Halo: Reach

Slightly off-topic, but I don't get the snotty attitude in that article. Yeah, "pre-ordering" a DLC code is completely pointless, but I would love there to be more promos like this in the future. Gives me a little more incentive to want to buy DLC if it comes with something else.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Slightly off-topic, but I don't get the snotty attitude in that article. Yeah, "pre-ordering" a DLC code is completely pointless, but I would love there to be more promos like this in the future. Gives me a little more incentive to want to buy DLC if it comes with something else.[/QUOTE]

I think the attitude is from people who bought the Legendary and aren't happy to see content from that made available to people who didn't buy the legendary.

But screw'em. These CE's are always a ripoff unless you're one that collects gaming knick knacks. The content almost always becomes available to others eventually, and that that doesn't is just cosmetic things rather than extra maps etc.

Edit: Or not I guess since this is an Avatar helmet and not the in-game helmet!
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[quote name='LinkinPrime']So much for the Legendary flaming head being so Legendary:


Might be a good idea to "pre-order" and sell the flame code to make up for the price of the maps.[/QUOTE]

This is for your XBox Avatar, not your in-game Spartan.

Also - resell - not a bad idea ;)
Oh crap...I totally omitted "Avatar" when I read that for some reason. :oops:

My bad guys...but still that should be an easy item to sell on eBay to recoup some if not all + more of the costs of the maps. I'll have to pre-order me one later.
I'd happily do this if I didn't have to go into the store. Love avatar stuff but it's not worth treking to a GameStop twice just to buy a piece of paper with a code on it.
There's GS a few blocks from my house, so I'll gladly stop by there and "pre-order" this. If I get a few bucks for the helmet and essentially can get the DLC for around $5, I'll be a happy man.
I like avatar gear but this doesn't seem worth pre-ordering a DLC code from a merchant. Maybe if you got a saber/scorpion remote control toy ( like the warthog ) then it might be worth it. I just can't believe how expensive the avatar gear is worth. I play Borderlands a lot and wish I could get the Claptrap for my avatar but it's just too much.

@ 100xp, thanks for the quick tip. Didn't even think about it that way, but I love some Living Dead games. Will certainly try tonight if the wife doesn't pull me into watch reality shows... hizah.
interesting, I'm down for an flaming avatar helmet. Figure, I still have edge credit at GC...and it is a Mark V helmet, so yay a new spartan helmet to add to the already growing helmet collection. I seriously hope the flaming animation is ongoing and not a brief animation that get's snapped on and off with your fingers.
[quote name='RedBeardRaven']I like avatar gear but this doesn't seem worth pre-ordering a DLC code from a merchant. Maybe if you got a saber/scorpion remote control toy ( like the warthog ) then it might be worth it. I just can't believe how expensive the avatar gear is worth. I play Borderlands a lot and wish I could get the Claptrap for my avatar but it's just too much.

@ 100xp, thanks for the quick tip. Didn't even think about it that way, but I love some Living Dead games. Will certainly try tonight if the wife doesn't pull me into watch reality shows... hizah.[/QUOTE]

np, glad I could help save ppl some time. not sure why sword kills count as 2 but I'm not complaining.

as for avatar gear, figure some of it seems kinda pricey and other are just loose change. ppl spend hundreds of dollars in apps all the time...maybe instead of buying a side of fries with your burger you get yourself a claptrap.
[quote name='100xp']np, glad I could help save ppl some time. not sure why sword kills count as 2 but I'm not complaining.

as for avatar gear, figure some of it seems kinda pricey and other are just loose change. ppl spend hundreds of dollars in apps all the time...maybe instead of buying a side of fries with your burger you get yourself a claptrap.[/QUOTE]

You calling me fat? Yea, 100xp of lameness I am sure! ( hehe )

I am actually a moderator over at the Gearbox forums so eventually I might be able to get it as free swag from them. If I plead enough....

Might want to create a thread for daily challenges completionist here. Could help get a group of people together to beat the ridonkulous ones.
I made the fry reference because of my avatar, as well your avatar be that you or a representation of you seems to be enjoying either 2 cups of cola or guiness at place where they probably sell crispy fries :)

gl on the swag, quality swag is the best.

most of the dailies/weeklys depend on who's awake and lurking will post how easy or difficult it was to hammer out. Most of them seem doable if you play certain game types. 20+ kills in MM for the avg player is best obtainable in Invasion since there's 2 rounds of it and the kills added up in the end. etc.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'd happily do this if I didn't have to go into the store. Love avatar stuff but it's not worth treking to a GameStop twice just to buy a piece of paper with a code on it.[/QUOTE]

