HD-DVD player cheapest deal????

Check Ebay. They have a lot of good deals that keep popping up. I just got an A20 with a few sealed movies a couple of weeks ago for $50.
the thing is with ebay, i dont trust them when it comes to electronics. why? because one time i ordered something and when i opened the box, part of the device was damaged..
check frys.com for their 360 drive deal. I havent checked in a while, but they had some cheap (less than 50) not too long ago.
I second/third/fourth eBay. Try weekday auctions for the best results. I've been browsing for hd-dvd players lately and have noticed a LOT going with 4-8 hd-dvds.

I was able to luck into an a2 with 15 for just over $125 after shipping. That was outside what i really wanted to pay but it had a killer combo of hd-dvds. I've seen a lot of player + hd-dvds going in the $80-$100 area plus about $15 shipping....just keep your eyes open.
I bought the 360 add on for $40 shipped with five movies from eBay a few weeks ago. You can try for Fry's online, but their shipping might make the deal kinda weak.
Game Crazy was selling them for $20 but I doubt any have them now. You could also try KMart. Some cleared it out for $10, some MIGHT still be selling it for $50.
Sometimes woot.com has a 3rd party standalone unit for like $45 plus 2free movies... I might grab it on the next daily just as a backup for my HDA20
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