HD DVD Deals: Buy Any HD DVD Player Get 3 HD DVD's Instantly + 5 Via Mail CC & BBy

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170 (100%)

Please post any HD DVD deals thread. No Blu-Ray allowed ;)

Links:5 Free HD DVD Movies w/Purchase of any HD DVD Player
HD-A2 - $198.99 shipped
Buy the XBOX360 HD DVD Player & Get Heroes S1 HD DVD Free :hot:

HD-A30 $310 Shipped (Click to check current price, it fluctuates)
Ocean's Trilogy $55.95 Shipped

X360 HD DVD Player - $178.99 Shipped
HD DVD Heroes
For a limited time, buy the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player and get a copy of 'Heroes (Season 1)' on HD-DVD for FREE! To redeem this offer, simply add the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player to your cart and 'Heroes' will automatically be added to your cart as well. This offer is only good while supplies last (or ends on 11/4/2007, whichever comes first).
(Applies only to products sold by Buy.com. Does not apply to products sold on our site by third-party merchants through Buy.com Marketplace.)
Offer valid from 10/21/2007 to 11/4/2007
Click here for complete terms and conditions.
Harry Potter Year 1-5 Limited Edition Giftset $83.21 After code CTBM or NVBM
Ocean's Trilogy Giftset $44.97 After code CTBM or NVBM

HD-A3 - Includes Bourne Identity & 300 Plus Choose 2 additional Titles...works on Pre-Orders + 5 Free HD DVD's via Mail = 9 HD DVD's for $199.99 :hot::hot::hot:HDA2 - $197.99
HD DVD's For $13.99
[quote name='Sporadic']The free Heroes deal is also at J&R.com if you don't want to wait until the 21st

[quote name='DX']Starting Friday (11/2) at 7AM WM will start running its first "Secret Sale". There will be 3 different sales this holiday all with different items.

So here is the complete list of $14.96 HD DVD's for this Friday:

Clerks 2
Lucky # S7even
Failure to Launch
4 Brothers
Italian Job
Sleepy Hollow
12 Monkeys
Big Lebowski
Sea Biscuit
Alexander Revisted
Blood Diamond
Full Metal Jacket
The Last Samurai

Imports Links: Exclusive Titles and Suggestions:
[quote name='Sporadic']Anybody interested in imports, EzyDVD is doing a 2 for 50 (or 25 a pop) sale for Universal titles.


Import exclusive titles include

Rambo 1-3
The Holiday
Total Recall

And there is also non-combo versions of

Children Of Men
Smokin' Aces
American Werewolf In London
Miami Vice

for you combo haters.

The really nice thing is that the AUD is weaker than the US dollar. So I was able to grab Rambo: First Blood for only 27.23 AUD (US $22.39)[/quote]
Deal purchase in Lansing, MI. but with a bit of a hassle- still a def. deal.

I've been waiting for a reason to pick up the HD DVD player and get the quality visuals from movies on my tv for a while now, but the price has been the key negative factor, but with this deal, it's too much to pass on. Your getting essentially a $100 box set and then 2 free HDdvds (stick to under $40 with the DVDchoices, it seems to be less arguable at the store) AND then the 5 free rebate, all which when the cost of the dvds is figured out actually costs more than the price of buying the HDplayer.

The key to getting this deal though is knowing the facts (and I searched this thread to find someone with the specifics and no one seems to quote the misprint in the BB ad).

First, get the number ready for BB corporate customer service (1 888 237 8289), you'll need it if the manager doesn't honor the deal, they all were supposed to have recieved an e-mail in regards to the "misprint" in the ad for the week. The ad stats "get 2 free hd dvds with the purchase of any HD dvd player" no astrict saying "excluding the 360 one"; that is the misprint that makes this deal even happen.

Once you pick up your player and dvds and the heroes season one HD set, head to the register and get your phone prepped to call if needed since BB corporate has a bit of a wait time, but after today, most of the operators are already knowing what your calling about when you mention the 2 free HD dvds misprint in the weeks ad.

