Full lists of games I own/want at http://club.ign.com/b/list/custom?owner=beep23&lid=100105 covering almost every major system; below is just what I'm very serious about trading/selling soon, but I will trade other things (or pay) for rare guides/collectibles. I am very unlikely to trade for items not on my want list.
If you want to buy (instead of trade), I compare to Goozex and check completed listings on eBay to determine the current "market rate" for a game, although some games are worth a little more or less to me. If you make a fair offer it will save us both time negotiating; I am not going to naively offer you a ridiculously low price.
I am also on Goozex now as beeporama. As a result, I'm now especially interested in trading for books and collectibles, even more than games.
Have (games, accessories, and DVDs):
All are complete unless specified, and original (not "Greatest Hits" etc. unless marked). I am a nonsmoking adult with no children. Most everything is in fantastic like-new condition, but some I got used myself; just ask if it matters.
Some of this is junk, and I'm willing to practically give it away, as long as you cover shipping costs.
Atari 2600:
(all are cart only)
Stylus: Zelda Phantom Hourglass feather-shaped promo stylus
Stylus: Promo pack of seven multi-color styli
GBA SP hardware (also have GameStop carrying case)
GBA to GameCube link cable (prefer to sell with GBA SP hardware)
Super Game Boy Player for SNES hardware
Texas Hold 'Em (sealed in box)
Beetlejuice (cart only)
Metroid (cart only)
Perfect Dark (cart only)
Final Fantasy VIII
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary Collection (all 3 games) (2 & 3 sealed)

Devil May Cry Prima "Perfect" guide only
God of War II sealed limited edition strategy guide only
Persona 3 (sealed) (w/guide!) (unlikely to sell, just trade for valuable wants)
Rogue Galaxy (demo disc)
Super Game Boy Player for SNES hardware
Star Fox (cart only)
The Tick (cart only) (warning: worst game ever)
Big Bumpin'
Fable - EBGames bonus DVD
Sneak King
Fable - EBGames bonus DVD
Lost: Season 1
Guides and books:
Devil May Cry Prima "Perfect" guide
Final Fantasy VII guide (probably trade only)

God or War II limited edition guide (sealed)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess guide (HARDBOUND)
Resident Evil novelizations by S.D. Perry - 1, 2, 4, 6 (surprisingly good!)
Resident Evil 3 Prima official guide
Want (games, guides, accessories, and DVDs):
I will sell most things (and take Paypal), but trading is better. I don't care about "sealed," but I have a preference for games with manuals etc. intact. Strategy guides for these games wanted (when they exist), too.
Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles
Duck Amuk
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Kart
Return to Zork
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Final Fantasy VII
XBox 360:
Faceplate(s): Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, GTA4, Mass Effect
Microsoft Points
The Simpsons Game
DVD (legal, any region okay):
.hack//Legend Of Twilight collection
Kontroll (2 disc Hungarian version)

Parasite Eve
Spirited Away
Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories manga
Robot (manga collection, English translation) volumes 5+
Okami Official Complete Works
Udon's Art of Capcom
Valkyrie Profile Material Collection

STRATEGY GUIDES wanted (for games not listed above):
Deus Ex 2: Invisible War
Devil May Cry 1 & 2 - BradyGames/Dan Birlew
Final Fantasy GBA games (I&II, IV, and/or VI)
Haunting Ground
Resident Evil 2 & 3 GameCube BradyGames/Dan Birlew

