Halo: Reach

[quote name='100xp']For even less effort, you can beatdown the 1st elite in Nightfall over and over and over again for Leadership Element. If you move to a certain spot in the brush you can load a checkpoint with a nice b-line right to the elite, this way you don't have to start from the very beginning when you revert to last save.

As for Double Nickles, the 1 headshot in SWAT tends to end your spree progress too abrutly. Go for Invasion, or Living Dead (Infection). A Shotgun Spree/Killing Spree/Zombie Killing Spree will net you the challenge along with 3 spanky medals and a warm feeling inside.[/QUOTE]

I ended up trying Living Dead first because it sounded fine. I got frustrated after the tenth game. The problem with this is that you have get a "killing spree" i.e. 5 kills in a row without dieing. I could do that all on one life as a Spartan.. but you have to get it on 2 lives. Then I would keep getting picked from Zombie for the last 2 sections. That is probably the most difficult thing to do... get a killing spree as a zombie in Living Dead. I tried Swat and... let's just say Swat was not my strong suit tonight. I ended up just getting the Double Nickle through Team Snipers on the Cage. The rest was easy.... now I am going to just relax for a little while away from Reach and enjoy the weekend.
For me, the easiest way to get sprees has always been with the energy sword, especially on Countdown, because it has so many corners. Against a poor team, you can often get 2 or 3 kills right off the bat by getting the sword, going above the doorway to their "base," and waiting for them to come out. Drop down if they are dumb enough not to check behind them, and there you go. And if someone on the other team happens to beat you to the sword, there are plenty of ways to take it from them, like the shotgun or concussion rifle. It's really easy to get sprees in objective games on Countdown, especially CTF, because people are often rushing to capture or defend, and they don't inch around a corner like they might do in Slayer.
Multi-team is good most of the time, but I got it on my first BTB game. With all of the vehicles and open space, it's just too easy.

Can't wait till the DLC comes out, it will be a reason to play BTB again.
Survivor - 1200 cR
Earn 7 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game.

Katanarama - 1000 cR
Kill 1 enemies using the Energy Sword in Firefight Matchmaking.

You can knock out both of these in one score attack:
- Score Attack > Holdout > take the Shotgun, and get your shotgun/killing sprees and potentially stickie sprees in a few waves. Last wave has 2 Elite sword wielding generals + friends, whack one of them and sword his friends. I did it with the grenade launcher, and just grabbed the sword at the end. Sniperfight anything can net you easy sprees as well with little effort.
[quote name='100xp']Survivor - 1200 cR
Earn 7 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game.

Katanarama - 1000 cR
Kill 1 enemies using the Energy Sword in Firefight Matchmaking.

You can knock out both of these in one score attack:
- Score Attack > Holdout > take the Shotgun, and get your shotgun/killing sprees and potentially stickie sprees in a few waves. Last wave has 2 Elite sword wielding generals + friends, whack one of them and sword his friends. I did it with the grenade launcher, and just grabbed the sword at the end. Sniperfight anything can net you easy sprees as well with little effort.[/QUOTE]

I thought that Score Attack is not considered Firefight Matchmaking? I could have sworn that before I didn't get the multiple kills in Fightfight Matchmaking challenge because Score Attack does not involve any other players ( basically ). Did you already get the challenge by doing this?
[quote name='RedBeardRaven']I thought that Score Attack is not considered Firefight Matchmaking? I could have sworn that before I didn't get the multiple kills in Fightfight Matchmaking challenge because Score Attack does not involve any other players ( basically ). Did you already get the challenge by doing this?[/QUOTE]

Score attack does count as firefight matchmaking, as that's usually what I do for the FF challenges. The only firefight that doesn't count (99.9% of the time) is if you do a firefight custom game.
Pod Kettle Black - 1000 cR

Kill 10 Elite Drop Pods in The Long Night of Solace.