The cashire will scan the items, Heroes will come up free, and then typically the other two will be charged. Then explain to the cashier you already called BB corporate and have the number ready to call again if needed if the manage doesn't know of it either. Then the manager will come over (at least the guy we had wasn't rude to us, but just was perturbed once he realized the profit loss they recieve due to the misprint) and then it took for us for me to get a BB corporate customer service rep on speaker phone speaking to the manager and he then approved it after clarifying with the rep on the phone that she realized this meant a profit loss (about 10-20) for the store. She said yes, its due to the misprint, that says ALL HD dvd players = free 2 dvds.

The only real problem I had was that another employee at a register tried to butt her nose in and suck up to the manager or something and said out loud "hey , they cant do that, the 2 free dvds refers to the free heroes and the king kong dvd in the players box", I smiled and said to her "you have customers waiting at your register and we have corporate on the line to take care of it", she then snubbed us off with a look.

So yes, a bit of attitude since some of the managers are annoyed, but then again, the customers right in this case, and I'm just glad I'm not the person who is responsible for the misprint in the ad. =)
Hey, just got mine. The cashier didn't believe me, so I had to call to get a case number, then went to customer service. The manager didn't look too thrilled, since he was the guy who turned me down at the register. He kept saying 'this is the best deal I've ever seen'. :)
Picked up Transformers and 2001: A Space Oddessy.
Well success for me, kinda. I got the player and heroes sunday and denied the 2 dvds. Today i called up 888 bestbuy and they said i should've gotten the deal. The problem is i am right now about 100 miles away from the store i bought it from. But good news is they are sending me a $60 gift card, the price of 2 dvds for the deal. Yeah the the deal was for 2 $35 dvds, but I wasn't going to push it at this point.

Let me start by saying this: all credit goes to my bf. He got home before I did today, and gave BB a call. After explaining the situation, the customer service rep told him that she'd assign a case no., call the best buy where we purchased it, and let the manager know to honor this deal. She left him on hold for a good 10 minutes - apparently, even she couldn't get in touch with the manager. Since she couldn't verify it with the mgr., and she didn't want us to go through any more shit at the store, she's sending us a gift card instead.

FOR $245.

She figured that out by considering 7 HD-DVDs (I guess she considered the two in store and the five mail away...don't ask me why) multiplied by $35/each. No complaints here, no siree!

[quote name='alison']MEGA SUCCESS.

Let me start by saying this: all credit goes to my bf. He got home before I did today, and gave BB a call. After explaining the situation, the customer service rep told him that she'd assign a case no., call the best buy where we purchased it, and let the manager know to honor this deal. She left him on hold for a good 10 minutes - apparently, even she couldn't get in touch with the manager. Since she couldn't verify it with the mgr., and she didn't want us to go through any more shit at the store, she's sending us a gift card instead.

FOR $245.

She figured that out by considering 7 HD-DVDs (I guess she considered the two in store and the five mail away...don't ask me why) multiplied by $35/each. No complaints here, no siree!

Holly shit that's awesome. I guess Best Buy must have stepped up their CS, back in the day when I used to call when my store wouldn't PM Fry's, I used to always get the finger.
WOW nice, Im heading over to BB tommorow night hopefully the word will be around by then but I did get a case number from my CS call tonight just incase.
Anyone try to get another free 2 at a diff BB?

Considering that the first BB you went to made a seperate transcation for your 2 Free HD DVDs.

They rang up my 2 Free HD DVDs as .02, so maybe bring in your original recipt to get ANOTHER 2 :p
[quote name='pimpinc333']Hmmmm. I already have an HD DVD Drive but this deal is really good. Still tempted on this one.....[/QUOTE]
Do what i did sold my old one on ebay fpr $150 and buy a new one today with the free stuff
[quote name='ig88vsbobafett']Do what i did sold my old one on ebay fpr $150 and buy a new one today with the free stuff[/QUOTE]

You sold just the Drive, Remote, and King Kong for 150? Nice Work!
[quote name='iamtheodork']Anyone try to get another free 2 at a diff BB?

Considering that the first BB you went to made a seperate transcation for your 2 Free HD DVDs.

