Have you guys ever just... thrown stuff away?


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I have a couple of guides and old games lying around which I've either gotten in lots or free. And that stuff is now taking up space and I don't know what to do with it.

I'm thinking about throwing it all away but I'm such a packrat that I can't bring myself to do it. I mean, at one time that stuff cost real money (not to me though since I didn't pay for 'em).

I was thinking about giving them away but due to weight, it would probably be better to throw them away.
In short, no. I could never bring myself to throw away a game. In fact, I have some old cart games that don't work, and I can't even throw THOSE away. Just couldn't do it.
There are plenty of people here (myself included) who would pay you a few bucks for shipping to send it our way rather than throwing it away.
I've thrown away PC games. Nothing major from what I remember. If it's disc-only and it's really old and I'm sure it was crappy (I'm talking about you Gunman Chronicles), I'll toss it.
Yes - all the time. There's no point in keeping stuff around just for the sake of keeping it around. I just threw away my old atari 2600 and about 20 games with last month's bulk waste pickup in my town.
I'm also at a point where I'm considering that, but trying to avoid it. I got some garage sale finds I picked up cheap, but don't have room for.

I'm considering:
1. Try to sell or give away to local cags (avoid shipping)
2. Do a cheap lot on craigslist or ebay
3. Give away on Freecycle
4. Trash it

I'll probably just freecycle.
[quote name='garfep']There are plenty of people here (myself included) who would pay you a few bucks for shipping to send it our way rather than throwing it away.[/QUOTE]
I can tell you right now that no one here would want any game guide for sport games or license games.
If you don't throw stuff out then you end up with piles of unusable things and then you will have to clean a large pile of things you don't want which is bad. Trust me. I usually give it to my one friend who will take ANYTHING though before throwing it in the trash. There is a recycling bin a block from my house at my church so papers are not a problem.

For me throwing out trash means giving stuff to the salvation army, if I try to throw stuff into the garbage then my grandpa takes it and puts it in the basement.. its a strange situation trust me, so if I actually want to get rid of things they have to go to the salvation army or be thrown out somewhere that is not in the trash cans behind my house.

Some people here have kids so a guide for a license game may be wanted at some point but I don't think anyone would want a guide for an older sports game.
The only thing I throw out are broken games, old game posters and old game mags. Recently threw out 4 years worth of Computer Gaming World since I ran out of space.
[quote name='garfep']There are plenty of people here (myself included) who would pay you a few bucks for shipping to send it our way rather than throwing it away.[/QUOTE]

Hm... I might just put it in my trade list as free + shipping costs. Or maybe give all away at once in a flat rate priority box.
Where I live it is not so easy to find old games in the wild so if it is something I know I can't sell, I'll give it to the goodwill so hopefully another gaming fan can enjoy it
[quote name='garfep']There are plenty of people here (myself included) who would pay you a few bucks for shipping to send it our way rather than throwing it away.[/quote]

Like me :D, I'll take anything..
dont throw it away, put an ad on craigslist for free if you dont care about money, im sure there is somebody out there who will take it.

and shame on you javeryh, im sure somebody would have gladly taken that atari off your hands.
I have never thrown a game or guide away, at least not on purpose. If it works for other people fine, but I'll give it away before I throw it away.
[quote name='javeryh']Yes - all the time. There's no point in keeping stuff around just for the sake of keeping it around. I just threw away my old atari 2600 and about 20 games with last month's bulk waste pickup in my town.[/quote]

Gah! I would've easily paid shipping+some pocket cash for that.