Campaign - Long Night of Solace: Rally Point Alpha
when you approach the corvette (after defending Anchor 9), the 6 pods that shoot down from below it (3 on each side) are the "elite drop pods" that you need to destory. So, unless you're trying to go for the Wake up Buttercup achievement, the number of drop pods is infinite but can be tricky to destory due to the angle and speed of the pod. You can smash into one with full shields on your Saber and not die. Best thing to do is thrust downward underneath the corvette and fly up, pulling the thumbstick back so you slow down. Aim for the pods flying downward, don't try and chase them they are too fast...easiest to shoot up towards then and hammer out the challenge.

From the post game recap, pods don't seem to count as a unit.
[quote name='Aceboogz']Got this game on black friday! hope it doesnt disappoint[/QUOTE]

May I suggest staying away from Firefight Match Making because this is a typical game: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=338097503&player=Popular%20Penguin

This is the kind of game that makes me RAGE!
[quote name='popular penguin']May I suggest staying away from Firefight Match Making because this is a typical game: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=338097503&player=Popular Penguin

This is the kind of game that makes me RAGE![/QUOTE]

I had a game with 3 other AFKers once (well one wasn't AFK for like 5 min), fun times. Then earlier today in a game with 2 others, one was AFK for 90% of the game and the other kept committing suicide. I suspect that many are doing this just for the game completion credits.
[quote name='popular penguin']So I randomly decide to take a look at the "screenshots of you" and there is a pic titled "MAJOR NO LIFE" [that hurt me a little T-T ].[/QUOTE]

haters gonna hate. what rank was the guy that took a screenie of you?
[quote name='Sway']I had a game with 3 other AFKers once (well one wasn't AFK for like 5 min), fun times. Then earlier today in a game with 2 others, one was AFK for 90% of the game and the other kept committing suicide. I suspect that many are doing this just for the game completion credits.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, I've wondered about that as I've seen it a couple times. Bungie needs do something about that.
geez, that field marshall has a 5.55 K/D ratio on Fire fight...that's horrible. He must do it often because he's lazy. I can't enter a game without trying to make an effort, even if players beat me to the punch with their rockets and I'm scoring low it doesn't discourage me. Hopefully he get's avoided by everyone he encounters.

They really should just implement a no completion bonus or slot machine to ppl that don't contribute.

As for this week's weekly...I'm not looking forward to another 1000 MM kills. le sigh.
[quote name='100xp']haters gonna hate. what rank was the guy that took a screenie of you?[/QUOTE]

Here he is: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=proudspartan+8a&sg=0

Oh, I saw this one guy use armor lock for like 30 secs. WTF? I put a clip of it on my file share if you want to see it: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=popular+penguin&sg=0
[quote name='popular penguin']Here he is: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=proudspartan+8a&sg=0

Oh, I saw this one guy use armor lock for like 30 secs. WTF? I put a clip of it on my file share if you want to see it: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=popular+penguin&sg=0[/QUOTE]

Ironically for a guy who took a screenie of you and labeled it Major No Life, he sure does have a lot of screenies of himself "posing" for the camera...a lot...A LOT...aaaaaaa lot of screenshots of him. Oh wait, his gamertag isn't just a clever name afterall.

That said, your spartan looks good. I'm probably about 2-3 weeks from some security shoulder pads myself, though I think I'll stick with the Parafoil chest but that's just me. I'd say if you were an idle AFK'er in FF I'd have to throw some hate at you too but you seem good spirited and just enjoy the game. See you in on the battlefield.
The only reason I still play FF is becuase its the fastest way to get cR. If you get a game where everyone is pretty skilled and don't go AFK, you can get about 4000 cR under 20 mins (game complete: 2500, performence: 500, commendations: 1000, slot machine: 77).
Hey CAGs, I just picked this game up over black friday and am wondering if you guys have any multiplayer guides that you'd suggest?

I haven't played a Halo since Halo 1 and I just recently gave up Black Ops (never did MW1 or 2).

Anyways, the game doesn't really seem to describe in detail its modes and systems. I've tried a little team slayer, invasion, and objective. Invasion seems to have some sort of reinforcement system but I'm not sure how to enable a player to spawn near me. Also why would I want to go for a land grab objective if invasion is team death match?