They rang up my 2 Free HD DVDs as .02, so maybe bring in your original recipt to get ANOTHER 2 :p[/quote]
My new receipt only has the drive and 2 free movies on it - no Heroes. So I could go back and get another free Heroes if I so inclined. But might as well just walk into the store and stick it in my jacket and walk out - its essentially the same thing.
[quote name='Pookymeister']My new receipt only has the drive and 2 free movies on it - no Heroes. So I could go back and get another free Heroes if I so inclined. But might as well just walk into the store and stick it in my jacket and walk out - its essentially the same thing.[/QUOTE]

Except one is more legal than the other. ;)

For those still waiting for orders to be fulfilled don't let what either the "MyExpressCheckout" or what even the phone reps tell you to be 100% accurate. This afternoon despite both the webpage and even over the phone telling me that none of the items I have on order have been shipped I found a box sitting with "2001: A Space Odyssey" on HD-DVD waiting there for me. My bank account as of right now still has not been charged but I suspect that something will turn up within the next few days.

Just wanted to give an FYI to those still waiting on orders.
Damn I think that may have pushed me over the top (2 free DVD's along with Heroes). I think I might just bite on an HD player now.
Ok, so i've already got the HD-DVD and Heroes, .. do you think i'd have to box them back up just to go get the 2 free DVD's or can i just bring my receipt in...? @_@;;
damn i cant wait to pick this up... any recommendations on a hd dvd software player for the computer? Power DVD ultra is the only thing I know of.
[quote name='BMoD']Ok, so i've already got the HD-DVD and Heroes, .. do you think i'd have to box them back up just to go get the 2 free DVD's or can i just bring my receipt in...? @_@;;[/QUOTE]

Just the receipt. Unless if you really want to bring all that along with you for no good reason.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Just the receipt. Unless if you really want to bring all that along with you for no good reason.[/quote]

Thank You.

I don't deal with BB often, i know some stores are really particular about how they do things *shrugs* i wouldn't want to drive 20 minutes if i wasn't sure. =)
No prob. I did stop by BBY today but they were out of the drives (which I did expect). Plenty of "Heroes" to go around and thankfully I did confirm that they are honoring the 2 free movies as well. Most likely I'm going to pass on this since I'm more eager to get "Guitar Hero 3" next week.
should i do the buy.com deal with GGO that comes with Heroes and 5 hd-dvds for 168 dollars with no tax or about 195 bucks with heroes/5 hd-dvds/plus 2 hd-dvds at the store. decisions decisions.
[quote name='H-Town Info']should i do the buy.com deal with GGO that comes with Heroes and 5 hd-dvds for 168 dollars with no tax or about 195 bucks with heroes/5 hd-dvds/plus 2 hd-dvds at the store. decisions decisions.[/QUOTE]

gco doesnt work with this. Well it does... u just wont get 10 dollars off.
[quote name='H-Town Info']well if thats true...BB it is[/quote]
I just noticed that too...before you add it to your cart, it says, "168.XX with Google Checkout" but once you add it, it won't let you use GCO. Pretty dumb.
If you go back to page 41 there's a link to a Best Buy internal memo that states the 360 HD-DVD player qualifies for the 2 free HD-DVDs on top of the Heroes Season 1 and the 5 free mail in offer.
[quote name='H-Town Info']should i do the buy.com deal with GGO that comes with Heroes and 5 hd-dvds for 168 dollars with no tax or about 195 bucks with heroes/5 hd-dvds/plus 2 hd-dvds at the store. decisions decisions.[/quote]

GCO doesnt work, but the $10 magazine rebate will.
I actually bought the set from BB, then saw the buy.com offer for $165. Ordred that, then planned on taking back the BB set. THen this 2 extra free deal happened, so got those. Now i have the buy.com set on its way here. i sold 2nd Heroes set already, so just need to find a buyer for the 2nd drive. :)
The things you do for a deal...
[quote name='Demolition Man']If you go back to page 41 there's a link to a Best Buy internal memo that states the 360 HD-DVD player qualifies for the 2 free HD-DVDs on top of the Heroes Season 1 and the 5 free mail in offer.[/quote]
yea i did see that also, and printed it out.