[quote name='slidecage']i just tossed a bunch of sega gensis games in the trash along with some ps1 games ( street racketball or something)[/quote]

Same as above quote. :/

Why do people throw out perfectly good games? :O
I've never thrown out anything game-related, but I've given away a ton of other stuff, like clothes and shoes, to the Salvation Army and Goodwill. If you got anything you'd rather throw out, I'd say donate it if it has any value whatsoever before tossing it in the garbage.
I recently saw an add in Wired, I think for an oil company, that said:

Don't throw things away... there is no such thing as "away"

You're really just moving your stuff to someone else's pile of stuff, be it the dump, the street, or the ocean. Offer things to CAGs, or drop it off at Goodwill.
[quote name='Collectordragon']Throwing away anything that could be sold or given away is sinfully wasteful. The toss it and forget about it tendency in this country is disgusting.[/quote]

It would be sinfully wasteful of my time to try and find someone to give my garbage to when the town is happy to cart it away with little to no effort on my part.
[quote name='javeryh']It would be sinfully wasteful of my time to try and find someone to give my garbage to when the town is happy to cart it away with little to no effort on my part.[/quote]

:O If you ever get rid of consoles or cartridge-based games I'd happily cover shipping on it presuming it doesn't look like someone took a sledge to them.
I'm sure everyone is going to cringe at this but I threw out the cases and manuals for 80% of my Saturn game collection. They were taking up too much room and I only use the system 2 - 3 times a year so I decided it wasn't worth saving them. I did save some for important games but the rest were thrown out.

I also threw out almost all my video game magazines but saved some EGM and all my Nintnedo Power issues.

And I threw out a bunch of old PS1 sports games I only bought because they were $0.99 - $1.49 back when a used item got you free shipping at EBGames.com so it was better than paying $1.99 for shipping.

I almost threw out my Saturn box but sold it for $15 shipped on Half.com a few years ago.
I say put up a list here with shipping cost and let everyone pick what they want and have them send you the shipping money. What ever is left after a week or two pitch it or give it to salvation army.
If you guys have magazine or book related stuff, consider donating them to your local library. They will probably put it to use, or at least recycle it for you.
Nope, I always try to give stuff away first, and I've always found someone who will take it, even if it's a busted controller. One time I gave a friend a broken SNES mouse and he wound up spending a whole night trying to get the thing to work. Unfortunately, something in it was busted beyond repair, but he decided to keep it in case the other parts ever came in handy.
When you work at a game store , you accumulate a lot of CRAP like penny guides and old magazines.. Those got thrown out by the garbage bag load. Also PS1 games that I either got for free or next to nothing back when I was collecting them and had close to 200 PS1 games..

Then I realized collecting games is stupid.
[quote name='Collectordragon']Throwing away anything that could be sold or given away is sinfully wasteful. The toss it and forget about it tendency in this country is disgusting.[/QUOTE]

See, it's not that I didn't try other methods.

I tried giving them away to friends and family, nobody was interested. I tried giving the guides to the library but they weren't accepting donations because they have too much crap (and they pointed me to their book sale table). After that, they just kinda sat around for like 2 months until yesterday when I literally ran out of room.

Oh well, the Salvation Army is coming next week or week after to take some of our donations. I'll just give it to them.
[quote name='Collectordragon']Throwing away anything that could be sold or given away is sinfully wasteful. The toss it and forget about it tendency in this country is disgusting.[/quote]QFT! Anything that is still functional, I take to Goodwill. We live in an extremely wasteful society as it is... there is no morally justifiable reason (including laziness) for putting a usable item in a landfill.
I have to agree. If I am throwing something out I'll offer it to friends and family first, but it isn't really worth the time to hunt down someone online to take it for shipping, wait for payment, pack the thing and send it to them. Even if I'm getting a dollar or two out of it it isn't worth my time.

That said I don't outright throw out much. I did throw out a ton of computer and videogame magazines a while back, including the first several years of Gamepro and EGM, many years of Computer Gaming World, and some others. I threw out my dead Amiga 500 and all the software which I'm now regretting as I have rebought a working Amiga and now have to hunt down the games again. I do have an Atari 5200 with like 50 games in my basement I will probably be throwing out as the joysticks are crap and I'm not inclined to even see if the system still works after being in the basement for years and years.

