Heavy Rain Discussion Thread

[quote name='DarkKenpachi']one of the best games I ever played in my life or shall I say experiences.

you know with the first ending I got I don't see any plotholes in the story except one
with madison knowing who scott shelby is, they never met in the game so I can only assume they had a past of some sort together

About this:

Are you referring to when she calls him by his first name in his apartment? If so, she knows him because the mother told Madison his first name. Or is there another time Madison talks about Scott that I forgot?
[quote name='Saint Noir']Yeah...
Shelby dies, Norman, Ethan, Madison, and Shaun will be your 4 alive people for the 4 heroes trophy.
Are you sure? Cause
I had Shaun, Madison, Norman and Ethan alive with only Shelby dying and didn't get the trophy.
I liked the experience of watching/playing. It felt very suspenseful, more so than watch a movie or 6 hour cut scene. I have no desire to replay but I'd like to see more titles like this.

I'd like to see if you get a similar tension with less realistic graphics.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Yeah...
Shelby dies, Norman, Ethan, Madison, and Shaun will be your 4 alive people for the 4 heroes trophy.

[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']Are you sure? Cause
I had Shaun, Madison, Norman and Ethan alive with only Shelby dying and didn't get the trophy.

same thing with me FoxHoundAdam. that is why I am confused. there has to be a certain stipulation on it.
is there a way where you can have the big 4 live? because I can see how you can get shelby to live but that would still sacrifice norman for lauren to kill him in the credits, unless by sending norman away to blake and having madison arrive at the crime scene can get shelby to live as well

[quote name='fizzywix']About this:

Are you referring to when she calls him by his first name in his apartment? If so, she knows him because the mother told Madison his first name. Or is there another time Madison talks about Scott that I forgot?
[/QUOTE] actually I am, you know what I guess I was inferring to the look of shock she had instead.
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']same thing with me FoxHoundAdam. that is why I am confused. there has to be a certain stipulation on it.
is there a way where you can have the big 4 live? because I can see how you can get shelby to live but that would still sacrifice norman for lauren to kill him in the credits, unless by sending norman away to blake and having madison arrive at the crime scene can get shelby to live as well

actually I am, you know what I guess I was inferring to the look of shock she had instead.[/QUOTE]

OK i figured it out:
Ethan, Madison and Norman all need to figure out where Shaun is and be there at the end. In my game Norman didn't have enough clues to figure it all out so only Ethan and Madison were there to save Shaun.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Well yeah... I thought you knew
everybody had to be there... my Shelby fell in the grinder.

Ha, mine fell off a crane into the water after Ethan shot him.
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']you know with the first ending I got I don't see any plotholes in the story except one
with madison knowing who scott shelby is, they never met in the game so I can only assume they had a past of some sort together

She was a journalist so maybe she had dealing with him before he retired. The way she reacted it looked like she knew him when she heard his name in the hospital, but I can't say. When you go to his place, she doesn't have any thoughts about knowing him as far as I know. And she refers to him as "the killer" still when starting to scope the place out. Plus she didn't plead or try to appeal to him personally.

What I want to know, in regards to the rich people:

Was there a clue associated with the rich family? Or was the killer just trying to find out about the son's bad deeds/why the father put flowers at the grave? That seemed useless to me, I can't remember what was gained from that.
[quote name='NamPaehc']
She was a journalist so maybe she had dealing with him before he retired. The way she reacted it looked like she knew him when she heard his name in the hospital, but I can't say. When you go to his place, she doesn't have any thoughts about knowing him as far as I know. And she refers to him as "the killer" still when starting to scope the place out. Plus she didn't plead or try to appeal to him personally.

What I want to know, in regards to the rich people:

Was there a clue associated with the rich family? Or was the killer just trying to find out about the son's bad deeds/why the father put flowers at the grave? That seemed useless to me, I can't remember what was gained from that.

Couple of things.

1. The game did it as a red herring to make the gamer believe that it was Gordi who was the origami killer. He even lied/admitted to being the killer half way through the game.