Just read on the PowerUp Rewards site that the code will be made available on your account the day the DLC is released. So, you only have to go into the store once.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Just read on the PowerUp Rewards site that the code will be made available on your account the day the DLC is released. So, you only have to go into the store once.[/QUOTE]

Cool. So do they just ask for your GT?
[quote name='100xp']poo, I went to GS today and they said the item is currently "out of stock" and I couldn't preorder it today.[/QUOTE]

Not cool.
[quote name='DarkRider23']MLG playlist in Mid-December according to Bungie. That might just be enough to keep me playing this game.[/QUOTE]

This is going to bring back a lot of people who've gone off to play Black Ops.
You can do that achievement solo. I did it last week and got it on my first try. Just fly straight down when you get to that part of the level and take out the 4 engines right away and then quickly take out all the enemy ships in the area.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Need a couple of people to help pick up the "destroy Corvette in 3 minutes" achievement. Let me know if interested.

I can help, probably. Still need help with some Legendary campaign...
In regards to the changes Bungie has made to their game up until now, the problem is that they really do cater to the whiners and casuals. Casuals aren't so much the problem as is Bungie catering to them AND the whiners to make changes to the game to get rid of things that the casuals and whiners who ATTEMPT to be competitive, can't compete against and can't overcome by changing their play style.

See the Arena changes for "Season 4". Replacement of Armor Lock with Jetpack. Really? Armor lock is a VERY useful ability, jet pack is just that, a jet pack, you can get to high places that you wouldn't be able to jump to or you use it to move around a map because your general movement is terrible anyway, in which case why are you playing arena?

People whined and whined about armor lock because they are stupid and thought it'd be a good idea to empty on people while running at them to melee them, and at the last second their target armor locked, whiner's shields got popped and whiner got melee'd instead and died. Initiate rage mode.

People complain that "Armor lock slows the game down" when in reality Bungie slowed the game down by making player movement slower to be able to implement things like jetpacks and sprint and evade. Armor lock does what it's supposed to and it does it pretty well. It's the most tactically viable armor ability in my opinion and takes some actual skill to use well, especially since every other player in the game has the opportunity to use it and outplay their armor locking counterpart like I've done and I've had done to me.

[quote name='popular penguin']I used that link and it says I have done 121 betrayals. I'm surprised because I only betray people that are AFK or people that "yoink" my kills :3[/QUOTE]

grenade spam probably accounts for a lot of unintended betrayals.
[quote name='hustletron']In regards to the changes Bungie has made to their game up until now, the problem is that they really do cater to the whiners and casuals.[/QUOTE]
So they cater to 90% of their audience? Seems like the right thing to do.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Has anybody tried the gamestop DLC pre-order yet?[/QUOTE]

called them up again, they said they have the DLC in their computer but they can't actually sell it to me yet because it's still considered OOS and to try back on monday.
[quote name='hustletron']
People complain that "Armor lock slows the game down" when in reality Bungie slowed the game down by making player movement slower to be able to implement things like jetpacks and sprint and evade. Armor lock does what it's supposed to and it does it pretty well. It's the most tactically viable armor ability in my opinion and takes some actual skill to use well, especially since every other player in the game has the opportunity to use it and outplay their armor locking counterpart like I've done and I've had done to me.


You're kidding right? Armor Lock is the easiest ability to use in the game. Low on shields? Hit LB and wait for a teammate to come along and save you. Grenade was thrown at you? Hit LB. Someone's going to sword you? Hit LB. Someone's going to melee you? Hit LB. You're telling me that takes some skill to use? It takes no skill. In fact, none of the armor abilities take any skill to use. They are all equally cheap.
Majority of the AA is about timing, AL is certainly one of them as it doesn't fool anyone anymore like Hologram or Camo can/might.

It's the go to AA now because of the defensive capabilities, anti grenade effects, and vehicle stopping potential. While it takes no skill to hold down the LB button, it does take some instinct to guess when to release it or psyche out your opponant who may or maynot also being AL'ing with you.

I take AA's based on the game type and map, however AL is usually the one I have to go to on smaller indoor maps...simply because of the grenade spam and close quarters skirmishes. Open maps? Jetpack, Hologram, or Camo. etc...but whatever you view is on Armor Lock it's most likely no one will persuede you otherwise. You're either for it or against it and that's fine.
[quote name='pete5883']So they cater to 90% of their audience? Seems like the right thing to do.[/QUOTE]

My point is that it used to not be that way, Halo used to be very competitive. Obviously it's not anymore. If you want to try and argue at least give a legitimate counter argument instead of trying to be a failure smart ass.

