Halo 4 out November 6th!!


Saw this on neogaf. If it's not forge maps, the only thing I can think of is a free classic map or something.
While I'm glad they are going to add more maps, what is concerning is that obviously they didn't think it was an issue until now. Which is sad because it's so blatantly obvious that there's only like 4 maps for 4v4 gametypes and maps are getting consistently picked back to back. Makes me wonder how they could let something like that slip.

Either way I'm glad they are at least doing something about it. I'll start playing again once the new maps are in rotation I'm sure.
[quote name='dennisb407']Ticks me off that there seems to be nothing "exclusive" to the CE/LE anymore[/QUOTE]
Aside from the useless character skins, emblems and weapons skin, I guess the special console owners didn't get immediate access to these specializations either?

It does seem weird that all of these specializations were just given away to anyone, but what about people who play later? Now they'll be maxed at Level 70 with only Wetwork and Operator to use. Seems like it would only hurt future interest in buying this game.

Not very well though out by 343 or Microsoft, whichever made this decision.
[quote name='GamerDude316']have yet to get an email with specialization code...should I be worried?[/QUOTE]
I forget where I read it, but it's supposed to be that the code is being sent out the first week of December, so if you don't get it by at least Friday you might need to contact someone. This might be an 'in waves' sort of e-mail.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I forget where I read it, but it's supposed to be that the code is being sent out the first week of December, so if you don't get it by at least Friday you might need to contact someone. This might be an 'in waves' sort of e-mail.[/QUOTE]

Alright thanks man, I'll give it a few days and see. Just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing out. Even though I'm only SR-24 right now anyway, would still be nice to have access.
This is disappointing, since I bought the LE. Had I known what the code was for (the e-mail just said it was a "gift"), I would've sold it on eBay instead of redeeming what I already have. They seem to be going for around $20.
You pretty much got early access to it. =]

Speaking of codes I would sell if I had bought the console I would sell the fotus armor. Its such an ugly fucking armor
I'm barely at level 35, so I haven't even gotten around to using them. Also, I actually ended up buying the FOTUS armor, as well as the controller that comes with the Halo 4 console on eBay, just because they're exclusive to the set. :[
So im thinking of selling lag ops 2 and getting this game. Does anyone know if this games connection is good? Also is it more like Halo 3 or Halo Reach would you say? Any other comments or review about the multiplayer game mode that i should probably know?
[quote name='The 7th Number']So im thinking of selling lag ops 2 and getting this game. Does anyone know if this games connection is good? Also is it more like Halo 3 or Halo Reach would you say? Any other comments or review about the multiplayer game mode that i should probably know?[/QUOTE]

It's absolutely nothing like Halo 3 or Halo Reach, it's entirely different. There's a lot of obvious influence from Call Of Duty too and it's just as laggy as Black Ops II.
[quote name='The 7th Number']So im thinking of selling lag ops 2 and getting this game. Does anyone know if this games connection is good? Also is it more like Halo 3 or Halo Reach would you say? Any other comments or review about the multiplayer game mode that i should probably know?[/QUOTE]

It's a lot more fast-paced than the other Halo games (aka you kill faster and die faster). Reach's armor abilities have been nerfed, but they're still useful. The connection seems about on par with the other Halo games. 3-4 player co-op has had a choppy framerate for me, but multiplayer has been mostly fine.
I've had no problems with 4's mp and my internet connection is mediocre at best. No more armor lock which is good. No invasion which sucks all I play is SWAT which will be taken down soon which sucks
Slow crawl to 50 will probably break it tomorrow for sure without any shitty mt dew codes. Gotta read up on what spec does what before I choose
[quote name='GUNNM']Speaking of codes I would sell if I had bought the console I would sell the fotus armor. Its such an ugly fucking armor[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this... Not at all sure what the appeal of it is.

[quote name='GUNNM']I've had no problems with 4's mp and my internet connection is mediocre at best. No more armor lock which is good. No invasion which sucks all I play is SWAT which will be taken down soon which sucks[/QUOTE]

Its the third most popular game type at pretty much any point in the day... I think its safe. It IS safe for at least another week.

Current Totals (According to Way point)
39K Big Team Infinity Slayer (on Ragnarok, no doubt)
31.6K Infinity Slayer
10K King of the Hill*

* And it has a daily challenge attached to it.


