Hastings B2G1 for $1

[quote name='ixraiderxi']mason6799 actually has a point much of what he mentions does happen regularly enough. I've at least experienced cancellations and out of stock games on more than one occasion.

I currently work at a Hastings store, most of the reaosn for this is because the online links to ALL store inventory, it will try to choose the closest store, they will try to locate the game (Gamestop is used a lot here cuz of college kids and they don't usually realize hastings give a couple bucks more then GS, so we don't have a ton of used games) anyways if someone purchases the game within the time that you have ordered it and we get the paper work and go to get it, we have no choice but to cancel, though my store has done as much as possible as to fix the cancellation problems. But our prices online are good, yes the shipping is shitty (idk why) and some of our used prices in store are decent/better then GS but our promos lack and some of our stuff like the sports/ea gmaes are SUPER expensive, it blows.
[quote name='Altanis']I've bought 11 used books from them (7 guides, 4 books) and of the 9 I have received, all are in great shape. About the only thing that I found funny was that the Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn guide I bought had a Hollywood Video sticker on it that said it was used, and it was on the outside of the shrinkwrap they put on the guide. Aside from that, it looked better than some of the "new" guides I've bought off Amazon.[/QUOTE]

Yeah employees seem to have bad habits about removing the stickers on traded in items.

[quote name='savagepastry']Any time that I've ordered 2 (or, presumably, more) of the same item in the same transaction, they've only sent me one. They must have a problem with multiples for whatever reason.

Also, "previously viewed" which are never part of the b2g1's, from my experience, are in better condition. I'm 100% as of this writing on full packages with them.[/QUOTE]

Our "PV's" are our store rentals which for games at my store are always better as more people buy then they do rent.
My GoHastings.com site adventure.

DAT SHIPPING!!! I think I am gonna take the plunge on my order though, but again... DAT SHIPPING!!!
[quote name='henry00x']still getting checkout error, epic fail[/QUOTE]

Not as much of an "epic fail" as your New Jersey Nets LMFAO!
GoHastings > Gamestop.
[quote name='Nightmarecast25']My GoHastings.com site adventure.

DAT SHIPPING!!! I think I am gonna take the plunge on my order though, but again... DAT SHIPPING!!![/QUOTE]

Considering how plenty of the games there are cheaper than elsewhere, the shipping doesn't kill the deal as much as you think it does. Then again you can stick with your higher priced crap if "free shipping" being slapped on makes you feel better.
[quote name='xFatalFlaw']Not as much of an "epic fail" as your New Jersey Nets LMFAO!
GoHastings > Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

guess you couldnt think of a more useless/pointless comment to make, idiot.
[quote name='Velo214']so is this working now or not?[/QUOTE]
Not for me...still. Get the last page checkout error. Has anyone been able to get anything all day?
[quote name='gotdott']Considering how plenty of the games there are cheaper than elsewhere, the shipping doesn't kill the deal as much as you think it does. Then again you can stick with your higher priced crap if "free shipping" being slapped on makes you feel better.[/QUOTE]
Nah, it doesn't kill the deal for me but it makes it makes me think about it for a while, but that's not Hastings fault though, I am just overly cautious on what I spend money on.
[quote name='ShockandAww']Not for me...still. Get the last page checkout error. Has anyone been able to get anything all day?[/QUOTE]

My order was placed around noon. When did you guys start having the problem?
argh, guess not, page after i process checkout->

'Sorry! We're Working on This Page.

We're sorry. An error has occurred when attempting to process your request. Please go back and try your request again, or return at a later time.'

i have a great cart too, 3 games and after 3 weeks i can flip and make $10 ;)
[quote name='Nightmarecast25']Nah, it doesn't kill the deal for me but it makes it makes me think about it for a while, but that's not Hastings fault though, I am just overly cautious on what I spend money on.[/QUOTE]

Oh I see. Well I guess I went through something similar, left the items in my cart overnight to sleep on it :p
[quote name='Lips Of An Agel']Especially on this promotion, hope the cancel one doesn't fall to $1 title as I got.
Good luck guy,

I've had that happen before. But they automatically made the cheapest of the two which WERE shipped the $1 game. It worked to my advantage, not theirs: I got buy one get one for $1 which is better than buy two get one for $1.
Im really starting to hate Hasting...their site never works properly...then when it does you have to hope your order is actually in stock!!!
Still no luck here on checking out =(

Sorry! We're Working on This Page.

