HD DVD $7.99 Sale at Blockbuster.com


3 (100%)
Blockbuster is selling all of their in-stock USED HD DVDs for $7.99 a piece.

Use coupon code "holidaysurprise" for an additional 30% off your order.

Blockbuster HD DVD Sale

I picked up:
Children of Men
Freedom: Volume 2: Freedom Project
Bourne Ultimatum
All for $35.83 shipped.

I realize that there have been cheaper sales out there than this, but none with this kind of selection. Freedom Volume 2 for $7.99 is a great deal too.

Also, for those who missed out on the Boarder's sale, they have Royal Space Force for $7.99 as well: Royal Space Force Well nevermind. Sorry guys.

Thanks go to Paperboy05 at Slickdeals for originally posting this deal.
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I was ready to bite on a few, but then I noticed these are previously viewed. 8 bucks is kind of steep for a used HD-DVD. Especially knowing blockbuster, and how you may not get the real case.
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise [HD] [2 Discs] is no longer available for purchase. Please revise your cart.

Son of a fuck
HD-DVD stock is drying up, but still...$8 for a used movie from Blockbuster is a little much. The 30% off coupon helps, but I'll wait to see if I can score some of these elsewhere.
It's a dud of a deal, especially if you must order online and can't see what you're getting.

Earlier this year, Hollywood Video was selling HD DVDs for $10 each. I was able to get Bourne Ultimatum, Transformers double disc, Superman Returns, Swordfish, 300, and Million Dollar Baby, all in their original cases.

I got a laptop that has an HD DVD drive, and thought I'd check things out.

Transformers and Bourne look awesome in HD DVD.
[quote name='B:L']Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise [HD] [2 Discs] is no longer available for purchase. Please revise your cart.

Son of a fuck[/QUOTE]

That broke the deal for me, I had a cart with a few movies in there but without that one bah I can wait until used prices reach rock bottom . Which will probably be another year
Thanks OP.

Picked up quite a few titles that have been harder to find cheap:

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
National Lampoon's Christmas
Pan's Labyrinth
Purple Rain
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Blue Planet
Christmas Story
Grand Prix
Last Starfighter
Out for Justice

All for $77 after coupon,taxes, and shipping.

A couple of the :hd: I tried to get were OOS when I went to checkout:

Unforgiven, Half-Baked, and Ocean's Trilogy(which was marked at $8 :shock:)
ARGH!!! My pocket...it bleeds....it bleeds :( Ah well, I won 25 in the casino last night so not that much bleeding, but still O_O
Fear and loathing and the host for 13+ with shipping. I tried picking up NIN: Beside and a couple others but the Blockbuster website doesn't seem to know what it has in stock.
Grabbed Harry Potters 1-4, Pan's Labyrinth, and Superman: The Movie for a little over $40.

Hoping we won't be screwed on the packaging, but considering how much these cost elsewhere, I'm still rather pleased.
picked up the matrix trilogy, scooby doo, superman II the donner cut, and Assassination of Jesse James for 38 bucks after the discount.

You also get an extra 10% if you rent from blockbuster.com so they are 7.19.

thanks the the OP. my wallet is hurting right about now lol
I give up, the site doesn't let me put more then one thing in my cart at a time. I got up to 4, then it reset itself to 1
Sweet, thanks, dude. Ordered Queen Rock Montreal and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford for $13ish including shipping!

Now, if only they were clearing out those Discovery Atlas titles... Italy Revealed was especially great.
I ordered Zodiac. Was $6.50 or so including shipping and tax. Wanted Batman Begins, but looks like its out of stock. Nothing else really looked like that great of a deal and with the quality uncertain (original case, cover, disc quality?), I didn't want to go crazy ordering stuff.
For used Blockbuster where the chance of getting a real case, artwork, inserts, non-scratched disc is pretty low, these prices are way way too high. Maybe for $1 each I'd bite, but not at $8.
[quote name='tholly']For used Blockbuster where the chance of getting a real case, artwork, inserts, non-scratched disc is pretty low, these prices are way way too high. Maybe for $1 each I'd bite, but not at $8.[/QUOTE]

I whole heartedly agree... especially since a lot of the HD-DVD's that people are reporting of picking up were on sale brand new at iNetVideo for $3.99 - $7.99 tax free with free shipping if the order is over $49 lol.

I would love to pick up Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise and Freedom on HD-DVD though. However, with Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise being out of stock I can't and what is the point of having Freedom Volume 2 without 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7?
[quote name='tholly']For used Blockbuster where the chance of getting a real case, artwork, inserts, non-scratched disc is pretty low, these prices are way way too high. Maybe for $1 each I'd bite, but not at $8.[/quote]

According to their customer service, they do come with original case and artwork. As far as being scratched, I would think it depends on which movie. I could see ordering Old School or Batman and it being beat up but not 2001 or The Deer Hunter.

I just ordered The Matrix and Jesse James for $14. Considering the prices of those particular discs on eBay, I think I made out like a bandit.