Personally, I think Team Regicide is a hell of a much better idea than Regicide...

[quote name='The 7th Number']So im thinking of selling lag ops 2 and getting this game. Does anyone know if this games connection is good?[/QUOTE]

It seems to be excellent to be honest... You will always find individual players who lag because of their geographic location in any MP game but for the most part I would say its really good. I play a lot of SWAT (which is mostly one shot killing with precise weapons) so if anything shows lag it will... and I only see lag at about 3 in the morning when the playlist isn't really populated (Like around the 2K mark, compared to the 14K mentioned above) and those who are playing are mostly on the other side of the globe.

I cannot compare it to BO2... I haven't picked up a CoD since MW2.
sweet thanks for that link arkham. I need 1k kills for the CIO helmet which is pretty badass

Reading the description of team regicide it sounds like that mode that was in halo 3 where one guy had over shield and you had to protect him forgot the name
I've never played regicide before but would this logic work let the team all kill you you kill them get +20 revenge +10 come back kill + whatever you used to kill +20 killjoy compared to +10 points for a kill?
Thanks for the info, i loved swat in reach. But i remember getting mad at that game too because i shot first. But it was a lot better than blops 2 where im dead the second i see someone. Might have to get this game. Halo is always fun.
[quote name='GamerDude316']Alright thanks man, I'll give it a few days and see. Just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing out. Even though I'm only SR-24 right now anyway, would still be nice to have access.[/QUOTE]I haven't gotten it yet either.
[quote name='GUNNM']Nah halo is nothing like that you die first because the battle rifle is cheap![/QUOTE]
Battle Rifle is a great all around mid range weapon but you can beat it at a distance with a DMR or up close with an AR or any close range weapon.
[quote name='hustletron']While I'm glad they are going to add more maps, what is concerning is that obviously they didn't think it was an issue until now. Which is sad because it's so blatantly obvious that there's only like 4 maps for 4v4 gametypes and maps are getting consistently picked back to back. Makes me wonder how they could let something like that slip.

Either way I'm glad they are at least doing something about it. I'll start playing again once the new maps are in rotation I'm sure.[/QUOTE]
I can only assume they wanted your online experience to suck unless you buy their three map packs. It's outrageous that the game includes so little map variety and the packs cost so much for not a whole lot more.
[quote name='The 7th Number']So im thinking of selling lag ops 2 and getting this game. Does anyone know if this games connection is good? Also is it more like Halo 3 or Halo Reach would you say? Any other comments or review about the multiplayer game mode that i should probably know?[/QUOTE]
Just be aware that the multiplayer plays...differently...in this game. You still have the shield, the floaty jump, melee and 2 weapons, but the game has differences from the previous ones that can be positive and negative.
-There's sprinting
-You can call in ordnance drops, similar to care packages, in some gametypes
-You need to have an ability, like perks, to pick up fallen enemy's grenades
-Weapons disappear a few second after a player dies, so if you die with a power weapon and sprint to your last location it will have vanished by about 10 seconds
-There is lag and matchmaking issues; 343 has even acknowledged this and said they're looking into it: sometimes an entire game will freeze due to lag, stopping the game and throwing you into a whole other lobby, while other times it will freeze due to players leaving or joining
-There is little selection to maps for the game types, and usually 2 that always win the vote
-Some maps are unbalanced for one side, especially with vehicles

One major issue for you is that since you are late to the game, which is ridiculous to say since it isn't even a month old yet, is that you won't have full access to all 8 specializations, so your rank will peak at 70 and you'll only have access to two different specialiations. The only way to get around this now is to buy a Limited Edition or get a code for them from someone who doesn't need it.

If the above issues don't seem to weird or bothersome, you should like the game. It feels like Halo, but not, so it could feel weird or like a new progression in the series.


Does anyone want to get Bros to the Close? I tried doing it solo, but found it too difficult to do. I'd assume that 4 people should be able to keep the Marines alive. You just need to play from Rally Point B to go for it.