[quote name='DarkRider23']You're kidding right? Armor Lock is the easiest ability to use in the game. Low on shields? Hit LB and wait for a teammate to come along and save you. Grenade was thrown at you? Hit LB. Someone's going to sword you? Hit LB. Someone's going to melee you? Hit LB. You're telling me that takes some skill to use? It takes no skill. In fact, none of the armor abilities take any skill to use. They are all equally cheap.[/QUOTE]

They are easy to use and cheap because you don't know how to use them? By your mentality anything is easy to use because all you have to do is hit a button to do it.

Typical whiner mentality.
[quote name='hustletron']
They are easy to use and cheap because you don't know how to use them? By your mentality anything is easy to use because all you have to do is hit a button to do it.

Typical whiner mentality.[/QUOTE]
LOL, I'm pretty sure he gave you a counter argument that you didn't really address. missingthepoint.jpg
[quote name='hustletron']My point is that it used to not be that way, Halo used to be very competitive. Obviously it's not anymore. If you want to try and argue at least give a legitimate counter argument instead of trying to be a failure smart ass.

Yeah, it's not competitive anymore because of armor abilities. ;)
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']LOL, I'm pretty sure he gave you a counter argument that you didn't really address. missingthepoint.jpg[/QUOTE]

Yeah, he was definitely not whining.

Besides, it's funny to see one of the guys who was complaining about abilities before now praising armor lock.
[quote name='hustletron']

They are easy to use and cheap because you don't know how to use them? By your mentality anything is easy to use because all you have to do is hit a button to do it.

Typical whiner mentality.[/QUOTE]

So, you whine and complain about what bungie is doing and when I tell you that using AL is easy, you just call me a whiner? That sure as hell makes some sense, sir. I can use AL just fine. I choose not to. The only AA I ever use is Sprint and I'm quite happy doing just that. I refuse to use AL, Camo or any other AA because that's just not Halo to me. It's not how anyone ever played Halo and in my opinion, the AAs shouldn't even be in this game. I still manage to maintain a positive K/D even without using the AAs.

[quote name='Kaelestis']Yeah, it's not competitive anymore because of armor abilities. ;)[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say it's because of the armor abilities, but you can say that Bungie has definitely made the Halo series much less competitive. Go to YouTube and watch some MLG players play Halo 2 matches. Then go watch some Halo 3 matches and finally go watch some Halo: Reach matches. You can clearly see that Bungie slowed the gameplay down a lot to cater to the more casual players that can't keep up with all the mayhem. Halo 2 was fast-paced mayhem going on all the time. Halo 3 was slowed down a considerable amount, but it was still alright with MLG rules. Halo: Reach though... God damn. It has been really slowed down. Can't wait to see the MLG play list for this very reason. They fixed Halo 3, so hopefully they can fix this one.
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[quote name='100xp']called them up again, they said they have the DLC in their computer but they can't actually sell it to me yet because it's still considered OOS and to try back on monday.[/QUOTE]

Cool man, thanks.
[quote name='DarkRider23']
I wouldn't say it's because of the armor abilities, but you can say that Bungie has definitely made the Halo series much less competitive. Go to YouTube and watch some MLG players play Halo 2 matches. Then go watch some Halo 3 matches and finally go watch some Halo: Reach matches. You can clearly see that Bungie slowed the gameplay down a lot to cater to the more casual players that can't keep up with all the mayhem. Halo 2 was fast-paced mayhem going on all the time. Halo 3 was slowed down a considerable amount, but it was still alright with MLG rules. Halo: Reach though... God damn. It has been really slowed down. Can't wait to see the MLG play list for this very reason. They fixed Halo 3, so hopefully they can fix this one.[/QUOTE]

I was kind of joking with that statement hence the smiley.

I know all about how they slowed the game down so much. Armor Abilities are just a small part in making it slower. Move speed, bloom, AA's, jump height, and all that make the game quite a bit slower. Main reason why I haven't been playing Reach is because of the slower paced gameplay.

I've been playing Halo since CE and like you said it's just been getting slower and slower. That's why I'm happy with some recent changes like removing radar and most AA's from Arena because it helps speed up the game a little. I would like increased player traits but that would be much harder to get Bungie to change than AA's and radar so I'll take what I can get.
[quote name='DarkRider23']So, you whine and complain about what bungie is doing and when I tell you that using AL is easy, you just call me a whiner? That sure as hell makes some sense, sir. I can use AL just fine. I choose not to. The only AA I ever use is Sprint and I'm quite happy doing just that. I refuse to use AL, Camo or any other AA because that's just not Halo to me. It's not how anyone ever played Halo and in my opinion, the AAs shouldn't even be in this game. I still manage to maintain a positive K/D even without using the AAs.