2. Scott followed the bs lead to keep of going after Gordi to keep Lauren off the track. She was all hell bent on figuring stuff out on her own. Scott just thought to keep her around and get her off the main trail. I do not think he had it in him to kill her and he probably got off on her misery.
[quote name='NamPaehc']

What I want to know, in regards to the rich people:

Was there a clue associated with the rich family? Or was the killer just trying to find out about the son's bad deeds/why the father put flowers at the grave? That seemed useless to me, I can't remember what was gained from that.

The son was the last person seen with the boy alive (and ended up killing the one)... so there was that... then the flowers on the grave thing due to the names in the books. Shelby was probably trying to figure out what their angle was...
I just finished it. Totally loved it. The controls were maddening at a couple spots, but overall a really fun experience. A bit worn, though, to be honest, so I don't think I'll be starting on a second play through for a while.

Can't believe I managed to get a good ending. Norman, Ethan and Madison all came out okay. Shaun was saved, Ethan was proved innocent and was moving in with Shaun and Madison and Norman is apparently famous, haha. Great game though.

It's crazy, I was worried Norman was dying at the end from the drugs, when he's piecing together the final clues with the ARI. In my game blood streams starting coming out of both his eyes. I've read that the dangerous "you-know-what" is the ARI glasses, though and not the drugs. Bit of a trip there, definitely didn't expect that.
[quote name='wildcpac']
Couple of things.

1. The game did it as a red herring to make the gamer believe that it was Gordi who was the origami killer. He even lied/admitted to being the killer half way through the game.

2. Scott followed the bs lead to keep of going after Gordi to keep Lauren off the track. She was all hell bent on figuring stuff out on her own. Scott just thought to keep her around and get her off the main trail. I do not think he had it in him to kill her and he probably got off on her misery.

Maybe I'm way off base but
didn't something come out about how the rich dude owned the construction site where Shelby's brother died? Maybe Shelby held him responsible as well and was trying to exact revenge.
Would anyone be willing to put their preorder DLC code on another account so I may gameshare it? I got gipped by GameStop, and when calling others... no avail :whistle2:(
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Maybe I'm way off base but
didn't something come out about how the rich dude owned the construction site where Shelby's brother died? Maybe Shelby held him responsible as well and was trying to exact revenge.

The son of the rich dude admitted to being the origami killer because his goal was to copycat the origami killer, so in a way, he was telling the truth. He kidnapped the kid and accidentally drowned him.

thoroughly loved the game, story wise. very nice and this is coming from a person who rarely sits through cut-scenes/story scenes.

that being said, the walking around was absolutely the worst part of this game. It also felt like a giant shenmue action sequence. sort of a non-game really.

I was also not happy with how you had no idea which action would perform what when you had about 4-5 to choose one. led to the demise of a side character that I quickly got over, but it did compound my frustration
[quote name='WrexManor']how long is this game?[/QUOTE]

Took me around 6-7 hours to finish. Obviously with multiple endings the replay value is high, if you're into that kind of thing.
[quote name='NamPaehc']What I want to know, in regards to the rich people:

Was there a clue associated with the rich family? Or was the killer just trying to find out about the son's bad deeds/why the father put flowers at the grave? That seemed useless to me, I can't remember what was gained from that.
Gordi was a copycat of the Origami Killer, so he was probably investigating that to see what kind of person was mimicking him and to throw Lauren off of the trail. I'm fairly sure he knew who his father was (the owner of the construction site where his brother died) and all of that when visiting the party, he found a fucked up kid whose father is overly protective with a big wallet to make sure nobody can touch him. The rest of the places he visited was about gathering evidence and that Kramer mansion was more of a personal visit along with being a red herring from a story perspective.
Just finished the game, damn what an experience. One of my top 10 games of all time. Gonna go back and try to get the rest of the trophies I missed.
I stayed out of this thread because I didn't want to read something that I had not got to yet. I just beat the game and read an alt ending in a spoiler. Damn it. I tried to avoid spoilers in the game and got one about an alt ending.