I'll just keep at it solo if I don't get any interest.
[quote name='dafoomie']Battle Rifle is a great all around mid range weapon but you can beat it at a distance with a DMR or up close with an AR or any close range weapon.[/QUOTE]

It might have been hard to pick up but he was talking about the BR in SWAT and SWAT alone and not the BR in general. (I point this out since you're talking about the AR which isn't in SWAT)

And it is a problem. I use it on two maps, with possible occasional use on a third, and I have a clip on my file share were I kill two people with one pull of the trigger. (Again, SWAT. Not the normal MP.)
Yup I've gotten two kills a couple of times with one trigger pull. You can sweep with the gun and still get a headshot because three bullets come out
[quote name='GUNNM']Yup I've gotten two kills a couple of times with one trigger pull. You can sweep with the gun and still get a headshot because three bullets come out[/QUOTE]

Oh, I don't doubt it. As I said, rarely use it, and I've done it.

I'm honestly not at sure what 343 was thinking when they added it to SWAT. (Letting people select the single shot rifles for the other two factions would have been a better choice if you ask me.)

[quote name='GUNNM']Reading the description of team regicide it sounds like that mode that was in halo 3 where one guy had over shield and you had to protect him forgot the name[/QUOTE]

According to a preview video I just got done watching it was likely called VIP. :D
Yeah it was VIP yeah adding both to swat was a dumb move it should be DMR vs DMR or BR vs BR.

I love assassinations in this game I think my favorite is the running assassination.
[quote name='GUNNM']I've had no problems with 4's mp and my internet connection is mediocre at best. No more armor lock which is good. No invasion which sucks all I play is SWAT which will be taken down soon which sucks[/QUOTE]

Wait, what? They are going to get rid of SWAT? Why? I played for the first time the other night and thought it was fun. Why get rid of it?
[quote name='crunchewy']Wait, what? They are going to get rid of SWAT? Why? I played for the first time the other night and thought it was fun. Why get rid of it?[/QUOTE]
They keep saying every week DON'T WORRY GUYS SWAT WILL STAY I don't know why they don't keep it permanent but 343 is just testing game types by removing other game types.
Team snipers was removed for FFA throwback. FFA throwback removed for team reigicide.
SWAT was supposed to be removed but due to its popularity it stays a week longer again
[quote name='GUNNM']SWAT was supposed to be removed but due to its popularity it stays a week longer again[/QUOTE]I think its all but officially staying now... It was always extremely popular in Reach and continues to stay very popular in Halo 4.

Though, Team Regicide is currently the third most popular playlist... but it does have a Weekly Challenge attached to it.

No email here... So I signed that thread on Waypoint. (Granted, I'm not sure if I'm suppose to get one. Its a US account but I did end up picking up an armor preorder from the UK real cheap and it came with the Specialization Unlock... which I redeemed.)
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']It might have been hard to pick up but he was talking about the BR in SWAT and SWAT alone and not the BR in general. (I point this out since you're talking about the AR which isn't in SWAT)

And it is a problem. I use it on two maps, with possible occasional use on a third, and I have a clip on my file share were I kill two people with one pull of the trigger. (Again, SWAT. Not the normal MP.)[/QUOTE]
Really? I play swat all the time and I much prefer the magnum with the DMR for anything long. You can just about take 3 magnum trigger pulls in the span of one BR burst.
[quote name='dafoomie']Really? I play swat all the time and I much prefer the magnum with the DMR for anything long. You can just about take 3 magnum trigger pulls in the span of one BR burst.[/QUOTE]That's pretty much my preference for the large maps too but there are a handful of smaller maps, with tighter corridors, were the BR is the better choice, if not outright, overpowered. (Haven comes to mind.)

Anyhow, in my opinion, SWAT is (or at least was) about skill (or at least quick precise reflexes) over one's choice in weapon and with loadouts that's been changed in general and with the BR the need for perfect precision has been reduced considerably.

Its not the end of the world, its not even the thing that annoys* me most in MP, but it is something I would like to see addressed in the long term.

