Halo: Reach

[quote name='Corvin']I think, for average players, the only way to get the stockpile one will be if you get lucky and 2-3 people drop off the other team. :lol: Since there is an achievement tied to it now, I doubt that will happen though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's pretty much the one that seems like it might take awhile and some luck.
aside from the seemingly easier ones that we've probably all have gotten, ppl probably don't play enough invasion (even though I know some ppl only play this) and stockpile so they made some somewhat more challenging achievements tied to those gamemodes. My guess is that and the new map pack will have stockpile/invasion maps.

otherwise, full XBL party and just plan ahead (for stockpile).
Anybody else run into problems with the second Gunslinger challenge? Seems like after I got the first one, the 100, my counter keeps resetting to 100 after every game. So, for instance, I already had 100, got 40 something kills in a game, but I'm back to 100 now.

EDIT: So, the counter is buggy, but when you hit 150, the challenge still pops.
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[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Got an extermination medal before. That was kind of cool.[/QUOTE]

Lucky... ive killed a whole swat team two different times with overkill in the last week and didnt get the medal either time. :bomb:
That sucks. I was playing CTF on The Cage, and my team was on defense. For some reason, though, the other team never picked up the rocket launcher. So, after I stumbled upon it, I was about to make my way up the ramp towards the long walkway when the other team stole the flag. So, I let the flag carrier and his defender go past a bit and killed them in the little room above the rocket launcher spawn. Then, as I ran in, the other two had been waiting to defend them, so I got them, too.
I really enjoy Invasion mode as being a fresh new way to play Halo. Though, they really need to work out the spawn system. Since every pair gets a fixed spawn point, when people quit it really, REALLY destroys the game. I've seen there be a whole team against 2-4 people and they split up and camp each spawn after killing them and it's just ridiculously unfair.
so i played a game and didn't get the 3k challenge. i thought i was linked to bungie.net.
is there something i need to do in order to get the cR?
Hey, I'll take it. Easy 5,500 with that and the other 2 non-campaign ones to help the last push up to Lt Col. Will hop on when I get home and knock those out before playing more Black Ops. :D
[quote name='dmaul1114']Hey, I'll take it. Easy 5,500 with that and the other 2 non-campaign ones to help the last push up to Lt Col. Will hop on when I get home and knock those out before playing more Black Ops. :D[/QUOTE]

Yep. Knocked out 2 G-pocs before work, 5.500 + the 1,000 (give or take) for playing the each match. 7,700 in two matches is nice. Nearing Lt. Col 2 now. :) I'm hooked.

750 for a campaign mission is laughable, let alone one where you have to rope someone else into playing with you.
damn so much hate for a challenge that not everyone did. if the majority of the playerbase had their gamertag linked they'd probably not issue this challenge again. If they issue this everyday until the entire playerbase linked up, I'd be happy too. easy cR and a nice chunk too.
[quote name='100xp']damn so much hate for a challenge that not everyone did. if the majority of the playerbase had their gamertag linked they'd probably not issue this challenge again. If they issue this everyday until the entire playerbase linked up, I'd be happy too. easy cR and a nice chunk too.[/QUOTE]

Definitely. Please, keep doing it, lol. I love free credits, especially 3000 worth.
So how are you suppose to " link up" your account to bungie? I can Sign in using my ms credientials and browse through the site.
[quote name='shosh']So how are you suppose to " link up" your account to bungie? I can Sign in using my ms credientials and browse through the site.[/QUOTE]

go to bungie.net and sign in. XBL and bungie are linked using the same email address and password...it's Microsoft afterall. Check your legacy, stats etc. That should be sign enough that you linked it. I think...

Then you're good. Start up a MM game and you should get your cR automagically added to your total (not rewarded at the end of the post game recap despite popular belief)
Hmm, last time that they did this it completed the challenge but didn't give me the credits. ( I know because I saw my credits before playing and it was 10k and after it was still 10 k, It was a Swat game to get through it fast so < 600 points so didn't go up a single thousand.... ) Boo! I hope tonight it works.
Hell, I did the Heroic runthrough without dying and iron on and it didn't give me the challenge, wtf.

EDIT: It has to be co-op! HRHHGHGHRH I should get the challenge anyway because my way was harder.

If I plug in a second controller, is that co op?
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Hell, I did the Heroic runthrough without dying and iron on and it didn't give me the challenge, wtf.

EDIT: It has to be co-op! HRHHGHGHRH I should get the challenge anyway because my way was harder.