Anyway this is a great game. I think it has to be one of the top PS3 games I have played however that is only 3 soon to be 4 games and 2 games I downloaded. I will be checking out more of this and only thing I don't like is that you can not save the cut sceens. With all the different options for the endings it would be nice to be able to watch them all over again or if they had a movie mode option so that you could just watch most of them. Game some what reminded me of Saw only the game was better.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Would anyone be willing to put their preorder DLC code on another account so I may gameshare it? I got gipped by GameStop, and when calling others... no avail :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

I got gipped also by gamestop, but me being me I called up corporate on tuesday and filed a report. then when they didn't send a word about it by thrusday I called on friday and before I got off the phone they emailed me my code. If you have your receipts you should still be able to get your code if you call. I think the number is 817-424-2000 off hand, but check the site

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
Gordi was a copycat of the Origami Killer, so he was probably investigating that to see what kind of person was mimicking him and to throw Lauren off of the trail. I'm fairly sure he knew who his father was (the owner of the construction site where his brother died) and all of that when visiting the party, he found a fucked up kid whose father is overly protective with a big wallet to make sure nobody can touch him. The rest of the places he visited was about gathering evidence and that Kramer mansion was more of a personal visit along with being a red herring from a story perspective.

I agree.

[quote name='Saint Noir']Well yeah... I thought you knew
everybody had to be there... my Shelby fell in the grinder.
[/QUOTE] yeah I just thought they all had to be alive. not necessarily there.

after searching around the interwebs I have to get the
perfect crime trophy
I really wanna see how everything plays out on this one in the end
Man I got a horrible ending haha.

I think it was because
I didn't piece together the final clues in Jayden's last scene. I linked the gun to a cop but that is as far as I got. Anyone know what else I can do or where I have to go back too. I think I missed something in Paco's office. Because that ending made me angry, and I want to go back and get a good ending. In the end it was just Ethan by himself.

I really didn't see any huge plot holes either. The big reveal was frustrating at first but it was shocking
making the most likable character the killer was an interesting choice.
and I didn't hate it as much as all the reviews I read the more I thought about it.

Anyone whose on the fence about getting the game because of the endings..I would say buy it. The big reveal at the end was not that bad and there really isn't huge plot holes.
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[quote name='gareman']Man I got a horrible ending haha.

I think it was because
I didn't piece together the final clues in Jayden's last scene. I linked the gun to a cop but that is as far as I got. Anyone know what else I can do or where I have to go back too. I think I missed something in Paco's office. Because that ending made me angry, and I want to go back and get a good ending. In the end it was just Ethan by himself.

Review the video that your ARI glasses recorded while in the fight with the Origami Killer during Jayden's last scene. If you pause the video at certain times and analyze it, you should be able to find another clue that will help. Just make sure you analyze and geo-analyze every single clue you have after finding that last clue. You should be able to link everything together through that. If that doesn't work, then you probably did miss something in Paco's office. I believe there are gas station receipts you might've missed in there.

Hopefully that helps. I'm just going off of memory, so I could be entirely wrong.
A really weird glitch happened to me in the mall scene where Jason was supposed to wander off. I bought him a balloon from the clown and he walked like 5 steps and then just stopped cold. The cutscene of Ethan looking around frantically when the wife showed up was hilarious because Jason was RIGHT THERE. I took this video with my cell phone for posterity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ikYCF81IVk
^ That would have made for an awful story lol.

Has there been any information released on the dlc . I ordered my copy from amazon so I'm getting a code for the first chapter. How many chapters will there be?
[quote name='Lbgrowl']I hope one of the DLC packs explains
Ethan's blackouts
because that's really bothering me.[/QUOTE]

That is a GREAT idea .... seriously now that I think about it , that would be a GREAT dlc pack
Oh my lord dude.

I am trying my damnest to keep from saying anything in this thread because I know that most people think its GOAT and I dont want to rock the boat. ONCE AGAIN I AM NOT TRYING TO CONVINCE ANYONE FROM NOT LIKING THIS GAME!

But honestly, the many game play flaws could easily be over looked if only the story itself was the worth playing through. How can anyone take this story seriously? The part about the Killer is fine but EVERYTHING else could have easily been made by pulling random pages out of the big book of movie cliches.