* The biggest annoyance is Ragnarok constant selection in big team battle... I suspect we'll see a tweek where the last selected map won't pop up for selection soon. (Ragnarok isn't even that bad of a map, its actually pretty cool, but I am tired of it.)
My starting objective for BTB ragnarok is grab ghost rush to middle hopefully get spartan laser and kill banshee and warthog but I agree its a map I'm tired of especially if your team sucks and loses all the vehicles early.
Btw I'm surprised at the numbers team regicide is the top 3rd played playlist when I was on earlier it must be a fun game type haven't tried it yet
I have a video on my fileshare (I think) of some teammate getting angry when I steal 'his' Warthog. He wanted to drive his equally sucky friend around in it, and they kept meleeing my Warthog to get me out, and then proceeded to throw grenades at it. I went to Splatter the lead jackass, who jumped, but still got hit by the vehicle, causing him to be thrown over my 'hog while losing his shield. He then fell directly on his own grenade, committing suicide. The crushing defeat the team experienced was almost worth it to see this idiot suck at team vehicle sabotage.

I'll never get why lousy 'party' teammates don't just play with each other in Custom Games.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']That's pretty much my preference for the large maps too but there are a handful of smaller maps, with tighter corridors, were the BR is the better choice, if not outright, overpowered. (Haven comes to mind.)

Anyhow, in my opinion, SWAT is (or at least was) about skill (or at least quick precise reflexes) over one's choice in weapon and with loadouts that's been changed in general and with the BR the need for perfect precision has been reduced considerably.

Its not the end of the world, its not even the thing that annoys* me most in MP, but it is something I would like to see addressed in the long term.

* The biggest annoyance is Ragnarok constant selection in big team battle... I suspect we'll see a tweek where the last selected map won't pop up for selection soon. (Ragnarok isn't even that bad of a map, its actually pretty cool, but I am tired of it.)[/QUOTE]
The BR is the original SWAT weapon, I don't really see the change.
added my info to the specialization thread....what a mess that turned out to be. Not sure if this is on 343 or Microsoft but an absolute disaster.
How I despise Microsoft...
Finally got my Halo 4 copy, turned on my dusty 360, and discovered that they perma-banned me.
I'm still struggling to understand why, considering the fact that my console is not modded nor did I ever break the ToS.
While I wait for XBL-support to ignore my email, I guess I'll just play some SinglePlayer. (Yay! 60$ for a Halo 4 campaign)

Good job Microsoft, you just lost a NextBox buyer.
[quote name='GamerDude316']added my info to the specialization thread....what a mess that turned out to be. Not sure if this is on 343 or Microsoft but an absolute disaster.[/QUOTE]

same here
[quote name='GUNNM']Btw I'm surprised at the numbers team regicide is the top 3rd played playlist when I was on earlier it must be a fun game type haven't tried it yet[/QUOTE]

It didn't seem to stay up there for long... Right now SWAT is four, Oddball is three (Oddball has a daily challenge), and Team Regicide is five.

Anyhow, I did send sometime with it... With a Good team its allot of fun, but if you get stuck with an idiot or someone just horribly aggressive as your team's king, there seems to be no amount of slaying you can do to when the game. (Which is how it should be... but its likely a mode far better with friends with mics.)

Any sort of organization would likely win this real easily...
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[quote name='Jean Luc Picard']How I despise Microsoft...
Finally got my Halo 4 copy, turned on my dusty 360, and discovered that they perma-banned me.
I'm still struggling to understand why, considering the fact that my console is not modded nor did I ever break the ToS.
While I wait for XBL-support to ignore my email, I guess I'll just play some SinglePlayer. (Yay! 60$ for a Halo 4 campaign)

Good job Microsoft, you just lost a NextBox buyer.[/QUOTE]

They don't ban for no reason man, cry some where else.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']They don't ban for no reason man, cry some where else.[/QUOTE]

You'd be surprised.
Use the magical tool that is Google, and you will discover that false-bans are not uncommon.
Considering the fact that I barely even used Xbox live, and that the only tinkering I did was cracking open the Component cable case, I'd say Microsoft went trigger happy.

I Did some research: I Probably got banned for setting up a US account, 4 years ago, even though I'm from Argentina.
Until 2 weeks ago, Xbox live did not even support Argentina, so it was the only option.
Giving me a heads up that I can now fill in my real country before Perma-Banning me would be the right course of action, But turns out Microsoft are to cool for that.

Is the Halo 4 SP enough to get me going, or should I return the game?
If the Legendary is challenging, I'd just stick to it.
I'm gonna assume you maybe changed your avatar look illegally and assumed it was ok? That's like majority of the reason why people are banned. I used to love reading their ban stories
bread's done