We're sorry. An error has occurred when attempting to process your request. Please go back and try your request again, or return at a later time.

It's been giving me that message since yesterday. Three of the games I wanted are now OOS. I've always had good experiences with GH but this is a pita.
Yeah, not working, I don't wanna keep trying because they might charge me twice, and since their prices change daily I may as well say farewell to what I was going to buy. Ah well.
its working now. and its on one of those deals buttons on the games page. the shipping makes me want to not order but its still a decent deal
this has been happening since yesterday.... my guess is they dont know about this error, they probably just think no one is buying so they threw the B2G1 sale today to see if they get people to buy, but since no one is buying yet again, they might make it into a B1G1F!!!
Yeah, i'm not going to order anything because I am 100% sure this game is going to raise in price at midnight, this is the cheapest I have seen it and I can't even buy it, what a crock of shit this is.
Still not working. been trying all day. LOL .. Great Sales if you can checkout that is.. 1 of the game I wanted is OOS now. Perfect !
GoHastings may have lower prices but at least Gamestop.com isn't broken, it seems like whenever there is one of these awesome sales at GH there is a big problem with the site, it's pretty ridiculous.
I wouldn't even be upset if this was glitched to give you the 3rd game for a dollar or b1g1f, but no, this is just a regular sale and i can't even jump on it, lol.
gohastings.com fail.
[quote name='randomdud']Meh, PC Richards clearance sale is way more awesome. I got like 10 games and shipping was cheaper than 4 games here lol.[/QUOTE]
PC Richard's shipping is $2.99 per game. GoHastings is $2.28 per game.

I'm not sure how that works out...
You guys should be ready for cancellations tomorrow... GoHastings' weekend deals usually lead to items selling out fast and them having to cancel orders on Monday. Most people will be fine but if you ordered something uncommon, there's a chance it'll be sold out.
[quote name='Vinny']You guys should be ready for cancellations tomorrow... GoHastings' weekend deals usually lead to items selling out fast and them having to cancel orders on Monday. Most people will be fine but if you ordered something uncommon, there's a chance it'll be sold out.[/QUOTE]

then I guess im good??
[quote name='Vinny']You guys should be ready for cancellations tomorrow... GoHastings' weekend deals usually lead to items selling out fast and them having to cancel orders on Monday. Most people will be fine but if you ordered something uncommon, there's a chance it'll be sold out.[/QUOTE]

I know I am, I made my order and expect full cancellation by 8am tomorrow morning.
[quote name='Nightmarecast25']I know I am, I made my order and expect full cancellation by 8am tomorrow morning.[/QUOTE]

That's the worst part... you won't know until 9AM... HAHAHAHAHA!

But it's pretty cool sometimes because their CS is nice if they fuck up your order (ie, it doesn't ship in 48 hours or if they charge your for something that's OoS), then they usually give you a break. It's not perfect but their CS is awesome.
Decided to place another order:

Final Fantasy XIII
Dead Space

$33.44 including shipping.

Total trade-in value of these games on Amazon: $35.25

People complaining about shipping aren't using their heads.
Thankfully(?) my backlog is big enough to pass on these sales...though I still look and try to find 3 games I'd pick. Should be playing the ones I got instead of looking for new ones.

Damn these sales (and my weak resistance to buying games on sale).
Managed to finally get my order in, got Vanquish, Castlevania and SW:tFU2 for $23 a piece (shipping included). Been trying off and on since about 6pm tonight.
Oh by the way, to anyone who had concerns about prices being bumped up for the sale, I can say that only some of the newer titles were bumped up and by no more than around $4. I was actually browsing their selection when the sale first went live, and Two Worlds II was $4 cheaper. It didn't change until a few hours in so I should have pulled the trigger then :bomb:. Bulletstorm was around $47 initially etc..
In for 2 (finally!)...

- Heavenly Sword - Split Second - Assassin's Creed 2 - all for $36 shipped

- Super Paper Mario - Monster Hunter Tri - Majin & the Forsaken Kingdom - all for $48 shipped
Got my DS order in. Bowsers Inside Story, Zelda Spirit Tracks, Dragon Quest IX for just under $47

Complain about cancellations ok but with the prices on most things it seems silly to complain about shipping
Well after trying to place a order all day yesterday, I finally got through and bought red dead redemption, mario galaxy, and toy story 3 for $56 at 6:27am this morning. At 7:01am, they sent me email saying that mario galaxy was cancelled. Oh well, looks like I will pay for red dead and get toy story for a buck.
bread's done