If I plug in a second controller, is that co op?[/QUOTE]
Yes, having another person with you in the lobby regardless if it's a guest is considered as co-op.
I usually doe the co-op challenges w/a 2nd controller. Though the Iron skull made me just call a buddy instead, Winter Cont. on the 1st try...using the shortcuts.
[quote name='100xp']I usually doe the co-op challenges w/a 2nd controller. Though the Iron skull made me just call a buddy instead, Winter Cont. on the 1st try...using the shortcuts.[/QUOTE]
Nightfall is faster though.
Tried to the Bungie.net challenge last night 4 times never popped up. Is there anything specific you have to play to get it or just a matchmaking game?
[quote name='bjstucker']Tried to the Bungie.net challenge last night 4 times never popped up. Is there anything specific you have to play to get it or just a matchmaking game?[/QUOTE]

What I did this time around was changed my Nameplate for in game use ( that way the system acknowledges the profile being linked ) and went in to play a quick game of Living Dead. Challenge popped up right away. And the cR was given immediately.
20 rounds/games of FF without dying? :shock: Holy shit, hardly worth the 3k. I think I'm up for it though. You'd be gaining 23+K for that one overall.
Yeah, I highly doubt I'm gonna go for that one. Besides the commitment, I get very impatient in FF and can never seem to keep myself from dying. I cannot tell you how many times I have died on the last five enemies somehow. It's sad.
[quote name='RedBeardRaven']What I did this time around was changed my Nameplate for in game use ( that way the system acknowledges the profile being linked ) and went in to play a quick game of Living Dead. Challenge popped up right away. And the cR was given immediately.[/QUOTE]

cool thanks I just did this will check it when I get home.
[quote name='AzzidReign']Nightfall is faster though.[/QUOTE]

Not sure how much faster NF is compared to Winter w/shortcuts, maybe because there's an extra cutscene? but it seems like a lot of running and hiding. In Winter you can drive through a lot of the mumbo jumbo. For 2 players though, Winter "seems" faster and easier with less chance for failure (death).

I haven't tried NF w/a 2nd controller though on heroic or higher.
WC is the easiest, the only tough part is trying not to die when the sword elite comes out. NF is a lot harder with all the elites, some have lasers, and even the end part of the level can be tough.
[quote name='The 7th Number']WC is the easiest, the only tough part is trying not to die when the sword elite comes out. NF is a lot harder with all the elites, some have lasers, and even the end part of the level can be tough.[/QUOTE]
The sword elite isn't even that tough though, unless you're playing on Legendary. Shoot him with Plasma Pistol, he pauses and yells to the heavens and during that you've already shot him in the head with a DMR.
I know both missions have a few short cuts, but on NF some parts if you don't make it to the next check point you can get stuck in a tight loop of bad ass elites from the front and back. At least in WC, it feels like less work since you can drive through most of the 1st half of the mission vs sprinting and walking.

If I take out the first concussion rifle elite, and the sword one is the only one left. Tossing a frag into it draws him out and usually takes off a fraction of his shields. DMR a few shots, then switch to the needler (backpeddle). If he goes into AL, reload and ready that sticky. When I'm feeling funny, I'll drive the forklift to the bottom of the steps and try to bait the elite so the grenade toss will blow up the forklift and him.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']The sword elite isn't even that tough though, unless you're playing on Legendary. Shoot him with Plasma Pistol, he pauses and yells to the heavens and during that you've already shot him in the head with a DMR.[/QUOTE]

I choked the first two times I fought him on Legendary. It was pretty funny. I cleared out everything except him and I just couldn't make the Plasma pistol connect because I was scared he was gona catch up to me too quickly.

In other news, I finally beat the campaign on Legendary Solo. That last level was annoying as hell and requires way too much patience. It was basically camp next to the weapons and wait until a brute or grunt passed by the door to kill it. Getting to the MAC cannon was easy, but god damn. I would not want to clear the platform ever again. Now that I got the full 1k in the game, I can put it in my shame drawer until November 30th when there are some new achievements. I really am not enjoying playing multiplayer at all anymore.
grats on legendary solo.

the cR cap ate my onyx commendation today. poo. I thought I did the math correctly, it actually seemed like the cR cap was set to 50,000. "damn you played a lot today." Yes, the friggin 20 perfects on FF was the reason...plus I had to help my buddy get 10 FF assists which he was failing to do. 2000+ cR into the void.

wait...I'm over it. :)
[quote name='100xp']Not sure how much faster NF is compared to Winter w/shortcuts, maybe because there's an extra cutscene? but it seems like a lot of running and hiding. In Winter you can drive through a lot of the mumbo jumbo. For 2 players though, Winter "seems" faster and easier with less chance for failure (death).

I haven't tried NF w/a 2nd controller though on heroic or higher.[/QUOTE]
How long does Winter take?
Nightfall takes about 5 minutes.
I'm going to say roughly the same amount of time. I know that fatman and 7th did it co-op once during a legendary challenge and hammered it out quick...and that's on legendary. again, the room for error seems less on WC, NF has potential aggro problems and can set you back if you're going for the quickest time.
[quote name='100xp']I'm going to say roughly the same amount of time. I know that fatman and 7th did it co-op once during a legendary challenge and hammered it out quick...and that's on legendary. again, the room for error seems less on WC, NF has potential aggro problems and can set you back if you're going for the quickest time.[/QUOTE]
That's true, I haven't tried the Winter speed run yet so I'll see when I can do that.
One of today's daily challenges

Close Talking - 300 cR
Earn 20 kills with close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking.

Living Dead playlist - Sword kills count as 2 (for any game mode but at least here you can start with a sword or shotgun). This is the quickest way if hammer this out if you're pressed for time.
So much for the Legendary flaming head being so Legendary:

If you pre-order the Halo: Reach Noble Map Pack from GameStop, you'll receive a Flaming Mark V Spartan Helmet for your Xbox Live Avatar.


Might be a good idea to "pre-order" and sell the flame code to make up for the price of the maps.
bread's done