[quote name='Kazaganthi']
With so many HD collections out now, and announced, it's hard to imagine what else could be. Since PS1 games don't get HD, they just get "Classics". I hope Xenosaga 1-3 gets a collection. Or the "Tales of" series. Or Grandia II + Xtreme. I am looking forward to revisiting FFX HD, too bad it's only 1 game.[/QUOTE]
I would pick up a Xenosaga HD collection in a heartbeat, never really got around to playing the series when I had my PS2, same with Tales of the Abyss. Star Ocean 3, Valkyrie Profile 2, Rogue Galaxy, Radiata Stories, Psychonauts, .hack, i'd be happy if any of them got an HD remake.
Only confirmed games that i'm waiting for right now are Okami and ZoE.