Its like its 1985 all over again and everyone in the game subscribes to, "Villains of Batman Weekly." I understand the format of the game and that QTE work best when they are used for situational sequences. But the scenes in this game make no damn sense given the context of the story.

I want you dead and you are either passed out/ helpless/ unarmed. Instead of shooting you like normal person I would rather set up a series of ropes and pulleys and stand there with my bad guy monologue hoping that you dont escape THIIIISSS TTTTIIIIMMMEEE!!!

And I hate Madison and how they slapped a standard, "I am a journalist tag to justify her
being able to hang out with a guy who at the time is a known serial killer, murder a man in self defense, kidnap and torture another man and constantly interrupt a FBI investigation with no fear of any recourse.

And although Shelby is virtually the only person in the game I like (jayden a close 2nd) his Neo impressions didnt impress me that much.

This will be my 2nd to last post in the thread (last one being after I beat the game) so not to clutter up the people who love it. Please try to refrain from attacking me based solely on my dislike for the game, its an opinion that is worthless to many. If you like it great...if you dont simply ignore the post and move on.
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[quote name='Soodmeg']Oh my lord dude.

I am trying my damnest to keep from saying anything in this thread because I know that most people think its GOAT and I dont want to rock the boat. ONCE AGAIN I AM NOT TRYING TO CONVINCE ANYONE FROM NOT LIKING THIS GAME!

But honestly, the many game play flaws could easily be over looked if only the story itself was the worth playing through. How can anyone take this story seriously? The part about the Killer is fine but EVERYTHING else could have easily been made by pulling random pages out of the big book of movie cliches.

Its like its 1985 all over again and everyone in the game subscribes to, "Villains of Batman Weekly." I understand the format of the game and that QTE work best when they are used for situational sequences. But the scenes in this game make no damn sense given the context of the story.

I want you dead and you are either passed out/ helpless/ unarmed. Instead of shooting you like normal person I would rather set up a series of ropes and pulleys and stand there with my bad guy monologue hoping that you dont escape THIIIISSS TTTTIIIIMMMEEE!!!

And I hate Madison and how they slapped a standard, "I am a journalist tag to justify her
being able to hang out with a guy who at the time is a known serial killer, murder a man in self defense, kidnap and torture another man and constantly interrupt a FBI investigation with no fear of any recourse.

And although Shelby is virtually the only person in the game I like (jayden a close 2nd) his Neo impressions didnt impress me that much.

This will be my 2nd to last post in the thread (last one being after I beat the game) so not to clutter up the people who love it. Please try to refrain from attacking me based solely on my dislike for the game, its an opinion that is worthless to many. If you like it great...if you dont simply ignore the post and move on.[/QUOTE]

Man... It is crazy that you have to shield yourself from just stating your opinion like that. I don't think there are any rabid dogs around here. :)
[quote name='NamPaehc']Man... It is crazy that you have to shield yourself from just stating your opinion like that. I don't think there are any rabid dogs around here. :)[/QUOTE]

You must not know who I am. I am on the "list" on CAG (not without reason but that was a while ago)

Trust me, if I dont constantly state that I am trying not to start a flame war ____ will come in here slam me with the ban hammer as he has done many times before.

Usually I am against the grain and stating so makes some people very upset and it seems to always turn into Soodmeg Vs.....
[quote name='Saint Noir']Agreed. I am also hoping for one that has SPOILERS...
Madison covering Scott Shelby or SOMETHING that shows she knows of him.

In the ending I got she confronted him and shot him
[quote name='Soodmeg']Usually I am against the grain and stating so makes some people very upset and it seems to always turn into Soodmeg Vs.....[/QUOTE]

I don't think that's why it is (although you do a fine job convincing yourself). You already stated earlier that you had a dislike of the dialogue choosing system because your vision is less than perfect and the text was hard to read. Speaking as someone who doesn't have great vision himself (even with glasses), I completely understood where you were coming from, as it gave me trouble at times myself. But the way you turn it into the fault of the game is why people don't like you.