Threads Of Fate
I am not a fanatic collector, I do not want or need new/boxed figures etc.-- they will come out of the boxes for display anyway.
Biohazard Umbrella Aluminum Box
.hack figures
Final Fantasy Play Arts figures (particularly X & X-2)
Final Fantasy Trading Arts figures (series 2 or JP-only)
Final Fantasy Potion (w/figures)
Lost Odyssey preorder code
Mass Effect soundtrack
Resident Evil Code Veronica for GameCube INSTRUCTION MANUAL only
Resident Evil 4 figures (NECA) (esp. Leon w/jacket)
Resident Evil 5 figures (NECA)
Suzumiya Haruhi Character Song CDs (all but #1)
Valkyrie Profile figure - Lenneth
Zork-related books (have some already, please ask)
(Open to trades for other books/toys/swag/promo, especially for RPGs and horror games)
...or anything on my Amazon Wish List: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/J4JQVO3ALVS7
If you want to buy (instead of trade), I compare to Goozex and check completed listings on eBay to determine the current "market rate" for a game, although some games are worth a little more or less to me. If you make a fair offer it will save us both time negotiating; I am not going to naively offer you a ridiculously low price.
I am also on Goozex now as beeporama. As a result, I'm now especially interested in trading for books and collectibles, even more than games.
Have (games, accessories, and DVDs):
All are complete unless specified, and original (not "Greatest Hits" etc. unless marked). I am a nonsmoking adult with no children. Most everything is in fantastic like-new condition, but some I got used myself; just ask if it matters.
Some of this is junk, and I'm willing to practically give it away, as long as you cover shipping costs.
Atari 2600:
(all are cart only)
Demon Attack
Demons to Diamonds
(Indiana Jones and the) Raiders of the Lost Ark
Moon Patrol
Ms. Pac-Man
Super Breakout
Super Football
Demon Attack
Demons to Diamonds
(Indiana Jones and the) Raiders of the Lost Ark
Moon Patrol
Ms. Pac-Man
Super Breakout
Super Football
Stylus: Zelda Phantom Hourglass feather-shaped promo stylus
Stylus: Promo pack of seven multi-color styli
GBA SP hardware (also have GameStop carrying case)
GBA to GameCube link cable (prefer to sell with GBA SP hardware)
Super Game Boy Player for SNES hardware
Texas Hold 'Em (sealed in box)

Beetlejuice (cart only)
Metroid (cart only)
Perfect Dark (cart only)
Final Fantasy VIII
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary Collection (all 3 games) (2 & 3 sealed)

Devil May Cry Prima "Perfect" guide only
God of War II sealed limited edition strategy guide only
Persona 3 (sealed) (w/guide!) (unlikely to sell, just trade for valuable wants)

Rogue Galaxy (demo disc)
Super Game Boy Player for SNES hardware
Star Fox (cart only)
The Tick (cart only) (warning: worst game ever)
Big Bumpin'
Fable - EBGames bonus DVD
Sneak King
Fable - EBGames bonus DVD
Lost: Season 1
Guides and books:
Devil May Cry Prima "Perfect" guide
Final Fantasy VII guide (probably trade only)

God or War II limited edition guide (sealed)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess guide (HARDBOUND)
Resident Evil novelizations by S.D. Perry - 1, 2, 4, 6 (surprisingly good!)
Resident Evil 3 Prima official guide
Want (games, guides, accessories, and DVDs):
I will sell most things (and take Paypal), but trading is better. I don't care about "sealed," but I have a preference for games with manuals etc. intact. Strategy guides for these games wanted (when they exist), too.
Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles
Duck Amuk
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Super Mario Kart

Return to Zork
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Final Fantasy VII

XBox 360:
Faceplate(s): Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, GTA4, Mass Effect
Microsoft Points
The Simpsons Game

DVD (legal, any region okay):
.hack//Legend Of Twilight collection
Kontroll (2 disc Hungarian version)

Parasite Eve
Spirited Away
Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories manga
Robot (manga collection, English translation) volumes 5+
Okami Official Complete Works
Udon's Art of Capcom
Valkyrie Profile Material Collection

STRATEGY GUIDES wanted (for games not listed above):
Deus Ex 2: Invisible War
Devil May Cry 1 & 2 - BradyGames/Dan Birlew
Final Fantasy GBA games (I&II, IV, and/or VI)
Haunting Ground
Resident Evil 2 & 3 GameCube BradyGames/Dan Birlew

Threads Of Fate

I am not a fanatic collector, I do not want or need new/boxed figures etc.-- they will come out of the boxes for display anyway.
Biohazard Umbrella Aluminum Box
.hack figures
Final Fantasy Play Arts figures (particularly X & X-2)

Final Fantasy Trading Arts figures (series 2 or JP-only)

Final Fantasy Potion (w/figures)
Lost Odyssey preorder code
Mass Effect soundtrack
Resident Evil Code Veronica for GameCube INSTRUCTION MANUAL only
Resident Evil 4 figures (NECA) (esp. Leon w/jacket)
Resident Evil 5 figures (NECA)
Suzumiya Haruhi Character Song CDs (all but #1)
Valkyrie Profile figure - Lenneth
Zork-related books (have some already, please ask)
(Open to trades for other books/toys/swag/promo, especially for RPGs and horror games)
...or anything on my Amazon Wish List: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/J4JQVO3ALVS7
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