Anyways, I'm looking for fun and longevity to my game. I guess I should sign up on battlenet or waypoint? It's kinda neat being out of the loop.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Hey CAGs, I just picked this game up over black friday and am wondering if you guys have any multiplayer guides that you'd suggest?

I haven't played a Halo since Halo 1 and I just recently gave up Black Ops (never did MW1 or 2).

Anyways, the game doesn't really seem to describe in detail its modes and systems. I've tried a little team slayer, invasion, and objective. Invasion seems to have some sort of reinforcement system but I'm not sure how to enable a player to spawn near me. Also why would I want to go for a land grab objective if invasion is team death match?

Anyways, I'm looking for fun and longevity to my game. I guess I should sign up on battlenet or waypoint? It's kinda neat being out of the loop.[/QUOTE]


This has all the game modes and all that good stuff.


This will describe some of the new game types. Hope this helps.
[quote name='GUNNM']I just went 2 and 17 trying to get kills with an assault rifle

needler and the jetpack, death from above.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Anyone got a pic of the Major No Life photo? I think he removed it.[/QUOTE]

hahaha...he's on blue team, wearing:
- Eva [c]
- Black Visor
- Security shoulder(s)
- Jorge's chest piece
- and the bookbag on his leg
- I didn't catch the wrist item, but I think it was the buckler.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Anyone got a pic of the Major No Life photo? I think he removed it.[/QUOTE]

Here it is: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=10428319&player=ProudSPARTAN%208A

BTW, welcome back 7th. Haven't seen you in Halo for a while.
[quote name='popular penguin']Here it is: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=10428319&player=ProudSPARTAN 8A

BTW, welcome back 7th. Haven't seen you in Halo for a while.[/QUOTE]

Ahh yeah thats pretty sweet. I havent played halo in a while, not since i got black ops. Cant see me going back anytime soon. Got too many games, im going to end up not playing black ops for a while once i get assassins creed brotherhood.
Maps are already live and ready for purchase. Playlists should be going live at 10 am PST.

I however bought it at gamestop (I wanted the free avatar helmet lol) and they have yet to publish the codes on their site :(
Its not in the game yet?

I played stockpile in the beta I was was just wondering if it was under team objective/slayer/etc.
Stockpile's in the game, just not very a popular one because it takes a bit of team coordination to actually win. iirc it's under the team objective, but it's been a while since I've played stockpile.

love it or hate it, the noble map packs are pretty to look at. they certainly added a ton more detail to the map environments. to bad there isn't any moas running around...and that blue beam of light that travels from one base to another, will kill you.
[quote name='100xp']Stockpile's in the game, just not very a popular one because it takes a bit of team coordination to actually win. iirc it's under the team objective, but it's been a while since I've played stockpile.

love it or hate it, the noble map packs are pretty to look at. they certainly added a ton more detail to the map environments. to bad there isn't any moas running around...and that blue beam of light that travels from one base to another, will kill you.[/QUOTE]

Got to agree with that. So far so good, digging Anchor 9, it's a lot of fun. Breakpoint is alright, just need to get used to that one. I have not played on Tempest yet.
Haven't played any of the new maps yet. =[

thanks btw 100xp for the help. Played 4 objective games not once did it pop up gotta keep playing I suppose

you figure that 3 maps out of all the maps that are put into the grab bag are still random, and depending on your psyche profile you might be getting mixed in with ppl that didnt get the DLC yet. I have yet to actually play rocket race.
Firefight vs is shit. Also glad you can get you ate all the chips without having to do anything just as long as your team wins.

[quote name='yankeessuck']If the map pack playlist is 6v6 then why isnt Breakpoint Invasion in there? Seems odd not to include it.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I don't get it. BTB and BTS is on there but no invasion.
cool on stockpile achievement, was going to say it's really difficult to collect all the flags and win yourself unless you're in a full XBL party...as for no invasion yet, they might just be saving it for Christmas time or near the holidays. too much at once will just be underappreciated.
bread's done