it states that it has been corrected int he system.. so we should be able to just bring everything to the register, and not have to argue with any managers now right?

i suck at haggling over prices.. i always think of what to say after i leave the store
[quote name='boooey']yea i did see that also, and printed it out.

it states that it has been corrected int he system.. so we should be able to just bring everything to the register, and not have to argue with any managers now right?

i suck at haggling over prices.. i always think of what to say after i leave the store :([/QUOTE]

In theory you should be able to walk up. However in the case that its not in the system just show the register person the ad. Most likely they will have to call a manager over but I'm assuming by now most BBY managers should know about the issue and will fix it for you quickly.

Good luck.
from the other thread

For those of you who got the drive with the two hddvd's...how did it ring up? Because the system had problems with this so the manager had to drop the price of the drive from 179.99 to 124.99 and keep TF at 26.99 (10% off) and BB for 24.99 so it came to about 176.97 plus tax.
[quote name='Demolition Man']In theory you should be able to walk up. However in the case that its not in the system just show the register person the ad. Most likely they will have to call a manager over but I'm assuming by now most BBY managers should know about the issue and will fix it for you quickly.

Good luck.[/quote]

thanks.. gonna try tomorrow.. wish me luck
i wish the quality was a little better in the Retail Insider scan.. it kinda hard to read after its printed out
[quote name='boooey']thanks.. gonna try tomorrow.. wish me luck
i wish the quality was a little better in the Retail Insider scan.. it kinda hard to read after its printed out[/quote]

Tell the store to read the retail insider themselves.
[quote name='ig88vsbobafett']Do what i did sold my old one on ebay fpr $150 and buy a new one today with the free stuff[/quote]
I think I might do this tomorrow.

EDIT: Damn, Heroes HD is sold out at all my nearby locations.
OK had to argue with the team leader infront of 3 new people because i printed the insider page listed on the forums and told her to check their copy against it and finally after 5 mins and them saying its like double dipping and you cant have both i said read the paper it lists all the movies free with the promo and that they work together and she goes and calls the manager and says "should we just comp the 2 movies like the guy earlier?" and then proceeded to give the total of loss on the movies and was told to do it lol. So if you still are going to do this print that copy of the insider to take with ya it helps alot.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']I think I might do this tomorrow.

EDIT: Damn, Heroes HD is sold out at all my nearby locations.[/QUOTE]

do check back as other stores * might * restock faster then others.
I spent about an hour at my Best Buy tonight (Schaumburg, IL) but it was well worth the wait. I spent most of my time on hold with the toll free number and waiting for managers to come and override the prices for my movies at the register.

In the end I got everything for the right price. I would recommend anyone else find a manager first and ask them about the deal before wasting time picking out your movies. That way you can call corporate in advance if needed and hopefully save yourself some time. I didn't know about the Retail Insider, but I'm sure none of the manager-types at my store had read it either. I'm a little surprised that it's Tuesday and I feel like the first person to take full advantage of the deal at the store.
[quote name='1ivewire']I spent about an hour at my Best Buy tonight (Schaumburg, IL) but it was well worth the wait. I spent most of my time on hold with the toll free number and waiting for managers to come and override the prices for my movies at the register.

In the end I got everything for the right price. I would recommend anyone else find a manager first and ask them about the deal before wasting time picking out your movies. That way you can call corporate in advance if needed and hopefully save yourself some time. I didn't know about the Retail Insider, but I'm sure none of the manager-types at my store had read it either. I'm a little surprised that it's Tuesday and I feel like the first person to take full advantage of the deal at the store.[/QUOTE]

Hey, how did it ring up in the system? was the free movies pennied out or did the manager price drop the 360 drive by 55 dollars and rang the rest up like he did with mine to come around 180?
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']My Best Buy shows Heroes as out of stock. Any chance of a PM at CC?[/QUOTE]

You can try, but if they call to check to see if it's in stock, then you SOL.
Personally, I wouldn't take too much stock in BB's online estimation of in store stock levels....On more than a few times when it said my local store was out, they had items on the shelf and other times when they said they had some in stock but none was to be found (by myself or BB staff).
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