Rather than having the presence of mind to comprehend that when making this game the developers probably didn't think "wow, this part might be difficult if somebody playing the game doesn't have great vision", you go off on a rant. You see it as a "stupid decision" rather than a gameplay choice that just doesn't cater to you.

I say this because while there were times when I couldn't read all the words quick enough, and had to just make a quick button choice, my wife, who has "normal vision" didn't have any problems with it. But I just pulled my chair a little closer and dealt with it. I didn't feel the need to berate the developers for not catering to a very small group of people.

Your most recent post goes even further out of the way to prove that you're searching for things wrong with this game. I'm not even going to say this is the best game I've ever played, or it's the game of the year, or the other things you think everyone is saying. The truth is, it has a lot of quirks and glitches that some people could be really bothered by. Fortunately, I didn't run into many of these (aside from the occasional audio hiccup or characters walking through objects).

But then you go off ripping into the story that you haven't even completed yet. Did you stop to think for one second that you might not understand everything that's going because you haven't figured out WHY it's happening yet? There's nothing wrong with the game's story. Even the few "how did they know..." moments can be explained fairly easily.

And you bitch about "movie cliches". So, one of the most original pieces of gaming to ever be released is now just a rip off? Jesus, get over yourself. If you're constantly a Negative Nancy searching for things "wrong" with the game, you're going to find them. But have you ever thought that maybe it's just you? Gee, maybe that has something to do with why people think you're fucking obnoxious.
Ok, the last hour of this game is fantastic.....

EDIT: But the actual ending is lame as hell.
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[quote name='Soodmeg']Ok, the last hour of this game is fantastic.....[/QUOTE]

...seriously? Soodmeg...enjoyed...something. What's going on? I'm frightened.
[quote name='gareman']
In the ending I got she confronted him and shot him

No, I mean
before the end... like when she hears his name... and makes a face... even though we never know how she may know of him. Maybe it is just associations of her being a reporter and her covering him as a cop etc... but it is left open to interpretation.
If it's such a risk, and you don't even enjoy the game that much, why are you so intent on stating your opinion?

I don't really care, just curious.

I will agree though that the ending is a letdown.
[quote name='Saint Noir']What part of the ending are we talking about? When gameplay was over, I was let down with the simple cutscenes for sure...[/QUOTE]
It's hard for me to pinpoint but I guess I just didn't like Shelby as the killer. It was a neat twist to be sure, but I don't know, it didn't sit right with me. And the generic good vs. evil battle atop the conveyor belt (or whatever that was) with Norman and Shelby wasn't anything special.

It's a nitpick though, I loved the game overall.
[quote name='Saint Noir']No, I mean
before the end... like when she hears his name... and makes a face... even though we never know how she may know of him. Maybe it is just associations of her being a reporter and her covering him as a cop etc... but it is left open to interpretation.

My opinion on it was basically your last sentence. Honestly, we don't get near as much of Madison's backstory as we do Ethan's or Scott's (although I would like to know what led to Scott leaving the police department)...or even Norman's. The conclusion I drew was
that Madison was WAY more familiar with the case than we ever knew. Think about how long the Origami Killings had been going on. They could have started while Scott was still with the police force (ala Saw V).

Just by the nature of her job and her own investigation, I'm sure she was familar with every cop in that town and depending on how Scott left the police force (fired for mental issues perhaps?), he might have made headlines for it. To me there were a plethora of ways that she could have known who he was. It's not like police officers are completely unknown people anyway. I just took it that maybe she didn't KNOW him, but she knew OF him. Just because it's left to interpretation doesn't mean it's a plot hole.
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[quote name='Fjordson']
It's hard for me to pinpoint but I guess I just didn't like Shelby as the killer. It was a neat twist to be sure, but I don't know, it didn't sit right with me. And the generic good vs. evil battle atop the conveyor belt (or whatever that was) with Norman and Shelby wasn't anything special.

It's a nitpick though, I loved the game overall.

But I would have to ask, anybody who didn't like Shelby as the killer...could it possibly be because the game "got you"? My wife had a similar reaction at first because she was sure that Blake was the killer. And then out of nowhere, you find out it's a character you've been helping and playing as the entire game. I even pointed out the numerous times she could have just let Shelby die, and the killer would have been out of the picture.