I've also given away 4 or 5 working PCs. Haven't had to chuck one yet.

[quote name='javeryh']It would be sinfully wasteful of my time to try and find someone to give my garbage to when the town is happy to cart it away with little to no effort on my part.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='javeryh']It would be sinfully wasteful of my time to try and find someone to give my garbage to when the town is happy to cart it away with little to no effort on my part.[/quote]
Actual garbage? Yes. Functional systems and games that people here actually want? Not so much.
[quote name='crowbb']I have to agree. If I am throwing something out I'll offer it to friends and family first, but it isn't really worth the time to hunt down someone online to take it for shipping, wait for payment, pack the thing and send it to them. Even if I'm getting a dollar or two out of it it isn't worth my time.

That said I don't outright throw out much. I did throw out a ton of computer and videogame magazines a while back, including the first several years of Gamepro and EGM, many years of Computer Gaming World, and some others. I threw out my dead Amiga 500 and all the software which I'm now regretting as I have rebought a working Amiga and now have to hunt down the games again. I do have an Atari 5200 with like 50 games in my basement I will probably be throwing out as the joysticks are crap and I'm not inclined to even see if the system still works after being in the basement for years and years.

I've also given away 4 or 5 working PCs. Haven't had to chuck one yet.[/quote]
what would you want for mentioned atari and games? :O
[quote name='Yaxley']Actual garbage? Yes. Functional systems and games that people here actually want? Not so much.[/quote]

If it's garbage to me then it is "actual garbage" - it's all relative... and how is it not a waste of my time to try and find someone to take it? My billable rate is quite high.
[quote name='javeryh']If it's garbage to me then it is "actual garbage" - it's all relative... and how is it not a waste of my time to try and find someone to take it? My billable rate is quite high.[/QUOTE]

Yet you've had the time to post 13,008 times on CAG? Doesn't seem like your time is that valuable to me. Why don't you refrain from posting quite as much and then you'll have plenty of extra time to get rid of items you no longer want in a less wasteful manner.

We all produce way too much trash as it is. No sense in making even more when it's completely unnecessary.
Just donate it to either Goodwill or Salvation Army like the above posters said!

I am sure that someone will find a use for it like an old computer disc used as a coaster or an old thick computer book as a doorstop! :)
[quote name='Collectordragon']Yet you've had the time to post 13,008 times on CAG? Doesn't seem like your time is that valuable to me. Why don't you refrain from posting quite as much and then you'll have plenty of extra time to get rid of items you no longer want in a less wasteful manner.

We all produce way too much trash as it is. No sense in making even more when it's completely unnecessary.[/QUOTE]
Maybe he enjoys spending what little free time he has on CAG. And maybe, just maybe, trying to organize a way to get rid of a bunch of shit that nobody really wants doesn't seem all that fun to him.
Perhaps your time could be better spent collecting all of this "garbage" from people instead of criticizing them for tossing it.
[quote name='Collectordragon']Yet you've had the time to post 13,008 times on CAG? Doesn't seem like your time is that valuable to me. Why don't you refrain from posting quite as much and then you'll have plenty of extra time to get rid of items you no longer want in a less wasteful manner.

We all produce way too much trash as it is. No sense in making even more when it's completely unnecessary.[/quote]

You're right. Next time I want to do anything I'll clear it with you first to make sure it meets your standards of what is or isn't a waste of my time. I don't know why I didn't see it at first - instead of posting at CAG I should be mailing my garbage all over the country!
Donate to goodwill or amvets.

Not only does it go to a good cause but you can write off the value of the item as a charitable donation on your taxes.
[quote name='daminion']Donate to goodwill or amvets.

Not only does it go to a good cause but you can write off the value of the item as a charitable donation on your taxes.[/QUOTE]

Yea but can't just anyone buy from goodwill? I want to make sure my games get in the hands of people who can't afford much, not some guy who stumbles into a goodwill ya know?
bread's done