Young']Ice, that sucks that your bandwidth is capped. I have my computer on and connected all day, even when I'm not using it, and then the Xbox, PS3, and Wii. I couldn't do that.

I can play Wednesday. Ink, I'll definitely invite you if you're on.

I'll check out that group, but I'd much rather play with CAGs.[/QUOTE]
Sis went nuts w/ torrents...
The cap limit here is 25GB.
Insanely low :(
I don't know how it is in Canada, but while I know some ISPs down here have caps, I know of none in my area. I guess you probably have no other options.

So, any certain time on Wednesday?
[quote name='Matt Young']I don't know how it is in Canada, but while I know some ISPs down here have caps, I know of none in my area. I guess you probably have no other options.

So, any certain time on Wednesday?[/QUOTE]
Yep we have a cap.
I mean I can still get online, but anything above and beyond is extra. I think $2/GB. Not sure, but I can't go on playing.

But yep, as of now, anytime on Wed is good for me.
I might be able to get on earlier, but it'd probably work better for me if we started at or after 7-8 P.M. Eastern time. But whatever works best for the majority should win out in the end, of course.
i want to play the campaign but my brother has his saved on the sign in name. is there anyway i can play on the same name with a different save file on the same sign in name? i know batman darkham asylum allows you 3 save files on one login name.
I suppose if you both always played levels to completion (don't stop halfway through) and don't put too much focus on the nighttime parts between the flashback missions, you could just play each level in sequence by selecting them from the campaign menu.
[quote name='mtxbass1']How Noob friendly is the MP in this game?[/QUOTE]

the game itself isnt very difficult, the people playing at this point are pretty good compared to someone brand new.
[quote name='paz9x']the game itself isnt very difficult, the people playing at this point are pretty good compared to someone brand new.[/QUOTE]

There's still a pretty large of community of let's say...bad players. I was surprised to go back to the game after months and months of not playing and still encounter enough players where I could say "Wow... a lot of people still suck at this game."
[quote name='A Happy Panda']There's still a pretty large of community of let's say...bad players. I was surprised to go back to the game after months and months of not playing and still encounter enough players where I could say "Wow... a lot of people still suck at this game."[/QUOTE]

i dont doubt that, i havent played multiplayer in a good while. i think a person who is new to multiplayer would see a significant difference in competition. id imagine with reach out now there would be a higher percentage of of casual players in halo 3 mp.

ot - send me an invite on reach if you need another player in your party.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']If anybody wants to add me go ahead, Looking to play some firefight with some CAGS![/QUOTE]
I'm in.
But we need at least 3 players if not 4...
[quote name='A Happy Panda']There's still a pretty large of community of let's say...bad players. I was surprised to go back to the game after months and months of not playing and still encounter enough players where I could say "Wow... a lot of people still suck at this game."[/QUOTE]
Do you mean FF or the multiplayer part from Halo 3?

I still suck at multiplayer. lol FF... well I suck less. lol
I have off tomorrow and Thursday. I have all the 200k achievements, but if there's plans to go for endure, I'm up for that.
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']So how about some Endure tomorrow night then? 9PM EST?
I've had something come up but can likely play a round or 2 for about an hour or 2 though.[/QUOTE]

endure is 2 hours.
if you guys are going to do an endure run message me, i still need it. i basically did it once but it glitched.
[quote name='paz9x']endure is 2 hours.
if you guys are going to do an endure run message me, i still need it. i basically did it once but it glitched.[/QUOTE]
Ok endure it is.
Gotta do a level with vehicles though. Makes it go by a lot quicker.
We did Lost Platoon and got pretty far until the game crapped out on us. There was another map somebody suggested too. I think it was Alpha Site?
Alpha Site is the easiest to get Endure on (there are only two choke points), plus the bonus rounds are a cake walk once you know where to shoot.

Check out YouTube for some vids of it.
[quote name='Corvin']Alpha Site is the easiest to get Endure on (there are only two choke points), plus the bonus rounds are a cake walk once you know where to shoot.

Check out YouTube for some vids of it.[/QUOTE]

by far the best map for endure.
Gonna be a tad late for me as I'm helping my dad early in the morning tomorrow. So if we don't get a group going, Thursday does work better for me.
[quote name='Corvin']Alpha Site is the easiest to get Endure on (there are only two choke points), plus the bonus rounds are a cake walk once you know where to shoot.

Check out YouTube for some vids of it.[/QUOTE]

Also you can store weapons in the elevator in the middle (the one you use during the campaign mission in that level) and they won't disappear. Just keep dropping and picking up whatever weapon you're wanting to store to "walk" it into the elevator.
Not sure if I was just off tonight (after getting used to reach) or what exactly, but I think I have to disagree about Alpha Site being easier. Something about close quarters spells out my death.
Yeah we had a group of 4 going for about 20 minutes then we lost one. I think we have 3 people looking to try again tomorrow (JStryke, IceBlueshoes, and myself) anyone want to join in as a 4th? I think someone said they wouldn't be able to play till about 10PM EST so let's just aim for trying to meet up at around 10 EST

GGs to IceBlue I helped him complete Chasm Ten


P.S. players with good strategies for getting Endure are welcome as this one's pretty tough to get :)
[quote name='Ruahrc']Yeah we had a group of 4 going for about 20 minutes then we lost one. I think we have 3 people looking to try again tomorrow (JStryke, IceBlueshoes, and myself) anyone want to join in as a 4th? I think someone said they wouldn't be able to play till about 10PM EST so let's just aim for trying to meet up at around 10 EST

GGs to IceBlue I helped him complete Chasm Ten


P.S. players with good strategies for getting Endure are welcome as this one's pretty tough to get :)[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the help with the Chasm 10 achievement.
Sorry for sucking big time though. lol
I would be available at 9 pm central time. For endure there seems to be 2 strategies. One is doing it on Alpha Site since you can store extra weapons in the elevator and there are two choke points. Second is on the zoo level (whatever it's called) and there's an IGN Strategize video that shows what to do. Essentially 1 person is on the roof killing tanks with the laser and sniping, two others driving around in a warthog, and the fourth is driving around in a Brute Chopper.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like I'll be Ble to play tonight. I though I'd be home At 9 at the latest bu the soonest I'll be able to play is 11est. Sorry guys. I'll check here when I get home in about an hour. I can play tomorrow night any time though.
Tomorrow doesn't work for me since I close and have to go in early the next day but I might be able to do Saturday since I get off at 2.
You might need to give me a minute if we get a group going. Going to take care of something quick, but should be ready by 10:30. Lost track of time today. :razz:
Wow, that sucked. What was that, round 4 set 2 wave 5? I hope it wasn't me but I fear it was my connection that dropped because I got kicked and didn't see anyone else left in the party.

Worst part was I didn't even get to check how many assists I got!

BTW sorry if I wasn't pulling my weight I had some lag going on the whole time so I tried to hang back a little and not die and play support with plasma weapons :)

GGs to everyone though, if you can muster up the fortitude to try again sometime I'm down.
No worries on the connection. While it sucks, the chances we were going to survive were slim most likely. It was crazy though, you and hitman combined for something like 120k total while me and powers were the ones raping. 238 headshots. How many of those were grunts? :razz:

Also, 2/3 of all my kills were with the pistol.
bread's done