Personally, I liked the twist, and it's not like they didn't go into great detail explaining WHY he would be driven to do such a thing. They even explained why you were helping him pose as a PI, collecting everything that tied him to the case. As for any loose ends with Shelby that didn't "make sense" (one thought I had was him trying to shoot Ethan after he passed all the tests), you can just chalk up to being mentally disturbed. If that doesn't seem plausible, you probably haven't known anybody with a mental disorder. Not sure how much more you could have wanted...other than just a different killer.
Madison knew details about the case for sure. I think she had been tracking the origami killer for a while. I am not sure if she knew/knew of Scott though still. But you can look at the up coming "The Taxidermist" DLC (you can find videos on youtube) where she speaks with her contact (Sounds like same Sam from the main game) before she goes to investigate a suspects home).
[quote name='Lbgrowl']I hope one of the DLC packs explains
Ethan's blackouts
because that's really bothering me.[/QUOTE]

[/Spoiler] the reason for his blackouts is the after effect of the accident he got when he was trying to save Jason. If you try to save Jason at that part in the mall that is.[/spoiler]

Hope that answer your question.
[quote name='Fjordson']If it's such a risk, and you don't even enjoy the game that much, why are you so intent on stating your opinion?

I don't really care, just curious.

I will agree though that the ending is a letdown.[/QUOTE]

Thats such a strange question that I have been getting my entire life.

I also dislike organized religion but that doesnt stop me from going to church, kingdom halls, etc etc and learning about various faiths.

Its very easy to dislike/disagree with something if you avoid it at all cost. I play the game because its vital to gaming as a whole, I plan on combining my TV/Film work with the video game industry at some point and I dont want to be ignorant of the pivotal games that come out.

Just because I dislike the game doesnt mean that I shouldnt have a voice about it. I never got that about video games, why people get so offend if you dislike a game that they like. (not that I am saying you are offended.)

As long as I am not starting a flame war of some kind it should be fine.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']
I even pointed out the numerous times she could have just let Shelby die, and the killer would have been out of the picture.
You can't actually get Shelby killed, though. In the store he'll just get nicked in the arm, and in Kramer's mansion he'll run away.

[quote name='luan87us']
the reason for his blackouts is the after effect of the accident he got when he was trying to save Jason. If you try to save Jason at that part in the mall that is.

Hope that answer your question.[/QUOTE]
I was fine with the blackouts, but not
him knowing how to create origami dogs despite never making any kind of origami before
Soodmeg... FLAME WAR ON! :hot::hot::hot:


[quote name='n8rockerasu']
Just because it's left to interpretation doesn't mean it's a plot hole.

I don't think
it is a plot hole at all, just something that would be a neat DLC for people who enjoy the game.


Yeah... I hope for some DLC insight into that as well.
Ok I will ask this because I dont get it. End game spoilers.

The game states a couple times that Ethan doesnt know anything about origami. So why does his black outs always lead to him having a figure in his hands?

Was Scott following him around putting figures in his hands?

Also, why does Scott try to kill Ethan in the end even after he finishes all of the trails? I thought that was the entire point. He even goes so far as to put fake poison in a glass but then doesnt care if he shoots him or not?
The DLC content I want to see (the Heavy Rain Chronicles will be prequels of the characters).

Ethan: What Ethan gets into when he blacks out (I think why was explained from his head wounds from the car while to save his son in my game).

Madison: Her early attempts at tracking the Origami killer (think we are getting that one already).

Norman: I'd like to see more of his time prior to the case, maybe explain his "drug problem" or his first time using ARI.

Scott: Would be crazy if they had you play his 1st kidnapping. How he did it, where he took the kid, putting him in the hole. What I would really like would be more explanation of the traps choices.
[quote name='vashknives114']
I was fine with the
blackouts, but not him knowing how to create origami dogs despite never making any kind of origami before

AND the fact that he always
woke up at the construction site where John Sheppherd died. That and the origami dog are what I was talking about really bothering me.
I do think it would make for some excellent DLC though.
bread's done