Picked up:

Pan's Labyrinth
The Kingdom
Bourne Ultimatum

for $24.22 shipped. If they come in good shape, I'll definitely order some more.
Well, I decided to roll the dice and ordered MI3. Came out to $6 shipped. Frys had it for $9, but they shipping rates stink if you are only ordering a movie or two. iNetVideo has it for $8, but I don't want enough movies from them to get free shipping. If this comes in decent shape, and there are still some good movies left, I might take another plunge.
I was just at Blockbuster.com ,I heard they have free shipping now.

And it looks like they do have free shipping now.I placed a order a few days ago and didn't get the free shipping...WTF

Can someone else check on this too?
American Gangster
Lethal Weapon
Matrix Reloaded
Mission: Impossible 2
Hot Fuzz
Bourne Ultimatum
Matrix Revolutions
Lethal Weapon 2

$53.35. Not too bad! Now I have some content for the drive that been connected to my Xbox without much use for a year or so.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang [HD/DVD Hybrid]
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford [HD]
Queen: Queen Rock Montreal [HD]

all shipped, but Eternal Sunshine has not for some reason.
$5.93 shipped w/ coupon code for "Zodiac". I would have went for more, but I want to see how well Blockbuster handles their used products these days...I used to work for them so I'm naturally skeptical.
I received all six of mine today, all were in original cases, only superman II was a little "rental worn". if I have extra funds I might get in on some more.
Got three out of six today. The two Harry Potters were fine, Superman: The Movie had Superman II: Donner Cut cover art, and had some wear and tear, but plays just fine. So far, so good.
So you guys got the original HD-DVD boxes? That's awesome news if so, because I was afraid I was going to have to order some replacement boxes for all of mine.

Hopefully mine will show up tomorrow.
Thanks, OP. Ordered Brokeback for a little over $5, since it's the only one that I've been wanting that Frys never restocked from those Canadian shipments. Hope it comes out ok...
Mine arrived the other day. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is a little smudged, but nothing a good, clean, soft cloth won't fix. Queen Rock Montreal looks like it's never been rented.
Just got my HD-DVD (well partial, still waiting for 'The Fountain') and...they look fine. They came with everything included, specially transformers that had the outer plastic sleeve casing that holds the actual HD-DVD box. Out of the four that arrived, only Transformers HD-DVD look like rental wear, but still worked so no problem there. Quite satisfide with it :D Might buy some more xP
[quote name='ogbaka']these prices are not great for used...
just buy at inetvideo
prices start at $4 and $6 new :D[/quote]

Not for nothing, but this was already mentioned in the thread. Problem is, iNet's stock is slowly dwindling, so there are a lot of movies Blockbuster has that they don't. And unless you order enough stuff to get free shipping, they usually want like $3 per movie, which kind of silly.

So, anyway, got my copy of MI3 today. Came complete with both discs. The movie disc, though, was pretty scratched up, mostly with really faint scratches, so I think it will probably work. Oh well. Probably won't bother buying anything else.
Got my five movies today. All had original boxes, which was quite nice. I was especially surprised with Freedom Vol. 2, since it had the outer slip cover as well.

All the discs were in good condition, except for my copy of Zodiac. The movie has a couple of fairly deep scratches on it and looks like it needs to be cleaned up some. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm pretty sure it's going to play fine.

All in all, I'm very happy with this deal. As someone else pointed out, yes, inetvideo has good prices, but their selection is down to almost nothing now, and you still have to get above $50 to get free shipping. Work the system though; if you want movies that inetvideo has, then get them there. If they don't have them, but blockbuster does, then get them at BB. Nobody is forcing you to use just one.
All 10 of mine came in today, and all were in original cases with artwork. Wish I could say they were in pristine condition, but they did have some rental wear. Nothing that has prevented playback at this point.

I am going to potentially buy some more. Just too good of a deal to pass up.
[quote name='Omniscia']Mine arrived the other day. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is a little smudged, but nothing a good, clean, soft cloth won't fix. Queen Rock Montreal looks like it's never been rented.[/quote]

Of course, I took a closer look at Queen later on, and noticed that while they did ship me an HD-DVD in an HD-DVD case, the cover insert was for the Blu-ray version. Minor issue, though, as the content is the same.
Couldn't help myself (and didn't want to lose the 30% off coupon) so I ordered:

Pan's Labyrinth
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
12 Monkeys
Superman: The Movie
Shrek the Third
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Children of Men
Superman Returns
And I got my other three. Aside from not being shrink wrapped, the other two HP films and Pan's Labyrinth were absolutely pristine. And they all arrived within a week.

By comparison, for everything I paid for shipping, I had to wait two weeks to get my stuff from inetvideo.

Yeah, definitely taking advantage of this again before all's said and done.
thanks for the heads up. wouldn't have known about the sale otherwise. went ahead and signed up for a free 2-week trial to take advantage of the 10% off subscribers get. picked up 9 movies for $49.xx.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Superman Returns
Matrix Reloaded
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
Blood Diamond
Matrix Revolutions

had to change a lot of titles as there were always 1 or 2 titles i wanted that were not instock and it didn't show that till the very last step of the checkout process. either way, less than $6 for a hd movie is fine with me. also, if you take into account the fact that i was able to get a blockbuster giftcard from trading in a couple games i essentially got the movies for half the price.
Got all 11 :hd:'s in the mail today.

All came with the original cases, and most had light 'rental wear'.

I'll make sure they work tonight.
bread's done