Happy Birthday...CHEAPYD!

See I came all the way from Vanadiel to wish you a Happy B-day...."Who is this D4rkewolfe and where does he come from?" Who knows, but I still wish ya a happy b-day. Enjoy Cheapy!
I remember when cheapyD was but a wee little lad...

My, how you've grown! Happy Birthday!
happy birthday cheapyd, thanks for all the great deals, you have become a godlike figure in my eyes......well demigod at least
Cheapy D = Sept 9?

Awesome. That means me and him have the same bday.

So tell me happy b day too, bitches. :( OR I'LL BE SAD, JUST AS THE EMOTICON INDICATES CLEARLY.

And yes, thank you CheapyD for giving me all the goodness and empty walletness that this excellent site delivers. :)

On that note, I wonder if he got the Dreamcast on 9/9/99, like I did. :p
Happy Birthday! It was my birthday yesterday as well. This was my haul:

Star Ocean 3
Espn NHL 2k5
Rogue Squadron II
$50 Gamestop card
$25 Barnes and Noble Card (Dark Tower VII here I come)
$65 in cash
A couple of pants and shirts(boring but nice none the less)
A new pair of sneakers

You got to love birthdays.
How old are you turning Cheapy? You still haven't answered :).

A very merry birthday to you oh cheap one. And good choice on the birthday present, I'm considering cancelling my gamestop PO for GTA: SA now since that's a great deal.

...Oh yeah, and happy birthday to Strell as well.
Happy Birthday CheapyD! Thank you, Lord of CAG, for creating this wonderful place and allowing us to save money on our passion, which is video games. Now, when our wallets get beaten up and our credit cards start to deteriorate, we can smile knowing that we got a hell of a lot more games than we would have by just paying retail.

Have a great birthday, and forget about cheapness today. Buy and do whatever you want.
Well, it seems I'm sort of late to this party, but anyhoo HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! oh our cheap leader. thanks for all the great deals. And thank you for creating this marvellous, this wonderful, great site (there really aren't enough words to express this.)

As Saucy Jack put it, "thank you for allowing us to save money on our passion, which is video games. Now, when our wallets get beaten up and our credit cards start to deteriorate, we can smile knowing that we got a hell of a lot more games than we would have by just paying retail. "

May the deals keep coming in and the happy memories and years.
\:D/ Happy Birthday to the Godfather of Cheapness \:D/ ....Hopefully I can wish u a happy b-day in person tomm at GNG....Hope to see u there :D
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Happy Birthday CheapyD! today is my moms birthday as well.[/quote]

Mine too. It's a small world after all.

Happy Birthday CheapyD. Hope it's a great day.
happy bday cheapyD...keep up the good work w/ the site and take it easy ;)

this is the site that i go to the most often...its GREAT!! :D

have a great bday :)
i think cheapy should take a few days off and have some fun with "you know who".........**cough barf cough*** his wife***roof roof meow cough choking choking......dead***
bread's done