I wouldn't say it's because of the armor abilities, but you can say that Bungie has definitely made the Halo series much less competitive. Go to YouTube and watch some MLG players play Halo 2 matches. Then go watch some Halo 3 matches and finally go watch some Halo: Reach matches. You can clearly see that Bungie slowed the gameplay down a lot to cater to the more casual players that can't keep up with all the mayhem. Halo 2 was fast-paced mayhem going on all the time. Halo 3 was slowed down a considerable amount, but it was still alright with MLG rules. Halo: Reach though... God damn. It has been really slowed down. Can't wait to see the MLG play list for this very reason. They fixed Halo 3, so hopefully they can fix this one.[/QUOTE]

Join the club. It's time to give up on Halo. Bungie has left the hardcore competitive player behind and only caters to the casual player now who think "jet packs are fer teh win lolo1z"
Played a game of TS today, and the all 7 other players dropped at the same time...and I won. Strange. They weren't all in an XBL either, almost like they were all local and their service provider dropped or had a brown out. Got the performance bonus and completed the challenge for winning.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Join the club. It's time to give up on Halo. Bungie has left the hardcore competitive player behind and only caters to the casual player now who think "jet packs are fer teh win lolo1z"[/QUOTE]

I can't tell you how many people I've encountered that think about jet packs like that. Unfortunately, there aren't many games that cater to the competitive player anymore. Even Call of Duty has gone from competitive (CoD2... LOVED that game) to very casual based. I find myself playing Starcraft II more for competitive gaming than anything else.
[quote name='DarkRider23']I can't tell you how many people I've encountered that think about jet packs like that. Unfortunately, there aren't many games that cater to the competitive player anymore. Even Call of Duty has gone from competitive (CoD2... LOVED that game) to very casual based now. I find myself playing Starcraft II more for competitive gaming than anything else.[/QUOTE]

I was never super-competitive with CoD like I was with Halo 2. My friends and I pretty much ONLY played Team Hardcore in Halo 2, and a few even went to 2 or 3 MLG tournaments, during one of which they advanced into the 3rd or 4th round, which was 1 round before you would begin to strictly play professionally sponsored teams.

However, I am still competitive enough with CoD to only play with a team, and to not use cheap tactics ever (I think I had literally
ah, figured out that the 7 ppl dropping was actually me somehow unable to connect. I got a DNF, but it still said I won *shrugs* no complaints.

in other news...I think TF2 was pretty competitive, not sure how it is now. I played hardcore on that right before they gave the engineer upgrades.
[quote name='DarkRider23']So, you whine and complain about what bungie is doing and when I tell you that using AL is easy, you just call me a whiner? That sure as hell makes some sense, sir. I can use AL just fine. I choose not to. The only AA I ever use is Sprint and I'm quite happy doing just that. I refuse to use AL, Camo or any other AA because that's just not Halo to me. It's not how anyone ever played Halo and in my opinion, the AAs shouldn't even be in this game. I still manage to maintain a positive K/D even without using the AAs.


I didn't mean to make it sound like you were a whiner, so I apologize about that, but more or less the mentality on the Bungie boards is because you can hit LB and become invincible is unfair because they constantly die to it due to not being smart enough to change their play style. I wasn't implying you were a whiner, I was saying that that mentality which is show cased constantly on Bungie is the typical whiner mentality.

And I've never complained about armor abilities other than them NOT working, as in me getting killed WHILE IN armor lock and other stupid glitches like that. I like armor lock and I think it's the most useful, useful because the changes they made, IE grenades being ridic and constantly spammed around every map. I like sprint and I like cloak but cloak is so worthless you know when someone's using it and you typically know where they are hiding while using it plus you can sort of see them anyway.

I don't really see "AAs are cheap and easy to use because all you have to do is hit LB" as an argument but to each their own. I'm usually in SWAT and Team Snipers anyway, but when I play Arena with my buddy we rock Armor lock due to there be 4 people on a map in Arena doubles which meant 8 grenades total being throw around potentially at any given time.

I don't know it just seems like to me, Bungie is killing an already dying game at the request of it's casual whine based community.

Flame away
Everyone's making games based on the casual community.

Anyway, I think I found my remedy to being sick of games. Working, haha.

Got a job at Dakota Growers, the third largest pasta manufacturer in NA :D.

24 hour turnaround from app to being hired lol. They're training me to be a forklift operator and so far it's going pretty well. Getting pretty good at using it and it's only been a few days. Next time you buy something from General Mills with noodles, it might be hauled down by me or something lol.(General Mills is just one of the many companies that buy from them)
Yeah the casual players are the bulk of sales.

That said, they should tweak Arena toward the competitive types. No reason they can't have playlists aimed at both.

Best of both worlds as casuals get what they want, as do the competitive players and keeps them from playing the same play lists so much.

Maybe that upcoming MLG playlist will address that.
bread's done